
Showing posts from March, 2013

sql server - Lower() In Visual Studio 2010 SQL Query Not Working. Alternatives? -

This is a deal. I have 2 databases, one is big and the data has expanded, the new and less relevant data, they both share the same product, there is only one more data. I have started a project, where I want to expand the new database to include some missing data in the old database. The problem is that the ID does not match between the database. So I have to search by names which may or may not be the only one, the questions given in the visual studio are definitely sensitive. I tested it and I'm sure. So my first thought was to do a similar search with a low function. Like this: less (like '[name1])' ('% name2%') But when I went to run it It gave me an error And Visual Studio tried to automatically change the syntax of the statement: WHERE 'lower' ([Name1]) 'less' ('% name2%') / pre> I could have promised less (right) syntax. And I do not find any option on Google anywhere or why the Visual Studio will not like it. I...

ios - (iphone) Where do I increment a version number for application update? -

I see "bundle version" in the exode. Do I increase this number & amp; Compile and submit it? The 'Update Version' works fine except for testing, What are the steps for submitting updates to a live app? -Edit - In addition, some posts say test updates on simulators are only as good as installing new IPAs on older IPAs via iTunes for test updates. > That is, are the steps given below for app update testing? Install version 1 through the Xcode Simulator - make some test / data entry on version 1. Simulatr Thank you Yes , You must edit the bundle version in order to submit an update for a live application, the way it works, that iOS device recognizes its app through its bundle identifier (This is the reason Very unique: com.YourName / CompanyName.AppName), and if a device is the same bundle identifier Installs an app with the app, but a larger bundle version is replaced with the old version new version.

c++ - Rabbitmq vs Apache QPID -

I'm trying to figure out which of these two messages is going to be in line I was initially interested in RabbitMQ , But has been disappointed with the fact that this (rabbit) does not provide a stable C / C ++ client and there is no permanent storage in it (?) The rabbit MQ is actually incessant storage. It is an out-of-the- Oks is provided. You should be able to use it. Wire-layer interoperability is one of the benefits of using those products (both of which are applicable).

iphone - Cocoa Server Question -

I am trying to host several files on a server on iOS devices, and I want to show a simple yet. text file. How do I change this code to display the HTML file in the document directory? Thanks! - (zero) Startup Security {NSDTa * FileData = [NSDATA DataWhat ContentAufFile: [APPETFETEFFLAREPRESSPATHERFARFFULL]]; CFHTTPMessageRef Reaction = CFHTTPMessageCreateResponse (KCFALOketerDefault, 200, NULL, KCFHTPWers1_1); CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue (response, (CFStringRef) @ "content type", (CFStringRef) @ "text / plain"); CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue (feedback, "CFStringRef" @ "Connection", ("CFStringRef" @ "Off"); CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue (Reaction, (CFStringRef) @ "Content-Length", (CF Stringerf) [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% ld", [File Length of Data]]); CFDataRef header data = CFTHMMSpccrylised message (response); @tips {[fileHandle writeData: (NSData *) header data]; [FileHandle WriteD...

iphone - App Deployment target ignored when uploaded for review -

I have just uploaded my first app for review with iTunesConnect. I choose Deployment Target 3.1.2 and BaseSDK 4.3. The problem is that when I connect to iTunes, I get this text: "Upload Binary for the latest version of this app indicates that requires iOS 4.3 or later. For iOS 4.3 or later, they will not be available for Verizon iPhone users. If this app is compatible with earlier versions of iOS, then you can reject the binary and upload a new one. Te which is the earliest point to compatible iOS. " They are my deployment target? Hope you can help me! Your maximum Change the deployment target in Xcode One project information The information section is in the Deployment Target field. The second goal is in the summary, the iOS application target, the deployment target field should match them.

Scaling a Cursor in Java -

I want to scale the cursor but there is no way to scale the cursor in the cursor square in the Java API. I have to scale the cursor, please suggest some method or code in Java to do this. Thanks You can create a custom cursor with the toolkit createCustomCursor (image cursor, point hotspot, string name) method. This can be a big image

ruby on rails - What are the major advantages of rspec over test::unit, if any? -

It seems that everyone is using RSPC these days, yet the train now comes bundled with the test: Unit by default Is there any major advantage of RSPC on the testing unit? It is difficult to get straightforward information on this topic ... Syntax In these discussions, which are definitely Is subjective, but RSPC provides some useful features which are not found in test / unit, minimum, or their extension libraries. For me, there are three big things: Readable output (rotate w / helps it, but in order to print the command that you need to copy to run Things that are not as personal examples that failed) In the sensible CTRL-C RSPC-2, when you press CTRL-C, the example running in that moment ends (you can stop CTRL- C can press 2 times), and this happens after running the hook, and you get the same output report that you would otherwise receive. How many times have you seen an F in 50 or so many points before, and there is no indication that which tests actually failed. Wit...

sql server - SQL SSRS and Report Builder -

Does the report builder 2.0 or 3.0 come with SQL 2008 R2 installation or do we have to install it separately? Is Report Builder Different from SSRS? to: Access me in Report Builder 3.0 How does it get? A Report Builder 3.0 is released as a standalone download as a SQL Server 2008 feature pack and Microsoft Download Center 3.0 is that which comes with SQL Server 2008 R2, 2.0 was with SQL Server 2008, and RB 1.0 was sent with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services .

Is it possible to access SharePoint Server data from Azure service using C#? -

वर्तमान में मैं SharePoint सर्वर उपयोगकर्ताओं को 'My Site अनुभाग को एक सी # कंसोल अनुप्रयोग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं जो मैं सीधे सर्वर से निष्पादित कर रहा हूं खुद प्रशासक अनुमतियों के साथ। मुझे आश्चर्य है कि दूरस्थ एज़ूर सेवा से इस डेटा तक पहुंचने का कोई तरीका क्या है? अगर वहाँ है - कैसे? आप को देखना चाह सकते हैं, जो एक दिन के बारे में अभी ताजा हो गया था पहले। एकीकरण के लिए 3 विधियों पर केंद्रित है।

Simply JQuery math syntax- how do I subtract? -

Hello amazing community, I am trying to do some real simple math with JQuery , But I did not find a cheats with math syntax on it (which is what I'm trying to do). I know how to do extra & amp; Multiply, but subtraction is getting rid of me! Whatever I have to do, a style has been provided on "# photos" (total viewpoint width - (241px + (height * 0.32)) This code successfully achieves the total width of the viewport And is designating it as a width of # photos: $ (document) .ready (function () {var width = $ (window) width (); $ ( 'Nothing' ('width', width);}}; But nothing (through 'width', (width - (value + value)) Have tried it - someone me It is possible that the syntax is negative and the nested equation? Or, instead of computing (altitude * 0.32) again, how do I specify the output of an expression (height * 0.32) so that I can use it again, calculate width like anything ('width', (width- (281px - varnish))) Here (...

iphone - Multiple TableViews in a single screen -

I have a UIViewController, in which I am planning to place two table views and some other items. Both table views I am using on other screens, so I want to make them free and reusable. One of those table views is called Message List (A UTableView) which shows my chat history. I am trying to understand what my attitude is [edit this code with correct code to work on this approach] One approach is to separate 2 different sections To use a table, then use a conditional statement in representative methods and act accordingly. Problems with this approach are applicability. I want to reuse my table scenes easily in other scenes, where one or the other tableview is in existence or not. Apart from this, I want Datacource to be present in the entire life cycle of the app even though the controller is being urgent or active. My view is to separate the visual controller that manages the table view from the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate implementations. But I'm havi...

python - String building: Hiding string length? -

I am amending the Python code and I came to this statement and I do not know what it means and neither does it I can get anything on it uncertain about it that it is out of context .. conn.queue.put ('% x \ r \ n% s \ r \ N '% (lane (piece), part) if fallen second part) The code is inserting a piece in a threaded queue which sends it later. My question is what's happening here '% x \ r \ n% s \ r \ n' It appears that by adding the length of the string it is hidden with a cart return? Apart from this, I came to know that if there is no statement as to what will be the "chosen second part". "Text" itemprop = "text"> This is not a statement in which there is no body, it is a conditional expression A if condition is the other B to a condition is true, otherwise it evaluates for B in this case: '% X \ r \ n% s \ r \ n '% (lane, piece) if the piece of the second piece is either: '% X \ r \ n% s \ r \...

c - Confused with the char array when scanf -

मैं एक छोटे से प्रोग्राम से भ्रमित हूं। #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # परिभाषित LEN 10 int main () {char str1 [LEN] = "\ 0"; चार स्ट्रॉज़ [एलएन] = "\ 0"; Scanf ("% s", str1); Scanf ("% s", str2); Printf ("% s \ n", str1); Printf ("% s \ n", str2); वापसी 0; } अगर मेरा इनपुट है: मैंगोबाटाओ मैंगोबैटो 123456 आउटपुट क्यों होना चाहिए: 123456 mangobatao123456 और नहीं: mangobatao mangobatao123456 कैसे char सरणी को स्मृति में आवंटित किया गया है? ठीक है, एक 10 अक्षर char एरे फिट नहीं होगा "mangobatao" , क्योंकि इसमें 10 अक्षर हैं - शून्य टर्मिनेटर के लिए कोई जगह नहीं है इसका मतलब है कि आपने अपरिभाषित व्यवहार का कारण बना है, इसलिए कुछ भी हो सकता है। इस मामले में, ऐसा लगता है कि आपका कंपाइलर ने str2 से पहले str1 स्मृति में, इसलिए जब आप scanf को भरने के लिए str2 पर कॉल करते हैं, तो लंबी स्ट्रिंग str1 की शुरुआत को ओवरराइट करता है यही कारण है कि आप str2 को प्रिंट करने क...

c++ - New (std::nothrow) vs. New within a try/catch block -

Contrary to malloc () , I did some research after learning new which I used to do, does not return zero for the failed allocation, and it has been found that whether the new has been successful or not, there are two different ways to check it. These are two ways: try {ptr = new int [1024]; } Hold (std :: bad_alloc & exc) {assert (); }; and ptr = new (std :: nothrow) int [1024]; (PTR == faucet) by emphasizing (); I believe that two methods meet the same goal, (correct me if I am definitely wrong!), So my question is: Which is better than checking the D-Facto C ++ programming conferencing, if the new is successful, then it is based entirely on readability, maintenance and performance. the option. Consider what you are doing If you are allocating the memory and if for some reason the memory If the allocation can not work, then you emphasize which is more or less OK, if you only broadcast std :: bad_alloc back to main What will happen if you do? In a r...

project management - How to manage multiple products that share code -

The company I have just joined is a system of products that share a large percentage of their code base (Via shared link in Visual Source)). There are approximately 25 product types in this system as well as a PC interface. Using proprietary protocols together, which are largely inappropriate. Historically, the method of maintaining this mess is that all the firmware and software has been released as a package. This certainly causes significant delays in the release schedule due to the necessary regression testing. Are there any other ways to deal with this kind of issue? We are actually beat it up by the management (I honestly can not blame them for feeling like this). My first idea is to try to isolate the device release in some other way, perhaps drag the shared functionality into the libraries, which are the versions. Then just update the devices that use changed libraries. I am getting problems with this version mismatch This is an organizational question. I think how ...

fortran - Assigning Values to the Array ipntr in ARPACK -

I am trying to figure out how many values ​​are assigned to an array called IPentrat, which points to ARPAC Do Store. I'm relatively new to Fortran and I do not know how the values ​​of this array are initially set. The code I see is an unmatical driver example which is distributed with ARP and the part I can not understand. Program dndrv1 integer maxn, maxnev, maxncv, ldv parameter (maxn = 256, maxNav = 12, maxncv = 30, ldv = msn) cc% ---------- ----% c | Local arrays. C% --------------% c integer iparam (11), ipntr (14) logical selection (maxncv) double accuracy & amp; Ax (Max), D (MaxNCV, 3), Resid (Maxon), & amp; V (Ldv, maxncv), workdate (3 * maxN), & amp; Cupid (3 * max NCV), & amp; Workclam (3 * maximum NCV * maximum NCV + 6 * maximum NCV) cc% ---------------% C | Local Scalers | C% ---------------% C character bmat * 1, which is * 2 integer IDO, N, NX, NY, NCV, Larkal, information, J, & amp; IARR, Encore, Maxiter, ISHFT, Mode Double Specense &...

How does wikipedia generates PDF -

I would like to know how that makes Wikipedia ( PDF? It seems that some applications are being used in the back end. Will someone tell me how it is done? Thanks - Srikanth runs Wikipedia. Google check tells me that they have two PDF extensions It is now also standing: This is a PHP HTML does not use a PDF generator, (though) PDF writer Python using libraries uses to create PDF based on the DOM to parse the MediaWiki-markup mwlib parser .

iis - 32 bit applications on 64 bit OS ( windows ) -

I need some help on how 32 bit applications are used on 64 bit OS memory. A 32-bit application can use 2GB memory on 64 bit OS, right? Does this mean that 3 32-bit applications running in Parallel can have 6 GB of memory address ... or do 32-bit applications to share 32-bit memory 2-4 GB, which is in the OS? Similarly, if I have a graphics that has been compiled as 32 bits, running on a 64 bit machine under IIS. Unless there is a single request for a webservice always under 2 GB memory usage, is there any re-compiling in 64 bit? My theory is that IIS creates a new process for each request, so the whole pool of processes will be capable of using all the memory of the 64 bit machine, 8 or 15 or 20 gig or whatever. Tell me your thoughts, thank you Yes, all 32-bit programs The total usage of more than 2 GB can be yes, you can create a group of 32-bit processes using 64-bit machines all memory. Basically, there is a compiler option that allows 32-bit programs to use up to 3...

facebook javascript sdk - Permission denied error in all.js -

I am using all.js for facebook implementation I used a Facebook button on the signup page Logging in through Facebook, I'm getting Facebook user's username and email in the field on the sign-up page. It's working fine on Chrome, Safari and Firefox but giving its error on IE 8 error is all.js in line 22 {FB.UIServer ._loadedNodes [] = b; If (a.params) b.fbCallID =; --text "itemprop =" text " > Try it out This has worked for me, some can help one. FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode = function (a, b) {FB.UIServer._loadedNodes [ Ideally attach the debugger and see which method breaks and hack it.

swing - JTreeTable model updating -

I'm following JTreeTable filesystem2 example taken from the sun site My problem is that I do not update my model (And then my jettytable) ... in fact I'm making my model, I send it to the jetty and to do all the work ... but I need to modify the model ... I have not yet Responded to a similar question, but now I change my code Or, have searched without any solutions. The problem occurs when I urge the method to fireTreeNodesChanged () ... call in the above example method getPath () about root node ... but this file class Is not a case of me .... Do anyone have a link to a simple code that shows how the Tree Tablemodel (nodes with objects) and how it is updated ? A hierarchical file system as a tree is a good example of modeling while its tree The modal is implemented using DefaultTreeModel , an option is displayed as if the " tree modal interface is described in any type of object Accepts as tree node. "

Concatenation of HTML string using PHP or Javascript -

I need to do HTML string concatenation (using PHP or Javascript) and I do not know how to do this. / P> What do I need & lt; Src = "" + $ city + "rest_of_the_link" & gt; (I've already tried the previous code, but it does not move) Using PHP: & lt; Src = "http: // ?? = = city city? & Gt; rest_of_the_link" & gt;

c# - .NET webbrowser security prompt -

I have a one for windows formats I am using NET Web Browsing Control. Every time I go to this specific web page, I get this specific prompt: In this snake box, the flow of the program is interrupted. Ive tried an acceptable answer from this post: but this Did not do anything to stop the signal. Is there a way to disable it through code? Not that I know, this problem is available on some of your content on https and some http To start with https: // , change the URL of the items in your page or // Note to abort the http: or https: so that resources are requested that you Are connected with transport.

c# - Weird behavior saving application location and size -

I am using Windows Form (C #). I save my window location and size to disk in the closing event of my form using the following properties: (int) width, height -> gt; ; Using the form. Size Property (int) Location X, Location Y - & gt; Use of the form Place Property (BULL) Maximum - & gt; Using the form. WindState Property The form is primarily an application when the application loads, then I set those properties in the form. this is easy. Well, most of the time it works right, but sometimes, only occasionally, the application is shown very little. I have added the debug info and these forms are returned values: 2011-09-01 20: 02: 44,334 DEBUG 9884 man settings - width - & gt; 160 2011-09-01 20: 02: 44,334 DEBUG 9884 Mainframe Settings - Height - & gt; 27 2011-09-01 20: 02: 44,334 DEBUG 9884 Mainform Settings - Location X - & gt; -32000 2011-09-01 20: 02: 44,334 DEBUG 9884 Mainform Settings - Location - - & gt; -32000 2011-09-01 20: 02: 44,334...

c - Why is data not being flushed to file on process exit? -

int main (int argc, char * argv []) {FILE * fp = fopen ("a.txt "," Wt "); Fprintf (एफपी, "एएएए"); // कोई फ्लश नहीं और कोई नज़दीकी बढ़ा नहीं (SIGTERM); निकास (EXIT_SUCCESS); } परिणाम: कोई डेटा a.txt में लिखा है मुझे उम्मीद है यह ठीक है। क्योंकि सिस्टम फाइल संभाल बंद कर देगा और फिर फाइल सिस्टम ड्रायवर अपने क्लोज हँडलर में अनलिखित डेटा को फ्लश करेगा। लेकिन यह नहीं था। मैंने इस कोड को EXT4, उबुंटू 11.10 पर परीक्षण किया प्रश्न: मैंने सोचा था कि सभी फाइलसिस्टमों को अपने करीबी प्रसंस्करण पर अन्तर्हित डेटा को फ्लश करना चाहिए। पॉज़िक्स के पास नियम नहीं है? PS यह कोड NTFS, Win7 पर अच्छी तरह से काम करता है int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {हैंडल एच = बनाएँफ़ाइल (एल "डी: \\ a.txt") , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0); BYTE a [3]; मेम्सेट (ए, 'ए', 3); DWORD dw; लिस्टफाइल (एच, (पीवीओआईडी) ए, 3, और डू, 0); टर्मिनेटप्रक्रिया (गेटक्र्यंटप्रक्रिया (), 1); वापसी 0; } संपादित करें: मैंने सिस्टम कॉल लिखने...

python - List from string of digits question -

I am getting a string from the input, which consists of separate digits from the space (1 5 6 3). First of all, I am trying to check that there are only digits in the input that are with the isdigit () function, but because of the blank space I can not do it for work then I can use the string () function I convert a string using I have only digits for creating and suiting the list of inputs, and send a message and a new input. Is it possible to create an exception for space and add a parameter to isdigit ()? Thanks What you're describing is an your leap Appearing prior to approach, that is, first checking that the input is consistent and then it has to be parsed. It is more dragon to ask for an approach with easy permission, that is, just do it and handle exceptions: s = raw_input () # input () Try Python 3: Exclude numbers = map (ink, s.split ()) ValueError: print ('invalid format')

Android webrequest simple solution -

I want to connect to a web-server (a page) through a simple URL which is already in a parameter Wanted to send, such as: and then get page content that is generated by site (will not be a simple OK / no morp'd) . How do I manage to do this? try it: public Static zero connect (string url) {http client httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); // Create a Request Object HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet (url); // Request to execute HTTP response response; Try {feedback = httpclient.execute (httpget); // Check the response status Log.i ("Praeda", response.getStatusLine (). ToString ()); // Response unit HttpEntity unit hold = response.getEntity (); // If the response does not attach to an entity, then there is no need for // to worry about the release of the connection (unit! = Zero) {// Read a simple JSON response InputStream instream = entity.getContent (); String result = convertstreamstustring (instream); // Now...

rmdir in PHP not working on an empty directory -

I am trying to delete a directory with PHP. I unlink / delete all the files / sub-deinses from inside and finally call RMDIR at the blank head directory. Everything goes according to the plan till the last call to RMD is not done. PHP has warned that the directory is not emptpy and refuses to remove it. But when I look at the directory in Explorer then it's empty. I have also tried a well-known recursive function with the same result. The operating system is Windows 7 with Xampp and there is no entry restriction for any element of the question. Any thoughts? Can you try it?

ruby on rails - Routing with an optional parameter -

मैंने मार्ग फाइल में जोड़ा: map.show_book "/ show_book /: name / वर्ष / वर्ष: ",: नियंत्रक = & gt; "पुस्तक",: एक्शन = & gt; "Show_version" मैंने यह भी कहा: map.show_book "/ show_book /: name",: नियंत्रक = & gt; "पुस्तक",: एक्शन = & gt; वर्ष निर्दिष्ट किए बिना नवीनतम पुस्तक को दिखाने के लिए "show_version" । लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है, यह "show_book / NAME" में मार्ग नहीं मिल सकता है धन्यवाद! पी एस। मुझे पता है कि मैं "? Year = XXXX" के साथ पैरामीटर के रूप में वर्ष का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं यूआरएल के एक हिस्से के रूप में वर्ष का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं : map.show_book "/ show_book /: नाम (/ वर्ष /: वर्ष)",: नियंत्रक = & gt; "पुस्तक",: एक्शन = & gt; "Show_version" और दूसरे मार्ग को हटा दें। अपडेट उपरोक्त उत्तर केवल रेल के लिए है 3 और ऊपर। दो मार्गों की परिभाषाओं को उलझाकर समस्या तय की गई (नीचे एलेसेंड्रो की टिप्पणी देख...

directory - android: determining a symbolic link -

I'm scanning all the directories starting with "/" to find some specific directories like "MYFOLDER" . However, the folder is that I get double examples of the same folder. This is because a folder is located in "/ mnt / sdcard / MYFOLDER" and there is a symbolic link in "/ sdcard / MYFOLDER" in the same folder. My question is, "Is anyone Method is to determine whether the folder is a symbolic link or not? Please give me some suggestions .. How do they essentially (subject): Public stable boolean throws the symbollink (file file) IOException {File Kanon; If (file.getParent () == faucet) {canon = file; } Other {file canonDir = file.getParentFile (). GetCanonicalFile (); Canon = new file (canondir, file.getName ()); } Return! Canon.getCanonicalFile (). Equal (canon.getAbsoluteFile ()); } Edit Thank you for commenting on LarsH. The above code only checks whether the children's files are symlinks. To answer OP question...

c# - PlatformNotSupportedException when executing a general LINQ query -

When I run a LINQ query, I get a strange exception on the XP machine. {"The specified cryptographic algorithm is not supported on this platform."} On System.Security.Cryptography.CapiNative.AcquireCsp (String Key Container, String Provider Name, Provider Type Provider Type, CryptAcquireContextFlags Flags , Boolean thumbnaillight exception) There is no internal exception and the stacktrace is up. In the cryptography provider game etc. I would expect that exception, but I have no idea with LINQ. I must admit that I'm new to LINQ. EF 4.1 has a slightly simplified LINQ query: using (var c = new MyContext ()) {var v = ( Items where c.Items ( == someid) choose items). FirstOrDefault (); Return vi; } Any insights? Edit: As mentioned in the comment section below, I am using .NET 4.0 with EF 4.1, the connection string does not have any crpto settings or other connection string options Apply a plain ol 'app.config string with I strongly sus...

Can anyone out there help me for ocr business card scanner in android? -

I'm new to the Android field. I want to create an OCR related business card scanner in Android. For this, I want to use this site. Now I complete all the work based on this site. But then I could not decide what to do. I do not have the right direction to get the output in the OCR code. I have 3 related choices: (Java OCR code) (word snap code osr (mesophyta) plz, give some solution in the right direction. Thanx. If you are planning to use your software commercially, you can check it out. The Reader feature is already built and it supports Android, this free-to-use car Not very cheap for yikes, but when it comes to business software ???? ABBY OCR technologies can add a serious value to your product, so consider excluding it.

android - JSON handling Array and object with same Java code -

I have a simple question to apply JSON for Android / Java Is it possible to handle array or object? My Jason is kept in a lot of places in response, where JSON gives a logic and in some cases there are many arguments in an array. To handle, I have to write a long code that if there is an orange or an object in the object, if someone helps me, then how to check if an element contains JSONArray or JSONObject? Just test ( for example ) the type of object that you want JSON parser To get back from it, see if it's an array, dictionary or an object. If you want to avoid duplication, where the array is the array of the examples that you get back in simple case, the first test for non-array, and if you have one, then create an array And paste the single object before passing through its normalized array-handling logic.

c++ - How to build boost iostreams with gzip and bzip2 support on Windows -

मैं boost का iostreams पुस्तकालय कैसे Gzip और bzip2 समर्थन? मैं कोई विशेषज्ञ नहीं हूं विकल्प 1 (सीधे स्रोत से) के लिए और के लिए स्रोत फ़ाइलों को डाउनलोड करें। निर्देशिकाओं में डाउनलोडों को निकालें, निर्देशिकाओं को कहीं न कहीं ले जाएं मुझे C: \ Program Files (x86) \ से बचाना पड़ा क्योंकि मैं इसे डायरेक्टरी नाम में रिक्त स्थान के साथ काम नहीं कर सका, इसलिए मैंने C: \ Sys \ और उस का इस्तेमाल किया। लिफ्ट विशेषाधिकार के साथ एक कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट खोलें (व्यवस्थापक के रूप में चलाएं), अपने boost निर्देशिका पर जाएं, उदा। C: \ Program Files (x86) \ बढ़ावा \ boost_1_50_0 \ और प्रकार b2.exe --with-iostreams -s BZIP2_SOURCE = C: \ Sys \ bzip2-1.0.6 -s ZLIB_SOURCE = C: \ Sys \ zlib-1.2.7 सत्यापित करें कि C: \ Program Files (x86) \ बढ़ावा \ boost_1_50_0 \ चरण \ lib में वांछित फाइलें हैं, उदा libboost_zlib-vc100 - * - 1_50 और libboost_bzip2-vc100 - * - 1_50 विकल्प 2। (स्रोत से पहले बनाएं) ऊपर के रूप में, स्रोत फ़ाइलों को डाउनलोड करें। एक ...

mysql - create new database on xampp -

How do I create a new database on centos 5 on xmpp? When I say in the hot mysql -u root -p terminal there is no mysql command found. When I go to the phpMyAdimn page it does not accept my user name / password, what to do in this situation to create a new database? XMPP's MySQL service is running because when I run "ps ax | grep mysql", then I can see the XMPP mysql process. I have to put it in a reply (for syntax) and it will look like this ("createDB. Php ") You can run it with the command line" php "CreateDB.php", or you set the address "createDB.php" in your local host to your browser's You can use when you copy your file into the Opt / Lamp / HTOox folder. I did not test it but it did work

Convert Viewport point to container reference point in WPF -

I've plotted control over the viewport in specific locations. And the viewport is placed on the canvas. When clicking on plotted control, I want to get the coordinate point in the context of the view port container (canvas). I get point coordination where the control is placed on the ViewPot, but I want it in the context of the container. Please suggest your ideas for converting the viewpoint point to a normal screen point. Thanks in advance. Finally I found: var currentPosition = Mouse GetPosition (container); It will return the current click point in the context of ViewPort.

extjs4 - Extjs chart shadow -

I have the following code to build a pie chart. The problem is that I do not get the shadow. Note: If the chart config, theme = 'base' , then there is the shadow of the pie Ext.define ('ChartPanel', {extend: 'Ext.panel. Panel ', // ------------------ Constructor, Constructor: Function (External Conffix) {externalConfigs = externalConfigs || {}; var configs = {title:' My Panel ', Item: [{xtype:' chart ', store: mystore, width: '30%', series: [{type: 'pie', field: 'persentage', shadow: 'side', showInLegend: false, donut : False, renderer: function (phantom, record, attribute, index, store) {if ( == 'option1') {sprite.setAttributes ({fill: 'url (#redGradient)', stroke: '#ffffff'}, incorrect);} and if ( == 'option2') {sprite.setAttributes ({fill: 'url (#greenGradient)', stroke: '#ffffff'}, incorrect) ;}}}], Gradients:...

java - Getting an element from a Set -

Why not set provides an operation to get an element that is another element Is equal? set & lt; Foo & gt; Set = ...; ... fu fu = new foo (1, 2, 3); Foo bar = set. Gate (af); // Foo I can ask that there is an element equal to set in bar So why can not I get that element? To clarify, the par method is overridden, but it only checks one field, not all, so two Foo Objects are considered equal to actually have different values, so I can not just use foo . "post-text" itemprop = "text" Element near you There is no other option, but to use the iterator: in public static zero Net (string [] Args) {Set Set = New Hashet (); Set (New Foo ("Halo"); (Iterator & Lt; Fu & gt; ; This = set; nitator (); it.hasNext ();) {FU F = it.NET (); if (f.equals (new Foo) ("Hello")) System.out.println ("foo Found ");}} Fixed square fu {string string; Foo (string string) {this.string = string;} @ Override Publ...

mysql - PRIMARY set as VARCHAR -

I have a table where the primary key is set to VARCHAR (14) . > When I get a high amount of visitors, the I / O rate of the server gets insane and when I use iotop , I can see that mysql there is a problem. Use method, select a line by using select varchar key for every travel script. There are no joining or any other complex questions. Is this crazy I / O rate caused by the VARCHAR key? Do I call it INT (11) ? Thank you, Change to Edit : This picture can help: > It is compiled on the primary key ). Since Wakara keys are not sequential, this means that your inclusions are not sequential, which are random, which is a heavy I / O operation. So first check that high I / O writes, does not read. However, due to I / O, even if the IDs are unique character strings, it is difficult to correctly load the correct subsets of IDs in the buffer pool for MySQL (as it always loads a full page and single No record), and if the buffer pool is small, then it will need to lo...

How to avoid AjaxMin removal for IE9 and below CSS hack -

मैं निम्नलिखित सीएसएस का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: .GridDraggedRow tr td.firstCol {padding : 2 पीएक्स 10 पीएक्स 0 0; पाठ संरेखित: सही; ऊर्ध्वाधर-संरेखण: शीर्ष; चौड़ाई: 1 पीएक्स; चौड़ाई: 1% \ 9; / * IE9 और नीचे * / सफेद-स्पेस: अब्रॉप; } जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, मैं एक सुंदर बदसूरत सीएसएस हैक का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मेरी समस्या यह है कि यह हैक को मिनेइज्ड सीएसएस फ़ाइल से निकाल दिया गया है, जिसके साथ मैं पैदा कर रहा हूं। यह हमारे डिलीवरी सिस्टम में एक पोस्ट-बिल्ड कदम है, इसलिए हम अजाक्समिन के साथ छड़ी करेंगे। बताते हैं कि कई टिप्पणी आधारित हैक्स को 'हैक्स' ध्वज के उपयोग के साथ अनुमति दी गई है, उदा। ajaxmin-css -comments: hacks GridLayout.css दुर्भाग्य से \ 9 हैक की अनुमति नहीं है मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ ? उत्पन्न फ़ाइल को पार्स करना मेरी राय में एक अच्छा विचार नहीं है। मुझे लगता है कि मेरा सबसे अच्छा विकल्प इस हैक को किसी अन्य गैर-मिनेटेड फ़ाइल में या सीधे टैग के बीच में html पृष्ठ में सम्मिलित करना है ... क्या आप लोग एक बेहतर विचार है? यह अच्छा होगा कि अजाक्सिन एक बहिष्कार अन...

cron - Manage crontab from php -

I was thinking to manage Krantab with php, so I ask you that there is a class that gives the code Create, edit, delete php? Or is there another way to create and manage chronos from php? I got a tutorial on this topic

matlab - Training neural network tips -

The object is proposed for validation that I want to use a neural network in MATLAB. I have 30 objects and 20 images for each object, so I have 600 input data and 20 different classes I input matrix is ​​100x600 and the target is 1x600. The input matrix column is a histogram of 100 compartments like the keypoint 'hu': (m, n) = hist (hue_val, 100) i got m . If I have chosen the MLP network then how many layers and neurons are required for those layers, which are the appropriate functions for each layer? And for the last question, do I want negative samples? Number of layers - usually a hidden layer is sufficient (for so long Using your non-linear activation function) One can guess an arbitrary number of layer layers. Function Transfer - I have not been used for this word, but I think your activation function (which you do on the net input before passing it on the next layer). I answered a slight type of question, but it has been said that in most cases a standard...

Dokuwiki and Javascript -

Recently I saw this post about this user's "Top Top" button which uses Jquery And wants him to be turned into a mutual. I think it will be a good feature for free templates which I am writing to contribute to this project. But unfortunately I'm not doing this type of javascript. I know jquery, i tried the code in jquery and did not work Then I converted this peace code to notmals and is not working ... The forum is not a big help because there is no answer ... window.addEvent ('domready' , (Function) () ($ ('isotope'). Set-style ('display', 'none'); ((window.getScrollSize (.) Y + 300) & gt; Window .getSize (). ) $ ('') .Fed (1): $ ('isotope'). Fade (0)}; Does anyone know how to use Javascript Language dakuwali ??? someone who has more experience with the platform Even a person can write to me so that I can use it with DokuWiki, like the original poster, I want to hide the button and show only when the user wil...

c# - Where is the best place to put a WindsorContainer and avoid circular project references? -

itemprop = "text"> I use CastleWindsor as a D framework for new layers / projects, with a large current solution is. I'm currently trying to implement some new functionality in a layer / project that has no previous DI in place but I'm having "circular refernce" problems coming up time. Looking at a solution like this ... MyCompany.Core - Includes CastleWindsorConfiguration MyCompany.BusinessLayer - includes entities; Business logic MyCompany.Data - NHibernate mapping & amp; Are included; MyCompany.Web - fron end / display MyCompany.Emails - NonA functionality presenting BusinessLayer supplement MyCompany.Web - fron end / display There are quite a few businessLayer supplimentry projects / layers I do not add the CastleWindsor container email project in a reference core to MyCompany.Core in MyCompany.Email so it can be configured / mapped reference You can do the following ... _windsorContainer.Register (Component.For & ...

drupal 6 - Changes in module_menu() aren't applying -

I have a custom module called tf_partner. I have added another logic to modify it. Inside the module I have: function tf_partner_menu () {// ... more code ..... $ item ['partner' / letters / words / replacements /% /% /% Array (4, 5, 6, 7), 'type' = & gt; '% 1' = 'array' ('page callback' = & gt; 'tf_partner_replace_image', 'use callback' = & gt; TRUE, 'page logic' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' = & gt; ; '',); // ... more code} This is what it used to be ... function tf_partner_menu () {// ... more code ..... $ Item ['partner / letter / word / replacement /% /% /%'] = array ('page callback' = & gt; 'tf_partner_replace_image', 'access callback' = & gt; TRUE, 'page logic' = & Array (4, 5, 6), 'Type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' = & gt; '',); // ... more cod...

Python: Faster regex replace -

I have a large set of large files and a set of "phrases" that need to be replaced in each file . "Commercial logic ..." bans many restrictions: \ n \ n Matching should be insensitive White pages, tabs and new rows can not be ignored in regedx My solution (see below) is a little bit slow and how can it be optimized in terms of string and replacement? data = open ("INPUT__FILE"). Phrase in phrases for read () o = open ("OUTPUT_FILE", "w"): # These are the set of words I'm talking about B1, B2 = string. Strip ( ). Partition ("") regex = re.compile (r "% s \ * \ t * \ n *% S"% (b1, b2), re.IGNORECASE) data = regex.sub (b1 + "_" + b2 , Data) o. Write (Data) Update : By changing all the text to less case and re.IGNORECASE You can reconstruct your regexp for each file: For the phrase in phrases , b2 = str (phrase):. Partition ("") for precompiled.append (b1 + "_" +...

https - WCF Security - protecting from Man in the middle attacks -

I have a WCF service that uses transportation and messaging security, I am using a malicious man-in-the-middle attack How do I protect data, where do I say using a user and allow IIT to decrypt with HTTPS traffic? This topic is included in this. You can use Fiddler to smell messages from those parties who have physical access to you, seeing that you do not give physical access to the malicious user, you are protected from transportation and message security. Q: Does Fiddler show a flaw in 2 HTTPS? A: No, depending on HTTPS certificates for securing web traffic. Depending on the Trusted Route Certification Authorities, to issue certificates that secure web browser traffic, in-the-middle Stop the attack. As is designed, the web browser will show a warning when traffic is not secured by a certificate issued by a trusted root. Edit This is from someone Transportation security provides only point-to-point channel security This means that HTTPS only establishes a secure ...

vim - Automatically enabling spell checking in vimrc -

How do I enable spell check to be enabled automatically in .imrc file? There is probably a way to define a quick shortcut that toggles instead. Better yet, is it only enabled for some file extensions? You should be able to simply enter set spelling in your .vimrc file .

java - Eclipse / conditional breakpoint results in BreakpointException -

I want to debug a static internal class, which is actually callable. If I try to set conditional breakpoints, I get a breakpoint error: type com.sun.source.tree.Tree $ Kind can not be resolved . It is indirectly referenced from required class class files. What is the reason for this error? Is there a bug in this class / package that uses com.sun.source.tree.Tree $ Kind but does not provide it? How can I find out which square it is? How do I solve it? An example expression that should be correct: return mRtx.getNode (). GetNodeKey () == 74; I changed it to mRtx.getNode (). GetNodeKey () == 74 but still the same error recently I got a bug and just used it: if (mRtx.getNode (.) GetNodeKey () == 74) {System.out.println ("bla"); } and set a "normal" breakpoint on the "sysout" statement, just the problem of anyone. I'm not sure how I will reproduce it because your statement is not exactly right Used to be. com.sun.source....

java - "unexpected type" error when comparing enum values -

With this problem I have seen that most people were using = where they = = . What's my problem here? com \ callmeyer \ jopp \ 303: Unexpected type required: class, package found: variable if (event.getType () == event.Type.INSERT) {^ enum definition and access: public class DataLayoutEvent {public static enum type {INSERT, DELETE, RENAME, MOVE, RESIZE} Private type type = faucet; Public type getType () {return type; } ...} and the method where the error occurs: changed the public zero layout (DataLayoutEvent event) {if (event.getType () = = Event.Type.INSERT) {fieldAdded (event.getField), event.getToIndex ()); } ... Use stationary access instead of example: if (event.getType () == DataLayoutEvent.Type.INSERT) { You can not use instance access for static member (methods and fields ), But not for the internal type.

javascript - Sencha Touch - Setting properties for a group of items -

I have a simple field with many fields, many of which will share some properties. I might try the Sennicha Touch Textfield Class Define some detail, but I think it is overkill, what is an easy way to set general properties? For example, I could repeat all the common properties in each item, but it grows unnecessarily ... xtype: 'fieldet', id: 'fieldset', Title: 'my form title', item: [{xtype: 'field', required: true, labelAlign: 'leave', height: '50', ui: 'customUI', identity: 'email', name: ' '50', ui: 'customUI', inputType: 'password', id: 'password', 'email', label: 'email'} {xtype: 'field', required: true, labelAlign: 'leave' , Name: 'password', label: 'password'} // more field] An easy way is to use only the default unless it is overridden, By then, they will be used on items of the object, with your code, something like ...

javascript - jQuery camel-case mapping from "data-" attribute names to ".data()" keys -

If you add a "data-" attribute on an element: Div id = 'x' data-key = 'value' & gt; Then you can get the value through the jQuery ".data ()" method: Warning ($ ('$ x'). Data ('key')); // Alert "value" The library uses constant camel-case converter for attribute names with embedded dashes: & lt; Div id = 'x' data-hello-world = "hi" & gt; Warning ($ ('# x') data ("HelloWorld").); Camel-case converter is a jQuery "global" function: Warning ($ .aum cass ("hello-world"); // Alert "Hello World" Although this is all broken when the attribute name contains the name of the single letter surrounded by a dash: & Lt; Div id = 'x' data-image-x-offset = '50px '& gt; Warning ($ ('# x') data ('imageXOffset').); // Undefined This is a bit weird, because: Warning ($ .im image-x-offset ');...

Escaping URL &'s when launching browser from Ruby script -

Using Ruby 1.9.2 I am writing a Windows script that intends to launch the browser at that URL The parameters in which the parameters are kept. I have tried various ways of launching a browser process: '# # url}' start the system ("# # url} get started") ... My URL has several parameters and So in it; Of The problem is that & amp; It is being explained by the shell and I do not know how to avoid them like this that they are passing the browser correctly. Any thoughts? Thanks! You can use: Executes command The command is one of the following forms in a subsection. [...] CMDName, arg1, ... : Command name and one or more arguments (no one is open) This will completely leave the shell and bypass the problem of running away. Try it: system ('start', url) I'm not sure how to start with start Works if it is a different executable, then it should work.

random - is there any drand48() equivalent in python or a wrapper to it? -

I am converting some code to Python. I'm thinking that dragon 48 () is equivalent to a dragon (exactly the same!) Or a cover? Thank you very much you random.random . gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Random & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Help (random)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Random.random () 0.8423026866867628 This does not use the same generator as the drand48 . drand48 The family uses 48-bit linear congurential generators, while the Python random module uses the better Merson Twister algorithm. If you want accurate as output drand48 , you can implement it in Python. Delete the next line while using # Python 2.x ... # __future__ # Rand48 (object) from the import division category: def __init __ (self, seed): self. N = seed DEF seeds (self, seed): self N = seed DRF source (self, seed): self N = (Beed and LT; & Gt; 17 DR gang (self): n = self. () & Gt; & Gt; 16 if n & amp; (1 However, the output will be significantly lower than the s...

facebook - Certain Images with post not appearing when hosted on https -

I am creating a post with an image link in it Images are hosted on https This works for some servers And not for others This works and the image looks ok with the post: It is not. I get an empty square in place of the image in the post: Do you know why this is happening? Someone told me that this is due to the difference in the setter on the two servers - one of them is using EV Cert which could possibly cause this issue. I think there is some bug with sharing HTTPS content with verisign certs and godaddy certs Have tried and is not able to successfully share any https content. I'm surprised at the work of one of your images. What type of certificates do you have on the image that was server as HTTPS? Does it work continuously? I have this bug filed:

sql - Delete one row from same rows -

I have a table t (first, second) column. I have two lines before = 1 and second = 2. I just want to delete one line, how do I do this? ; With CTE (remove your tablet from Top 1 * where first = 1 and second = 2) with CTE; Or if SQL Server 2000 Remove T (Select Top 1 * from your tablet where [first] = 1 and [seconds] = 2) ; Then add a primary key.

c++ - How to get the whole line where a given word is and store it in a variable? -

I'm starting in C ++ world, I have to get the full line where there are given words and it's a variable This structure is in my TXT file: clients.txt 085958485 Roland Spellman 090545874 Kathleen Spellman Cathleen 056688741 Gabriele Solis The program request to enter the user's ID, the ID is always the first number or word in the line. The user then enters 090545874, the program should be able to find 090545874 in the text file and then get the full line where it is stored in a variable. I know how to find a word in a text file, but I do not know how to go the whole line in a variable, so to store my variable at the end Variable = 090545874 Kathleen Spellman Kathleen 4878554 After that, I'm able to delete the entire line or record. I use this code to enter data in the text file struct person {char id [10]; Four names [20]; Four last names [20]; Four emails [10]; } Client data; Offream clie...

iphone - Detect finger drag using Javascript on touch phones? -

Is there a way to detect finger drag using Javascript on touch phones? I am currently using jQuery and the MausFace () method does not appear to work on my endoride phone. Edit: I think I should make it clear that it is for the web application Edit 2: I got a duplicate of my question a few moments ago. However, this does not have an approved answer. Use: touchstart , touchmov , TouchCensell , and touch . To bind the event listener for one of these events, instead of .bind ('touchmove', ...) instead of .touchmove (...) Have to use. , because jQuery does not provide feature methods.

php - jQuery AJAX POST to mysql table for dynamic table data- Am I doing this in anything like the right way? -

I have a table that I can dynamically add and remove any number of rows. After the data is entered, I am using jQuery's AJAX functionality to post it in a mysql database, so that no page is redirected or refreshed. The only way I could think of working on it, was using it for loop in jQuery, how dirty it is to post each line separately to the database? Should I get all the table data and post it once? Different rows can be different on user and users can add and delete as many likes before submitting them. Strange I have the variable count count due to having two rows at the top of the table. I could not do a great way of doing this. I always went crazy about the data related to the correct line Thank you for your time. Click here (function () {// process form var rowCount = jQuery ('# dataTable tr'). ; (Var i = 2; i & lt; rowCount; i ++) {// I am storing four elements of each row on mysql var txtRow1 = jQuery ('# txtRow' + (i-1)). (); Var TickerRow1...

java - When activating an updated apk in dev console do i need to republish my app? -

Then I make some changes, update an application, uploading the latest version of the Dev console and calling it The activating hit updates my version or I have to unpublish it, then it should be republished? You do not have to unpublish and republish it, once you upload a new version and If enabled, then it will appear in the Android market as a new version.

html - Is it possible to configure to overflow parent element rather than expand id? -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना के साथ एक टेबल है: & lt; table & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; सीओएल 1 & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; सीओएल 2 & lt; टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; सीओएल 3 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td colspan = 999 & gt; & Lt; div & gt; बहुत लंबे समय तक बहुत लंबा पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; सीएसएस विशेषता के कुछ सेट को दूसरी पंक्ति में डिवीवी में असाइन करना संभव है जैसे कि वह तालिका की चौड़ाई का विस्तार नहीं करता है, बल्कि इसके बजाय तालिका की सीमाओं को ओवरफ्लो करता है मूल रूप से, मैं पहली पंक्ति की सामग्री के आधार पर तालिका की चौड़ाई करना चाहता हूं। td div {position: absolute} तब आप अपनी पसंद के अनुसार डीआईवी को शैली सकते हैं।

ios - Localizable.strings in German -

I'm localizing in German using an app localizable.string. All well until I need to use one ¼ or one ?? de.lproj / Localizable.strings: 0: Error: Validation failed: What could be the data? Do not read because it has become corrupt example; "Simple introductory and alphabet" = "Infeach Begrei Ã? Ungen und slave upheaval"; The remedy? Thank you After the discussion in the comment, the problem was resolved. If you have a similar problem, then first you should check the file text encoding , where the error occurred. You can find the current text encoding and change it to Xcode : Open the file in Xcode. Press "???" ??? Find the field text encoding Set it to Unicode (UTF-8) . Try to rebuild the project

osx - Eclipse on OS X - Can't add a Debug Configuration -

Does anybody know when I press the new button in the Azzis debug configuration under the C / C + + application? Nothing happens? Creates a new Java test configuration but I need to create a C / C + debug configuration. It is under OS X. I can get this job by creating a sample C / C ++ project and adding debug configuration there. having had. The configuration is then available for Java (Android native) project. Strange as the project has already added the CDT nature to it.

Dojo double submittion -

Yes! I can not understand it myself! The following is a form that is dynamically loaded into a content provider called 'Content Companie Type' when the submit button is clicked to submit the form using AJAX firefox firebug, then the form Has been presented twice. Once successful and second time the form is not valid. I have set the first retired page (success page) in just plain text, so I know that double submission is coming from this page / code. / P> & lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Var human = 0; Dojo.parser.parse (dojo.byId ('CompanyTypeForm')); Dojo.addOnLoad (function () {// Select the type of company if Digit.IID ('Company typed selection).' Set ('value', string (1)); // Ajax is the type of company var DijitCT = dijit.byD Dojo.connect (dijitCT, "onClick", function () {human = 1}}; dojo.connect (dijitCT, "onChange", function () {if (human) {var ctNum = dijitct set ( "Href", ...

Can I open a rails console in read-only mode? -

I used to query my Rail DB script / console Is done But in some cases I have to be extraordinarily careful about not changing the data, so I want to be able to open the console in read only mode. Is there any way to do this? Thank you! refer to this question script / console - sandbox

how to send an HTML email with an inline attached image with PHP -

I have a PHP script that sends an HTML email with an attached image. It works extremely well, however, in the email body, I & lt; Img & gt; Attachment can not be found to display in the tag Attached file is called postcard.png and the original file name on the server is 4e60348f83f2f.png . I have tried to give the image as different things: cid: postcard.png , cid: 4e60348f83f2f.png , postcard.png , And 4e60348f83f2f.png . nothing works. I think the important part is that I am doing wrong here, because it creates a separate attachment instead of an inline attachment that I can use: Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64 Content-Dispute: Attachment; Filename = "$ fname" // i.e.: "postcard.png" I tried to change it to use CID but I do not know how to do it , And this 'absolutely not work': Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: & lt; $ Fname & gt; // Eye: postcard. Here's the full code: (This is based on a comm...

c# - StreamWriter ordering using Foreach -

Some text to me that many values ​​such as: PartNumber Amount Fid1 blahblahblah 999934109 0603 Exclude Blow 12? 981 Faidiarai Fertekteks 123 Fid 2 Filrtekst 123 Fid Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0402 Filrtekteks 123 0402 Filrtekst 123 // etc ......... etc ........... Etc. I would like to print the values ​​ "FID" int j = 1; ("FID")} {sw.WriteLine ("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", J, line (such as "line.", Partnumber, line zodiac, line description); J ++ ;}} However, when I do them print them: 1: Fid1 99 9934109 Blahbllah 2: FID5 123 Filrtekst 3: Fid 2123 Filrtekst 4: Fed 123 Filrtekst I would like to print them numerical .. like this: 1: fid 123 Fillertext 2: Fid1 99 9934109 Blahblahblah 3: fid2 123 Fillertext 4: FID5 123 Fillertext Is this an easy, fast way to do this? You probably have a LINQ query commands can use the volume: int garbage, line by line from the line. Partonmber. ToU...