python - String building: Hiding string length? -
I am amending the Python code and I came to this statement and I do not know what it means and neither does it I can get anything on it uncertain about it that it is out of context ..
conn.queue.put ('% x \ r \ n% s \ r \ N '% (lane (piece), part) if fallen second part) The code is inserting a piece in a threaded queue which sends it later. My question is what's happening here '% x \ r \ n% s \ r \ n' It appears that by adding the length of the string it is hidden with a cart return? Apart from this, I came to know that if there is no statement as to what will be the "chosen second part". "Text" itemprop = "text">
This is not a statement in which there is no body, it is a conditional expression A if condition is the other B to a condition is true, otherwise it evaluates for B in this case: '% X \ r \ n% s \ r \ n '% (lane, piece) if the piece of the second piece is either:
'% X \ r \ n% s \ r \ n'% (lane, piece) or just chuck , it depends on What Chankd is correct or not, consequently conn.queue.put .
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