javascript - Sencha Touch - Setting properties for a group of items -
I have a simple field with many fields, many of which will share some properties. I might try the Sennicha Touch Textfield Class Define some detail, but I think it is overkill, what is an easy way to set general properties? For example, I could repeat all the common properties in each item, but it grows unnecessarily ...
xtype: 'fieldet', id: 'fieldset', Title: 'my form title', item: [{xtype: 'field', required: true, labelAlign: 'leave', height: '50', ui: 'customUI', identity: 'email', name: ' '50', ui: 'customUI', inputType: 'password', id: 'password', 'email', label: 'email'} {xtype: 'field', required: true, labelAlign: 'leave' , Name: 'password', label: 'password'} // more field]
An easy way is to use only the default unless it is overridden, By then, they will be used on items of the object, with your code, something like this will appear: xtype: 'fieldet', id: 'fieldet', title: 'my form title ',': 'Custom',}, item: [{ID: '', '50', 'UI': 'Left', 'Left', height: '50', UI: Default: {xtype: 'textfield', Required: label, label: 'Email', name: 'email', lab Name: 'password', label: 'password'} // more field]
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