java - Eclipse / conditional breakpoint results in BreakpointException -
I want to debug a static internal class, which is actually callable. If I try to set conditional breakpoints, I get a breakpoint error:
com.sun.source.tree.Tree $ Kind can not be resolved . It is indirectly referenced from required class class files.
What is the reason for this error? Is there a bug in this class / package that uses
com.sun.source.tree.Tree $ Kind but does not provide it? How can I find out which square it is? How do I solve it?
An example expression that should be correct:
return mRtx.getNode (). GetNodeKey () == 74;
I changed it to
mRtx.getNode (). GetNodeKey () == 74 but still the same error recently I got a bug and just used it:
if (mRtx.getNode (.) GetNodeKey () == 74) {System.out.println ("bla"); }
and set a "normal" breakpoint on the "sysout" statement, just the problem of anyone.
I'm not sure how I will reproduce it because your statement is not exactly right Used to be.
com.sun.source.tree package is included in tools.jar, which is part of JDK, but not of JRE, do you have JDK (JavaWM_HOMEE variable) Let's assume your eclipse, though try to install JDK in the JDK folder.
I also believe that compiler API was introduced in Java 6, so check whether you are not using less version.
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