c# - StreamWriter ordering using Foreach -
Some text to me that many values such as:
PartNumber Amount Fid1 blahblahblah 999934109 0603 Exclude Blow 12? 981 Faidiarai Fertekteks 123 Fid 2 Filrtekst 123 Fid Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0603 Filrtekst 123 0402 Filrtekteks 123 0402 Filrtekst 123 // etc ......... etc ........... Etc. I would like to print the values "FID" int j = 1; ("FID")} {sw.WriteLine ("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", J, line (such as "line.", Partnumber, line zodiac, line description); J ++ ;}} However, when I do them print them:
1: Fid1 99 9934109 Blahbllah 2: FID5 123 Filrtekst 3: Fid 2123 Filrtekst 4: Fed 123 Filrtekst I would like to print them numerical .. like this:
1: fid 123 Fillertext 2: Fid1 99 9934109 Blahblahblah 3: fid2 123 Fillertext 4: FID5 123 Fillertext Is this an easy, fast way to do this?
You probably have a LINQ query commands can use the volume:
int garbage, line by line from the line. Partonmber. ToUpper (). with starts ( "FID") order (Int32. TryParse (line.PartNumber.Substring (3), garbage))? (Int32.Parse (line.PartNumber.Substring (3))): 0 select line; in your foreach If the statement is not required, then, either.
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