extjs4 - Extjs chart shadow -

I have the following code to build a pie chart.
The problem is that I do not get the shadow. Note: If the chart config, theme = 'base' , then there is the shadow of the pie

  Ext.define ('ChartPanel', {extend: 'Ext.panel. Panel ', // ------------------ Constructor, Constructor: Function (External Conffix) {externalConfigs = externalConfigs || {}; var configs = {title:' My Panel ', Item: [{xtype:' chart ', store: mystore, width: '30%', series: [{type: 'pie', field: 'persentage', shadow: 'side', showInLegend: false, donut : False, renderer: function (phantom, record, attribute, index, store) {if (record.data.description == 'option1') {sprite.setAttributes ({fill: 'url (#redGradient)', stroke: '#ffffff'}, incorrect);} and if (record.data.description == 'option2') {sprite.setAttributes ({fill: 'url (#greenGradient)', stroke: '#ffffff'}, incorrect) ;}}}], Gradients: [{id: 'redgridient', angle: 45, stops: {0: {co-locker: '# 820000'}, 100: {color: '# BD1E00'}}}, { Id: 'greengridient', angle: 0, prevents: {0: {color: '# 89AC10'}, 100: {color: '# A1C22D'}}}}}}}} Ext.apply (configs, externalConfigs) ; This.callParent ([Configuration]); // call parent constructor}});   

Any idea how to get shade? Thanks << p>

Use your (see the document in the previous link to see other possible options). Chart Definition (not within the pie definition) There is no shadow config property for exp.chart.series.Pie . You get the Ext.chart.series.Pie . will need to be used within


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