fortran - Assigning Values to the Array ipntr in ARPACK -

I am trying to figure out how many values ​​are assigned to an array called IPentrat, which points to ARPAC Do Store. I'm relatively new to Fortran and I do not know how the values ​​of this array are initially set. The code I see is an unmatical driver example which is distributed with ARP and the part I can not understand.

  Program dndrv1 integer maxn, maxnev, maxncv, ldv parameter (maxn = 256, maxNav = 12, maxncv = 30, ldv = msn) cc% ---------- ----% c | Local arrays. C% --------------% c integer iparam (11), ipntr (14) logical selection (maxncv) double accuracy & amp; Ax (Max), D (MaxNCV, 3), Resid (Maxon), & amp; V (Ldv, maxncv), workdate (3 * maxN), & amp; Cupid (3 * max NCV), & amp; Workclam (3 * maximum NCV * maximum NCV + 6 * maximum NCV) cc% ---------------% C | Local Scalers | C% ---------------% C character bmat * 1, which is * 2 integer IDO, N, NX, NY, NCV, Larkal, information, J, & amp; IARR, Encore, Maxiter, ISHFT, Mode Double Specense & amp; Tol, sigmar, sigmai logical first, raves cc% ------------% c | Parameter | C% ------------% C Double Accuracy & amp; Zero parameter (Zero = 0.0D + 0) cc% -----------------------------% c | Blaze & amp; LAPACK used daily. C% -------------------------% C Double Accuracy & amp; Dlapy2, dnrm2 external dlapy2, dnrm2, daxpy c c% --------------------% c | Internal function | C% --------------------% c Enter the internal entry (*, *) ipntr   

is the result of the statement to write :

1606679396 32767 1606696480 32767 1606918048 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Obviously there is nothing like ipntr (1) = 1606679396, how to specify these values has been done?

Thank you

If they are not assigned anywhere, their values ​​will be Determined by the random byte sequence which also resides in memory. You should see that running the program again will have a different output sequence.


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