fortran - Assigning Values to the Array ipntr in ARPACK -
I am trying to figure out how many values are assigned to an array called IPentrat, which points to ARPAC Do Store. I'm relatively new to Fortran and I do not know how the values of this array are initially set. The code I see is an unmatical driver example which is distributed with ARP and the part I can not understand.
Program dndrv1 integer maxn, maxnev, maxncv, ldv parameter (maxn = 256, maxNav = 12, maxncv = 30, ldv = msn) cc% ---------- ----% c | Local arrays. C% --------------% c integer iparam (11), ipntr (14) logical selection (maxncv) double accuracy & amp; Ax (Max), D (MaxNCV, 3), Resid (Maxon), & amp; V (Ldv, maxncv), workdate (3 * maxN), & amp; Cupid (3 * max NCV), & amp; Workclam (3 * maximum NCV * maximum NCV + 6 * maximum NCV) cc% ---------------% C | Local Scalers | C% ---------------% C character bmat * 1, which is * 2 integer IDO, N, NX, NY, NCV, Larkal, information, J, & amp; IARR, Encore, Maxiter, ISHFT, Mode Double Specense & amp; Tol, sigmar, sigmai logical first, raves cc% ------------% c | Parameter | C% ------------% C Double Accuracy & amp; Zero parameter (Zero = 0.0D + 0) cc% -----------------------------% c | Blaze & amp; LAPACK used daily. C% -------------------------% C Double Accuracy & amp; Dlapy2, dnrm2 external dlapy2, dnrm2, daxpy c c% --------------------% c | Internal function | C% --------------------% c Enter the internal entry (*, *) ipntr is the result of the statement to write :
1606679396 32767 1606696480 32767 1606918048 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Obviously there is nothing like ipntr (1) = 1606679396, how to specify these values has been done?
Thank you
If they are not assigned anywhere, their values will be Determined by the random byte sequence which also resides in memory. You should see that running the program again will have a different output sequence.
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