
Showing posts from August, 2012

iphone - Apple Lazy Loading Images within a nav controller, reverts back to placeholder images -

I implemented the LazyTableImages project () by Apple, but in my version I used RestKit to get data And my UItableviewcontroller was pushing on the navigation stack so I would leave whatever Apple does to get xml in the applet. I think that this problem is not My problem is that when you come back from the UITB visual controller using the NAV back button or using any other tabbar object and come back, then the images which were previously loaded there, but immediately load the placeholder image Actually, the opposite happens. This UITableview is like cached data, so when you come back, lazy tables interfere with images. I need to know that someone has implemented this code where they had to be repelled? EDIT: Looks like the image downloader is not zero for the second time, which prevents the image from loading. I'm still finding out how to bypass it. Of course, I can only take out the condition, but I do not know that it is "bad" for performance. imageDownlo...

Intersection with MySQL with queries -

I am trying to repeat two queries in MySQL in this query: SELECT user_id FROM post group select thread_ID HAVING COUNT (thread_ID) = 1 intersect from user_id from user_id; Group post (user_id) = 1 since URI_ID; I've discovered ways to do this in MySQL, but unfortunately I did not work for me using IN and INNER JOIN. I have to work with test data: Post post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0,0,1,1000); Post in post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0, 02, 2000); Post in post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0,0,3,2000); Post in post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0,04,3000); Post in post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0,0,5,4000); Post in post (post_member, timestamp, user_id, thread_id) value (0,0,1,4000); To run the spacing of two of my questions 4 Any help is appreciated Thank you. In postgres I will like it SELECT user_id by post Where Thread_ID (Thre...

Regex matching for certain URLS -

I am writing a script that needs to take some URLs on the page; For example, these URLs, after "> load In JavaScript: var link For = document.links; (var i = 0; i & lt; links.length; i ++) {if (link [i] .match (/ http \: \ / \ fiel \ .com / i)) {}} in php $ html = ' gt; body & gt; .... & lt ; $ Body = A '); Foreign Exchange ($ link $ link) {if ($ Link-> nodeValue ==' load ') {$ data = $ link-> MillTutribute (' href ') // whatever href} }

richfaces - Keeping a rich:modalPanel open on validation fail? -

When I was done with an action, fails, I try to stop my modal from closing I am here. I have seen many discussions on this issue with many objective solutions but there is no luck with any of them. Has anyone got any work solution? I Reachfaces 3.3.3 I am using the finals. I like stack overflow because I always get a solution right after posting a question. The first solution to work for me Paraphrased, enter the ID on your Html element and then check this Javascript whether you can turn off the modal or not. function modalClose (if (!! Document.getElementById ('fullresolvedidofmessagepanel')) {Richfaces.hideModalPanel ('modalpanelid');}} Here are the string ins.

histogram - Octave : using bar and histc -

I want to plot uneven width histogram. x = [10 12 15 18] # Bean edges y = [3 2 6] #corresponding frequences time (E, C, 'Histk') I get the following output: Warning: implicit conversion string matrix # error: set: unknown property " " error: call to: error: / usr /share/octave/3.2.3/m/plot/ Bars . On line 120, column 7 - Error: /usr/share/octave/3.2.3/m/plot/ bar . 16 line, column 7 error: /usr/share/octave/3.2.3/m/plot/bar.m row 67, column at 19 It seems that Histk not working Used to be. I have Octave 3.2 installed. Any thoughts? Code Use Code for help Bar You will see that 'histoc' is not a valid style option (it is only supported in Matlab). If you need to count the frequencies of your data then the function

database - For a beginner, is there much difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL -

There is a lot of difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL for beginners like me, basic selection, like statement and choice, or main Differences with using more advanced questions? The reason that I usually suggest PostgreSQL before MySQL because MySQL is far away from standards (SQL This window functions (version 8.4), normal table expression (8.4), checking deficiencies , EXCEPT / MINUS operator, even the use of full external johns does not support. .. Even though you have never heard these words, you have to use those concepts at some point. I strongly suggest that you start with PostgreSQL, then you can learn what "real" SQL is, then you can decide if MySQL is sufficient or not. PS I started with MySQL and I regret it. Now I use PostgreSQL and I like it.

ruby on rails - is there anyway to combine these into one ActiveRecord query? -

I am thinking that both of these questions are there to connect together where without By using the string (... notifiable_type = & gt; "post" ,: notifiable_id => notification. Where (: notifiable_type = & gt; "comment",: Notifiable_id => (& amp; id)) In other words, I have to do without Looking for a method: notification. ("(Notifiable_type = 'post' and notifiable_id =?) Or (notifiable_type = 'comment' and (?)) Notifiable_ id", [post] .id, (& amp; id)]) Is this possible? You can use to get it in a clean and readable way: notification. Where ((:: notifiable_type = & gt; "post" & amp;; notifiable_id = & gt; | (: Notifiable_type = & gt; "Comment" & amp ;: notifiable_id = & gt; [post.comments .map (& amp; amp;; id)))

php - Stupid question - could someone explain str_replace("/", DS, $uploadTo) to me -

$ upload_dir = WWW_ROOT.str_replace ("/", डीएस, $ अपलोड करने के लिए); डीएस मतलब क्या है? Google ने मुझे बुद्धिमानी को छोड़ दिया: ( संदर्भ के आधार पर, मैं एक पैंट ले जा रहा हूँ और कहते हैं कि डीएस के लिए 'निर्देशिका विभाजक' का अर्थ है। अपना कोड खोजें, कहीं आप इस तरह एक पंक्ति पाएं: परिभाषित करें ('डी एस', $ कुछ वैल्यू) ;

ios - Open camera roll on an exact photo -

I am developing a camera application where I would like to do some things that already exist in the stock app. My problem is copying the small square (in portrait mode) in the bottom left corner, where the microphone thumbnail is shown where the user has taken the picture yet; Then, when the user taps on it, to open the photo app, on the last photo saved in the camera roll. I can load a thumbnail of the latest photos in the camera roll with the Alzacet Library - access it with I [UIImage imageWithCGImage: [Threads thumbnail]] - but even here I can not open the photo app even though I have its alassette URL. I am trying to do this with: [[UIApplication shared application] openURL: result.defaultRepresentation.url]; But nothing happens. With an extra UIView, I can display it internally in my app, but I think it's simple and ... official photo app! Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance! You may want to use UIImagePickerController, as here:

javascript - dropdown for search suggestions with prompting -

I have a script that provides suggestions for an input field on which the user is typing a letter in the input field is. It uses functions to make suggestions in delimited using HTML: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; First name: & lt; Input type = "text" onkeyup = "showHint (this.value)" size = "20" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Suggestion: & lt; Span id = "txthint" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Now I want to use a drop down box instead of the suggestion string. I think I need to put in the input field and the selection option in a divan, but I do not understand how to get it into the input field after it is selected. How do i do this You can get the value attribute (or text node) of the selected option and store it in the input box Please. $ (& lt; input & gt;) value (basicview + "," + $ (& lt; selec...

Is there a good online tutorial for Hadoop development on a Windows 7 machine? -

I am doing the following, which worked very well to establish a virtual machine environment (module 3 of tutorials). But now I am stumped by HDFS section (module 2) and it seems easy if I had a Windows specific tutorial. I tried the following, but some steps were not quite right. I'm trying to find a good tutorial which will work for me on a Windows 7 machine, but it's stuck slightly. Is there a good place to go for it? Hadop takes care of a lot of Linux users, and unfortunately I have to use my work laptop, which is Windows 7. Can I do this work or do it work only for Linux users? The Hadoop tutorial on Yahoo! developer network is outdated and problematic did not work at all for a few weeks ( I was playing them in VMware Player on Windows 7), and in the second part the Java code examples were poorly written and would not compile. At any rate, they are written for the old Hadoop API. I left this tutorial and used the Claudera demo VM image instead, it is already conf...

c++ - Monotouch: Adding .a resource , gcc error -

Use of this project: I am adding AdMob to my mono-touch app. I'm not sure that these compilation errors mean, though I think binding is not right in Mono Touch DLL ?: Compile flag: -v -v -v -gcc_flags "-Fr framework audiotLox-L $ {ProjectDir} -lGoogleAdMobAds -force_load $ {ProjectDir} /libGoogleAdMobAds.a" Resulting error: Undefined symbols: "__Invand_resum", referenced from: - [GADIdentifierUtilities locale] libGoogleAdMobAds.a (GADIdentifierUtilities.o) - [GADIdentifierUtilities iTunesMetadata] GoogleAdMobAds in Lib A (GADIdentifierUtilities .o) - [Gdoperner Open Notification:] GoogleAdMobAds.a at Lib (GADOpener.o) - libAdMobAds.a (GADNotification.o) - [GADWebView initWithFrame:] libGoogleAdMobAds.a (GADWebView.o) ld: symbol ([GADNotification initWithNotificationURL]] S) Not Found Collect2: ld 1 Exit Status Add - -CX is often enough, but since it is not working, you want to try to be more specific and -lgcc_s - at this time gcc...

sql - MySQL union and order by help -

The code below works, but when I order order order by Sdid, then I get the error Choose unknown column 'order clause' in '' $ build = "child. subscribe name = child.parent INNER (s.productid = select Join where s.username = '$ logged' and s.type = '0' child. .sid = child.sid subscribe INNER (s.productid = where s.username = '$ logged' and parent.keyword! = and s.type = '1' order s through Mr. Diissi "; How do I change the code so that it can be ordered by, which is the ID of the table? is by MySQL Union tried to implement ORDER but union within child column (without child ). Prefix on it), there is no in the union but you can add one: select the child. *, SID as SDID ... Selecting Union Hair * As SID SID ... SED ordered by Diissi You'll need to give it a nickname because union table will erase the name or nickname prefix. If the sid column has ch...

How to read json properties using PHP -

How to get the properties of all the PIDs and styles from the following JSN data with minimum loop in PP " general ": {" note ": {" display ": false}}," elements ": {" -1 ": {" index ": 1," src ":" shirt1.png "," PID ":" PID-3563130 "," Angle ": 0," Styles ":" Background: Transparent, Top: 51.80000305175781px; Left: 122px; Width: 80px; Height: 80px; "," Background " : "Transparent", "Position": {"Top": 51.80000305175781, "Skip": 122}, "Size": {"Width": 80, {"Other": ""}}, "-2": {"Index": 2, "src": "shirt2.png", "PID": "PID": "PIT" 132,002 "," angle ": 0," styles ":" background: transparent, top: 44.80000305175781px; left: 155px; width: 80px; height: 80px; ",...

module - What does a . in an import statement in Python mean? -

I see the code for the Python's multiprocessing module , and it contains the following line: Connection, Pipe Connection from _multiprocessing import instead of / Code> The precision is the period before the microcosm _multiprocessing . what does this mean? Why period? This is a new syntax for clearance, it means import from the current package.

html - CSS Sliding doors trouble -

I have some minor issues with my CSS sliding doors on my website. They look fine on low resolutions, but higher resolutions Make buttons bigger and therefore produce buttons: Hover state should not do this work. You can see the problem from the right side of the header bar (login / registration button) here: I have tried many solutions like using different sizes for fonts and How fonts are measured, but I think I'm going wrong about it. Here's a JSFiddle: (This is not perfect, but you should see most code used on the site.) You have not loaded one of the pictures. You have: #user_buttons_right_header period {background: url (". / Styles / transilver / theme / images / button_left.png") no-double scroll left top Transparent; Padding: 1px 10px 4px; } You must have #user_buttons_right_header span {background: url (" / Topics / images / buttons_bising ") no-double scroll left-top transparent; Pad...

lisp - Modify Alt+f in Emacs for tex-mode -

In emacs while typing in Tx mode, Alt + f is not included as part of the word so I can be absolutely accurate How can I modify alt + f behavior if punctiation is done to include a part of the word while moving forward. I have a separate file that loads while writing in tech so I will throw it there, so it will not affect normal emacs behavior. Thanks for any help. The idea of ​​an additional for this but related to the same problem is alt + d and removing it is not only the removal of the word but also after dissection. e.t.c.). The following code should work for you: (given String words make letters of characters. (((St-Syntax-Table)) (dotmeas (n (length straw)) (Modified-syntax-entry (ALTSR NR) "W" whistle) (Set syntax-table stat) (Deep Dots-Array-Non-Punctuation () (Unpunctuate-Syntax ".")) (Ad-hook 'Tex-mode-hook' dots-is-non-punctuation marks) / Code> which The living MF (forward-word function) works that "w" (or words) ...

c++ - add two shared libraries in php extension. WHO? -

I have a and sharedlib.h code that contains classes and methods. I wrap it up and share it Library which has created a library, I would like to work with Then the library inside a php code. So I've probably created a config.m4 file, a file and a php_code.h file to extend from php. I do not want to include in the config.m4 file. I would rather include because I do not want to share my code. Besides that I have other libraries which I also had included in my .o library. Need some help Edit: !! I don; I want to join T-config. M4 File: Shared Lib I only want to include sharelib.h and (the lib that contains both and sharedlib.h) I believe it will receive PHP_ADD_LIBRARY () macro in config.m4 . You can find here are some examples: EDIT: You may need the PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH () , if your shared life is not anywhere , Then the linker will ge...

compression - LZW bit packing for GIF images in JavaScript -

I am working on a JavaScript application that can generate animated GIF images. GIF images use the LZW compression algorithm, and as such I need to implement it in JavaScript. So far, I have found that the string (binary or not) can be aligned to an array of integers, then delete all this, see the pastebin link for the complete code (if you think that this Is required), but here I am running this snippet, showing that compression and decompression work fine: var lzw = new LJW (8); Var input = "TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT #"; Var compressed = lzw.compress (input); Console.log (input); // "ToberototubeBarot #" console.log (compressed); // [84, 79, 66, 69, 79, 82, 78, 79, 84, 256, 258, 260, 265, 25 9, 261, 263, 35] console.log (lzw.decompress (compressed)); // "Toberototrobotroorer #" The problem is, now that I do not know how to make binary packing. If I understand correctly the LJW algorithm, then only the bit pattern can be fit on the 8-bit limita...

javascript - How do I make elements that are generated after page load (ajax) become draggable? -

I have a page that, through an AJAX call, different php scripts are populated in every 2000ms. When the user checks a checkbox, the update interval stops and all items in the div are required to be dragged. If I do this without the update interval, but once I loose the items to load the div again, how can I make their draggable assets loose? & lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" & gt; $ (Window) .load (function () {getScreen ();}); Var editMode = false; Var intervalid = window.setInterval (getScreen, 2000); Function getScreen () {if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7 +, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest (); } Else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 & xmlhttp.status == 200} {document.getElementById ("Refresh"). InnerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;}} ( "POST", "getScreen.php? ...

c - Using pointer to char array, values in that array can be accessed? -

I created PTR as an Potter for an array of 5 characters. char (* ptr) [5]; assigned a four array address to it. char arr [5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'de'}; Ptr = & amp; Arr ); This price does not print. In my understanding ptr will include the base address of the array, but it actually indicates the memory required for the entire array (like 5 characters). Thus when ptr grows then it goes beyond the sizeof (char) * 5 bytes. So is it not possible to access the array values ​​using this indicator for the array? To use an element when you want, you must first detrain your pointer, And after which you want the element (which is deferring). That is, you need to: printf ("\ nvalue:% c", (* ptr) [0]); , which is similar to * (* Ptr) +0) Note that working with pointer for arrays is not very common in C. Instead, use the first element in the first element in an array, and either deal with a length as a separate ...

html - Css twitter widget stays outside the element in firefox -

I added this Twitter to one of the sites that I manage and for some reason, but in every browser but Firefox It looks good but this happens in Firefox Bam There is no reason for jumping on this; I have solved this solution by putting overflow; Everything on the class text video but everything else is finished in the browser? Anyone can help me to solve this. All help is highly appreciated ps site can be found here After successfully defeating its popup window, I have come to a conclusion that something like this should help you with: .textwidget {clear: both ; }

How can I download a file using AppleScript? -

Something like this: file_tgt (the path of downloading as string) file Set the form specification set file_src "http: //my_file.png" to download the application "URL access scripting" file_src to file_tgt end I downloaded the default How do I get the folder for the user? AppleScript does not like path conversion, how can I fix it? I found your solution: Set file_tgt (path of download folder as string) & amp; "File.png"

linked list - Array Representation of Polynomials -

It is said that I was reading about the linked list implementation of polynomials, Compare this representation with the addition of the same polynomial by using the array structure. In the array, we have to put a slot for each exponent of X, so if we have a polynomial of 50, but there will be only 6 words, then a large number of entries will be zero in the array. I was wondering how do we represent a polynomial in an array? Please guide me Thanks A complete Java implementation of array based polynomials is here: / P> The basic idea is that if you have a polynomial 4x ^ 6-2x + 5 then your array will look like this 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 + ---- + ----- + ---- + ---- + ---- + - --- + - --- + | 5 | -2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | + ---- + ----- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + This is Coefficient 5 is in slot 0 of the array (representing 5x ^ 0) Coefficient 2 is in slot 1 of array (representing -2x ^ 1) The coefficient 4 is in slot 6 of the array (representing 4...

java - Good practices: JDBC Connection -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैंने जेडीबीसी कनेक्शन के लिए एक सरल आवरण लिखा है और यह काम करता है लेकिन मैं इसे यथासंभव बेहतरीन अभ्यासों के साथ बेहतर बनाना चाहता हूं। यह मूल रूप से open () , close () , आयनित () , चुनें () , सम्मिलित करें () , अपडेट () , हटाएं () और बैच () । सादगी के लिए मैं केवल पहली 4 विधियों को यहां पोस्ट करूंगा। सार्वजनिक वर्ग प्रश्न {निजी कनेक्शन कॉन; प्राइवेट तैयार निजी परिणाम रुसेट; // () सार्वजनिक रिक्त खुला (डाटाबेस डाटाबेस) का उपयोग करने के लिए एक कनेक्शन तैयार करता है, डाटाबेसएक्सेप्शन, एसक्यूएलक्सेप्शन को फेंकता है {if (! (आइसओपेंड ()) {con = ()); }} सार्वजनिक शून्य बंद () SQLException फेंकता {यदि (आइसोपन ()) {if (ps! = Null) ps.close (); Con.close (); कॉन = नल; }} सार्वजनिक बूलियन आईओपेंड () {वापसी सह! = नल; } // क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग "चयन" शब्द के बिना क्वेरी है और वे प्लेसहोल्डर्स (?) // का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। द एल्ग्स परम यह इस प्लेसहोल्डर्स के मान के साथ एक सरणी है, सार्वजनिक परिणामस्वरूप चुनें (स्ट्रिंग क्वेरी, ऑब...

winapi - Using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE in VC++ 6.0 -

I am trying to build my exe win32 app which is used by testcode for using the SOSXXNSADADURUS option. But when I make my CEC in VC ++, then compile it because it says that this symbol is undeclared. Similar symbols such as SO_REUSEADDR are defined in vc98 / include / winsock2.h. There is no insight as to how to compile this thing. Which version of the Winsock libraries supports this unique address? If I change the respective header files and libraries in vc98, will it be able to run in a consistent way? Pleasure, Lamp Download and install the latest Windows SDK - SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE was not present when VC6 was shipped and it was not the headers that were supplied with it.

database - How to overwrite table when hibernate says it is locked? -

For the purpose of my application where the authors write articles, As I have some problems with locking behavior (the version field is used for this in each table) I need to overwrite a filthy entry. Did some "flag" or command lock to save DB? Will this be the option to get data from DB again, if it is dirty and after saving again? As we have a new version now and locking is over, there should not be any problem in saving it. Pseudo code (not tested): if (article.isDirty ()) {Article.get (} article.bindData (params) () for domain classes refresh () method: Note that there are warnings, so the best part is to drag your latest version of the domain object and then merge the data into the program:

combinatorics - Static sized permutations from Dynamic sized set -

How can I get all the combinations for a list where the size of the composition is static only like if there are 4 elements in the list It will only require permutations of lengths of 4, 3, 2 and 1. I'm guessing that it will require recycling. Unique combinations can be helpful but I would like to see it as the easiest (no specificity) form for my dog's power. set s = {x1, x2, x3, x4}; Array solution; Permume (I) = & gt; If (I == 0) => Print and return; While the unused element in the set = & gt; Taking element from set which is not in the solution; Put the element into the solution; Sequence (i - 1); Remove the element from the solution; If you want a more specific answer, you will need to create more specific questions. Show some code / attempts / whatever.

.net - What is the cause of "Could not load file or assembly XYZ" erros? -

I should go mentally, okay? MyAssembly file or assembly could not be loaded 'Another assembly, version =, culture = Neutral, public token = 'or one of its dependencies Access denied C: \ work \ Assemblies \ something \ MyAssembly \ SGEN I thought I did during my work at that facility That was what I am working on. So today I had a reason to check the code from our repo two months ago. And he got the same error. What ?! I know of a fact that this code was made exactly two months ago, it is going on in production! Has Microsoft removed some updates that have messed up things, or what? OK, a very specific error message is "Access denied" This is the "second assembly" or a The assembly can refer to what is required by "other non-assembly", it is a problem with some rights of your development machine and something else.

ios - UINavigationController add Right button -

I know this question was asked many times but I could not find my status: I have 1 in the main window The UIAV controller is the main window- ?? Atoms also UITableView when I select the row, navigation controller pushes another UIViewController with nib. This UIViewController is not a navigation controller, it's only inside UITableView. Here is a screenshot of this UIViewController: This is not the main window. UINavigationController with UITableView in the main window. And here's the question: When I add UIBarButtonItem to the NavigationalTime, am I pushing UIViewController? Create an UIBarButton instance inside that extension view controller's .m file, and do it yourself set on. NavigationItem rightBarButtonItem You can do it in the init method. UIBarButtonItem * barButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Heading" style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered Target: Self operation: @selector (someMethod)]; Self.navigationItem.rightBarBu...

sql - nvl with query inside -

इसके जैसा कुछ करना संभव है: और zmt.mediatypeid nvl (: P21_MEDIA, zbx.media_type से mediatypeid चुनें) : P21_MEDIA एक चर हाँ, आप हालत की जांच के लिए केस स्टेटमेंट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: और 1 = मामला कब: P21_MEDIA नहीं है तो मामला जब zmt.mediatypeid =: P21_MEDIA THEN 1 ELSE 0 END जब zmt.mediatypeid IN (zbx.media_type से mediatypeid चुनें) तब 1 ELSE 0 END

css - what deactivates an active link? -

कुछ उदाहरण .. #jqt {-webkit-border- छवि: यूआरएल (आईएमजी / बैक_बटन_क्लाइज्ड पेज) 0 8 0 14; } & Lt; a href = "#" class = "back" & gt; बैक & lt; / a & gt; और #jqt ul li, #jqt ul li a.button {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: # 676c96; रंग: #fff; } & Lt; ul class = "individual" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: कार्ट ('0', 'खाली')" & gt; रद्द करें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "javascript: placeOrder ()" & gt; अब प्लेस ऑर्डर & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; जब इनमें से कोई भी सक्रिय स्थिति को धक्का दे रहा है, तो बंद नहीं होता है कोई quirks क्यों या निष्क्रिय करने के लिए मजबूर करने का एक तरीका? thx थोड़ा भ्रमित प्रश्न। ए: सक्रिय लिंक को सक्रिय स्थिति में चुनता है; एक वर्ग है, संभवतः जावास्क्रिप्ट द्वारा जोड़ा गया और निकाला जात...

internet explorer 7 - How to get rid of IE7 emulation from withing the body code? -

Suppose i have a so called 2.0 app, which is compatible with IE6. The app uses quite a complex CSS and is powered by a pile of JS. It works, does it very well. Now assume that there is a client who is a weirdly coded site, in a manner old, and compels IE7 to simulate through this surprise of the tag: & lt; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = EmulateIE7" /> Now, he wants to use my app, which is injected into his code using a simple external script call. It works, but not under the IE7 imitation - the obscure worms from hell start to begin, even the hidden work is not even properly. The application works in IE7, but as it turns out, the IE7 emulation is not similar to IE 7 and has its own set of fancy issues. The client is unable to strip the emulation of the meta tag, so I'm not really left with what nobody knows that in any way I can postpone the rendering mode in the page header Am I or have some other suggestions? Thank y...

android - difference between finish() and killProcess by myPid(); -

I've always heard about ending any activity or android.os.Process .killProcess (Android.os.Process.myPid ()); First & lt ;: I think what is the difference between what is accurate? The second What is the best thing about them? Third For some time when we pass data through intent, then will the data be lost? before What is the exact difference between them? android.os.Process.killProcess (android.os.Process.myPid ()); Completed will delete the activity from which you End Second What is the best thing about them? This depends on what you need, but it killProcess the third & lt; : Some time when we lose data from one activity to another, when we pass data through intent, data will be lost using the fin () or the kill process ? Of course the process of killing! KillProcess will not return to the previous activity, it will kill all the activities launched in this process.

flex - Problem accessing value of selected item in a list -

I'm having trouble getting the value of an item that the user selects in my mobile flex application when I list I select an item from it, then keep that item in Array. But when I check the value (trace), then the value is [object object] and I can not use the object's actual value . Here's what I'm doing: Private var selected player: ArrayCollection = New ArrayCollection (); Private var numOfPlayers: int; ... // Check that if the item is not already in the list of selected players (Selected Players Content (Selected Player). Select the selected players. Players.aditem ( Playlistist.Channitime); NumOfPlayers ++; Trace ("Selected Players:" + Selected Players); } Output from trace (): Selected player: [object object] Thanks a lot for any advice and insights. / P> UPDATE: Here is the work code: ... // Check that if the item is not already in the list of selected players (if selected player content (playerlist.sectaid.PNName)) {// Selecte...

Embedding Python into C - importing modules -

I'm having trouble using embedded Python for C - whenever I try to use imported module I get one: Unsupported exception on 0x1e089e85 in PythonIncl.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation location 0x00000004. error is in PyObject_GetAttrString () method and documentation is not much help. I have also tried to use tutorials from IBM, but always have the same access Get infringement. The example code for one of the following tutorials, which I can not seem to work on, is that wrong here? The C-code (in a main file): #include & lt; Python H & gt; Int main () {PyObject * strret, * mymod, * strfunc, * strargs; Four * seistrets; Py_Initialize (); Mymod = PyImport_ImportModule ("reverse"); Strfunc = PyObject_GetAttrString (mymod, "rstring"); Strargs = Py_BuildValue ("(S)", "Hello World"); Strret = PyEval_CallObject (strfank, strings); PyArg_Parse (strret, "s", and cstrret); Printf ("reverse string:% s \ n", c...

c# - Can not open file when file's name is unicode character -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं खिड़की एक्सप्लोरर के साथ फाइल का स्थान खोलना चाहता हूं। मैं कोड # के साथ सी # का प्रयोग कर रहा हूं System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("explore.exe", @ "/ select," + FilePath) यह सरल अंग्रेजी वर्ण के साथ अच्छी तरह से काम करता है कोई भी कृपया मदद कर सकता है? दुर्भाग्य से, कमांड लाइन के तर्कों को मौजूदा एएनएसआई कोड पेज पर समतल कर दिया गया है और बहुत सारे संदर्भों में यूनिकोड पर वापस आ गया है। आप प्रयास करें मैन्युअल रूप से CreateProcess का उपयोग कर सकते हैं लेकिन कोई गारंटी नहीं है कि काम करेगा।

How exactly batching works in Microsoft sync framework -

Assume that I am uploading large amounts of data, which leads to 1000 batches, after 500 batches, the connection breaks down. has gone. Can I see the changes corresponding to these 500 change batches? Or, they will only be able to download the entire 1000 batches after the connection is restored. The batches are applied in a transaction so you should not be seen partially coordinated.

JfreeChart tooltips with HTML code inside -

JFreeChart टूलटिप्स में HTML का उपयोग करना संभव है? मैं StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator और override method generationToolTip सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग उत्पन्न टूलटैट (डेटासेट डेटासेट, इंट पंक्ति, इंट कॉलम, इंट पंक्ति) {वापसी & lt; h1 & gt; टूलटिप्स लाइन 1 पर & lt; \\ h1 & gt; & lt; br / & gt; दूसरा पंक्ति टूलटिप " } लेकिन यह इसके बजाय पूरी स्ट्रिंग प्रदर्शित कर रहा है। क्या किसी को पता है कि जेफ्रेचर्ट टूलटिप्स में एचटीएमएल पाठ प्रदर्शित करना है? मुताबिक़ के लिए सचित्र, प्रयोग करें। / P> परिशिष्ट: चूंकि टूल टिप्स स्विंग घटकों नहीं हैं, HTML समर्थित नहीं है। आप किसी भी वांछित परिणाम को प्राप्त करने के लिए चार्टमाउस लिस्टनर में चुने गए परिणाम से पुनः प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

bash - How do you connect to FTP server via a shell-script -

I am writing my first shell-script and I'm trying to connect to an FTP server. However, I am in a disadvantage for how to do it completely, I tried a Google search, but I am still stumped. I'm trying to connect to a username and password (not an ssh id). Thanks for your help, then this is my first shell-script. command man ftp you should be given the necessary hints , You can help to create an entire shell script

wcf - Why do i need both mex endpoint and httpGetEnable? -

I was wondering why I want to announce it: & lt; ServiceMetadata httpGetEnabled = "true" /> and also If I only use the first time - through the browser it is working Why do I need another? Can you give me examples for the situation which I have to use later? you to publish metadata to everyone Service (this service matadata behavior) - but it is not needed httpGetEnabled - this is optional A place (endpoint) where an investigator can catch that service metadata - which is the MEX endpoint is for a machine-readable format of metadata - one such Visual Studio or Sweep Multi-client can create It is not meant for human consumption

ruby on rails - Accessing the Google map object via Gmaps4Rails API -

I have successfully used GMaps4Rails to present markers with a Rail / Mongoid / Spasial model, Generally GMaps4 is getting only incredibly quiet. However, one thing remains silent behind my mind (though I've got to fix it): In all instances and answers, I have seen the Google Map object through the Gmaps4Rails. Map , such as google.maps.event.addListener (, 'click', function (object) {warning (object.latLng);}); (taken from) However, I never got this job. If I log on to in the console, then it is undefined. object type is Google Maps , so to go to the actual Google Map, I need to type google. Event.addListener (, 'click', ...) I = Provide the map immediately via gmaps I am (: Map_options = & gt; {"detect_location" = & gt; right, "center_on_user" => right, "zoom" => 12}) The signal will also be appreciated, as I am a harasser that I am doi...

actionscript - Help with ratio and frequency -

मेरे पास निम्न है: पैकेज {import flash.display.MovieClip; पब्लिक क्लास रेशियो मूविक्लिट {निजी वर् काउंटर: संख्या; निजी वारंवारता: संख्या; निजी वैर अनुपात: स्ट्रिंग; निजी var अधिकतम: संख्या; सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन अनुपात () {अनुपात = "2/8"; Var arr = ratio.split ("/"); Max = arr [1]; आवृत्ति = एआरआर [0]; काउंटर = 0; AddEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, लूप, गलत, 0, सत्य); } निजी फ़ंक्शन लूप (ई: ईवेंट): शून्य {ट्रेस (काउंटर + ":" + (काउंटर & लेफ्टिनेंट; फ़्रीक्वेंसी)); काउंटर ++; अगर (काउंटर == अधिकतम) {काउंटर = 0; }} सार्वजनिक समारोह नष्ट (): शून्य {removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, लूप); }}} यह कुछ ऐसे आउटपुट देता है: 0: सत्य 1: सच 2: गलत 3: गलत 0: सत्य 1: सच 2: गलत 3: झूठी लेकिन वास्तव में मैं क्या चाहूंगा: 0: सच 1: गलत 2: सच 3: गलत 0: सत्य 1: गलत 2: सच 3: गलत अर्थात् और भी फैलाव (प्रत्यावर्तन) ... ऐसा करने का एक तरीका है? मुझे लगता है कि मैं यहाँ बिंदु याद किया है, लेकिन यह वांछित आउटपुट देना चाहिए: निजी फ़ंक्शन लूप (ई:... - Equivalent to Java's System.currentTimeMillis() in .NET? -

Is Java equivalent? I want to find the number of milliseconds since 1970. dim ages = new date time (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, Datetimekind.UTC) The Mill Milles = CLNG ((DateTime.UtCNO-Era). Total Emilisconds)

android - ProgressDialog upade while image is downloading -

I need to download an image in an asyncTask and display progress in one progress, the only thing that I do here Can not manage how to properly update the progress bar with a 1024 bytes phase, I currently have this and it does not work Class DownloadImageTask AsyncTask and String, Integer, null & gt; {@Override Safe Wide Doign Background (string ... url) {bitmap = DownloadImage (url [0]); Return tap; } @ Override progress update on protected void (integer ... args) {mProgressDialog.setProgress (args [0]); } @ Override Protected Zero at PostXextack (Zero Unused) {Image View IMG = (Image View) SearchVBIID (RID.img); Img.setImageBitmap (bitmap); Img.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE); ImgInfo = "height:" + bitmap.getWidth () + "px" + "\ n" + "width:" + bitmap.getHeight () + "px" + "\ n" + "File size:" + file Size / 1024 + "KB" + "\ n" + "Image Name:" + + Meet (R. string.IMG_Name); Dow...

SQL try-catch statement not handling error (SQL Server 2008) -

मैं try-catch का उपयोग कर एसक्यूएल क्वेरी में एक त्रुटि (एक संग्रहित प्रक्रिया में नहीं) को पकड़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। किसी कारण से यह मेरी त्रुटि का प्रबंधन नहीं कर रहा है और मुझे अब भी मिल रहा है: संदेश 213, स्तर 16, राज्य 1, पंक्ति 29 स्तंभ नाम या आपूर्ति की गई संख्याओं की संख्या तालिका परिभाषा से मेल नहीं खाती किसी भी मदद कृपया? तालिका #temp_hierarchy (temp_gl_number varchar (50), temp_store_location varchar (255), temp_store_key varchar (50), temp_serving_dc varchar बनाने की कोशिश शुरू (50 ), Temp_exploris_db varchar (50), temp_dc_account varchar (50), temp_store_type varchar (50), temp_dvp_ops varchar (50), temp_rdo varchar (50), temp_team varchar (50), temp_dvp_sales varchar (50), temp_rds varchar (50) Temp_closed varchar (50), temp_open_date varchar (50), temp_close_date varchar (50), temp_store_manager varchar (250), temp_sales_teammate varchar (250), temp_machine_shop varchar (50), temp_address varchar (250), temp_city varchar (50), temp_state varchar (50), सैम ...

ruby on rails - What's the best way to 'ping' thousands of servers every minute? -

I run a server monitoring site for a video game. It monitors thousands of servers (currently 15,000 or so). My current setup is a little bit, and I want to improve it. Currently I use Cron to submit each server in a rickety job queue. I repeat the queue as soon as it is empty, essentially creating a continuous working queue will only try to use a socket connection in server ip and port, and mark it if it connects Fails I have 20 employees, and this job is about 5 minutes. I think it should be able to go very fast Is there a better, better way to do this? So, what are you doing at present I think that is doing a TCP socket connection Pinging Your Game Server Problems using TCPI is obviously that it is very slow with the UDP, what would I suggest, which is making a UDP socket that only checks the game server port. Here's a good quote from another question: & gt; UDP is actually faster than TCP, and it is a simple reason because & gt; This is a non-existent...

sql - Get specified number of rows in Oracle 11g -

I want to get the number of rows in the SQL. I use by selecting ROWNUM, FULL_NAME from the command OSQS_INSTITUTION FULL_NAME where between 10 and 20 between ROWNUM and Try the code> ROWNUM, FULL_NAME selections OSQS_INSTITUTION command FULL_NAME limits 10,20 and both return the same error SQL command properly Not finished edit: stringbilder sqlStatement = new stringbilder (); SqlStatement.append ("SELECT USER_NO, FULL_NAME, active"); SqlStatement.append ("("); sqlStatement.append (Select "USER_NO, FULL_NAME, Active, ROW_NUMBER () Order (FULL_NAME Order) RN"); sqlStatement.append ("from osqs_institution"); sqlStatement Append (") where between rn? And?"); Prepared position pstmt = null; Pstmt = con.prepareStatement (sqlStatement.toString ()); Pstmt.setInt (1, from); Pstmt.setInt (2, from); Rs = pstmt.executeQuery (); Try and hold the necessary. In the first version, you the syntax for your query is ...

javascript - Google Maps Gadget Not Working -

I'm not sure about a specific day, but on our company site, the Google Maps Driving Directions gadget is no longer a function, That is, it is no longer accepting instructions and automates the instructions. This is the standard gadget found. I was just curious if anyone else is facing this problem, or is there a known conflict with jQuery or any other popular script? This is a problem that is not related to your site only. We had a directions widget on a test server and it was fine to run. Last week I saw that it will not expand in IE and FF, but Chrome is working fine. I did some searches around the net and the other ones have similar issues: So it seems That there is a problem with Google code and we have to wait to fix it.

input - is it possible to get key presses from the console in java? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं कंसोल के लिए एक रोगू बना रहा हूं, लेकिन क्या कीस्ट्रोक्स मिलना संभव है जैसे कि वह टाइप किया जाता है? * संपादित करें मैंने पाया जेलाइन, क्या यह काम कर सकता है? और यदि ऐसा है तो कैसे? नहीं, आप कंसोल से कम्प्रेशर्स प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि कंसोल सिस्टम पर निर्भर है और पर्यावरण से परिवेश में परिवर्तन और चलाने के लिए चलाने से, आपके पास एक कंसोल जावा में लिखा जाता है, एक पर्ल में लिखा हुआ है, और एक सी ++ में लिखा है, यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आप किस प्रोग्राम को खोलते हैं आपके पास एक अदृश्य कंसोल भी हो सकता है (आप डबल JAR फ़ाइल पर क्लिक करें)। सौभाग्य से, आप अपना स्वयं का कंसोल लिख सकते हैं ऐसा करना काफी सरल है। यहां एक नमूना है जो मैंने हाल ही में लिखा था: आयात करें java.awt.BorderLayout; आयात करें java.awt.event.KeyEvent; आयात करें java.awt.event.KeyListener; आयात करें java.util.ArrayList; आयात javax.swing.JFrame; आयात javax.swing.JTextArea; आयात javax.swing.JTextField; सार्वजनिक कक्षा इनपुट जेफ्रेम लागू करता है KeyListener {निजी JTextAr...

Asymptotic comparison of functions -

I want to compare the following functions asymptotically and then want to arrange them in ascending order. Can anyone help me out? A reasonable explanation is LG ((â ???? N)!), LG (SquareRoot (EN!)), SquareRoot (N!), (LG), (SquareRoot (LG N)) !, SquareRoot (LG N)! Thank you If you think about "general solution" and you There are a number of supplemental functions that are in comparison with what I recommend: Use, once you know: f (n) = o (g (N)) Iff limit (n approach + inf) f (n) / g (n) is present and is not + INF You can use, for example OpenSource, Here it is. Then, LG (n) * LG (n) = O (SQL) (n)) can be (LG) LG (N) / STRR (N) limit is set : (% i1) boundary ((log (n) ^ 2) / (sqrt (n)), n, inf) ; (% O1) 0 If you want more descriptive notation: (% i1) f (n): = log (n) ^ 2 ; 2 (% o1) f (n): = log (n) (% i2) g (n): = sqrt (n); (% O2) g (n): = sqrt (n) (% i3) range (f (n) / g (n), n, inf); (% O3) 0

c# - XNA Lags when window has focus -

I am developing XNA game studin using XNA 3.1, and I have seen problems with some games, Despite where they handle many resources of interval systems, with an incomparable spare of the processor usage. When window is in focus from the game, the process # 1 (in the task manager) is used 100%, and this game shows minor interval signals (largely notable when repeated in the sound effects sequence). When the game window loses focus, it attracts real time and updates, but the use of the process decreases, and the gap disappears. I tested it with different games, and the results remain the same, prove that I have nothing with code or code efficiency Is this problem Is different from Xna 3.1, and it's okay for that? Or do I have to switch to 4.0 and hope that my game will not use anything that is not backward compatible? The problem may be due to garbage collector every time the garbage collector runs, the frame rate is one or two It may be a drop-down for Windows, though it ...

iphone - Any way to programmatically reset leaderboards? -

As I've seen in the documentation of GKScore and GKLeaderboard, reset the score reported by the player center to the leader in the sports center There is no way to do it. Am i right This is quite inconsistent, because it is possible to reset achievements: [GKHivament Reset achievements with compilation handler: ^ (NSER * error) {...}]; Any ideas? You're right. Apple allowed a reset to an achievement. There is no way to reset a game center leaderboard category or delete the category. Only about the work that I know is that only old categories are allowed to die, they have to resort to the bottom, something like "high score" Change the label and then create a new one and label it "High Score" and sort it on top it will give you a fresh one, but of course there is still a limit of 25 leaderboard categories - so at some point you are drowning Until you can not understand how old people are reused. (For example, make all your scores as X 10...

entity framework - Getting Error for updating a row in a table using EF -

When I try to update a line in the table using Entity Framework, I get this error below is. I am able to add a new entry to the table, but I am not able to update the existing entry. Error: - An example of the specified value is 'Edm.Decimal' \ r \ nParameter is not named: value and all the columns in my table are (nvarchar, char, Bit, numeric, uniqueidentifier, int) I do not even have a pillar of decimal type, I do not know where it's coming from. I am using ASP.NET MVC3 and entity framework. I have checked the table mapping with the unit framework and it looks fine. Please help me. Thank you, discretion I found the solution The column type was numerical . It should have been typed Big Intermediate I updated the type of column and it worked. Thanks, Vivek

c# - How do I convert byte array to UInt32 array? -

Let's say that I got the code in C ++ like this .. Zero * target uint32 * DecPacket = (uint32 *) target; Then it will happen in C #. byte [] target; UInt32 [] DeCaapet = (UInt32 []) target; type byte [] UIT can not be converted to [] I will align this memory to C ++ How to change in the array for #? OK, something must be used: uint [ ] Decoded = new UIT [target. Length / 4]; Buffer BlockCopy (goal, 0, decode, 0, goal. Length); Note that the number of bytes to always copy the last logic of blockcopy , regardless of the type of copy you are copying Regardless of You can not only consider the byte ARM in a code as uint Sir # (at least not in secure code; I do not know Is in the unsafe code) - but the buffer. Blackcopy will divide the byte array into uint array ... based on the system's end-of-end status, personally I am a fan of this approach No leaves this code, but there are chances of errors when you go to the system with a differe...

java - swing - windowlistener -

If I am creating a square, and I will load the object of that class in my Jeffram (class is basically a button And the panel with the text objects, but it does not matter) that my public static is not instantaneous until the zero main (string [] AGR] (unless the code is under code), how do I get WindowListener and other listeners Will I add that to the Jeffra F it is not among the original group? Usually when I have this issue, Eclipse tells me to make Jeffram or other object stable and call it universally, but I tried and I do not think it Works with an example of JFram. I have read and on other tutorials, but I want a general answer to answer this specific question for my app, because I run it in a lot of Thank you for anyone who can help or read! is showing us that your current code makes it clear what you are trying to do But it seems as if you have a class that both represent your panel and it also includes your main method, but I do not recommend it because it...

performance - Test PHP efficiency? -

I'm working on a website that has the attributes: User signup User Login Add Friend / Delete Friend Karma Hotlinks (Users can add any page there nav) Admin panel (available only for admin personnel) User email system I have created all these things and all of them Te that should be like them I can test how the php scripts - not the page load time, but the actual runtime of each script on each page? You want to start the micro time. At the beginning of your script: $ startTime = microtime (true); At the end of the script, be sure to use this variable method or else you can be negative: $ endTime = microtime (true) ; Echo ("taken time:". ($ Endtime - $ starttime)); At this time in milliseconds, you can: $ parseTime = $ endTime - $ startTime; $ Timetike = number_ format (($ parseTime * 1000), 3); Echo ($ tint. "MS"); A good way to benchmark just a look at the average run time of some popular PHP applications. Many people...

r - How do I increase the size of the points and the text with just one command in ggplot2? -

I am plotting some graphs for posters and slideshows. I want bigger digits and bigger text I have read about ggplot2's theme_set and theme_update. What can I say is that there are only two preset themes and they are different from the background color system. However, I want to enlarge all the text larger and plot points. I have learned how the font size can change theme_update (axis.text.x = theme_text (size = 30)) But it only changes the axis text, I have to do the same thing for a group of other parameters (axis.text.y, axis.title.x etc.). I call "lazy", but I want a single order which can increase the size of all the text (and also the plotted points too) Is there one or two commands that cover all the criteria? Alternatively, are there any other set themes? If you are fine with two default colors, arguments of a base size for both text It is taken on all the lessons around the conspiracy (with scaling). You can just add theme_gray (30) to your plot...

winforms - .Settings file in Win Form App, Best Practice -

I have a Win Form App that stores some user settings in the UserSettings.Settings file. It has done a good job till now, although it seems that whenever I issue an update, the settings file is "reset," which I will do through ClickOnce Is this the expected behavior? Can control overwrite the file on settings? Should I save user settings in a better way? Thanks When you issue an update, your updated The app must call the values ​​from the previous version to move. Here's a common question: Keep in mind that you should only call the method above once so that you may have to store whether you have already upgraded or not in settings and Do anything like this: if (! Settings. Default upgrade) {Settings.Default.Upgrade (); Settings.default.upgrade = true; Settings.Default.Save (); } Another possible solution is to store settings in a folder that is not dependent on the application version. In that case you will not lose the value and there will be no ne...

java - Twitter4J timeline in Android ListView -

I am using Twitter4J so that Twitter can get a public timeline. I want to display data in a ListView but I do not know that the list & lt; Status & gt; What do I do with type I twitter4j I can get it in an array so that I can use it with my array adapter. If I am completely wrong about this, then I am sorry. I'm new to java and android Edit: To be more clear, I am trying to display my list in a list view. I am using this code to get the timeline: twitter twitter = new twitterfinator (). GetInstance (); {List & lt; Status & gt; Status = twitter.getPublicTimeline (); System.out.println ("Showing public timings."); (Status status: Conditions) {System.out.println ("@" + status.getUser (). GetScreenName () + "+" + status.getText ()); } System.exit (0); } Catch (TwitterExpressTeam) {te.printStackTrace (); System.out.println ("Failed to get timeline:" + te.getMessage ()); System.exit (-1); } How can I show that data ... mvc 3 - How can I access the logged in user from outside of a controller? -

I'm using Signal R to click on the client from my MVC3 application. Every time a user clicks on something, I need to verify the logged-in user. If it is inside an MVC3 controller, then I go: if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {String username = user.Identity.Name; // here my code} However, this code execution is not within a controller class. Actually, how can I get a logged in user name from outside a controller? Actually, how can I get a logged in user name from outside an administrator? ? It depends on where you want to get access to them. If you do not have access to HttpContext you can always try HttpContext.Current.User and pray that it will not be blank for some reason For example that thread or something else is more likely to be with SignalRs which depends on the work and asynchronous processing. If this signal is within the center of R, then you have access to the user: public class chat: Hub {public void Foo () {string username = context.U...

redis - Connecting to RedisToGo through Node.JS -

I am using Redis in conjunction with the library. Radis gives me a URL which looks like redis: // me: 9393 but I do not know how to use it createClient () Only takes hosts and ports. I believe that you have a URL scheme: Redis: // username: password @ host: port . I do not believe that usernames is used node_release provides two methods that you will use to log in: createClient and auth . There are details in this, but here is the relevant section for reference: redis.createClient (port, host, option) Create a new customer connection. Default for port default 6379 and host . If you have redis-server as the node on the same computer, the default for the port and host is probably fine. In the objects with the following potential properties, options : parser : which uses parsers using protocol protocols. If the default for hiredis is that the module is installed it can be set to...

objective c - Scan iTunes Library? -

I am working on a Mac app and I need to scan users' iTunes Library. Any ideas how would I go about this? The app will scan the library in search of various song features. The ITunes library (and is not expected to be the default location for this to find the real recent location ) Read iTunesRecentDatabases or iTunesRecentDatabasePaths property from ~ / library / preferences / .plist . NSArray * libraryDatabases = [[[NSUserDefaults Standard User Defaults] Continuous DomainForName: @ ""] objectForKey: @ "iTunesRecentDatabases"]; NSURL * libraryURL = (([library database count]))? [Ns URL URL Youth String: [DBS ObjectTitx: 0]]: Zero; To see more advanced code snippets for s parserInstancesForMediaType: in iMedia s The actual database parsing is recommended using a succursor such as NSXMLParser (vs. a tree parser, such as NSXMLDocument or worse): NSPropertylistSerialization ), there are books along wi...

What controls the speed of input characters to windows NOTEPAD -

When I keep pressing the keyboard key 'A' on the Notepad, then this is notepad 25 'A' Inputs about which speed of control input characters? Notepad is a huge edit box, it is handled. Use the program to read or write this value. See the section for input parameters .

python - psycopg installation problem -

I have recently installed the Django and psycop2. Although the dragon is refusing to use it below is the error. Can anyone help? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import psycopg2 traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/", line 67, & lt; Module & gt; The psycopg2._psycopg import binary number, string, DATETIME, ROWID ImportError: dlopen (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/, 2): not found symbol: refers _PQbackendPID: flat namespace /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework: in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ after the required /Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/ Macports Python / Django is terrible for development, everything is going out of...

ios - iAD on iPAD is transparent but clickable (Monotouch) -

I am using Monochowch 4.0.7 and IAD is known as iPhone (normal) and iPhone (retina). The iPad version seems to be clickable, successfully, but it is completely empty. The emulator also has a color of mousewood. I have tried to expand the viewing frame of both the view controller and 1024x768 but it still is not showing up. Is this normal behavior in portrait mode? I am using ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait. By the way, AdLoaded is being called and there is no warning in the app output. I am considering this issue, the problem (I'm guessing) is that you Using "ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait" as the identifier in your "Essential Content Segment" set. The problem is that the string is not the same as the identifier. You should instead use a class property on ADBannerView that is called ADBannerViewSizeIdentifierPortrait or ADBannerViewSizeIdentifierLandscape. Let me know that this is out of your problem, ChrisNTR