java - Twitter4J timeline in Android ListView -
I am using Twitter4J so that Twitter can get a public timeline. I want to display data in a ListView but I do not know that the If I am completely wrong about this, then I am sorry. I'm new to java and android Edit: To be more clear, I am trying to display my list in a list view. I am using this code to get the timeline: How can I show that data in a ListView? I know how to display a string array in a ListView using an arrayweaddle, but I'm not sure what to do with it. To store the timeline, you can use a SQLite database. To display, you can extend the class simple cursor adapter which maps the database value to the views. More info: - list & lt; Status & gt; What do I do with type I twitter4j I can get it in an array so that I can use it with my array adapter.
twitter twitter = new twitterfinator (). GetInstance (); {List & lt; Status & gt; Status = twitter.getPublicTimeline (); System.out.println ("Showing public timings."); (Status status: Conditions) {System.out.println ("@" + status.getUser (). GetScreenName () + "+" + status.getText ()); } System.exit (0); } Catch (TwitterExpressTeam) {te.printStackTrace (); System.out.println ("Failed to get timeline:" + te.getMessage ()); System.exit (-1); }
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