objective c - Scan iTunes Library? -

I am working on a Mac app and I need to scan users' iTunes Library. Any ideas how would I go about this? The app will scan the library in search of various song features.

The ITunes library (and is not expected to be the default location for this to find the real recent location ) Read iTunesRecentDatabases or iTunesRecentDatabasePaths property from ~ / library / preferences / com.apple.iApps .plist .

  NSArray * libraryDatabases = [[[NSUserDefaults Standard User Defaults] Continuous DomainForName: @ "com.apple.iApps"] objectForKey: @ "iTunesRecentDatabases"]; NSURL * libraryURL = (([library database count]))? [Ns URL URL Youth String: [DBS ObjectTitx: 0]]: Zero; To see more advanced code snippets for   s    

parserInstancesForMediaType: in iMedia s

The actual database parsing is recommended using a succursor such as NSXMLParser (vs. a tree parser, such as NSXMLDocument or worse): NSPropertylistSerialization < / Code>), there are books along with more than 100,000+ tracks at some users and sometimes using parsing of trees or here Until that the serialization will slow down and potentially block your app temporarily.


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