entity framework - Getting Error for updating a row in a table using EF -
When I try to update a line in the table using Entity Framework, I get this error below is. I am able to add a new entry to the table, but I am not able to update the existing entry.
Error: - An example of the specified value is 'Edm.Decimal' \ r \ nParameter is not named: value
and all the columns in my table are (nvarchar, char, Bit, numeric, uniqueidentifier, int) I do not even have a pillar of decimal type, I do not know where it's coming from.
I am using ASP.NET MVC3 and entity framework. I have checked the table mapping with the unit framework and it looks fine.
Please help me.
Thank you, discretion
I found the solution The column type was numerical . It should have been typed Big Intermediate I updated the type of column and it worked. Thanks, Vivek
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