
Showing posts from August, 2011

c# - What is the difference between TotalFreeSpace and AvailableFreeSpace -

TotalFreeSpace और उपलब्धफ्री स्पेस और आपको क्रमशः बताता है: टिप्पणियां ( TotalFreeSpace ) यह प्रॉपर्टी ड्राइव पर उपलब्ध रिक्त स्थान की कुल राशि को इंगित करती है, न कि वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता के लिए क्या उपलब्ध है। टिप्पणियां ( उपलब्धफ्री स्पेस ) यह प्रॉपर्टी ड्राइव पर उपलब्ध रिक्त स्थान की मात्रा को इंगित करती है। ध्यान दें कि यह संख्या संख्या से भिन्न हो सकती है क्योंकि यह संपत्ति खाता डिस्क कोटा में लेती है।

iphone - Titanium - Custom Map Annotation Bubbles? -

Is there a way to optimize the map annotation bubble in Appcelerator Titanium? Specifically, I would like to be able to display more lessons than they show (ideally, in detail to fit the text) I know that I can make them clickable and more info I can take the user along to a page, but I do not have enough information to give this information. Basically this is just the text of the title too long (and I can not change the text myself, it comes from the sources on which I have no control). Alternatively (if there is no alternative, is there an easy way to do custom bubbles? I really do not want to change the wheel again and re-write the pins themselves and their event handlers, But if it comes down (and someone can write me some code that I can get, because I know it is necessary > At this time, the latest Titanium SDK allows you to optimize the annotation bubble. For example, Possibilities : Add a subtitle for the bubble ( subtitles option). You will see additional t...

c++ - how to access a text file while debugging with eclipse CDT -

I am writing this code to access a file in Eclipse CDT Ifstream inFile; Offream outfile; Next string; ("input.txt"); If ( ()) {cout & lt; & Lt; "The input \" txt can not be opened "; Exit (1);} The problem is that when I try to debug my app or my If the app goes from the inside of the eclipse, then this input. When I run my app from the console it works fine and the file opens, I have to debug the app, but this can not happen because because of some reason the eclipse id The file can not be found. Where do I want to keep the file A? This could be an issue with relative paths. Code> input.txt ? The eclipse creates a top-level directory of the work directory if you change the "input.txt" in your code to a fully qualified filename , Then it should also work.

erlang - What command line parameters do piqic and piqi accept? -

The help section in the script is less than useful, I was wondering if someone knows where the docks are? Pica writer here. The meaningful piqic erlang is specified for the command line parameters: For the user name manual: I have a different section together In the meantime, you can keep an interest in them: - True standardized - "Camel-case" Change the "Camel Seas" -style identifier from the original type specific to the names - mass-default - day Generate default constructor for ta types; In the generated code, default_ . -C & lt; Dir> - Specify the output directory for the generated code The command line parameter for piqi is quite well

nsmanagedobject - Core Data: Observing new Entity of certain type -

Whenever a unit of a certain type (and possibly altered / removed) is added, I must notify . I've read this possible by adding a supervisor to managed objectcontact. However, I have not found a real way to do this. I am doing: [reference addObserver: Path to myself: @ "{myEntityName}" option: {I have tried many different values, but I have failed to understand which one to use} context: @ "newtext"]; Thanks for the help Note: I'm obviously new to coredata / cocoa / purpose-c, and this is probably very basic, but very long Time has been followed for an answer. BTW: This is a common question that is not able to get samples and / or explanations on the way to properly follow the changes in context objects. It is possible, but I lack a description: First of all, do not confuse entities and objects . Institutions have similarities to classes and they are never added or removed from a managed object context. This is a managed object that is ...

html - how to get a serialization of a browsers rendering tree (in C#) -

I need to analyze a web page with all my layouts Relevant information (HTML + related CSS) For this, Dome tree is not enough, and so I was thinking that the best solution is to analyze the browser rendering tree ( aka frame tree ). Can someone help me, how can I possibly get the serialization of the presentation tree? The analysis I would like to get an answer is that anything has changed when the user appears on the interface. Rendering tree (as I have read) is a browser-internal tree that is extracted from the DOM tree and used to present the page. Therefore, the DOM elements which are not visible are not part of the rendering tree. Hope this explains my search ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> is a tool called dumptertree that comes with source code of webkit (Chrome and Also it is based on WebKit). This tool dumps the webpage's render tree on the console. You can take a look at your source code (mostly C / C ++) and call it from C # or you ...

css - How to float 2 columns in my footer -

I can not understand this for my life ... How can I get 2 columns To float me in my footer: & lt; Footer & gt; & Lt; Div id = "footerwrap" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "footer" & gt; Left colonel & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "footerRight" & gt; Right Colonel & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Footer & gt; and my CSS: footer {background: url ("../ images / 50x50white-bg.png") repeat scrolls 0 transparent; Clean both; } #footerwrap {margin: 0 auto; Padding: 20px; Width: 960px; } #footerLeft {border-right: 1px solid # 000000; Width: 349 pixels; Swim left; } #footerRight {border-right: 1px solid # 000000; Width: 60 9px; Swim left; } You may be experiencing a problem because #footerLeft and #footerRight are wrapped up very wide, 960px is wrapped, with 20px padding in both sides, leaving only 9 20px. The width of your two footer elements is increasing to 960. Y...

Download Java EE API JARs as OSGI bundles -

Is there a place where I can download Java EE API jar as OSGI bundles? I do not know anywhere how you can do it, but you can wrap it up and bundle them Can be deployed in the form. In this way the commands you want to use to drag them from Maven and wrap them as bundles, like osgi: install -s wrap: mvn: javax / javaee-api / 6.0 .

question about interfaces and generics in Java: type mismatch error -

Let's say I have the following interface: Public Interface interface public vector & lt; Interface & lt; T & gt; & Gt; GetVector (); } and the following classes implementing that interface: Public abstract class C Legally a vector & lt; C & lt; T & gt; & Gt; Why is not legal to return (clearly) a vector & lt; Interface & lt; Returning T & gt; & Gt; . C is actually implementing the interface , so it should be possible, right? What am I missing? EDIT: Why does this work for non-generic interface? Is this really a common problem? Public Interface Interface {public interface getVector (); } Public abstract class C applied interface {Private C; Public interface getVector () {// errror return this.c; }} Because vector is clearly created Interface & lt; T & gt; , Interface & lt; T & gt; Not the things to expand, I believe that if you defined the definition of public vector & lt; Ext...

android - Removing on click Listener from all buttons? -

I am making a simple 'Tic Tac Toe' game and so I have 9 buttons. One click is similar to the listener, which I have set in the layout on "click" property so that I do not need to create 9 buttons in the code to set the listener. My problem is that I should remove all the listeners from the button when a game is won or tied. Is there any way of loop through all the buttons without creating 9 button variables and setting every listener to empty? My code: Click on Public Zero (see V) {button b = (button) v; Integer tag = (string) bitaget ()); Value [tag] = turnuplay; B.setText (turnToPlay); B.setOnClickListener (zero); PlayerTurn.setText ("Player" + Turnplay + "turn"); If (isBoardFull ()) {playerWon.setText ("Tie Game !!"); RemoveAllListeners ()} if (turnToPlay.equalsIgnoreCase ("X")) {turnToPlay = "O"; } And {turnToPlay = "X"; }} This function to cross the view tree and remove ...

javascript - Reading the IMG within an A on click jQuery -

I am trying to optimize my script to read the alt attribute of an IMG within one. For some reason, this is not a work: $ ("# thumb"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); var title = $ (this + "IMG"). Etr ("alt"); warning (title);}); This returns the value of [commodity] I appreciate some help, thanks. $ (this + "IMG") does not select anything, So the warning you are seeing is just an empty jQuery object. You should use the $ (this) .find ("img") which should be selected within img elements select this , i.e. this Anchor element case in $ ("# Thumbs"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); var title = $ (this) .find ("img"). Attr ("Alt"); Warning (title);});

How to backup a flume master node config? -

I am using flu on a project and I am looking for a way to back up config for master node. . How would I go about doing this? I can not find any information about the backup on the User Guide. In addition to this, I am looking to run many copies of the master node so that no copy fails, I do not know how to do it - is there any suggestion? You need to change this Zookeeper log dir in flume-conf.xml, which is the default tmp dir The configuration does not save between the restart. See this thread

php - How to open a list of buffers in Vim without affecting current window -

In the vim, I would like to load the list of buffers without affecting the current window. This is currently loading a list of buffers : n ** / *. Php My current window is loaded in the last file. I am looking for a specific solution where buffers are loaded in the background and my current window is not affected. I not after: How to get my last window back: : B # How to create a Vim function to avoid losing my window. How to create a session and load it back : mksession myproject.vim # vim -S Myproject Thank you for your help! Clear the argument list and add files using : argadd : : sil! RGD * | Arga ** / *. Php All files here are removed from the logic list before the : argdelete command (since a file name match * In file-pattern). To suppress the deletion command E480 display, press : silent! After the command is run, when the argument list is already empty, any file to be added in the logic list is attached to it using the : arg...

Is it possible to get the string displayed in the URL bar using javascript? -

I know that window.location.href sometimes returns something other than the string displayed in the URL bar. Is there a way to get the string displayed in the URL bar in Javascript? When I go to through this user script, then document.location.href is not always "" as expected. location has many properties that you should allow to receive Check the part you want. Chrome, by default, hides the URI's protocol (see also the comment of @Andy E).

ruby - How to mock Rails::configuration -

I am trying to test a class that uses the rail configuration file. I have the railway railway :: configuration I want to joke. I have tried things Rail: :: singleton_class.expects (: configuration). Return ('Result') Rail :: singleton_class.stubs (: Configuration). Return ('Result') How can I go about doing this? rail. Estimate (configuration). Return ('Result') Please note that there was a typo in your example. Return value returns , return Also note that, Rails.configuration returns Rails.application.config . If your method does not use the Rails.configuration , it can actually block the call and your expectation will not work.

php - Surnames with quotes breaking SQL query, how to fix this? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैंने अपनी साइट का परीक्षण करने के लिए एक मित्र से पूछा और उसका उपनाम एक 'था। O'Rourke तो मुझे रोर्के के आसपास सिंटैक्स के साथ त्रुटि मिली स्पष्ट रूप से एपॉस्ट्रॉफी की वजह से मैं इसे रोकने से कैसे रोक सकता हूं ताकि वह मेरी साइट पर पंजीकृत हो? $ name = $ user_profile [name]; Mysql_select_db ("gamedb", $ कॉन); $ Sql ​​= "उपयोगकर्ता (एफआईडी, नाम, दिनांक) मूल्यों ('$ फीड', '$ नाम', अब ()) में प्रवेश करें"; क्या इस समस्या को सुलझाने से बचते हैं? आईर फेसबुक अकाउंट से नाम पुनः प्राप्त होने के बाद से मैं वास्तव में इसे बचने की कोशिश नहीं कर सकता था। धन्यवाद तैयार बयान का उपयोग करें वह स्वचालित रूप से इनपुट से बचने को संभाल लेगा वर्तमान INSERT एक के लिए खुला है जांचें

xcode4 - UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath error - when selecting item again -

A list of items was loaded on the UITableView and was able to click and show a warning for the selected row. But after saying "ok" on the alert and I'm already clicking on the selected row already, my code empties "Thread 1: Program received signal: EXC_BAD_ACCESS". Please take a look at the code below. - (zero) tableview: (UITableView *) table view was SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) index path {NSDictionary * playerselected = [Object object audit: indexPath.row]; NSString * video = [The selected value of players forKey: @ "video"]; NSString * msg = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "You have selected% @", video]; UIAlertView * Warning = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Player Selected" msg: msg Rep: Auto Cancel Button: @ "OK" other button titles: zero]; [Alerts show]; [Warning issued]; [Video release]; [Msg Release]; } Please suggest to me what the problem might be. Do not release video ...

Using "Create Table" for an SQL Server 2008 R2 database -

If I'm going to write a whole SQL script to create a database with tables (foreign key) I should write Dependent tables first? You have a few options: You can create, and then use the optional table to add the foreign key. As you build tables, you can make one of the many relationships. In that case, the table will be the order of creation. When you make such a DB (not many times), give the seeds to the tables along with the data How much data do you enter, before or after INSERT data Decision to implement RI. If you have small tables, then RI check does not consume lots of resources. If you have a large table, then you can insert the data first and then apply RI - such a check was not made in one line at a time. But at one time for all the rows Since you are sewing tables, you know your data - you will probably clean up the insertion so that the downstream ry does not fail to check.

php - SELECT DISTINCT + COUNT with some lastIndexOf? -

What I'm trying to do here is to remove the last part of a string. The string always ends in the same way: Abrupt-string, so I search in '-' to remove 'string' (whatever can be done). Meaning: 'Hello-world' to get the 'world' (former) (field_name), 1, INSTR (reverse (field_name), '-') - 1)) AR group ARDER ID by CRP group ID group Works. How can I count the number of times, did SIL found the same 'end-string' while doing its separate tasks? Is it possible to combine in the same question? I am using this question for a PHP project ... SELECT COUNT (*) SUBSTRING_INDEX ([field or string] from the `last_part` under the table (*) S` `Incidents`, SUBSTRING_INDEX (` field_name`, '-', -1) , [Delimiter], -1) you get the last part (due to -1), and COUNT () related group edit: your title will be "last Index ", by which I think that you can see each group The highest id means that you can do the maximum...

html - Is there an efficient way of doing jQuery toggle? -

I was creating an FAQ section for my site and, thinking that the answer to the question There is a more efficient way to answer for giving. Clicked. So far, I have the code below, however, when any question is clicked, all this answer opens. If I want to do it one by one, then I have 100 questions, and write 100 line toggle for answer -1, answer-2 ... So, is this the solution? (Function () {$ ("p.answer"). Toggle ("slow");} $ (function () {$ ("a.question"). ;}); HTML + CSS: a.question {display: block} p {display: none} & lt; A class = "question" & gt; Question 1 & lt ;? / A & gt; & Lt; P class = "answer" & gt; Answer 1 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; One class = "question" & gt; Question 2? & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; P class = "answer" & gt; Answer 2 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; One class = "question" & gt; Question 3? & Lt; / A & gt; ...

ios - How to most efficiently (both memory & performance wise) load a uitableview with large number of records? -

itemprop = "text" After we load the 10 records of a web service iPhone app - Users will gain less texts (no graphics) in increments The current, NSXMLParser XML is parsed, by recording the NSMutableArray, by recording more records by pressing the 'Load more' button ('app store' app 'load equals for more than 25') And if the new record gets stored in ('load more') is added to the array Now, we are facing both problems, which we believe are related to our current law of record storage in Rama. These are: In the event of low memory, when we switch back to the app from the app switcher, and then, view the extension, press the 'back' button either to either the accidents or the table view Reloads! App crashes after just 400 records! To deal with these issues, just make an array of records in SQLite (or core data) instead of storage? Or else we have something more / different? Please guide! Thank you! I can show mor...

django - how can I return the post data to the manual html in a view -

I have a file with form data and some assumptions, but in my template file, Do not present it using after posting the template with the template, when I do not validate the data, how can I return the data to the template (valid in . Sorry, my question is not so clear, my question is how can I send data back to the manual template in after errors. The following code is an example: (many fields in my form and some assumptions) class Project_f (forms.Form ): Slug = forms.CharField (max_length = 100) ...... def post_view (requests, * args, ** kwargs): Pr_form = Project_f (Request post, request.FILES) if Pr_form.is_valid (): ......... Return HTTPPRPS portal ('/ admin / MPM / project /') '' 'when Pro_form is not valid '' 'c = {' form ': Pr_form} c.update (csrf (request)) Manu again without using A template template , all elements are the same with, but the format ...

height - Resize javascript window -

How do I apply a resize event to this code, so it gets a new height of the window if its change $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# page"). Height ($ (window). Light ());}); $ (function () {$ (window). Resize (function () {$ ("# Page") height ($ (this). Light ());}). Resize ();}); As you can see, I have also shortened $ (document) .ready (function () {}) bus $ (Function () {}) .

silverlight - MediaStreamSource Custom Implementation -

As you know, you can set the Media Source to MediaElement.SetSource (stream) You can use. A stream like a file on the local hard drive, now assume that the video contains multiple streams, for example, about 1 hour of video is spread over six ten minutes segments. Do I need to implement a custom mediastream source? Note: I am developing a Silverlight OOB application. Any help would be greatly appreciated. You probably do not have any problems now, but anyway: I think that if you piece together If you want to glue then you need to implement the source. In practice, however, I successfully used two media elements to be inserted in one another to successfully get a proper transition. It is not ideal, but implementing the source seemed a little difficult for me. If you have an implementation for the source or come in a better solution, then I would still be interested.

Android 3.0 Emulator has Bluetooth included? -

I know Bluetooth support for the Android emulator 2.0 is not supported. About 3.0 (Honeycomb)? No, I do not think 3.0 Android emulator is open Support for BT

iphone - Status update field blank using @"message" in the latest Facebook API -

I am creating a demo app where I can upload random jokes generated through the app. My code was working just before 12 August 2011, the updated Facebook API is now a policy in Facebook that you can not automate the status updates through the app, then the user should write status updates? How do I get a job for this? NSMutableDictionary * params = [Object andkey with NSMutableDictionary dictionary: kAppId, @ "app_id", MainTextView.text, @ "message", zero]; [_facebook dialog: @ "feed" and Param: Paramus and DeAlit: Self]; This is what I have used and used to do the right thing. I have also tried stream.publish. Regards You can see the published_stream one user's wall To create a post, if you are trying to create a post, when the user does not log in directly to your app, then you also need the Offline_Assident . This description of the changes made on August 12, I do not see anything that would have broken the ability to post your ...

deterministic and asynchronous field validation in WPF -

From my MVMM based application, I have to validate the field from the data entry. If possible, I would like to use standard WPF authentication binding with error templates. However, I would prefer to execute the validation logic for the following reasons, to be fully operated / triggered by ViewModel (dragging in the view, not by the view): It should work asynchronously because it can take a while to complete the verification logic. To perform the verification logic, I need to be more determinant and fine sugarcane (for example, when users "Apply" I know that Silverlight In the INotifyDataErrorInfo , which was actually introduced for this purpose, but WPF does not. How can I still achieve my verification logic in a regular and asynchronous form? Ray has posted a reply on the question that apparently gave this one answer.

php - strtotime date weird result -

निम्न स्ट्रिंग दिनांक को देखते हुए: शुक्र Sep 02 2011 21:00:00 GMT + 0100 (GMT डेलाइट टाइम) php में अगर मैं ऊपर पर एक स्ट्रेटोटेम करता हूँ, और फिर इसे वापस स्ट्रिंग तिथि में कनवर्ट करता हूं, ऐसा लगता है कि एक घंटे तक लाभ होता है। $ str_date, "वीएस", तिथि ("सी", स्ट्रैटोमेट ($ str_date)) को प्रतिध्वनित करें; उत्पादन: शुक्र Sep 02 2011 21:00:00 GMT + 0100 (GMT डेलाइट समय) बनाम 2011- 09-02T22: 00: 00 + 01: 00 मुझे पता है कि यह डेलाइट सेविंग्स के साथ क्या करना है, लेकिन इसके लिए कोई कैसे क्षतिपूर्ति करता है? > मुझे एहसास है कि यह डेलाइट सेविंग्स के साथ करना है, लेकिन इसके लिए कोई कैसे क्षतिपूर्ति करता है? तारीख () और strtotime () का उपयोग करके नहीं; दिनांकटाइम वर्ग को पसंद किया गया है। $ str_date = 'शुक्र Sep 02 2011 21:00:00 GMT + 0100'; $ Datetime = नया दिनांकटाइम ($ str_date); प्रतिधारा $ datetime- & gt; प्रारूप ('c'); // 2011-09-02T21: 00: 00 + 01: 00 या प्रक्रियात्मक शैली में $ str_date = 'शुक...

php formating numbers -

I would like to format the numbers, so the format of such numbers: 1 = 1 10 = 10 100 = 100 1000 = 1000 10000 = 10,000 100000 = 100,000 1000000 = 1,000,000 I think it can be done with number_format (), but right now I have a The problem is, if the number is 35679 then it shows 35,679,000 If you want to show 35679 as 35,679: number-format (35679,0, '', ','); The first parameter is the input number. is the quantity of second decimal. The third is the decimal separator (not required without decimals). Last thousand separators. (You can probably set the decimal number to 3)

visual c++ - OnTimer only repeating first function call -

Basically I have a program that has 6 sliders sending values ​​through a serial port, I'm dynamically using a timer. Resend these values ​​as they change by user. The problem I have is that the 6 functions called by my timer are behaving strangely, the first function calls the call, and continuously sends the signal, but the second 5 Only send signals later when the values ​​change the user. (I want to change the current value of each slider constantly, so that I'm sending it, that device does not come out, and the code is the same for them, but the timer already works properly). I was thinking that this was a known problem with timer or I am doing something wrong. My timer is: Loop_Timer = SetTimer (1,50,0); ... Zero Cessarial Port Dlg :: Onitimer (UINT Niedent) {write_1 (); // works as expected, without the constant user input, writes this function with Write_2 (); // These work only when they change, and stop sending later. Write_3 (); Write_4 (); Write_5 (); Writ...

android - Which IDE should be used for Java Application development? -

I want to develop an application for Nokia mobile I googled and found that J2ME is the language in which the app developed for mobile phones Please suggest any IDE in which I can apply for Android, BlackBerry, Nokia (generally uses Nokia platform) and more. Is it possible to have a single IDE for all types of development described above? I work on Microsoft.NET technology and are new to Java development. For Android, see the following for the Android SDK and Eclipse setup:

r - Running out of memory with merge -

I have a panel data that looks like this: (For my query only enough Deduction) Persno 122 122 122 333 333 333 333 333 444 444 Income 1500 1500 2000 2000 2100 2500 2500 1500 2000 2200 Year 1990 1991 1992 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1992 1993 Now I want to give each row (parsono) years of work experience in the beginning of the year. I ddply hilf3 To create a product that looks like this: Task experience: 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 > Now I have the ddply in my original panel data To merge the results: data & lt ;-( Merge (Data, Hilf 3, By. X = "Persno",) By.y = "Persno") The panel data set is too large. The code is closed due to memory size error. ERRUMSAGE: 1: In the make .inick (as Cheture (rows)): Allocation of 4000Mb in total: Support (memory.Scz) See What should I do? Reading your question again, I think that you actually merge Just do not want to use just sort your original data frame and RBI from Bilghar to hilf3. Ev...

objective c - How to determine whether class B is a subclass of class A? -

It seems that if you develop for Mac OS, then NSObject in SubclassOfClass method but when I check the reference of the IOS class for the same class, there is no way in it (and complains about the Xcode method). My current solution is to put a method - (zero) iAmClassB there, and execute a responses: iAmClassB , but it sounds like a contractor is. Am I missing something? This is the version of iOS 2.0 and later SDK if ([ Classby Hashbys of Class: [Classes Class]]) {NSLog ("Yes Class of Class" is class of sub-class "); } : isSubclassOfClass: returns a Boolean value It indicates that the received class is similar to the subclass or same class of a given class. / P> A class object. Return value Yes If the received class is a subclass or is similar, then aclass , Otherwise not . Availability Available in iOS 2.0 and later.

flex - Removing the header from a Spark DataGrid -

How can you remove the header row from the Spark DataGrid? MX Datagrid had the "Show Headers" feature but this did not seem like in Spark Datagreat. It seems that this should be a very easy task, so either I am extremely dense or missing something? Do I have to create a custom skin for my datagrid and remove header parts? It seems that the octal or flex / spark method is there? Thanks, Phil for you DataGrid create a custom skin, you should just make a copy of the standard spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin and it removes the following lines: & lt ;! --- @private - & gt; & Lt; s: GridColumnHeaderGroup id = "columnHeaderGroup" paddingLeft = "1" paddingTop = "1" paddingRight = "1" minHeight = "21" column separator = "{headerColumnSeparator}" headerRenderer = "{headerRenderer}" / & gt;

autocomplete - Python readline module: Set 2 character delimiter -

I am using the readline module to auto-complete names (first name last Name). I want to set a 2 character delimiter, but by setting readline.set_completer_delims (',') , it accepts the comma and the white space as a delimiter . But I only want combination. The problem is, now I am entering the first name which is present multiple times, with different names. Instead of suggesting all the possible last names of completion, Readline thinks that the white space's character is a delimiter, and again starts suggesting all the names. How can I solve this problem? Further information: I am already using a custom completion function: # Configure and Enable Tab Full Def Full (Text , State): "" "Contact integer work for readline module" option = [x [2] .strip () for contacts in x if x [2] .mount (.with startwith (text.strip () Less ()) Try: Return option [state] + ',' except index error: Return any readline.set_completer (full) The pr...

Attempting to connect to a remote Solaris server from PHP site -

I want to connect to the Solaris server from Windows OS with PHP site, to execute some shell scripts on Solaris Server . The site just hang there and did nothing. & lt ;? Php exec ('ssh root @'); Echo exec ('cd desktop'); Echo exec ('. /'); ? & Gt; I think the problem here is that you are connecting to the Solaris box Ssh is not doing anything with the process and through. When you call ssh root@ , you start an SSH session with the Solaris box. Then this process is waiting for you to say what to do: If you do not have any certificate set up, then you can ask for a password. Even if it is not, it will hang at the prompt on the remote box waiting for a command, like a normal terminal However, you are trying to execute it on other machines on the local machine, with the following call for exec () . To execute anything on a remote machine, you have to pass orders in the ssh process you created....

c# - Problem querying web page parsed with HTML Agility Pack -

मेरे पास निम्न स्रोत कोड स्निपेट है: & lt; div class = "discount_tools_row" & gt; & Lt; div class = "discount_tools" & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" वर्ग = "शेयर-छूट" rel = "nofollow" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "/ सौदा / नक्शा / 4243683" वर्ग = "शो-स्थान" शीर्षक = "×? × × ¨ × ?? × ×? × × § ×? × ×? × × ¢ × × × × × × × × ?? डेटा-पता = "× ¨ × ?? & amp; # 39 ;? × ×? × | & amp; quot; ×? 39, × ¨ × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × | × × ?? ?? × ?? "& gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; link rel = "prerender" href = "http: / अभियानआईडी = 873 और एसआईडी = 10" & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "tavo_button" डेटा-प्रदाता = "बड़ा कदम" href = "http: //www...

How pagination works in php -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास एक वेबसाइट है जहां मैं mysql डेटाबेस का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मैं अपनी वेबसाइट में डेटा देखने के लिए पेजिंग का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मुझे शुद्ध से बहुत सारी पेजिंग स्क्रिप्ट मिली, लेकिन उन स्क्रिप्ट्स ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहे हैं अब मैं अपनी खुद की साधारण पृष्ठ पर अंकुश लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं। मैं तर्क कैसे समझता हूं कि कैसे पृष्ठांकन पृष्ठ पर काम करता है। कुछ स्क्रिप्ट में $ GET ['पेज'] क्या है? क्या आप कृपया एक सरल पेजिगन स्क्रिप्ट भी सुझा सकते हैं। पृष्ठ पर अंक लगाना एक समस्या है जिसे में हल किया जा सकता है कम से कम कुछ तरीके: डेटाबेस स्तर पर टेम्पलेट स्तर पर (टुकड़ा सरणी आदि) अक्सर पृष्ठ जो कि वर्तमान में प्रदर्शित किया जाये, उसे GET पैरामीटर जैसे कि $ _ GET ['पेज'] से आपके उदाहरण की तरह से पारित किया जाता है। ऐसा करने के लिए डेटाबेस स्तर आपको MySQLs LIMIT और OFFSET खंडों में दिलचस्पी होगी।

c# - How to verify that a correct BCL method is called -

A situation arises in OP where a BCL method was preferred for its expansion method. The OP could not verify the way it was called. How do I do with Visual Studio Debugger? Note: I know that you can press F12 or you can fire the reflector. right-click the line in the debugger and step in the specific menu See who will show you the full name of the method implementing

jquery - Filament Group Ipod Menu no show -

The original example here is what I would like to achieve: The Ipod style menu is to put the breadcrumb (second one down) with the menu The page without clicking on the link to appear It does not seem to be a CSS issue, so it should be related to jquery, and clicking on the link will trigger the menu, and try as I have recognized it yet, someone else has been in the same position and it Have you solved? This ipod menu fixes the problem, but you definitely need to use Wijmo . Hope this will help anyone with the same problem.

Abstraction in Java? -

Today I have heard from my friend that encapsulation is not only hiding information but also acquiring intangibility. How does it get? public class employee {name of private string; Private Ent ID; Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; } Public string getName () {return name; }} The above example gets the encapsulation where I allow the class to access my public method rather than the private members, but where does the picture get an abstract picture? Can anyone explain me clearly on the abstract? Two different things, information hidden and intangible. It is possible to hide information, but it is something different, for example, use of your code public class employee {Private string name; Private Ent ID; Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; } Public string getName () {return name; }} ID area is actually hidden; it allows someone to handle AIDS in a way that is decoded with the rest of the program. Your name field is actually h...

java ee - Eden space and Old space utilization 100% -

I am using the jwsdp-1.2 web server. I can suddenly see that the server is unable to handle the new request. I ran the jstat on the process and I could get old and used Eden space almost 100%. ? Which JVM parameter should I change now to resolve my problem & gt; jstat -gc 24802 10000 S0C S1C S0U S1U EC European Union OC OU PC PU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 13632.0 14208.0 0.0 0.0 23360.0 23360.0 176128.0 176123.0 20480.0 18698.0 218 7324 15948 20963,955 20971,279 13632,0 14208,0,0,0 0 , 0 23360.0 23360.0 176128.0 176123.4 20480,0 18698 218 7,324 15956 20974416 20981,739 13632,0 14208,0 0, 0 0,0 23360.0 23360.0 176128.0 176123.5 20480,0 18698 218 7,324 15964 20984,790 20992,114 Which JVM parameter should I change now to resolve my problem? It is likely that your problem is a memory leak in your application. If that is the case, then the JVM is not helping to neutralize the parameter. Refer to this question: You need to use a memory profile so ...

phpdoc - PHP Documentor - creating or modifying Templates -

I'm using the first PHP documenter I have to know how I can change the parser-generated html I can integrate this document within my corporate structure. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks I recommend checking instead. This is a modern version of PHPDocumentor with support for PHP 5.3. Very fast and more memory efficient Creating your own template is easy - see.

javascript - Selection range to HTML element -

How can I convert a selected element to an HTML element? For example, the string quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ​​ , I have received the part brown which indicates the selection number Start = 10 and end = 14 (selection is not created by user input). Now, I get this part of the string & lt; Span & gt; Brown & lt; / Span & gt; ? PS I have seen the answer provided uses execCommand, but it does not satisfy me, because I need it to be as transparent as possible. I am using the range API for selection, but in this case - "Selection" is only stored in the start / end location pointers Does not really have any selection. I had an idea that I can use the indicators to make a selection in the background, and it will be invisible to the user, but then ... I do not know how to execute it. Thanks in advance! In this case you can do this by using the range . I'm assuming that your text is contained in the same text node, fo...

ruby on rails - syncing folder after deploy -

Every time I'm deploying my redemption repository with the Castiestano running my files. I can see that Cassitario simulates the public directory, but there is no {root} / file directory. I have read some articles on the internet but it can not seem to work. Then I want to keep my files after deploying in the {APPROOT / files} directory Many thanks for reading this. You have two solutions: 1: Your files Place the directory in the public / shared which is maintained by the deployment. 2: Add a task to your castrina recipe to create a symlink after each deployment: Tasks: create_files_symlink ,: roles = & gt; : "Ln -nfs # {shared_path} / files # {release_path} / files" end "update: 'update_code', 'create_files_symlink',

Camera intent staying open on android -

I'm making an application for my app, I've got a camera intent, when an activity is created, the problem is that When I click OK for the captured picture, it re-opens the camera again to take a picture. Here the code is given: I can confirm that something is set to false on another activity That when this activity begins, the false thing taken is wrong Enhances PublicExtra QuickEditActivity Activity {took public stable bullion; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.quickedit); If (! QuickEditActivity.taken) {RunCam (); }} Private Zero RunCam () {QuickEditActivity.taken = true; Meaning camIntent = new intent (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); StartActivityForResult (camIntent, 1); } @ Override Public Wide OnActivity Result (The result of int execcode code, the result code, intent data) {if (data! = Null and data. Gate extras = =!) =) Empty (bitmap bitmap = (bitmap) data. Gate Extras ) ("I...

javascript - Use JS regexp to check if certain chars are in string -

I am working on a JS function to generate password strings, in this case lowercase, as uppercase, 0-9 and Punctuation I have put together a base string, such as: function genpwd (azlc, azuc, num, pun, len) {var chars = ""; If (azlc) character + = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; If (Ezuk) Characters + = "ABCDEFGHKJLMNOPQRTUVX"; If (number) character + = "012345678901234567890123"; If (pun) chars + = "! @ #% & Amp; () =? + -_.: ;; * {} [] [] ^ $ /"; Then I select the characters in a new string and give it to the loop through the original string (given length of password) and give it as output password. for (i = 0; i & lt; len; i ++) {nextChar = chars.charAt (Math.For (Math.Random (* * charsN)); Password + = Next charge;} Return password;} This is an easy way to create a random string, but does not guarantee that at least one letter output string from each "four group" . I have seen some other examples of ...

android - Proportionately re-sizing ImageView when width is set to fill parent -

Is there a way to determine the height of an image view if the width is set to android: layout_width = "Fill_parent " ? It appears that there is no direct way to adjust the view of an image, without it the dimension of any one seems strange that the app expects many screen sizes and proposals to support to be done. You can use wrap_content for height and on the right scale (Either in the code or in the android: scaleType attribute in XML). You are probably looking for CENTER_INSIDE / Android: scaleType = "centerInside" . View

ios - inviteHandler never called -

I'm adding two players online in a game using the game kit. My test device is running a 3G General iPod Touch 4.3.5 and the second Jean iPod touch is running 4.2.1. Game Center notifications are running on both devices I'm not using the iPhone Simulator Both devices are logged into the Game Center sandbox with different accounts The accounts are already friends. I can successfully validate the local player and start an invitation, but the invited device will never invite invitationHandler Never called Invitation Handler is set immediately after certifying the local player . I suppressed the Game Kit programming guide and implemented all the methods in the GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate protocol but I'm stumped. When I originally created these sandbox accounts, then came back, "Game Invitation Allow "turned off. Game Center on the sandbox / m tab In, tap the yellow account banner and then look at the account. Only this is known when creating... - VB2010: Viewing Object Structure for Learning/Visualization Purposes -

I was wondering if there is a way to take an object in Visual Basic 2010 (Express, FWIW) and its structure Browse through the medium For example, I have an object named "model" which is created by a function which is a black box i Model is set by the "reading" function which loads a DXF file from the disk is. The reading job is not very well documented. Whatever I have found is that model. Entity ends with a list of different objects, with all the different properties. I just want to be able to browse this list of objects and see their respective properties and values ​​in run-time, as you can use "Blah" to use Intelligence to see a list. And waiting for the pop-up to appear. The view of a tree which you can be open and closed will be excellent. Obviously, it has to work during run-time rather than the editor because the file is not running, if the program is not running. Is there anything that is possible in Visual Basic 2010? Is this an underly...

haskell - Why is GHC sometimes refusing to be lazy? -

It goes into an infinite loop at I'm not sure. Past $ filter (& lt; 100) $ [2 ..]> gt; = = (\ A -> if 0 == (length $ filter) == 0) $ map (mod a) $ [2..a-1]) then (return one) other []) It is not refusing to be lazy, there is no way to know that You take all the prime and lieutenants. 100, there is no one else. What if looked like sequence 1, 2, ... 99, 100, 101, 102, 5, 103, .. In other words, last can not predict the future Oh, how I want to.

How to extract MySQL data monthwise and daywise to populate table to draw graph using PHP libchart? -

I have a table that has call_id, timestamp, date, firstname, last_name, status and so on. What do I need to do to draw the graph by data, filtered according to their dates. This is for month-to-date graphs, I need to position = accept the number of rows that are approved for each day of the month according to the current date. And, for the year-to-date article My idea of ​​doing this is - For months-to-to-time, Date: $ temp = date ("Ym-"); While ($ i & lt; = Date ("D")) {$ query = "Main WHERE Status =" Approved "and Call = '". $ Temp $ I. Select from "" "call_id; $ result = mysql_query ($ query, $ link) or die (" ", mysql_error ()); $ count [i] = mysql_num_rows ($ result);} And then I was thinking of pursuing these meanings in the array in the other temporary tables (YTD for one and one for MTD) by a "floating" loop and then Drawing articles from those tables using PHP Libertarch Is ...

c++ - QueryPerformanceCounter Status? -

I have read something about the problems and problems of QPC implementation. But all those discussions and articles have to be out of time is. Anyone know what is the present status of QPC functionality on existing Win7 OS and Intel / AMD cpus? Is there any improvement? For example, is Turbo Boost still a big issue? I am particularly interested in this because I need time to decide between time of application, timetable for time in my application and query performance. QPC had compromised software side by Microsoft's age (old KB article on problem :). This fix can be established for any piece of mind on any target system (I have seen some games), although this should not be required. All new processors have hardware correction / compensation, as well as TCC is being synchronized correctly between the core, so problems with the RDTSC based timer have been aborted. Hot-fix can be obtained from here: I'm not sure there is anything for other systems, but due to this ...

ios - UINavigationController barstyle property changes layout -

I have a modal view controller that displays a navigation controller in the navigation controller in turn as a regular UIViewController The root view is the controller. Only UI element which has a UISwitch near the above UIViewController Now here's the problem: When I change the barStyle property of the Navigation Controller, the layout of UISwitch inside the UIViewController changes Here's what I'm talking about: If I do not set barstyle property, here's what I get: UISWet now has its own 'Exepected' place Now if I set the barStyle property, navController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent; Note that UISwitch is behind the navigation bar: There is a code for UISwitch in UIViewController: - (zero) viewDidoad {UISwitch * mySwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (20, 20, 100, 100)]; [Self.view addSubview: mySwitch]; [MySwitch release]; } Does anyone help me understand what is happening? When you use...

jquery - How to display json feed to user? -

I have a valid Jason feed which I am using jquery and dragging it to the server by accessing a php file. An example of JSN feed from the PSP file inquiry {"item": [{"acc_number": "11111", "acc_name": "test account", "demographic": [" "" "Phone": blank, "SMS": blank, "email" acc_name ":" MyAccount ":" 22222 "," some "," some stat "," 99 999 "]," last "third" Null, "Email": Null)], "Total_items": "MyStreet", "MyState", "99999", "Last_thirty": Null, "Phone": Null, "SMS" 80 "," md5sum ":" c7a834d45bdf348abfdcdb95994c7608 "} I am using the code below, though I know through the feed I would not want to bring all the records and fields down, but I could not find anything. $. Ajax ({type = 'GET', u...

content management system - Magnolia CMS - Module Creation technique for creating templates -

Looking for other modules built in Magnolia, you need to create templates based on Magnolia standard templateing kit ... Can I start with any of my friends ... or to take some steps ... Thank you in advance ... Have you read the documentation specifically in the section of the Technical Guide on STK: If you have any questions now M I recommend using

Android HTTP Authentication -

मैं एंड्रॉइड में HTTP के जरिए प्रमाणित कैसे करूं? यूआरएल यूआरएल = नया यूआरएल ("यूआरएल यूआरएल"); Authenticator.setDefault (नया प्रमाणकर्ता () {@Override संरक्षित पासवर्डअधिकरण getPasswordAuthentication () {System.err.println ("" के लिए उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करना "+ getRequestingScheme ()); वापसी (नया पासवर्डअटिकेशन (" उपयोगकर्ता नाम "," पासवर्ड ".toचरअरे ()));}}); InputStream स्ट्रीम = url.openStream ();

python - Painting QTreeViewItem expand buttons and sibling/child lines -

I am using a curie view and a quintum deagle to supplement the regularity of most colors. However, expansion / concise buttons and brother / hair lines are automatically prepared by any other paint regularly. What is their illustration, and how can I control it? Edit: Now, Qt draws a QTreeView item in this sequence: [expand button] - [checkbox] - [rest of the tree Stuff] I want to attract it in this order: [checkbox] - [expand button] - [rest of macro content] The problem It is in QItemDelegate that all my painting detail is on the right side of the button. You can change using one of those styles in the example sheet reference: QTreeView :: branch: is-siblings! Adjoins-item {border-image: url (vline.png) 0; } QTreeView :: branch: is-siblings: adjoins-item {border-image: url (branch-more.png) 0; } QTreeView :: Branch:! -Baby :! Has-siblings: adjoins-item {border-image: url (branch-end page) 0; } QTreeView :: Branch: Children are:! Is-siblings: closed, QTreeVie...

java - int with leading 0's behave strangely -

Possible duplicates: int num = 0200; Println (number); // 128 System.out.println (033); // 27 Sure - this should be used as octal According to java language specificity, verbally,: One digit number has an ASCII score of 0, followed by one or more ASCII digits 0 to 7 and one positive , Zero, or negative integer Octel diabetes: octal diabetes octal diabetes: octal digest octaligit octal diabetes octal digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note that octal The score always consists of two or more digits; 0 is always considered a decimal number, not that it is very important in practice, because for all the 0, 00 and 0x0 digits, all represent the same integer value.

Excel: Working with named Range.NumberFormat in VBA: "General" vs. "Standard" -

A few questions about the range. Score format here - Hopefully anyone can answer them, because the web is hard to find, all the general conditions. A small background: I'm trying to eliminate the "random" Error 1004 code: Number of category categories Unable to set property edit The message is when I try to set up, the error occurs. In a named format, the number format of the late-bound object, mainly working with "normal" or "standard". The object, the application is in 99% of the cases. Selection. Also, please, the most common reason for this error - protection on a sheet or workbook - does not apply here . From Excel 2003 to 2007, Microsoft has started a bug in VBA if I type in the instant window? Selection. Numeric and press Enter, I get "normal". If I'm running a macro with a breakpoint I'm some edines (not all, not approximate), then I usually get "standard" what is "standard"? Where does...

bitmap - How would I have to imagine pixel-based rendering in Haskell? -

Imagine a compulsory rendering engine that later hits the bitmap to be seen, it is called heavily. That depends on the ability to effectively convert individual pixels into bitmaps. How do I make such a language without any side-effects? I think that is called for a completely different data structure? You can change any algorithm which uses an unstable state in an algorithm that contains " Strings "states the state with it. Haskell offers a way to do this in such a way that it still feels like mandatory programming with state monadise However, I feel that basic blit operation should be done in a more functional style. Could. By pixel operations, you are basically combining two bitmaps to create a new bitmap via pixels. It seems very functional to me High quality compulsory codes are often faster than good functional codes, but if you are willing to give up a little speed, then you normally have a lot in a pure functional style Can Create Good Architecture

setuptools - How can I find additional files installed with my python package from an included script? -

I have created a python package which is installed with many external files to be able to read those files from those scripts What should be installed with the package I can see that I can use the __ file __ in my script, and it gives something like this: / library / Python 2/6 / Site-package / M5-0.3 .0-py2.6.egg / EGG -Info / script / .. And so where can I navigate where files were installed ( Top level of the .egg directory), but I'm looking for a more "standard" way to determine where my package is installed. You probably want to do something like function this __ The file will be read in the relative resources of __ if your package remains on the disk as a standard Python package directory structure, and I think it will be read as a zipped egg in the form of well (although I Have not used it for yourself).

Is there a User interface in window installer for uninstall? -

It's complicated to explain and I'm trying my best to forgive in advance. I have developed window installer with checkboxes to install different window services. Let's say I have installed 2 to 3 services and installed it properly. My requirement and question is that I want to uninstall the checkboxes and one of the UI to show the installed services, want to uninstall it Is it possible with the window installer? Or should I develop windows app to do this? Thanks No The general approach is to put each service in its comfort and install users to "modify" to remove personal features. During Uninstall, everything will be removed; There is no substitute for "partial uninstall". But allows the revised user to install and uninstall individual features.

SqlAlchemy closure in subquery -

I have searched many topics and did not find the answer, or the question was very complex. alright then. This is my first question from parents. how the SQL select parent. *, (Select WHOSE = child.parent_id from child) to this section in sqlalchemy? WHERE ui.invited_by = Can it be reproduced in the collection? SQL Quote? I know that this can be done by group_ using the query (using the Subquery) will give you the desired results : sq = session.query (Child.parent_id, func.count ( .label ("child_num")). To use # group_by (hair .parent_id) sq = sq.subquery () # to 0 (zero) with children, those parents also have q = session.query (guardian, sq.c.child_num). Outerjoin (sq) q = q.filter (guardian .id == 1) # Add your filter here: ui.invited_by = q.all () for x: print x , but something like this: select parent. *, Anon_1.child_num asin_1_child_num Join the original left (select child.parent_id as parent_id, count (chil...

git - QtCreator and version control basic set-up -

OK, so I'm relatively new with QT and have never used the version control system before I'm git or To try to boil or try something else I have downloaded both, but in each case I can not make "repository" or "parameter is incorrect" or unable to execute "git": the process failed to start: such a File or directory "whenever i When he tries to make a new project and set up a version control system. How can a beginner start? Thank you. I got it and it's running with:

orm - DDD - Access repositories from entities, bis -

I asked last month whether an entity should use a repository, and although it seems that most people It seems that they have to admit that it is difficult for me to be confident. I have a case of use, for which I can not really think of any ( appropriate ) method without logging the repository in my unit without injection: We have store , which is zone (city, district, ... - user-defined). In order to reduce the workload of the employee in charge of adding the store to the database, and to ensure consistency, we do not ask it to select the area in which the store wants to add it just zooms on the map, Clicks to indicate the store location, and saves. The app then needs to find the most relevant area for this place. What I currently have is: class store {protected area area; Safe location location; Protected area area zonaropository; Public zero set location (point location) {zone match zone = this.zoneRepository.findByLocation (location); If (mailing zones == blank) {n...