html - how to get a serialization of a browsers rendering tree (in C#) -

I need to analyze a web page with all my layouts Relevant information (HTML + related CSS) For this, Dome tree is not enough, and so I was thinking that the best solution is to analyze the browser rendering tree ( aka frame tree ).

Can someone help me, how can I possibly get the serialization of the presentation tree?

The analysis I would like to get an answer is that anything has changed when the user appears on the interface. Rendering tree (as I have read) is a browser-internal tree that is extracted from the DOM tree and used to present the page. Therefore, the DOM elements which are not visible are not part of the rendering tree. Hope this explains my search ...

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

is a tool called dumptertree that comes with source code of webkit (Chrome and Also it is based on WebKit).

This tool dumps the webpage's render tree on the console. You can take a look at your source code (mostly C / C ++) and call it from C # or you can parse the output of the console.

Here is the code that can help:


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