question about interfaces and generics in Java: type mismatch error -

Let's say I have the following interface:
  Public Interface interface < T increases the number & gt; {Html} 

public vector & lt; Interface & lt; T & gt; & Gt; GetVector (); }

and the following classes implementing that interface:

  Public abstract class C < T's extension number & gt; Applicable interface & lt; T & gt; {Private vector & lt; C & lt; T & gt; & Gt; Vector; Public vector & lt; Interface & lt; T & gt; & Gt; GetVector () {// Error returned this.vector;   

Legally a vector & lt; C & lt; T & gt; & Gt; Why is not legal to return (clearly) a vector & lt; Interface & lt; Returning T & gt; & Gt; . C is actually implementing the interface , so it should be possible, right? What am I missing?


Why does this work for non-generic interface? Is this really a common problem?

  Public Interface Interface {public interface getVector (); } Public abstract class C applied interface {Private C; Public interface getVector () {// errror return this.c; }}    

Because vector is clearly created < Code> Interface & lt; T & gt; , Interface & lt; T & gt; Not the things to expand, I believe that if you defined the definition of

  public vector & lt; Extends the interface & lt; T & gt; & Gt; GetVector ();   

The problem is that for some V, T or V extends T that foo < V> Foo & lt; T & gt; does not have an overflow. The compiler does not test legacy on general arguments unless you explicitly point to that extension point.

vector & lt;? Using the Interface & lt; T & gt; , while vector & lt; Interface & lt; T & gt; & Gt; This means that the interface to apply or extend any class is & lt; T & gt; means "vector with only interface items.

It is probably more convincing to consider that the

Update :

  • I tested this and have been compiled without the following errors or warnings

      Interface interface  gt; public vector & lt;? Extension of the interface & lt; T & gt; getVector () Gt; get.wector () come here this return.vector;}} table C  / code>   

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