SqlAlchemy closure in subquery -

I have searched many topics and did not find the answer, or the question was very complex. alright then. This is my first question from parents.

how the SQL


  select parent. *, (Select WHOSE parent.id = child.parent_id from child) to this section in sqlalchemy?  
  WHERE ui.invited_by = u.id   

Can it be reproduced in the collection? SQL Quote? I know that this can be done by group_

using the query (using the Subquery) will give you the desired results :

  sq = session.query (Child.parent_id, func.count (Child.id) .label ("child_num")). To use # group_by (hair .parent_id) sq = sq.subquery () # to 0 (zero) with children, those parents also have q = session.query (guardian, sq.c.child_num). Outerjoin (sq) q = q.filter (guardian .id == 1) # Add your filter here: ui.invited_by = u.id q.all () for x: print x   

, but something like this:

  select parent. *, Anon_1.child_num asin_1_child_num Join the original left (select child.parent_id as parent_id, count (child.id) child_num as child_num child group still does not understand how you described the sub-query That is why you want to do it.      


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