
Showing posts from April, 2010

forms - jquery selecting using (this) -

If there are multiple lines, after clicking the button with the click function, select the span class "current dogtag" How can I use it (this)? When I try to alert the click function, it returns an object. & lt ;? Php do {? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "owner-pet-line" & gt; & Lt; One name = "petit" lt ;? php echo $ row_rs operpats ['id_pet'] ;? gt; " Id = "petid & lt ;? php echo $ row_rs operpats ['id_pet'] ;? gt;" & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "owner-pet-row-petname" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "owner-pet-edit-pet" & gt; & Lt; A href = "pet-edit.php? Id = & lt; php echo $ row_rs operpates ['id_pet'] ;? gt;" Gt; Edit & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ row_rs operpates ['digname_pet']; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "owner-pet-row-left-div...

http - Split CRLF between TCP payloads -

I am currently writing a low level HTTP parser and running the following problem: I Receiving HTTP data on a packet-by-packet basis, i.e., TCP pallodes at one time. While parsing this data, I am using HTTP protocol protocols to illustrate header lines, chunk data (in the case of chunked-encoding) for CRLF, and to duplicate the header from the body to the double CRF I am using. My question is, do I need to worry about the possibility of splitting between two TCP packet payloads of CRLF? For example, the HTTP header will end with CRLFCRLF whether it is possible that the two subsequent TCP packets will have a CR, and then LFCLLF I agree that yes; This is a matter of concern, because application (HTP) and TCP layers are no different from each other. Any information in this will be highly appreciated, thanks! Yes, it is possible that the CRLF is divided into different TCP packets. Just think about this possibility that a single HTTP header is exactly one byte from TCP MTU. In th...

c# - MSBuild uses .sln when called from PowerShell script but .csproj when called from command line -

I am scratching my head over this for a while and I can not find anything I can do to execute the following Trying: C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ MsBuild.exe D: \ SourceFiles \ Testing \ AppaloosaDotNet \ AppaloosaDotNet \ AppaloosaDotNet.csproj "/ T : _CopyWebApplication; ResolveReferences; publish "/ p: ReferencePath = D: \ builds \ test \ latestbuilding \ / p: outdir = \\ servername \ d $ \ webcontent \ appaloosaDotNET \ bin \ / p: WebProjectOutputDir = \\ server name \ D $ \ WebContent \ appaloosaDotNET \ If I type this command directly into the PowerShell prompt, then it works fine. Although I have created a PowerShell script that calls it for me and when the script executes, then MSBuild takes up a folder and uses the solution file (.sln) to create the project. Problems come with this because the targets are not found in the solution file. If I type the command manually and execute it, then MSBuild prints that it is creating D: \ sourcefi...

c++ - referencing problem in void * pointer? -

यह कोड: int p = 10; शून्य * q; * Q = 10; संकलित नहीं करता है: '=': 'int' से 'शून्य *' में कनवर्ट नहीं किया जा सकता हालांकि, यह कोड ठीक संकलित: int p = 10; शून्य * q; Q = & amp; p; इसके पीछे क्या कारण है? ए शून्य * एक अज्ञात प्रकार के आंकड़ों को इंगित करता है (यदि यह प्रारंभ होता है, जो आपकी नहीं है)। आप केवल एक ज्ञात प्रकार के चर को निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं या ज्ञात प्रकार। int p = 10; शून्य * q = & amp; p; * (इंट *) क्यू = 20; अगर (पी! = 20) ... कुछ बहुत ही गलत हो गया है ... यह शून्य * को एक को बदलता है * int * और उसके बाद एक dereferenced पूर्णांक पॉइंटर के लिए एक मान निर्दिष्ट करता है। - Modifying the .net RichTextBox -

I have to do certain things with RichTextBox. I have to add syntax highlighting and I should be able to figure out that Every time the key was pressed, what position was added / removed / inserted Is there any way to edit existing, or is there an open source (pure compatible, preferably available for download? I have tried to try my own, the problem is that it will work normally in every function and I do not have enough time to implement it. Thank you! There is no need to change the wheel again. To do this, you have two options: First of all, you can hook up in an event that you picked by RichTextBox and what you need there: Private sub-rich textbox 1_TextChanged (ByVal Sender as the object, as the system ByVal and System.EventArgs) RichTextBox1 handles the text to 'locate the code' it has been folded Area that was changed to 'most likely that there will be a variable that stores the original text and compare it with' Rich textbox end sub- in T...

php - Path in a Modified Preorder Tree Traversal -

I have applied a modified pre-order tree traversal. My tree is something like this: + ------- + ----------- + ----- + ----- + | Referee | Name | LFT | RGT | + ------- + ----------- + ----- + ----- + | Faucet Base | 1 | 8 | | 2 | Basic | 2 | 3 | | Faucet Listener | 4 | 7 | | 1 | Test | 5 | 6 | + ------- + ----------- + ----- + ----- + Everything is fine, but Now I tried to apply a PHP search function based on a path, something like this: $ result = searchTree ('base.listener.test'); // Now there is an array with the result node {1, test} This means that the path discovered gives a subline based on the given path. If the path is not present, then it will return an empty array. My current implementation is a recycling task that loads the tree in a PHP array and then divides the path and moves through the array. It seems to be a non-scalable implementation ... a better implementation (maybe using a MySQL query?). My current implementation is like this before I get t...

Improve Ruby on Rails Performance Windows 7 -

I am following Ruby on the development of railways but I am using windows to run rake and rail works. Very slow but I have heard that it is quite unlike on Linux I am using a netbook for development (Acer Aspire One 722) and using VirtualBox to run Ubuntu. Even doing the whole dual boot things is not an option because I go into serious processor load balancing and heating issues, which are not really the luxury of the time to troubleshoot. What I would like to know: Can I set up anything or the setting that I can change will give me speed like Linux when displaying these rakes and rail works on Windows 7? I have heard that Sigwin and Mingav are "Linux emulators", is there any way I can take advantage of them? I am developing a composite of Windows 7, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux and my experience It is that the native windows are the slowest rail environment, I have got Linux under VM, not so bad, but it is clearly out of the picture for you. Windows 7 on my i7 / ... mvc 3 - non-nullable value types in editor template for insert -

I need help with solving a design decision roadblock with a colleague. public square fu {public date time} FooDate I do not respect my views very much, but likes to post questions on stack overflow, so here goes :) Suppose I have the following model: {Received; Set; }} In my template, I want to create a form to update / insert this model, so I have the following code: @ (Html.BeginForm (...)) is using {... @Html.EditorFor (m = & gt; m.FooDate) ...} one While updating, set this value of the textbox to the value of the current model, which is good though, when I do a blank model to put one, then this text box will be replaced by 1/1/0001 That is not good, which is not good. It is clear to me why this happens, and the solution seems to make the FooDate faucet and put a [required] attribute on it My colleague does not accept this, because FooDate property is not really worth trying. The second option will be different templates for Inserts and Updates. I s...

ios - Texture no longer renders after UV change -

I am going to write texture Atlas Manager, but I have run into a problem. When I modified my original UV coordinate, does my program no longer render anything ?? This is my Draw Code: - (zero) Droverframe {[(EAGLView *) self.view setFramebuffer]; // GLfloat aspectRatio = self.view.bounds.size.height / self.view.bounds.size.width; Float m [16] = {2 / self. Overview. Boundsize.with, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 / Self. Observation. Bounds Skies Height, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake (512, 512); CGRT drones = CGRactack (0, 0, 106, 126); GLfloat x = (1 / imageSize.width) * drawBounds.size.width; GLfloat y = (1 / imageSize.height) * drawBounds.size.height; Static forceps GLfloat corners [] = {-53.0f, -63.0f, 53.0f, -63.0f, -53.0f, 63.0f, 53.0f, 63.0f,}; GLfloat texCoords [] = {0.0, 0.0, x, 0.0, 0.0, y, x, y}; Glucaller (0.5 F, 0.5 F, 0.5 F, 1.0 F); GlClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); GlUseProgram (program); [[Texture Library Shade Breakout Library] BindTechnctions: @ ...

php - automatic image gallery insert -

I have this code to insert any image uploaded in the "image" folder, which I have in the gallery ... my problem is that it involves them randomly .. I would like to set it up to include the most recently uploaded photo at the end of the gallery "row", any suggestions? Thanks & lt ;? Php $ image_dir = 'Upload / Image /'; $ Per_column = 10; If ($ handle = opendir ($ image_dir)) {while (false! == ($ file = readdir ($ handle))) {if ($ file! = '.' & Amp; $ file! = '..' ) {If (strstr ($ file, '.png')) {$ files [] = $ file; } If (strstr ($ file, '.jpg')) {$ files [] = $ file; } If (strust ($ file, .gif ')) {$ files [] = $ file; } If (strust ($ file, '.jpeg')) {$ files [] = $ file; }}} Closed ($ handle); } If (counting ($ files)) {foreach ($ files as files $) {$ count ++; Copy; Li & gt; & Lt; Img src = "', $ image_dir, $ file,'" width = "20" height = "20" title =...

iphone - USB communication between iPad and Mac or PC -

I would like to write an iPhone / iPad app that can communicate with a Mac or PC program through a USB connection ( Which I also have to write). Does anyone know how I can go about doing this? (I know that I may need to jailback my iPad) "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Socket communication via USB (USBMX) can get your needs. When an iPad or iPhone plugs into the Mac, a device description will be / var / run / usbmuxd. You can create a socket and connect it to / var / run / usbmuxd and / or send / packaged data from an iOS device. The data should be wrapped. This is a brief reference from Fahonwikis, which I can provide is sample code to connect to USBMDD. struct sockaddr_un endpoint; Size_t size; _usbMuxSocket = Socket (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); Endpoint.sun_family = AF_LOCAL; Strncpy (endpoint.sun_path, "/ var / run / usbmuxd", 17); Size = (offset (straight sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen (endpoint.sun_path) + 1); Connect (_usbMuxSocket, (s...

Stock Market API -

I wonder if some stock market APIs will allow me to display stock information of a certain corporation to create a negative website. I have seen the Google Finance API and apparently you can use it to create iGoogle gadgets so that it does not work. I believe you are wrong about this. There is a JavaScript API that you should be able to use in any normal web application.

C# - Array from XML as an embedded resource -

I use an array to try to find a nice clean way to load the contents of an XML file I am, but I have only partial answers here and there. My XML file is an embedded resource for simplicity, and it has a list of 115 elements, all of which have a id and name attribute. The XML looks like this: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? & Gt; & Lt; Item xmlns: xsi = "" & gt; & Lt; Item & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 1 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Example1 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 2 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Example2 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 3 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Example3 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; ...

ruby on rails 3 - Using simple_format somehow modifies a models attribute in-place -

It's weird that I have a page which is a comment feature on an example of simple_format model though on the same page This is a form that allows updating this comment. When I simplify the attribute, this feature is shown in the modified form (i.e., with paragraph tags etc.) in the form. I can not see how this is happening, unless there is any modification in the simpler format format that has a feature in place but how can this happen when it executes: simple_format @ warranty.comments Output: & lt; P & gt; Here are some comments & lt; / P & gt; and in the form below and below the page, even if we just call: @ warranty.comments We receive: & lt; P & gt; Here are some comments & lt; / P & gt; If I change it: simple_format @ warranty.comments.clone the behavior goes away Is there anything clear to me here? Unless it was called as @ warranty.comments.simple_format, I would not expect to modify the original feature ...

c# - Passing TransactionScope to tasks created by Parallel.Invoke -

I need TxJobs , which are running in parallel, creating a scope for this parental transaction for . How do I make this work? using (var tx = TransactionScope ()) {Parallel.Invoke (TxJob1, TxJob2); Tx.Complete (); } {Var tx = new TransactionScope ()) by using DependentClone : {var dtx1 = Transaction .Full: Duplicate Clone (Dependable Clonoption Rollback Implant Complete); Var dtx2 = Transaction.Current.DependentClone (DependentCloneOption.RollbackIfNotComplete); Parallel Invoke (() => txjb1 (dtx1), () => txjb2 (dtx2); Tx.Complete (); } and in the TxJob2 methods, this works if I just complete to > DependentClones . However, if I create a scope from the clone, then I will be using transaction_bortedException : void TxJob1 (transaction dt) {(var tx = new TransactionScope (dt)) Is achieved by. {Console.light line (dtx transass information local identifier); Tx.Complete (); }} The exception is raised by the call method in full , not in TxJobs . Why is t...

C#'s null coalescing operator (??) in PHP? -

क्या कोई भी त्रिगुट ऑपरेटर या पीएचपी में है जो ?? जैसा सी #? ?? सी # में साफ और छोटा है, लेकिन PHP में आपको कुछ ऐसा करना है: // यह बिल्कुल ठीक है कि सिवाय $ _REQUEST ['परीक्षण'] अनावश्यक है गूंज isset ($ _ अनुरोध ['परीक्षण'])? $ _REQUEST ['परीक्षण']: 'हाय'; // यह पूर्ण है! छोटा और क्लीनर, लेकिन केवल इस स्थिति में। रिक्त गूंज? : 'रिक्त यदि रिक्त'; // यह लाइन त्रुटि देता है जब $ _REQUEST ['test'] सेट नहीं है। प्रतिध्वनि $ _REQUEST ['test'] ?: 'हाय'; PHP 7 जोड़ता है: // $ _GET ['उपयोगकर्ता'] का मान लाता है और यदि कोई अस्तित्व नहीं है, तो 'कोई नहीं'। $ Username = $ _GET ['उपयोगकर्ता'] ?? 'कोई भी नहीं'; // यह समतुल्य है: $ username = isset ($ _ GET ['user'])? $ _GET ['उपयोगकर्ता']: 'कोई नहीं'; आप PHP के टर्नेरी ऑपरेटर (php & gt; = 5.3 only) लिखने का संक्षिप्त तरीका भी देख सकते हैं // उदाहरण के लिए उपयोग: लघु टर्नेरी ऑपरेटर $ Action = $ _POST...

wif - Implement Windows Identity Foundation on PHP -

Need some advice on whether the Windows Identity Foundation can work with the PHP platform or not? I know that the WIF is intended for the .NET framework, and about one of its features is the type of single-signon feature. What do I need to do to include WIF's features on PHP Client domain sites? Provides single sign-on capabilities through the Windows Identification Foundation (WIF) protocol, which There is an open standard. So in order to implement WIF functionality in PHP, you only need to use one of the SAML PHP libraries. There are many, but probably the strongest, and I was able to work for this one. The PHP application that accepts AD FS STS claims Hope this helps. We also use the same library in Drupal (with minor modifications) to enable single sign-on.

php - Making Facebook Like Button Display a Variable on Wall after Like Button is Clicked -

I'm using a Facebook Like button. This works, showing my domain name and an image from my site. But I would also like to display the $ submissions on the volume how can I do it? Like buttons: echo & lt; Div class = "like2" & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Fb: such as href = "http: //www.domain .com / directory / directory / fblike.php? Submissionid = '. $ Submid.' & Amp; Submission = '. $ Submissions.' & Amp; uid = '. $ Uid.' "Send =" true "layout =" button_count "Width =" 150 "show_faces =" false "font =" arial "& gt; & Lt; / Fb: Like & gt; '; Echo & lt; / Div & gt; '; at : & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML Public "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ...

xorg - Desktop sharing with Xnest/Xephyr? -

Is it possible for two users using Xnest or Xephyr to create a "shared" desktop extender? That is, a single "fake / virtual" desktop desktop session is sung in a window on two separate real X servers on the same LAN. Yes it can be done with Xvnc (better / faster) friends, but this "real X" stops and requires a VNC client Thank you It is possible "real X", but, as far as I can imagine, with Xnest / Xephyr No: It is possible using XDMX. Li> Login as root Display your Display Manager ( / etc / init.d / gdm stop , or kdm, or whatever) X-noreset -retro -ac: 0 This is required because you allow remote clients to connect to their X sessions This is a security problem! In machine B.: Li> xdmx.conf with the following content Create a file named: xdmx.conf: Virtual Example 0 {Display ": 0" 500x500 @ 0x0; "" Display 500x500 @ 0x0; } Then, run this command...

php - Is there an R equivalent of strtotime -

This is amazing work in PHP, which keeps any string with any date format and gives a time (since seconds) - 1970). For example, this is more futuristic than sriptime because if my script does not change in the date format then is there anything like R? (In today's time, I do not need a time-sensitive attribute of Stratome, but I'm sure that at some point, I'll be able to call me strtotime ("next Thursday") , or Stratomain ("the first day of last month"), , so if you know that there is such an extension, I would love to hear about it!) Update Do: If anyone (maybe I have a point in the future) in R or any other language apply it Want to try to do, so I relate to track down files timelib.h, and timelib_structs.h. It all looks for standard C and standalone, but there is no PHP header to bring it in. However, the compile process compiles the * .re file into the actual c, so you have to install and compile PHP at least once. This is al...

Simple PHP/mySQL query? -

मेरे पास डेटाबेस है जो उपयोगकर्ता नाम, नंबर और वाहक को user नामक तालिका में संग्रहीत करता है । मुझे यह जानने की आवश्यकता है कि कैसे एक प्रश्न लिखना है कि यदि मेरा मान नाम के बराबर है - तो उस नाम से जुड़े संख्या और वाहक को मिलेगा मैं इसे php में लिख रहा हूं और यदि आवश्यक हो तो जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करेगा। मुझे आपको "SELECT * से उपयोगकर्ता कहां नाम की तरह '{$ value}' का उपयोग करना चाहिए ' क्योंकि = का उपयोग सटीक मूल्य के लिए खोज करेगा उदाहरण के लिए: अगर डेटाबेस में मान है जॉन और यू को जॉन के लिए खोजा तो यह नतीजे प्रदर्शित नहीं करेगा, लेकिन अगर आप पसंद करते हैं तो यह सभी संबंधित परिणामों जैसे जॉन, जॉन, जॉन, जॉन आदि। आपको धन्यवाद, मेघा

dependency injection - ASP.Net MVC 3 - unitOfWork.Commit() not saving anything -

I have created a web application using ASP.Net MVC 3 and EF 4.1, and I am using UnitOfWork pattern I am nothing but there is nothing in the database, it is all new for me, and I do not know where to start this issue. I am based on this post to create my web application: The last code, which can be obtained, also has a service layer And the unitofwork is being injected into the services. Instead of using custom injectors based on Unity 2, I am using Unity, project. MVC3 Here's my IUnitOfWork class: Public Interface IUnitOfWork {void Commit (); } And here is my unit affiliate class: Public class UnitOfWork: IUnitOfWork {Private Readonly Database Database Database Factory; Private MyProjectContext Datacontex; Public UnitOffArt (IDBase Database DatabaseFinary) {this.databaseFactory = databaseFactory; } Protected MyProjectContext DataContext {get {return dataContext ??} (Datacontax = DatabaseFeatureGet ()); }} Public Zero Commit () {DataContext.Commit (); }} An...

Highlight the jquery tab when error occured validate with jquery validation plugin -

I have a form with 3 tabs using jquery UI / TABS. To validate the form im using the jquery validation plugin and how to press the required field error in the text box of my other tab, how to highlight the second tab, the user can see that How about any help coming related to Just click on the second tab Find and add some CSS class to it. Given that you have created tabs like this: $ ("#example"). Tab (); You can easily "select" any tab and add some squares to highlight it in some way (to add the class to the third tab: $ ("#example> ul> gt: li: nth-child (3)"). AddClass ('my_tab_highlight'); Of course you To be consistent with my_tab_highlight, there is some CSS CSS class, for any visual indication. Also, after clicking on the third tab you probably want to remove my_tab_highlight class.

perl - WWW::Mechanize and -

मैं पर्ल मॉड्यूल WWW :: Mechanize के माध्यम से खोजना चाहता हूँ। $ mech- & gt; प्राप्त करें (""); $ Mech- & gt; फॉर्म_नाम ("मानक-खोज प्रारूप"); $ Mech- & gt; फ़ील्ड ("खोज-शब्द," स्नाइडर "); $ mech- & gt; फ़ील्ड (" खोज-स्थान "," सीए "); $ mech- & gt; सबमिट करें (); मैंने भी $ mech- & gt; submit_form (...) बटन मूल्य / प्रकार के साथ की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मुझे हर समय निम्न संदेश मिलता है: http: // /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ पंक्ति 39 पर आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि रेखा 39 है $ mech- & gt; सबमिट करें (); क्या फ़ॉरवर्डिंग उस साइट पर मैकेनिक है? मैं इससे कैसे बच सकता हूं? सबसे पहले आप खोज कोड के बाद " याद किया है पीले रंग के स्रोत कोड को देखते हुए, "मानक-खोजफॉर्म" नाम के साथ कोई फॉर्म नहीं है फ़ॉर्म एक आईडी "खोज फ़ॉर्म-फॉर्म" के साथ है इसलिए उस उदाहरण को काम करना चाहिए: मेरी $ mech = WW...

c# - What does the AT Modem Command do? -

I have a problem I'm involved in a Windows CE software project which runs for a few years and a small part of it's modem There is a possibility to communicate with Can anyone explain to me what does AT Command send to the following modem? ATD 9 0001, 00w01234567890 The number behind "w" is not a real one for this post. Thank you very much twickl Wow, something In the meantime those people had seen: AT - Attention - DT - Dial Tone 9 - Send Number 9 , Wait - 011 - Dial 011, , - Wait # 00 - Dial 00, w - Wait for the dial tone - 012345 - Dial the number I feel like you dial in some type of PBX and then issue the command.

multithreading - How many ways are for creating a new thread in Java? -

असल में, थ्रेड वर्ग को विस्तारित करने और रननाबल इंटरफ़ेस को कार्यान्वित करने के अलावा अन्य क्या तरीके उपलब्ध हैं? चलाने जो थ्रेड आपको भी start () ) को कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है। जावा कोड में धागे बनाता है जो सब कुछ कवर के पीछे एक तरफ वापस आता है (जैसे एक कार्यान्वयन इन्स्तांत करेगा थ्रेड ऑब्जेक्ट्स कुछ बिंदु पर, ...)। उस थ्रेड में निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कौन से कोड को चलाने के दो अलग-अलग तरीके हैं: इंटरफ़ेस को लागू करें और इसे लागू करने वाले क्लास का एक उदाहरण पास करें। विस्तार करें थ्रेड और उसकी विधि को ओवरराइड करें। पहला दृष्टिकोण (कार्यान्वयन runnable ) आमतौर पर अधिक सही दृष्टिकोण माना जाता है क्योंकि आप आमतौर पर कोई नया " Nd "थ्रेड का है, लेकिन बस कुछ कोड चलाना चाहते हैं (जैसे। एक समर्पित धागा में एक runnable )।

php - Adding points for each user -

I want to add points for each user identified with a mail address, whenever he performs a task, Points are added, different points for different tasks and every point needs to be done every day, this is what I am trying to do and another thing I am working on the jnd. public function sumpoint ($ user_email) {('' (dot ''))) - & gt; Select where ('emailAddress =?', $ User_email) = $ this- & gt; GetAdapter () - & gt; Selection () - & gt; ('Tbl_points' - & gt; order ('on created DESC'); $ Totalpoints = $ this-> getAdapter () -> Fitchon ($ selection);} I'm not sure if this is correct, please let me know. How do you manage this Do not use a scene in your database? Something like this: as V_USERS (select one. *, (Select number ( Points) from tbl_points where tbl_points.emailAdress = a.emailAdress) sum_points your_user_table A); And then, in the order, you can call 'V_USERS'. If you set the aut...

xml - XPath - determine the element position -

I want to create an index for each table (determine the position in XML) but the problem is that tables are different Depth I am planning to process XML with XSLT conversion for FO. How do I have any ideas? Sample XML & lt; Document & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; ... & lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; ... & lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Sub-section & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; ... & lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Sub-section & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; / Documents & gt; @Tormark's solution is not completely correct And when there are nested tables, present the wrong result in the case. The reason for this is that XPath predecessor and ancestor axis are non-overlapping Returns the desired number one The correct XPath expression is: count (ancestor :: table | preceding :: table) + 1 Then, use : & lt; Xsl: template match = "table" ...

How to Uninstall Nokia Connectivity Framework (NCF?) - Cannot Install Nokia SDK 1.0 for Java -

My first attempt to install Nokia SDK 1.0 for Java failed due to Avira antivirus, if a malware was detected on it, then let me ignore "" malware "and cancel the installation (which it does properly Restart the installation. Although the following installation fails when delivering the following message: The Nokia Connectivity Framework (NCF) ) Has already been installed. Please uninstall NCF and press OK to proceed with installation. This time I got stuck. The \ Tools folder has been completely removed, and the "Nokia Connectivity Framework (NCF)" entry was not found on "Add Remove Programs". Even a cancel button (shutting down the installer) or not override Is this dialogue But button on the oaks is quite upset. - ( If you have a solution to this problem, please help. (originally blogged) You will find something like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Nokia \ Connectivity_Framework change it into : HKEY_L...

java - Android Fast Connection/Prototcol -

I'm searching for a fast connection to a server from an Android device. Currently I use SOAP, but is there a way to get a fast connection? I think the reason for not having a permanent connection to a socket on a mobile phone will always cause the connection. Thanks for the help! Regards, Rookie There are no permanent connections. You can stop them if you have very low levels of SOCKS.

Delphi XE2: Application build with runtime package with FireMonkey framework -

We can create VCL Win32 applications with runtime packages (* .bpl). Do we have the same development option in Delphi X2 with new firewall structure? The concept of the package is unclear for the framework, yes, packages can be used with FMX . For example, new mining documents.

Which of these two sql joins will perform better? -

Whatever method I use in SQL, I'm curious. The following two questions do the same function, which is better than both? SELECT p.ListName, p.FirstName, o.OrderNo FROM Individuals P Inner Join Order OOPP_ID = OP_ID SELECT p.LastName, p. First nem, o. Order non facies p, order o war p. P_ID = OP_ID In summary, the word inner joins actually uses 'WHERE x = y'? The issue is ANSI standard version that is used in SQL Server while case 2 syntax was used Was used earlier and it has been rolled out SELECT p.ListName, p.FirstName, o.OrderNo FROM INNER Joint Order from O.O.P.ID = OP_ID SELECT p. LastName, p.FirstName, o.OrderNo FROM Individuals P, order o WHERE p.P_Id = o.P_Id Therefore both queries will be the same Please note If you come The query was slightly different. I.e. order SELECT p.ListName, p.firstName, o.OrderNo to exclude individuals, oo.pp_id = op_id and piid = 1 excluding individuals from VS SELECT p.ListName, p.FirstName, o.OderDo In th...

iphone - ipad app not works for landscape mode -

The iPad is okay for the picture, but the landscape is not working, I use code hereby - (bool) isPad {UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM return #ifdef (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad); # Return not return; #endif} - (bool) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation) // return to interfaceOrientation {supported tilt yes if ([self isPad]) {return YES; } And {return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait (Interface Orientation); }} - (bool) isPadLandscape {return (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad & amp; & amp; (self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight || self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft)); } - (bool) isPadPortrait {return (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad & amp; & amp; (self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait || self.interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown)); } - (void) willAnimateRotationToInter...

Multiplication error in shell script -

मैंने इस शैल स्क्रिप्ट को कोडित किया #! / Bin / bash VAR1 = `awk - F "#" '/ futuro / {print $ 1}' config.conf 'HOST = "" ONEDAY = 86400 TODAYN = `तारीख +% s` VAR2 = एक्सप्र $ VAR1 \\ * $ ONEDAY TODAY = `तारीख- d @ $ (($ TODAYN + $ VAR2)) +% Y% एम% डी टीएमआरओ =` तारीख- d @ $ (($ TODAYN + $ ONEDAY)) +% Y% एम% डी फुलटोडे = $ HOST $ टुडे "/" पूर्णतया = $ HOST $ टॉमरो "/" ... कुछ अन्य सामान लेकिन जब मैं निष्पादित करने की कोशिश करता हूं यह, मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है रीगा 8: 1314967172 +: अनियोर डि सिंटैसी: एटेशो अन ऑपरेंडो (आईएल टोकन डी इरएर एनए + ") जहां त्रुटि है? बदलें VAR2 = expr $ VAR1 \\ * $ ONEDAY से VAR2 = $ ((VAR1 * ONEDAY)) लेकिन, आपको यह कहने में सक्षम होना चाहिए इसके बजाय: HOST = "" DAYS = $ (awk -F "#" '/ futuro / {print $ 1}' config.conf) आज = $ (तिथि- "$ DAYS दिन" + % Y% m% d) FULLTODAY = ...

how can i build proxy classes from wsdl( wcf services) in android? -

I need to make proxy from "WCDL" services to call "WCDL" services. Please provide me information About to move to the toll and necessary. I have a wsdl document and want to create an Android client to consume services. I have spent a lot of time on the live. Android is not manufactured in SOAP API You should use some additional libraries, but those libraries are automated The client does not provide generation - there are products that are capable of generating customers but I hope they will prefer commercially.

Using variable from user action in shortcut with Visual Studio 2008 Installer -

I have a shortcut that I want to make based based on user input. I have created the Text Box (A) page in the file actions of my Visual Studio 2008 application. I changed the editing 1 box to STUDYNAME. In the variable, I used [StudyName], [STUDYNAME], $ [STUDYNAME] and "[STUDYNAME]" None of them work. Any help would be great. Paul Unfortunately the name of the shortcut is not: So you can not use any asset for the shortcut name. Instead, you can try to make it, which gets the value of the property and the name of the shortcut changes. There is no predefined support in Visual Studio for this, so you have to write your custom action code.

mysql - Selecting a GROUP BY statement only when a predicate is true on all grouped fields -

I have a table like this: -------- ------ | ID | A. ------------- | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 5 | | 1 | 6 | | 2 | 6 | | 2 | 9 | ------------- How can I select all those IDs which have the values ​​of A, which do not include certain numbers, such as I do not want any id for example (9, -1, 20) ID? Thank you! Believe that you only want id1 because the value of id for id2 is IN (9, -1.20) is what you want: SELECT, t1.A from my_table t1 join the left my_table t2 at = and Select t2.A IN (9, -1, 20) where is Null or my_table T1 ID where not exist ( Choose from my_table T2 WHERE = and t2.A IN (9, -1, 20)) / code>

ruby on rails - Question about editing by multiple Models and one controller -

I have three models (word, adjective, adverb) and a controller (word) that have these Models. I have to manage: def = edit word = Word.find (parameter [: id]) @ adjektiv = Adjektiv .find (parameter [: id]) @adverb = Adverb.find (Parameter for example: When I see an adverb of adverb (id = 1), and in the text box in Word with Eddie = 1, So I want to edit it. I like how can I do this to see Edwardb's first record? Thanks Since using STI (single table legacy), there are adjextitives and verb adjective words that look like an ideal situation, in order to obtain it, you will need a string field that will be used for your words The table has been typed. You can do it like this: def word & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base and Def Adjacquiv & lt; Word and Deaf Edwards & lt; Word and and then in your controller: def edit = word = word.find (params [: id]) end

How do I debug when GAE works slow in local development but works fine when uploaded to Google? -

I have run locally under Windows 7 I have tried both Python 2.5 and Python 2.7.2. It seems to stall very locally I am using certification and databases. At local level, I get very inconsistent results. I upload the app to the server and it works. Occasionally when I am on a database page, I will refresh it repeatedly 10 times and keep browsing the browser 3 times. I am using the latest GAE 1.5.3. (I was on the same issue with the old 1.4.x version too.) Try any idea or what to see? You may want to switch to SQLLite for your local datastore; Using the high replication datastore simulation flag will give you a good idea that high replication datastore What will the app configuring to use in the production, you can do Suing Get the wind down: --high_replication Please check the following for full documentation Hope That helps!

c# - NHibernate Hilo Sequence without NHibernate -

I have an application that uses NHibernate to save organizations in a database, ID for NIBNET I have another application that I need to save data in a single table, although in this application, I am not using NHibernate, is there an easy way to use HiLo without reference to NHibernate and mapping files? & lt; Id name = "EntityId" not saved-value = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; Column name = "entity-id" sql-type = "int" not-null = "true" /> & Lt; Generator class = "solution" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "table" & gt; Hibernate_unique_key & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "column" & gt; Next_e & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "max_lo" & gt; 1000 & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; / Generator & gt; & Lt; / Id & gt; Update: I created a new method to get the next ID, which I believe is the same behavior as the NHibernate ...

css - IE7/IE8 - not displaying background image -

I am preparing the site on which there is a background image, which is repeated in just the y axis. # background {background: url (".. / image / bg.png") duplication-y-43px 150px; } It works fine in Firefox and Safari, but not IE 7 or IE8. I have also added stylesheets for these 2 browsers and have changed the background to one color (which has worked). Is there any reason that it is not working in these 2 browsers? Thanks Is there any size in the background? Because it will require ... if it works and does not work then have you set up your theory in the page? This is necessary for IE ...

.net - Handle events in another class -

I'm trying to move some code to some class files to clear my code. An area with which I'm having trouble is reporting the progress of events between the work and the object of a progress bar. I think the event work has to be put in the new category, but they need to update the progress bar on the calling form? Can Event Class \ object back instead of handlers Update The current form all code is: function DoRestore (ByVal SQLServer string as string as ByVal BackupFilePath , ByVal DatabaseName as string) dim server = new server ServerkConnectionContextkApplicationName (as SQLServer) = Application.ProductName dim race restore = new restore (in) dim DataTable res.Devices.AddDevice (BackupFilePath, DT as DeviceType.File) Dt = res.ReadFileList (server) res.Database = DatabaseName res.PercentCompleteNotifi Cation = 1 AddHandler res.PercentComplete, Address Off RestoreProgressEventHandler AddHandler res.Complete, AddressOf Restore Complete EventHandler Res.SqlRestoreAsync (s...

c# - .NET localization -

I am developing an application that supports multiple locations. It is done through a different DLL, a resource for each language, each resource stores the translation of the string for a specific language. This is working just fine on the WPF application, every time the string is required on the app, a request is made to Dell and it returns the text according to the selected language on the app. If the language is changed then the language shows the change in text returns from DLL. Now I am making a website with ASP.NET in MVC, which uses the same language DL. The problem is that Resource Manager, which I can understand at Language DLL, always returns text for system culture. I've changed the culture used by the resource manager, but it does not work. / P> Do anyone have an idea on how I can solve this? Thank you UPDATE: Sorry for the late reply, access to the Internet during weekends ... This is the first time that I have a project that uses the same DLL for b...

linux - Problem with using a generated file from flex -

I am trying to set up a project that uses Flex (fast Lex, not Adobe one). I am running on Ubuntu and I install Flex through the FT-gate system. I have rotated the compound error and I have either found people who make their patch or have a lot of platforms where people ask and no answer. This is my .ll file % option c ++ %% %% This generates a lex. file that I include in my main file. #include "" int main () {return 0; } The error I get is like many "many definitions". | 511 | `YyFlexLexer :: yylex () '| I have a Flex version of 2.5.35 and I am using the GCC compiler through Code :: Blocks Editor. If I compile the main file directly through the terminal I get this. `undefined reference =" text for itemprop The problem was found! You should not include the generated file, but it must be compiled and included as an object file. Flex file. G ++ -c g ++ -o key main.cpp lex.yy .o

java - differential code coverage -

We are the first test can not add the code to the unit test, because the code needs to be modified. what inter code no tools available to measure the coverage, it is difficult to get any metric useful coverage of the investigation without the majority of the code in the package. The percentage of modified code in a specified change which was covered by a unit test? Use this is a command line tool to prevent code coverage regression isolate two coverage reports It tells you that the new version of your new code is better or worse according to coverage. $ pycobertura diff ./master/coverage.xml ./myfeature/coverage.xml Because it is language agnostic, it's just your testing / coverage tool Depends on the Cobertura report (XML file) generated by PicoBartura can generate HTML reports which also include CD tools such as CI / Jenkins.

php - SQL search query like stackoverflow -

In the user input field, such as , I want to see existing articles to see if what's the same Are there. For example SQL search queries such as stackoverflow for example I Want to find the most relevant articles related to. I know that something like this is: 'word' like WHERE article_title But how do I get more than one keyword Manage Use an integer index, which will be something like this: SELECT ... to ... against WHERE MATCH (field name) ('keyword keyword keyword'); Hack the query to select or to ... from ... where (the field name '% keyword%' or ' % Keyword% 'etc ...) Two, the full text version will be faster, because it can use an index like' like ...% version will be very expensive, because that type of wildcard search can not use indexes at all, the downside is that fulltext indexes only on MyISAM tables Plbd, and possibly Inodibi will not be available for the tables.

Equivalent of timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate in android -

Is there a way to calculate time interval in relation to a date, which is similar to the time in the iPhone In the context of iPhone? Thanks .. returns the number of milliseconds from currentTimeMillis () Midnight January 1, 1970, a tall . As

.net - Moving an image when clicked on by the mouse in a C# XNA game -

I have to move only one image when I click with the mouse. I have for this movement: if (mouse. Gatestate). LeftButton == buttonstate pressed and pressed. Masterstate. Left button! = Buttonstate pressed ) {Xpos = rnd.ext (Window Bucket - Texture Rule); Ypos = rnd. Next (windowHeight - texture.Height); } PreviousMouseState = Mouse Gatestate (); But if I need to create some type of compound if argument, then it only runs when texture is clicked. I think your texture object is just a texture2D is not. While drawing a phantom, you have to do some things that are both position and size: var currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState (); If (present mhousestate.litt button == buttonstate.transfer and previous homestate. Left button! = Buttonstate is pressed) {Vector 2 mousepage = New vector 2 (current moustestate.x, runoffstate.i); MousePosition- = sprite.Position; /// Bond is a property of texture, and returns a rectangle () struct var spriteWasClicked = sprite.Bounds.C...

actionscript 3 - Is there a design pattern for this...? -

When a user selects a record in the datagrid, then I launch a pop-up window with more detailed information . Users can change records in this window but they do not have to save them. For example, they can click on X to close the window. Unfortunately, I am stupid and whenever I make any changes to the user, I update the object directly Whether to copy the object object and then mapping the changes in it Is there a way to do this when a user confirms that they want to save? Thank you! I will not go with the copy and will merge. Why do not you update the object only if the user wants to update / save clearly? Let the UI be UI and summarize the information about the sooner you need it. If you want something like a temporary editing, then you must use the command for each nuclear update, where every command has an inverse - undo-order. If you keep these in history, then you can go to the initial state only.

login - Log in to my web from a chrome extension -

I have found a web site where users can fill out a form to send information to log in. I would like my users to be able to do this with Chrome extension too. I managed to get the form to get the information to work, but I only want to log in users. This is like a twitter or springpad extension, when the user first opens the extension, they must log in or register. I saw the following answer on stack overflow: I gave it a try and put this code in the background. Html: function login () {$ .ajax ({Url: "http: // localhost / login", type: "GET", data type: "html", success: function () {$ .ajax ({url: "http: // localhost / login", type: "post", data: {"email": "", "password": "mypassword" ,}, Data type: "html", success: function (data) {// you can now parse the report screen}});}}); } In my popup, I enter the following code: var bkg = chrome.extension.getBa...

c# - image.Save lossless quality, in XP, pixelated on Windows7? -

So I'm in a strange situation. I am using a PNG (lossless) image to save the following, public static zero-severage pig (string path, image image, int quality) {if (Quality & lt; 0) || (Quality & gt; 100)) {String error = string.Format ("JPEG image quality should be between 0 and 100, 100 is of highest quality. {0} A value was specified. ", Quality); Throw new logic upOnline exception (error); } EncoderPamatorQuality = New EncoderParameter (System Drawing .imaging. Encoder. Quality, Quality); ImageCodecInfo imgCodec = GetEncoderInfo ("image / png"); Encoder parameter encoderprom = new encoder parameter (1); EncoderParam. Palm [0] = quality; Image. Save (path, imaged, encoder); } Public static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo (string mime type) {string lookupKey = mimeType.ToLower (); ImageCodecInfo foundCodec = Faucet; If (encoders. Cantons (lookups)) {foundCodec = encoder [lookup key]; } Return foundCodec; } This code works great in XP, the ima...

php - Does my forgot password works correctly or am I missing something? -

जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता रजिस्टर्ड करता है, तो एक यादृच्छिक मान है md5 (mcrypt_create_iv (32, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)) सत्यापित कॉलम में जब तक वह अपने खाते की पुष्टि नहीं करता। जब यह होता है (ईमेल द्वारा), सत्यापित खाली हो जाता है। जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता फिर से अपना ईमेल सत्यापन प्राप्त करना चाहता है, तो उसे एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में टाइप करता है और 4 संभावित परिस्थितियां हैं: गैर मान्य ईमेल - & gt; कृपया-सही-आपका- email.php मान्य ईमेल - & gt; यह ईमेल ईमेल नहीं है- found.php मान्य ईमेल + डीबी + सत्यापित में मिला - & gt; है-पहले से सत्यापित- php वैध ईमेल + डीबी में पाया + अभी तक सत्यापित नहीं है - & gt; अभी भी नहीं-सत्यापित.एफ़पी मेरा तर्क है कि मेरा तर्क और निर्माण सही है और अगर मैं कुछ भूल गया हूं यह सही ढंग से काम करता है। यदि ($ _POST ["ईमेल"]) {require_once ('config.php'); $ Errflag = false; $ Send2email = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ["ईमेल"]); अगर (! फिल्टर_वर ($ send2email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {$ errflag = true; } यदि (...

java - How to export binary data fields from appengine datastore to other databases? -

I was using Epzenin Python EpicPP to download / upload large data from my datastore. works great. When I did a download_data, all my data were in the CSV file. I have the MySamp properties (Sort Data on Datastore) which are saved in Base 64 encoding in the CSV file. By default is import_transform: transform.blobproperty_from_base64 export_transform: base64.b64encode When we import data, the python code is to convert the magic object into a blob object. I would like to use the generated CSV file and migrate to a point to migrate data by writing some scripts. Anyone have any idea how to read binary data and rebuild a hashp object? Which APIs will help? Try reading using binary data. Do not forget to enter See the "2.2 Object Output and Input" section for more information.

javascript - How to drag a DIV so its width and height are negative values? -

I'm a little stumped here. I am developing a feedback utility which will allow the user to draw the "Draw" box on the web page to highlight the problem areas. Right now I have an overlay DIV which fills the screen and jQuery allows you to draw and draw red-streaked DIV by clicking and dragging. Here's a JSField: The problem is that I can not drag the box up or down, the first click on the top left corner where the mouse was clicked. After stretching the box width will change later. Leaving the mouse will complete the box and you can start another drawing again. If you pull the left or up while dragging the div, its width will remain at 0 while drawing, but will not be negative. Any suggestion is appreciated. Here you can find work solutions:

Cocos2D - userData property for sprite -

I am developing an iPhone game app using Cocos 2D. I find that this is an excellent solution to the perfection of the straight property for my situation: sprite.userData = 123; However, Phantom UserData can only store one piece data. If I need to collect three pieces of data, then what is the best way to do this? 'userData' is actually a zero pointer that does not hold the 'node' class: zero * userData_; As such it can point to any data structure or class (or C function).

android - Videoview Pausing and resuming -

I am new to Android development and I am programming the game. There are cuts in my game before each level starts, the cuts made through videos are my problem, that, at the start of an application break, the deduction starts from the beginning. @override pause at public zero {super.onPause (); Video.pause (); } @ Override Public Records on Resum () {Super. Rebirth (); Video.resume (); } Our issue is that the video has not actually started again, where we stopped it, but from the beginning itself. You can use this @Override public At zero () {log d. (Tag, "called on"); Super.onPause (); StopPosition = videoView.getCurrentPosition (); // stopposition is a full video video. Pause (); } @ Override Public Records on Resum () {Super. Rebirth (); Log D. (The tag is called "honor"); VideoView.seekTo (stopPosition); VideoView.start (); // I use again () I'm not sure if this does not work}

mysql - Database: A table for each language or one table with a language column -

I am creating a book database in mysql. A book can have different languages ​​and several thousand books are going to be (and I am far away from a supporter in this area, small and simple databases have been created before) 1) Is it just to create a table with a language column and to create an index for it 2) or it will be quite fast to create a table for every language My intuition (the witch jet in this area is not reliable) tells me to go with the first option. I think it is more generalized, it looks very clean and easy to expand in more languages. And it requires less programming though, it is primarily an English language that is being used (this will also be a large collection), and will it not take much time to reach those books when the tables are filled in books written in other languages. She goes? Speed ​​is of some importance because it is being used on a website. But if there is no significant performance difference, then I like to choose the easiest way. It ...

python - Why do my subprocess calls require a page reload to execute? -

मेरे पास एक अलग दृश्य में प्रत्येक डीजेango ऐप में दो अलग-अलग उपप्रोसेस कॉल हैं पहली बार डच फोटो कनवर्ज़न टूल को एक अपलोड की गई कच्ची छवि लेते हैं और इसे झगड़ा में परिवर्तित करते हैं। (.tiff आउटपुट आमतौर पर निवेश से नौ गुना बड़ा होता है, उदाहरण के लिए 8MB छवि उपज 72mb झगड़ा।) pdcraw = subprocess.Popen (dcraw_args, stdout = none, stderr = none) pdcraw। संचार () मेरा दूसरा सबप्रोसेक्शन एक मैटलब स्क्रिप्ट कहता है जो झगड़े को संसाधित करता है और प्रासंगिक डेटा फ़ाइलों और छवियों को आउटपुट करता है। यह कॉल आमतौर पर अच्छा 15-20 सेकंड लेता है जब मैं स्क्रिप्ट खुद चलाता हूं। परिणाम = उपप्रक्रिया। पोपन (matlab_args, stdout = none, stderr = कोई नहीं) result.communicate () मेरी समस्या: इन सबप्रोसेस के साथ कॉल, मुझे उनके लिए वास्तव में रन चलाने के लिए मैन्युअल रूप से दृश्य पुनः लोड करना होगा। बाकी का कोड "आसपास" उन्हें ठीक से चलाता है मैं यह कैसे से बच सकता है पर कोई विचार? मैं सोच रहा हूं कि क्या यह किसी प्रकार की कैश समस्या है, क्योंकि मैं एक पुनः लोड की आवश्यकता होने से...

java - Extract text between two tags in CSS-less HTML -

Using the JSOU, what would be an optimal approach to extracting text, in which its pattern is known ( [number]) ) but remains in an HTML page that uses CSS or not divs, spans, squares or other identities of any type (yup, the old HTML page is not my control) ? The only thing that consistently identifies that text segment (and is guaranteed to stay in it) is that HTML always looks like this (within a large part of HTML ): & lt; Hour & gt; 2 %% 17 & lt; Hour & gt; (Numbers 2 and 17 are examples only. They can be any number and, in fact, these are two variables that I need to remove from that HTML page reliably .) If the text is an attached and specific or & lt; Div & gt; was within the identity, then I would not have any problem in extracting it using JSW. The problem is that this is not the case and the only way that I can think of right now (which is not all elegant) raw is to process through HTML Regex . The raw HTML processing is disabled...

Compass does not see a local gem installed by Bundler -

मेरी जेमफ़ाइल में मेरे पास है: मणि 'सिलाई',: पथ = & gt; "/ उपयोगकर्ता / myname / stitch-css" जब मैं 'बंडल इंस्टॉल' चलाता हूं तो मैं देख रहा हूँ: स्रोत से सिलाई (0.1.3) का उपयोग करना लेकिन जब मैं 'कम्पास घड़ी' चलाता हूं तो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: लाइन पर लोड ईर्रर ["36" पर / उपयोगकर्ता / myname / stitch-css ] के / यूज़र्स / आईमैन / आर.वी.एम. / आरबीआई / आरयूबी -1.9.2-पी 2 9 / एलआईबी / आरयूबी / एसआईटी_आरबीआई / 1 9। / आरबीआई / जेम्स / कस्टम_रेक्वायर। आरबी: लोड करने की कोई ऐसी फाइल नहीं है - सिलाई बेशक, मैं मणि का उपयोग कर स्थापित कर सकता हूँ: मणि स्थापित सिलाई ... और मणि फिर कम्पास के लिए ठीक लोड , लेकिन मेरे स्थानीय संस्करण से नहीं - मेरी जेमफ़ाइल में पथ को नजरअंदाज किया जाता है किसी भी मदद के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद! इसके बजाए बंडल अंपाक कम्पास घड़ी चलाने का प्रयास करें। mvc - Autoloading data when scrolling with jqGrid in MVC -

My problem is that while trying to implement the use of the Autoload feature, I receive the request to get it To try to load the next group of all data can not get to. The first initial load works fine I tried to follow the example here This feature is listed below under the item titled Left in Version 3.4 Listed on - Autologing while scrolling What's the mistake here? This is my JS grid code & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; $ {Document} .ready (function () {$ ('# gvEmps'). JqGrid ({url: 'RecordEmpGrid', datatype: 'jason', colNames: [select 'training']], callmodel: [ Name: 'select training', index: 'training name', width: '300', align: 'left'}], line number: 15, scroll: true, line list: [10,20,30] pager : '#gvEmpsPager', sorted name: 'training name', viewer: true, sort: 'desc', jsonReader: {repeatitems: true,}, caption: ''});}); & Lt; / S...

Did Facebook change access_token style? -

I think Facebook changed the access_token style or am I doing something wrong? The URL liner is not working anymore. URL linkter: Can someone confirm ? Itemprop = "text"> They've just transitioned to OAuth 2.0 and staged OAuth 1.0. It has been with them for a while. Access_token is now encrypted.

java - Having trouble creating a new object from a class in Eclipse -

Eclipse says that the following code has an error with the keyword "new" and "dog", but I copy it I have no idea what is wrong here in the book directly from the example Eclipse Error # 1: A Variable Error # 2 Dog: Token "New" can not resolve the syntax error; Delete the token Package PKG; // dog class class dog {int size; String breed; String name; Zero bark () {System.out.println ("rough! Rough!"); }} // This function is testDrive Public Square Helvald {Public Static Zero Main (string [] Args) {// Problem here, both "new" and "dog" underlined dog D = new dog; D. size = 40; D.bark (); }} You are missing more constructor braces more specifically: / P> dogs d = new dog ();

Rails 3 Unobtrusive Javascript Search Form Back Button -

I am using incredible JavaScript to render search results by receiving a request - a search. When a user follows a search result and does not like it, then they need to be able to hit back and get the same result. How do I solve this problem? You can use the latest browser to change the URL every time you change the application status. , And when you want to capture a history state, call the fallback when you change the URL anchor tag. The example of the previous example is the use of source code navigation in Gitobb and the latter example of Twitter.