xorg - Desktop sharing with Xnest/Xephyr? -

Is it possible for two users using Xnest or Xephyr to create a "shared" desktop extender?

That is, a single "fake / virtual" desktop desktop session is sung in a window on two separate real X servers on the same LAN.

Yes it can be done with Xvnc (better / faster) friends, but this "real X" stops and requires a VNC client

Thank you < / P>

It is possible "real X", but, as far as I can imagine, with Xnest / Xephyr No: It is possible using XDMX.

  • Li>
  • Login as root
  • Display your Display Manager ( / etc / init.d / gdm stop , or kdm, or whatever)
  • X-noreset -retro -ac: 0
  • This is required because you allow remote clients to connect to their X sessions This is a security problem!
  • In machine B.:

      Li> xdmx.conf with the following content Create a file named:


        Virtual Example 0 {Display ": 0" 500x500 @ 0x0; "" Display 500x500 @ 0x0; }   
      • Then, run this command in Machine B.:
        • Xdmx -configfile xdmx.conf -config example0: 1 + xinerama
        • Then, you only have to start the X client:
          • DISPLAY =: 1 xterm & amp;
          • DISPLAY =: 1 Metacity & amp; I would not be surprised to find bugs on this!

            Man Xdmx is your friend!

            If you have to compile and run some axles, then you want to use xdmx with xorg xf86-video-nestedv, but this is even more complex ... < P>

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