c# - image.Save lossless quality, in XP, pixelated on Windows7? -

So I'm in a strange situation.

I am using a PNG (lossless) image to save the following,

  public static zero-severage pig (string path, image image, int quality) {if (Quality & lt; 0) || (Quality & gt; 100)) {String error = string.Format ("JPEG image quality should be between 0 and 100, 100 is of highest quality. {0} A value was specified. ", Quality); Throw new logic upOnline exception (error); } EncoderPamatorQuality = New EncoderParameter (System Drawing .imaging. Encoder. Quality, Quality); ImageCodecInfo imgCodec = GetEncoderInfo ("image / png"); Encoder parameter encoderprom = new encoder parameter (1); EncoderParam. Palm [0] = quality; Image. Save (path, imaged, encoder); } Public static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo (string mime type) {string lookupKey = mimeType.ToLower (); ImageCodecInfo foundCodec = Faucet; If (encoders. Cantons (lookups)) {foundCodec = encoder [lookup key]; } Return foundCodec; }   

This code works great in XP, the image is lost, when I zoom in, I do not see any pixels, however, when it is a compiled application Window 7 runs on the machine

Is this saving me the image for this reason or perhaps saving some of the functionality / window encoding in Window 7?

Your Win7 image is.
This is good, not bad; This makes the text smooth.

This is controlled by properties in the graphics category.


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