
Showing posts from February, 2015

python - mutagen: how to detect and embed album art in mp3, flac and mp4 -

I want to find out if album art is embedded in an audio file and if not, then want to add album art That file is using the mutation 1) Is the album art finding out? Is there a simpler method than this pseudo code: from mutagen import File audio = file ('music.ext') Each audio pic, audio ['covr'] and audio ['apic:'] if no one raises the exception and nobody If not, then we found the album art 2) I found this album to be embedded in an MP3 file: How do I download albums in other formats? Can I embed art? Edit: Embed MP3 audio = mp3 (filename) data = open (album, rb ') .read () covr = [] if albumart ('MP4Cover.FORMAT_PNG) Code> embed flac: mutagen.flac import file From, file, FLAC DEP add_flac_cover (filename, album) audio = file (file name) image = image () image.type = 3 if albumart.endswith ('png'): Mime = 'image / png' else: mime = 'Image / jpeg' image.desc = 'front As security cover with the ope...

Create comment in Excel from Html source -

So, it is possible to create an Excel file from HTML and I have found that many things are possible, such as with some CSS changes To add images, formatting etc etc However, now I get a little red triangle comment to show what I'm trying to do. I have created an empty excel file, but there is nothing but a comment, but this generated html is a mess. And I am convinced that it is not very much needed, has anyone done this, or know how I can do it? It would be nice if this & lt; Td title = "comment" & gt; Text & lt; / Td> , but it's not. Edit: I have the basic elements required, so that HTML shows a comment when it is loaded in Excel trimmed on it ... I just need it To see if I can trim the vml down to something simple It seems that this is also a link to the associated cell: 0 Now I It should be put in the right place, initially I think it is bare minimum, and Anne has added another comment by modifying a little html. But, if you c...

wordpress - Is Cloudflare caching pages? -

I'm going unknowingly, which are still a lot of success. The site actually became really slow, so I tune it up I decided to: I recently changed from Apache to LightPPD My static images, JS and CSS are running through advertcast Cloudflare is managing my DNS Even with this new setup, the site is actually slow (Mer Means that the page is loading for ten seconds). Sometimes, I'm still not trying to answer the site, I'm still trying to find out, so I activated the light module from Lighttpd. Most of the requests I see go to the front page. All of them come from the cloud. My question is: I thought Cloudflare was caching pages. Why is it still asking a page several times? Since I do not have any other ideas to speed up the website, I also see some suggestions for you. I think, most slow speeds are due to Wordpress and all the plugins I have available. Any help would be appreciated. If CloudFlare is running on that domain, then all requests will go thro...

python - How to work with multiple JSON formats? -

I am playing with a pathon script so that Twitter Twitter can be dragged, parsed and formatted JSON. Locations in specific formats tend to be trending within an array: [["created_at": "2010-07-15T22: 31: 11Z", "trend": [{"name": "Trendy", "url": "", "query": "trendy"}, ... while Daily and weekly Jason format is not: {"trends": {"2011-01-14 15:20": [{"name": "#trendy", "event" I am using trends list this dragon: : null, "promoted_content": null, "query": "#trendy"}, Class tendency: self.query = query = name self: __init __ (self, query, name, promoted_content, events, url) #initialize foo = a "trend" object with trend (query, name ...) .promoted_content = promoted_content = Events self.url = url class trending: def __init __ (auto,...

lua - Why don't these circles have different colors? -

क्यों करता है: स्थानीय सर्कल = {} i = 1 के लिए, 15 के लिए करें J = 1, 15 do circle [i] = display.newCircle (0 + (i * 20), 100 + (j * 20), 9) सर्कल [i]: setFillColor (128, 128, i) अंत का अंत 255 हलकों को अलग-अलग रंगों के साथ नहीं बनाते हैं? (अगर यह उन्हें अलग से सेट कर रहा है) यह कैसे 255 सर्किलों का उत्पादन कर सकता है? i केवल 1 से 15 तक जाता है। इसलिए, वृत्त में केवल 16 प्रविष्टियां हैं मुझे लगता है कि आप जो चाह रहे हैं वह इस तरह से कुछ और है: स्थानीय सर्कल = {} के लिए i = 1, 15 do for j = 1, 15 do circle [#circle + 1] = Display.newCircle (0 + (i * 20), 100 + (j * 20), 9) सर्कल [#circle]: setFillColor (128, 128, (i * 16) + j) अंत का अंत

c++ - "glibc free(): invalid next size(fast)" on vector.push_back? -

When I run my program it will crash sometimes and will give me this error: " Strong> code> zero path :: add (position p) {path.push_back (p);} I have tried to chat and remember very few problems are very low. How to be on a std :: vector & lt; & gt; .push_back Who is it? Who can I check for? Any help is appreciated. Illegal writing is doing somewhere and glibc for the control information bookkeeping by way of it, when it tries to free things, it detects an unusual situation (inappropriate size for free). The worst thing about this type of thing is that the problem is at that point. There is not a place where you actual fault Fishing can be very difficult (it is a close one error). Your best bet is to use the memory debugger. Valgrind can be a start (since you have mentioned glibc) before the Glibc message "Invalid write size. .. "

sql - Trigger UPDATE() and COLUMNS_UPDATED() functions -

I have after triggering an update on the table. I have to get the name change of colon and this old and new value. To resolve UPDATE (column_name) with each column - Bad solution but I can not find all table column names through query SELECT COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ColumnsWHERE TABLE_NAME = 'smth' and dynamically UPDATE (@column_name) value in the cursor. At the same time when I try to use the COLUMNS_UPDATED () function, when I update only one column in the table, updated columns with I (ORDINAL_POSITION = 31) ) 32 (updated column with ORDINAL_POSITION = 30) 8 (updated column with ORDINAL_POSITION = 29 9) with 4 (updated column) ORDINAL_POSITION = 28) 2 (updated column with ORDINAL_POSITION = 27) 1 (Updated column with ORDINAL_POSITION = 26) 32768 (updated column with ORDINAL_POSITION = 25) I think That's it weird and ask your help. Whether it is weird or not, this is the least: Warning In SQL Server 2008, the ORDINAL_POSITI...

c# - Update Dataset when bound control changes value -

मैं अपने नियंत्रण को इस तरह एक डाटासेट में बांधाता हूं: txt.DataBindings.Add ( "पाठ", डी एस, सत्य, डेटासॉर्सअपडेटेट.ऑनप्रॉपर्टी परिवर्तित); फिर मैं इस तरह के परिवर्तनों के लिए श्रोताओं को जोड़ता हूं निजी शून्य अटैक चेंज लिस्टनर (डेटासेट डीएस) {foreach (dts.Tables में डेटाटाले डीटी) {dt.RowChanged + = नया डेटारव चेंज एवेंटहैंडलर (डीटी_रो चेंजेड); Dt.RowDeleted + = नया DataRowChangeEventHandler (dt_RowDeleted); Dt.TableNewRow + = नया DataTableNewRowEventHandler (dt_TableNewRow); }} शून्य dt_TableNewRow (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, DataTableNewRowEventArgs ई) {if (! View.Dirty) {View.Dirty = true; }} शून्य dt_RowDeleted (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, DataRowChangeEventArgs ई) {if (! View.Dirty) {View.Dirty = true; }} शून्य dt_RowChanged (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, DataRowChangeEventArgs ई) {if (! View.Dirty) {View.Dirty = true; }} लेकिन जब मैं पाठ बॉक्स में वैल्यू बदलता हूं तो मुझे घटनाएं नहीं मिलती हैं। मुझे ईवेंट को ट्रिगर करने के लिए सभी पंक्तियों पर अंत कॉल करना होगा । क्या मैं डेटाबेस को...

web services - How to log webservice calls with Glassfish? -

I would like to know how to configure the Glassfish server to log on to the web site call? Specifically: - The logs will be the address of the caller - and that will be written in a file on the disk. Thank you! I do not know a lot about glassfish, but I do not know much about axis2 services on Tomcat Have done the same. To create such log files, we created custom Influencer Handlers which used logger 4J for logger information. I suspect that your desired logging is in glassfish, you are probably going to implement your own custom logging solution. What are you using to develop your services? IE axis 2, cxf, etc ...

Python equivalent to echo -e? -

क्या echo -e के बराबर एक अजगर है? अन्य में शब्द, पायथन में r "\ x50 \ x79 \ x74 \ x68 \ x6f \ x6e" से "python" कन्वर्ट करने के लिए एक अंतर्निहित फ़ंक्शन है? संपादित करें मैंने यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए 'आर' उपसर्ग जोड़ा, जो सभी समझते हैं कि मैं अजगर दुभाषिया को इसे बदलने में नहीं चाहता। इसके बजाय, मैं उस 24-अक्षर की स्ट्रिंग को 6-वर्णों में बदलना चाहता हूं। सही तरीका ऐसा करने के लिए, जो मैंने पाया है & gt; & gt; & gt; ए = आर "\ x50 \ x79 \ x74 \ x68 \ x6f \ x6e"> gt; & gt; प्रिंट करें \ x50 \ x79 \ x74 \ x68 \ x6f \ x6e> & gt; & gt; एक डीकोड ('string_escape') 'पायथन' सुनिश्चित करें कि आप बैकस्लैश से बच रहे हैं (या कच्चे 'आर' उपसर्ग का उपयोग करके) इसका परीक्षण करते समय! संदर्भ:

android - Default Camera Activity Not Finishing Upon OK button press -

I'm calling default camera from my activity and then handling onActivityResult My code works fine on LG's partner, The picture is not confirmed when taken. However, when I run the same app on the Nexus S, it prompts me with "OK", "retake", or "cancel" before returning to my activity. When working "cancel", when returning to my activity without saving a picture, there is no effect in "OK", even my activity is not coming back. My code below: Private Zero Capture Image () {String Status = Environment .getExternalStorageState (); If (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals (state)) {file path = new file (environment .getExternalStorage directory) GetPath () + "/ Images" + (New UserContextAdapter (this)). GetUser () + "/") ; Path.mkdirs (); File file = new file (path, "image_story_" + mRowId.toString () + ".jpg"); NewImageUri = Uri.framefile (file); Intent intention = new intent (android.prov...

html - CSS DIV Swap without fixed height? -

I'm curious if it is possible to get simple div swap using CSS, if there is no fixed height in the divi Looking for a pragmatic answer to the answer and come up with some concrete discussion on this matter. In this view, a huge beer list is to be divided into four separate divs and one time to display only one of them. When clicking on the associated anchor, the displayed division will switch when hiding the other three, the first division should be displayed when the page is loaded. With this I have a little experience and success, but with only certain sizes, all the other devices behind it will be hidden in the form of the leading diva. These special devices will include formatted tables and unordered lists, I'm not sure there will be any impact on it, but thought that it is worth mentioning only in the case. There can not be a fixed height of the division because the number of items in each will be different I have not coded it yet because I'm not sure that it i...

sql server 2005 - What is the fastest way to group a DateTime column by Date in T-SQL -

I have an old SQL 2005 box, and I need to summarize a table with 500M lines. I have a time table column in the table and I want to get it for output and group only by date. I know there are some ways to do this, but what is the fastest speed? Thanks I doubt will be the fastest: SELECT the_day = DATEADD (day, the_day, '19000101'), the_count FROM (SELECT the_day = DATEDIFF (DAY, '19010101', [the_datetime_column]), the_count = COUNT (* ) From dbo.the_table group by DATEDIFF (DAY, '19000101', [the_datetime_column]) WHERE ...) AS; But the "fastest" is relative here, and it will depend on the index on the table, how are you filtering rows, etc. You can call it other normal date-end methods, such as CONVERT (CHAR (8), [the_datetime_column], 112) . What can you think - according to this question, whether this query is more important to write more - an index, or indexed view, is adding a continuously calculated column, which The question...

mysql - Find intersection time between one date range and one time range -

I am looking for a mysql query that will take a start date / end date and a start time / end time and calculate The time frame (in seconds) that interses the deadline to the time frame. For example, the end date of the date: 2011-09-01 from 18:00 to 2011-09-01 19:00:00 Start time to end time: 6 to 8 o'clock In this case, the amount of time should be 3600 seconds. MyScall: datatyph mssql: dethithif Oracle : DeadTef mvc - MVC on Edit set selected value when using a IDictionary<string, IEnumerable> -

नमस्कार, मेरे पास मेरे विचार में एक पंक्ति है: @ html.DropDownListFor (modelItem = & Gt; item.CheckerId, IDictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग के रूप में Model.StaffByArea, IEnumerable & lt; SelectListItem & gt; & gt ;, "--- चुनें ---") ड्रॉपडाउन प्रकट होता है जो महान है हालांकि ड्रॉपडाउन का संपादन करते समय चुने गए एक मूल्य के साथ चेकरआईडी मिलान नहीं दिख रहा है। मैंने अन्य उदाहरणों से देखा है कि वास्तव में आपके चयन सूची को देखने के द्वारा चयनित मान कैसे सेट किया जा सकता है जैसे: @ html.DropDownListFor (modelItem = & gt; item.CheckerId, नई SelectList (मॉडल .StaffList, "Id", "उपयोगकर्ता नाम", item.CheckerId)) हालांकि यह सचमुच महत्वपूर्ण है कि मैं यहां idictionary का उपयोग करता हूं क्योंकि मैं optgroup सेटिंग्स के साथ एक selectlist बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। तो क्या कोई कृपया मेरी मदद कर सकता है एक IDictionary से ड्रॉपडाउन। अपडेट संपादित करें: अनुरोध किया जाता है कि यह क्षेत्र के प्रकार का प्रकार है ठीक है, इसलिए...

Injecting Managed DLL into .net 4.0 Application -

मैंने एक बूटलोडर डीएलएल (सी ++) का प्रयोग करते हुए सफल डीएलएल के शुद्ध 3.5 अनुप्रयोग में इंजेक्ट किया है और फिर मेरे "पेलोड" डीएलएल (सी #)। जब मैं कोशिश करता हूं और ऐसा एक .net 4.0 अनुप्रयोग में करता हूं तो हमेशा क्रैश हो जाता है। बूटलोडर C ++: # "MSCorEE.h" शून्य StartTheDotNetRuntime () शामिल करें {// CLR रनटाइम से बाइंड करें .. ICLRRuntimeHost * pClrHost = NULL; HRESULT घंटा = कोरबिन्दतोरमटाइमएक्स (शून्य, एल "wks", 0, CLSID_CLRRuntimeHost, IID_ICLRRuntimeHost, (PVOID *) और पीएलएलआरहोस्ट); Hr = pClrHost- & gt; प्रारंभ (); // ठीक है, सीएलआर ऊपर और इस (पहले मूल) प्रक्रिया में चल रहा है। // अब हमारे प्रबंधित सी # कक्षा पुस्तकालय पर एक विधि कॉल करें। DWORD dwRet = 0; Hr = pClrHost- & gt; ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain (एल "पेलोड डीएलएल", एल "मायनामस्पेस। मायक्लास", एल "मायमथिप", एल "मायपैमेटर", और डूआरएटी); // वैकल्पिक रूप से सीएलआर रनटाइम बंद करें (हम इसे भी चल सकते हैं) एचआर = पीएलएल-होस्ट- & gt; स्...

php - VMWare Workstation integration with Zend Studio -

I am trying to make it work if it is worth VMware workstation and testing and debugging of my PHP applications To use VM is to deploy them before I develop on Windows and problems have problems while deploying in Linux in the past. I have downloaded and installed the test for VMWare workstation and installed a guest Ubuntu with the running Zendent server. I installed the VMware tool in the guest and can successfully use the Zend server from a browser in the host OS. I have been through all the steps in the Zend Studio to set the run and debug settings for a test file including the installation of mapping of code files for the project. However, every time I try to run a PHP file from JMD Studio in VM, I get a 404 error from the server. I am not deploying VM but all I have to take care of to send Zend Studio to the files as per need. Has anyone got this integration to work and have I opened a step? I think VMware has a free version but if you do not always try the virtual box Yo...

javascript - Can I guarantee that onreadystatechange will eventually always get called with readyState == 4? -

I am using XMLHttpRequest on an embedded device that provides non-standard extensions for the API from which the request is completed has gone. Can I assume that, for all cases (successful or otherwise, such as 404, DNS lookup fails, etc.), the result of the call method () to send is finally ready for my on-theradetech handler Calling with == 4? Or, to keep it in another way, assuming that this implementation XHR behaves like standard browsers in all other ways, the following code will always be destroyed () the method is being called ? var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); Xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xhr.readyState == 4) {callback (xhr.responseText); If (xhr.destroy) {// it should call memory leak xhr.destroy () to stop; }}}; (method, url, true); Xhr.send (zero); no For example, in some cases, abort () , the state may end on (3.6.5). During the "normal" operation, if an error occurs and an exception is thrown, the state may end up on...

How to loop this array right from ajax? -

How to read this array in AJAX? You can see the response from this server: array ([success] => 1 [0] => Hey ([0] => Mr. Green [first name ] = & Gt; Mr. Green [1] = & gt; Hulk [Lastime] => Hulk [2] => 30 [age] => 30) [1] => Hey ([ 0] = & gt; Mrs. Greene [first name] = & gt; Mrs. Green [1] => Hulk [last name] => Hulk [2] => 28 [age] => 28) ) And here is my Ajax Success Success: work (data) {if (data.success == true) {$ ("# output2 "). Attachments ("& lt; p>" + data.FirstName + " "); }} How to loop it to the right? Thank you. Try it out: if (data.success = = ( ) ($ ("#output2"). ("& Lt; p & gt;" + v. Firstname = "& lt; / p & gt;");}}); }

ajax - Follow Ajaxify Link with Javascript -

I'm trying to create a greasemonkey script that will hit Facebook automatically (okay, stop) This is only specific to the specific people I have specified. It is easy to do this because I can display the HTML which demonstrates this attack by using its special UID: document.getElementById ("poke_uidhere "). InnerHTML; This generates code / link / ajax to generate: & lt; Div class = "lfloat fsm fwn fcg" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Friend's name & lt; / A & gt; An adjective = "/ ajax / pok_dialog.fip? Uid = uidhar and pichac = 1" relay = "dialog-post" & gt; Peak Back & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; A class = "Rfloat uiCloseButton uiCloseButtonSmall" ajaxify = "/ ajax / poke_hide.php? P = uidhere" href = "#" rel = "async-post" title = "remove" & gt; & Lt; / A ...

java - Second audio clip does not play. -

Well, in particular, why this code does not want to play another audio file here: public static zero main (string [] args) {// runs the first file for a few seconds playmax (new file ("C: \\ sample.wav")); Wait (5.0); System.out.print ("..."); // The second file that does not want to play: playMusic (new file ("C: \\ sample2.wav")); } Public static zero playmax (file stream) {AudioInputStream AIS = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream (stream); Clip music = audio system .getclip (); (AIS); Music.start (); } I think I have to dismiss some or the other (like music.close (), AIS.close ()), but there is no effect in these particular examples. Any ideas? Is it possible that your app will expire before your audio clips end? You can find this assistant.

c# 4.0 - How can I check, then change, the value in a datatable cell? -

I have a datatate, transformer, DT, which is populated with data from the database table. I would like to check the value in a particular cell (row 0, column 6), and change the value based on that value which I am getting. For example, if this value is "0002", then I want to change it to "Conventional". Basically, when I look at the screen I am trying to make the values ​​"human readable". I am trying to do something like this: if (Transformer DT.RO [0] [6] == "0002") {Transformers DT. RO [0] [6] = "Conventional"; } You are closed: Transformer DT .RO [0] [6]. Ostring () == "0002") {Transformers DT. RO [0] [6] = "Conventional"; } You reference the row and column correctly, but you need to put the contents of the cell in the string before you run your comparison.

c++ - inner_product of map -

Internal product can not be applied on a map. I have the following code: std :: map & lt; Class A, Class B & gt; S; Std :: map & lt; Class A, Class B & gt; :: const_iterator vit = s.begin (); Long double x = std :: inner_product (vit-> first, vit- & gt; second, vit-> first, 0.0); But I get a no-match function for internal_product error. This can be applied to the map, which is the creatively selected font Given, but Inner_product is expected for iterators, while vit-> First, is a const A and vit-> second a b . For example, std :: map & lt; Int, double & gt; M = {{1, 0.1}, {2, 0.2}}; Typedef std :: map & lt; Int, double> :: value_type val_t; Double x = std :: inner_product (m.begin (), m.end (), m.begin (), 0.0, std :: plus (), [] (val_t lhs, val_t rhs ) {Return lhs .first * rhs.second;});

renderpartial - can't pass locals to parital Rails -

मेरे पास एक आंशिक _new_user_form.html.erb & Lt;% = form_for (@ यूज़र,: रिमोट = & gt; सच,: html = & gt; {: id = & gt; 'new_user_form'}) | एफ |% & gt; & Lt; मजबूत & gt; & lt;% =: form_text% & gt; & lt; / मजबूत & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field: ईमेल,: प्लेसहोल्डर = & gt; Get_placeholder_text (@board),: आकार = & gt; "30"% & gt; & Lt;% = hidden_field_tag: भूमिका, भूमिका% & gt; & Lt;% = f.submit "सहेजें",: वर्ग = & gt; "बटन-छोटा"% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; Show.rb में मैं इसका उपयोग करना चाहता हूं और कुछ आंशिक चर में निम्नानुसार गुजारना चाहता हूं: & lt;% = रेंडर 'users / new_user_form' ,: स्थानीय = & gt; {: भूमिका = & gt; "उत्सव"}% & gt; हालांकि मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: अपरिभाषित स्थानीय वैरिएबल या # & lt; # & lt; वर्ग के लिए विधि 'भूमिका': 0x00000103d5e8b0 & gt ;: 0x00000103d5b930 & gt; मैं स्थान...

.net - Why is my C# application running on multi thread apartment? -

यह मेरी मुख्य विधि का हिस्सा है: [STAThread] स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग) [] आर्ग्स) {#if! DEBUG try {#endif ApartmentState aps = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState (); //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); MessageBox.Show (aps.ToString ()); संदेश से पता चलता है MTA । कोई भी विचार क्यों या मुझे जांचना क्यों शुरू कर देना चाहिए? क्या आप केवल उत्सुक थे, या यह कुछ अन्य मुद्दा? आमतौर पर यह केवल एक समस्या है अगर आप अपनी मुख्य पद्धति में कुछ प्रकार की COM इंटरैक्शन करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। विंडोज़ अभी भी उपयुक्त अपार्टमेन्टेट में चलाएगा। मैंने हाल ही में जांच नहीं की है, लेकिन इसका उपयोग उस विशेषता के बावजूद हुआ, विजुअल स्टूडियो ने एमटीए को प्रेरित किया क्या आपने विज़ुअल स्टूडियो के बाहर से अपना आवेदन चलाने का प्रयास किया है? यदि यह केवल डीबगर में एक समस्या है, तो अपने परियोजना के गुणों के डीबग अनुभाग के अंतर्गत "दृश्य स्टूडियो होस्टिंग प्रक्रिया को सक्षम करें" को अनचेक करें।

jms - HornetQ 2.2.5 Embeded Example Exception -

I'm new to Hornetk and I'm testing Singtekyu examples. Example I'm getting an exception when embedded example. Java (resides in: hornetq-2.2.5. Last \ example \ core \ embedded \ src \ org \ hornetq \ core \ example). I made some changes in that example and got the exception. When I made the change, I sent the process and consumption process to the loop of 1 00,000 currency. The code is: System.out.println ("Creator:"); System.out.println ("Start:" + New Date ()); For (Int i = 0; i & lt; 100000; i ++) {message.putStringProperty (Prop name, "Message:" + i); Producer.send (message); } System.out.println ("End date:" + New date ()); // Step 7. Make Message Consumer and Start the Connection Client Consumer Message Consumer = session.createConsumer (queueName); Session.start (); // Step 8. Get Message Println ("Consumer:"); System.out.println ("Start:" + New Date ()); For (int i = 0; i The manufacturer wor...

security - .NET 4.0 client certificate validation error -

I have the following code on factory = new ChannelFactory & LT; InewsClient & gt; (); Factory Credential Client Certificate Certificate = GetCertificate (); Factory Endpoint Address = new endpoint (""); Var Binding = New Basic HTBiding (Basic HTPCEERMD.transport); Binding. Security. Transportation Client Credential Type = HTTP Client Credential Type certificate; Factory.indpoint Binding = bond; Var channel = factory. Cutlet (); Channel.GetNews (); It works in .NET 3.5, but not in .NET4.0. Bizarre huh? The certificate I'm using is not valid on the local machine (no series). In 3.5, the validity of the client certificate is irrelevant to SSL installation, but when migrating to 4.0, the certificate is valid before using it for SSL (I can see the errors in the CAPI2 event log). Resulting in an ugly SecurityNegotiationException ... Stack trace: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: Safe with rights' pe...

php - facebook authentication error -

I am developing a simple Facebook application in PHP which only shows the user's name of the application. The Facebook authentication dialog that whenever a Facebook user joins in an app does not appear with the programming code, which I officially download from the link provided on the Facebook App Developer Page I do I have downloaded some other app codes, including the incorrect authentication code. I am facing 2-3 errors, in some cases the canvas page of the application has to be refreshed repeatedly and in the second case the authentication window appears, but when there is a click on "Allow app" The page is redirected to that page, loaded on the server and clicking on "do not allow" the page redirects to the canvas page rather than returning to the user's home page It is done. The php-sdk library I've downloaded is outdated or there is no other problem. Please provide the code that you have tested with solution. I have already tried man...

Should I regularly delete the .metadata folder from the Eclipse workspace? What problems will it cause? -

In my Eclipse workspace I have seen that. Metadata folder keeps growing. Should I delete this folder regularly? What will be the outcome? In addition, what information does the Metadata folder contain? remove and .metadata The folder will remove it from all your workspaces. If your project is actually stored completely in the workspace (i.e. its sources are stored in the default workspace path), you will also lose your project content - which is worse because you can Will not be able to import from. I always recommend to keep my Eclipse project and its sources separate from the workspace. See "" "" In this way, the specific settings for your projects are saved in your project (), and are not in the workspace. Also, you need it. In that configuration, you can remove the workspace without any damage and re-import your project into a new workspace.

php - CakePhp Auth : Questions -

I have to do a cake php certification, and I want to use the "audio" component. I am trying to see that it fills my requirement: I need to authenticate users with their email or their customer ID (except for the course With password). I do not know if there can be two fields (or more) that can be authenticated I have several parts to which I should get authenticated. But I need different granurity: For some things, this is the entire controller, which should not be accessible (with the exception of if possible (like all "users" Sometimes I need that some actions are unavailable without logging out Sometimes I only need one part The scene is not displayed (u The login element is not displayed for the alarm) Does the component act like password changes? Because if the user changes his password then I need that In short, the answer is Yes, you can do this work, but I think ACL can be as much as possible for your needs (but I also want to a...

java - How to insert only unique values from a CSV file in Oracle database? -

I am uploading a CSV file using a service file and putting it in an oracle table using JDBC I am I need to put only the unique value in the CSV file. If the value in the CSV file is already in the database table, then it should not be entered in the table. So just enter only unique values ​​from CSV file. These options should help avoid additional DB calls to handle this situation. Option 1: Very simple and requires minimal coding ... but works when there is no global transaction limit. In case of any barrier exception, go to all inserts, just grab it and do "nothing", for any other value loop option 2: every time you To add CSV before adding it, just check that the object is already present (eg: array list.) And continue to add only when there is no object with the same data. Finally, put a bulk. Note: If the data is large, go for the set data set for bulk dot.

c# - SQL + Cyrilic support + Parameterized Query + Multiple Choice -

OK, I still do not ask this question. I have this code away: string userInput = Textbox1.text; String query = "Select books from the book, where BookName = @Title"; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlCommand CMD = New SQL Commands (Query, Conn.); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("title", userInput); And I need this query to support Cyrillic characters, and use C for 'Cyrilic support': From books where BookName = N'UserInput% ' I also want'% 'because I want to get all the books that match the user input. This test is not performed because I do not use .NET, but I probably do this Would like to do string UserInput = Textbox1.text; String Query = "Select * Books where BookName @Title like; SqlConnection con = New SqlConnection (connectionString); SqlCommand CMD = New SQL Commands (Query, Connection); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue (" Title ", UserInput +"% " ); Change = t...

c# - How do I handle null values in Linq2Sql list -

There are a few fields in my list in which some fields are empty because they do not have records in the underlying table, so it is called repeater control I'm receiving NullReferenceException while binding. So, what should I do, handle the null during binding or any other approach, so that the repeater or the datelist or the gridwid can handle zero value automatically. Note: I & lt;% # Eval ("FieldName")%> in and from the database FieldName is empty . Please guide me .... & lt; % # Eval ("FieldName") ?? ""% & Gt;

Is it possible, in python, to update or initialize a dictionary key with a single command? -

For example, say, I want to create a histogram, I like it: > To enter the hit = {} data: If the entry [ "Location"] in the hist: hit [entry ["location"]] + = 1 other: hit [entry ["location"]] = 1 depending on the existence of the probe Is there any way to check existence and start or update based on existing existence? What you want here is a defaultdict : : hit [entry ["location"]] = = 1 defaultdict Default - Any entry that is not already present in dict, so for ints they start at 0 and you simply add one for each item.

c# - How to get absolute position of shape in PowerPoint add-in? -

I am writing a plugin for MS PowerPoint using C #. The presentation is going on when I need to get the status of each PPT size in the screen coordinates. How can this be achieved? I have the status of the presentation viewer window and position is relative to the top-left corner of the slide. But I do not have the position of slide relative to the position viewer. of each size. The top, lift, height and width properties will tell you the position and size of the size related to the size of the PPT slide. Some questions are given below to show the screen coordinates of the current slide to get the window. Once you have both of those bits, the rest should be a simple ratios count.

sql server - SQL Updatable View with joined tables -

After I have an opinion that looks like this, select dbo .Staff.StaffId, dbo.Staff.StaffName, dbo.StaffPreferences.filter_type left dbo.Staff external join dbo.Staff.StaffId = dbo.StaffPreferences.StaffId dbo.StaffPreferences I'm trying to update the StaffPreferences.filter_type using, Where updated vw_Staff set FILTER_TYPE = 1 StaffId = 25 I have read this in an MSDN article, that I update, including any amendments, including the DELETE statement, and Only column reference should be in the same base table. This means it can only update fields in dbo.Staff in this context (which is all I can currently receive) does not apply to the table to join in any subsequent What is the definition of 'base table'? Edit : This is MS SQL Your statement should only work properly only one table ( StaffPreferences ) columns are modified If you separate tables in a single uPDATE statement If you try to update the columns from, you get an error. Message ...

java - Finding duplicate values in arraylist -

मेरे पास ArrayList & lt; कार & gt; उदाहरण के लिए वर्ग कार {स्ट्रिंग कारनाम}; इंट कार टाइप; } अब, मुझे यह पता लगाना होगा कि सूची में किसी भी कार का एक ही नाम है। ऐसा करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? एक तुलनित्र बनाएं: पब्लिक कार कॉम्पापेरर लागू करता है Comparator & lt; Car & gt; {सार्वजनिक इंट की तुलना (कार सी 1, कार सी 2) {वापसी c1.carName.compareTo (c2.carName); } अब ArrayList के सभी कारों को एक सॉर्टेडसेट में जोड़ें, अधिमानतः TreeSet ; अगर डुप्लिकेट डुप्लिकेट की सूची में जोड़ते हैं: सूची & lt; कार & gt; डुप्लिकेट = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; कार & gt; (); सेट करें & lt; कार & gt; कारसेट = नया वृक्षपत्रक & lt; कार & gt; (नई कार कॉम्पापारर ()); (कार सी: मूलकारलिस्ट) के लिए {if (! CarSet.add (c)) {duplicates.add (c); }} अंत में आपके डुप्लिकेट में आपके पास सभी डुप्लिकेट होंगे।

types - Odd typing bug in Scala -

इस पर एक नज़र डालें: scala & gt; वर्ग कंटेनर (वैल पंक्तियां: इटेरेबल [एटेरेबल [विकल्प [कोई भी]]]) {} परिभाषित क्लास कंटेनर स्काले & gt; वैल पंक्ति 1 = अर्रे (कुछ ("परीक्षा"), कुछ (1234)) पंक्ति 1: सरणी [कुछ [कोई]] = अर्रे (कुछ (परीक्षण), कुछ (1234) स्केल & gt; वैल पंक्ति 2 = अर्रे (कुछ ("टेस्ट 2"), कुछ (12345)) पंक्ति 2: अर्रे [कुछ [कोई]] = अर्रे (कुछ (टेस्ट 2), कुछ (12345) स्केल & gt; (कुछ (परीक्षा), कुछ (1234)), अर्रे (कुछ (टेस्ट 2), कुछ (12345)) सूची (पंक्ति 1, पंक्ति 2) सूची: सूची [एरे [कुछ [कोई]] = सूची स्केला & gt; Val परीक्षण = नया कंटेनर (listtest) & lt; कंसोल & gt;: 11: त्रुटि: प्रकार बेमेल; पाया: सूची [एरे [कुछ [कोई]]] आवश्यक: अटल [एटेरेबल [विकल्प [कोई]]] वेल टेस्ट = नया कंटेनर (लिस्टेस्ट) ^ स्काले & gt; वैल परीक्षण = नया कंटेनर (सूची (पंक्ति 1, पंक्ति 2)) परीक्षण: कंटेनर = कंटेनर @ 600 ए 080 कंटेनर को दूसरे तरीके से कैसे काम करता है, लेकिन पहले नहीं करता है? क्या ऐसा नहीं है? यह कोई बग नहीं है सरणी संप्रदाय...

selenium - java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file -

सेलेनियम टेस्टकेस चलते समय मुझे follwing त्रुटि मिल रही है। java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError : क्लास फ़ाइल में खराब संस्करण संख्या मैंने जावा के सभी संस्करणों को ईक्लिपे में जाँच लिया है और वे सही हैं। कृपया अगर आप मदद कर सकते हैं, तो यह बहुत बढ़िया होगा मुझे बाहर। असमर्थित क्लासवर्सियन एरर आमतौर पर तब होता है जब आपके पास। वर्ग (आमतौर पर .jar-file) जिसे वर्चुअल मशीन चलाने के लिए कोशिश करते हुए जावा के उच्च संस्करण के साथ संकलित किया गया है। उदाहरण के लिए आपके पास एक। वर्ग फ़ाइल है जिसे JDK 6 के साथ संकलित किया गया है और आप इसे 1.4 जेवीएम के साथ चलाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। अपना पाथ चर जांचें और परीक्षा जावा-वर्जन कमांड आदि। इस समस्या का कारण होने वाले कुछ सामान्य समस्याओं के लिए धागा भी जांचें।

audio - Stopping sounds looping in J2ME -

I am currently adding sound to my rock, paper, scissor J2ME app. At the moment I can get the sound to play, but it plays in a constant loop, which will not stop. I stop (); and it does not help that I have used the following code to create sound: Private zero place (string sound) {{InputStream = getClass (). GetResourceAsStream (Sound + ".wav"); Player p = player (in, "audio / x-wave"); P.start (); P.stop (); // System.out.printLN (game is starting ...);} hold (exception e) {System.out.println ("sound error:" + E);}} It seems that you are using and If this is the case, then the way you expect how you work, stop is unlikely to work. Look: p.start ( ); P.stop (); If you stop immediately after the start, then there is a chance that it If you want to learn how the work stops, add an order to stop the screen and after it If you hear playing sound, it is reasonable to hope that the player is ready to be ready to stop.

In R, how do i return the result of aggregate as a matrix? -

मैंने इस तरह से एक कोड चलाया x = data.frame (numerator = 1: 3, मूल्य = अक्षरों [1: 3], मान 1 = अक्षरों [4: 6]) xa = कुल (सूची (एक्स $ अंश), = सूची (x $ value, x $ value1), FUN = sum) लेकिन परिणाम xa इस तरह तैयार किया गया है समूह 1 समूह 2 X1.3 1 विज्ञापन 1 2 होना 2 3 सीएफ 3 मैं अपने परिणामों को एक मैट्रिक्स प्रारूप में संगठित करना चाहूंगा, जैसे कि पंक्तियों को समूह 1 मानों द्वारा दर्शाया जाता है और कॉलम समूह 2 मानों द्वारा दर्शाए जाते हैं, जैसे निम्न: defa 1 NULL NULL b NULL 2 NULL C NULL NULL 3 मैं यह कैसे करूँ? आप plyr पैकेज से daply का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। xa = daply (.data = x, .variables = c ("value "," Value1 "), .fun = समारोह (x) राशि (x $ अंश))

javascript - jQuery UI 1.6 and adding slider in Drupal -

I can not use the new version of jQuery I have 1.6. I have ui.core, ui.slider, but when I call $ ('# min-price'). Slider (); I'm getting: $ ("# min-price"). Slider function is not I call it when DOM is ready. Can anyone help? Code added $ (document) .ready (function () {var wrapper = $ ('& lt; span id = " Snuper-sorter-wrapper "& gt; Sort: & lt; / span & gt; '), dealsDivCopy = $ (' View View-Rows '). Clone (true), dealsCategories = $ (' # deals-categories '), Current delals =; $ (' # min-price '). Slider (); // here // the remaining code how do I test Can the jquery UI object be present and get the function list? Edit My mistake, let me jquery_ui_add (array ('ui.slider')); In Drupal you add a jQuery element like this: Check whether you have loaded both the Library (jQuery and jQueryUI) and also making sure Take that the pat...

css3 - CSS: last-child selector won't work? -

& lt; div वर्ग = "टिप्पणी लिस्ट" & gt; & Lt; लेख वर्ग = "टिप्पणी" आईडी = "कॉम 21" & gt; & lt; / आलेख & gt; & Lt; आलेख वर्ग = "टिप्पणी" id = "com20" & gt; & lt; / आलेख & gt; & Lt; लेख वर्ग = "टिप्पणी" id = "com19" & gt; & lt; / आलेख & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; कोई भी विचार क्यों निम्नलिखित अंतिम-बाल चयनकर्ता मेरे लिए काम नहीं करेगा? .comment {width: 470px; सीमा नीचे: 1px बिंदीदार # f0f0f0; margin-bottom: 10px; } .comment: अंतिम-बच्चे {सीमा नीचे: कोई नहीं; margin-bottom: 0; } तो इस मामले में # com19 को बॉर्डर नहीं होना चाहिए और तल पर मार्जिन होना चाहिए। मैं यहाँ क्या गलत कर रहा हूं? धन्यवाद ऐसा लगता है कि सब कुछ है सही - मैंने बनाया है समस्या कहीं और है - "सीमा" का मूल्य क्या है? (क्या यह PHP चर है?) यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आपके कथन का उपयोग किया जाएगा, आप जोड़ सकते हैं! महत्वपूर्ण

php - Add selection to bundle programatically -

On import, I want to add imported products as bundled products in the list of bundled products. I have extended the Mage_Catalog_Model_Convert_Adapter_Product and used this class in custom dataflows, the following code executes before saving the imported row: // Set filter products Load filtered model Model ID $ PRODUCTS: Mage :: getModel ('catalog / product') - & gt; GetCollection () - & gt; Add attitutes select ('name') - & gt; AddFieldToFilter ('attribute_set_id', 12); // Loop through product ($ P $ as products) {// Get product options $ option = $ p- & gt; GetTypeInstance (true) - & gt; GetOptionsCollection ($ p); } What I need to do next is to decide what is the correct option (according to the headline), and add the product as a selection. $ option & gt; AddSelection ($ selection); But how can I get the title of the choice and make selections from my product? I did to get the option title: $ Option- & ...

Sliding Image in imageView Android -

I want to create a sliding image ImageView in android At that time when I have a finger on the right side and on the right side of the image image at the current image level. The only thing is done when I finger, down, left I have an image array, there are many images in it ... one by one I want all the images in the slide ... I am trying many code, but Not proper output ... In my code there are only 1 image view. Anyone can help me ... .. I try this link but not get the proper help Thank you in advance Then you have the visual effect Poor Sample Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" & gt; & Gt; Gallery & gt; & lt; Gallery Android: id = "@ + id / gallery01" & lt; ImageSwitcher Android: id = "@ + id / ImageSwitcher01" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" & gt; & Lt; / ImageSwitcher & gt; ...

xml - xsl to only copy some elements recursively and remove some of the descendants -

मुझे बदलना & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0"? & Gt; ; & LT; mydoc & gt; & LT; फ़ाइल & gt; & LT; रंग & gt; & Lt; नीली / & gt; & Lt; red / & gt; & Lt; हरा / & gt; & Lt; / रंग & gt; & LT; गुप्त & gt; & Lt; उपयोगकर्ता नाम / & gt; & Lt; पासवर्ड / & gt; & Lt; / गुप्त & gt; & Lt; / फ़ाइल & gt; & Lt; / mydoc & gt; में & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0"? & Gt; & LT; रंग & gt; & Lt; नीली / & gt; & Lt; red / & gt; & Lt; / रंग & gt; सादा अंग्रेजी में, मैं पाठ सहित, रंग तत्वों की प्रतिलिपि करना चाहता हूं, बाकी के XML दस्तावेज़ को अनदेखा करना और हरे रंग की तत्व को त्यागना चाहूंगा। उपर्युक्त उदाहरण के साथ काम करने वाले समाधान हैं, लेकिन यदि असफल हो जाये तो एक्सएमएल थोड़ी-थोड़ी भिन्न हो सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए घोंसले तत्व रंग तत्व, या अन्य तत्व जो रंग तत्व, या पाठ जो कि रंग तत्व (GOOD TEXT) के दायरे में है और दूसरा जो उसके ...

Android SQLite closing database between 2 activities -

I know that there are platform threads similar to this one, but I've read them and try ways to solve the problem But I did not find this to happen: The details that were called on (database) / data / data were not ... The application did not close the database or the cursor which was opened ... My error is not straightforward, it happens after a while May include go between the two movements back and forth. I use two activities which both require connections from the database. My idea was for the first activity to stop the database before other activity began. Here is my code: @Orride Creates a public void form (bundle saved instance) {super.onCreate ( SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.main); Movies = new movie data (this); Cursor = when matching (); ShowTitles (cursor); } @ Override Public Wide On Pause () {movies.close (); Super.onPause (); } @ Override Public Wide On Résumé () {Movies = New Movies Data (this); Super.onResume (); } This is my fir...

objective c - How to embed youtube player in iphone app -

I went through the previous question and wrote the simple code. - (Zero) Embed YouTube: (NSString *) urlString frame: (CGRAT) frame {NSString * embedHTML = @ "\" gt; \ & gt; \ & lt; style = type = \ "text / css \" & Gt; \ body {background color: transparent; \ color: white; \} \ & lt; / style & gt; \ & lt; / head & gt; body style = \ "margin: 0 \" & gt; & Lt; video src = \ "point / to / move \" & gt; atd id = \ "yt \ f \" height = \ "% 0.0f \" & gt; & lt; / embed & gt; \ & Lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; "; NSString * html = [NSString stringWithFormat: embed HTML, urlString, frame.size.width, frame.size.height]; UIWebView * videoView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame: frame]; [See video load html string: html base URL: zero]; // [see video loadRequest: [URL with NSURLRequest request: [NSURL URLWithString: @ "

animation - Android -> how to animate to the new position -

यहां सरल एक्सएमएल एंड्रॉयड एनीमेशन है: & lt; अनुवाद xmlns: android = "http : Http:// "android: fromXDelta =" 0 "एंड्रॉइड: fromYDelta =" 0 "एंड्रॉइड: toXDelta =" - 110 "एंड्रॉइड: toYDelta =" - 110 "एंड्रॉइड: अवधि =" 1000 "एंड्रॉइड: fillAfter =" true "/ & gt; मैं एनीमेटेड ऑब्जेक्ट को स्क्रीन के केंद्र से 0, 0 पदों पर ले जाना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे कैसे बनाऊं (यह सभी स्क्रीन प्रस्तावों पर काम करना चाहिए) मेरा उत्तर: आपकी सहायता के लिए आपको धन्यवाद। लेकिन मैंने अपनी समस्या को दूसरी तरफ ठीक कर दिया है, गतिशील रूप से, बिना एक्सएमएल इस पद्धति का पूरा कोड यहां है: सार्वजनिक शून्य को बदलना (int xTo, int yTo, float xScale, float yScale) {// एनीमेशन का सेट बनाना एनीमेशन = नया एनीमेशनसेट (गलत); // एनीमेशन को फ़िनिश लाइन की जगह पर लागू किया जाना चाहिए.अनुमति.सेटफिलएफ़टर (सच); // स्केल एनीमेशन स्केल एनीमेशन स्केल = नया स्केल एनीमेशन (1.0 एफ, एक्सएससील, 1.0 एफ, वाईएसस्केल) बन...

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Routing behaviour -

मेरे पास कुछ कार्रवाइयों के साथ नियंत्रक ब्लॉगकंट्रोलर है: 1) अनुक्रमणिका (स्ट्रिंग आईडी ) - सभी पदों को दिखाएँ / एक पैरा शो करें यदि पैरामीटर आईडी निर्दिष्ट है 2) नया () - नई पोस्ट जोड़ें 3) हटाएं () - पोस्ट हटाएं 4) और कुछ और क्रियाएं मैं ब्राउज़र में mysite / blog टाइप करता हूं, अगर मैं टाइप करता हूं तो mysite / blog / postnameid मैं एक पोस्ट देखना चाहता हूं। समस्या जब मैं mysite / blog / postnameid टाइप करता हूं तो यह काम नहीं कर रहा है ( संसाधन नहीं मिल सकता है। ), लेकिन अगर मैं टाइप करता हूं Mysite / blog / index / postnameid इस तरह से यह काम कर रहा है मैं mysite / blog / postnameid को भी काम करने के लिए कैसे कर सकता हूं। global.ascx > routes.IgnoreRoute ( "{} संसाधन .axd / {* pathInfo}"); मार्गों। MapRouteLowercase ("ब्लॉग", // रूट नाम "ब्लॉग / {action} / {id}", // मापदंडों के साथ URL नया {नियंत्रक = "ब्लॉग", क्रिया = "अनुक्रमणिका"} // पैरामीटर चूक); Routes.MapRouteLowercase ("डिफ़ॉल्ट...

c# - setting textBox.MinWidth to largest required space for current culture, font, etc -

I want to increase my wpf text box to a minimum width so that it can complete 1 character font family, font size , And other WPF text (box) properties and current culture (can be any) Can I just set MinSwidth property to FontSize property to achieve it? Maybe it is very easy to work. You can use. An example: textbox text box = new text box (); Size size = text renderer Measuretext ("A", textbox.fonts); Textbox.Width = size.Width;

c# - DLLImport with char * arguments. Only one character being passed -

मैंने सी + + डीएलएल लिखा है, जो निम्न फ़ंक्शन निर्यात किया गया है extern "c" bool WINAPI SetUserPassword (const char * u, const char * p) जब इसे सी # से कॉल करता हूं मैं निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं [DllImport ("mydll .dll ")] निजी स्थिर extern int SetUserPassword (स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता, स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड); अब जब SetUserPassword कहा जाता है, तो मुझे केवल प्रत्येक पैरामीटर का पहला अक्षर मिलता है। मैंने कुछ घुमावदार किया और पाया कि स्ट्रिंग संभवतः इंटपीट्र और Marshal.StringToBSTR () का उपयोग करने की कोशिश में सबसे अच्छा नहीं था, लेकिन यह या तो काम नहीं करता। यह कैसे ठीक से संरचित किया जाना चाहिए? यदि आवश्यक हो तो मैं सी + + डीएलएल को संशोधित कर सकता हूं। केवल एक चीज जो समझ में आती है वह है आपकी सी # कोड वास्तव में है: [DllImport ("mydll.dll", चारसेट = यूनिकोड)] निजी स्थिर extern इंट SetUserPassword (स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता, स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड); जब आप ऐसा करते हैं, तो आप अपने सी ++ कोड के लिए एक विस्तृत वर्ण आधारित स्ट्रिंग पास...

detect mouse state without event handler in Silverlight -

What I can detect a mouse position / button states without dealing with the events in Silverlight (VS2010, C #) I can use the left / right mouse button up / down events, but I am going to detect the mouse position outside these events, what are my options thanks you check the logic of your main layout would need to add a handler to the grid (or other container) and the button position and position (which is derived from it). This page can also be useful to you.

user interface - Choosing a framework for building Windows GUI -

विंडोज प्रोग्रामिंग के लिए नया निम्न में से कौन सा C ++ एपीआई विंडोज में इस तरह की जीयूआई बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जा सकती है (इसे ऑटोहोती के जरिये बनाया गया था) विंडोज एपीआई , एमएफसी, विजुअल सी ++ .NET? इसमें काफी मूल इंटरफ़ेस है, और इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है किसी भी निर्भरता (छोटे exe)। इसके अलावा, जो सरल एप्लिकेशन के लिए पसंदीदा है? उपर्युक्त सभी इस तरह के एक GUI का उत्पादन कर सकते हैं आपकी सूची से, WinForms के साथ .net सरलतम है।

Blackberry facebook Graph API. "Like" the post of users -

I am developing a Blackberry application that uses Facebook's functionality. I do everything by using Facebook's Graph API for BlackBerry but my problem is that I am not able to "like" or "comment" on a post or photo. Could you please specify the source code or user's post, for example, help examples. I have read, but what it is actually saying or how it is not able to achieve this functionality. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. I do not know about graph API. But if this is possible then download this API and you can easily do everything here. Ask me with any help

ios - GKSession: not visible after suspending the App -

I am working with gamekit for a while. Almost everything works well Session: Coworker: didChangeState: After the method is not started, there is a big problem with beeing not called. In the apple example, the GKRKT session is destroyed if the app suspends (will) and setup when it comes back (resum). It would be good to keep the session for my app. In logs, I can see that this session: peer: done staged: is not available with GkPerState, when the app is suspended, but when GKPeerState is available call Season is not available after the start up is not available. But even new customers can not find the equipment. I use session modus server / client. Thank you in advance for your help! I was playing with sessions some time ago, but there are some suggestions ... - What happens when you start again, what if you try to pack from the device that was sleeping on the device which was awake? Is it crossed? - Are you unavailable / available GKPESTERSTEAT? From my experie...

java - Can't find Eclipse shortcut for Renaming -

Used to learn it, it looks like Ctrl + ??? + F11 . or some. I have a class member / property that I would like to rename. Unfortunately, it is all sprinkled in orbit, some 100+ references about it. During various methods Eclipse has a shortcut that allows you to click on an identifier, press the hotkey (whatever), and then modify the text that identifies the identifier. Once again, Turn off that text, then it searches for all references to the "old" identifier and changes them and gives them a new space. I know I just have a search & amp; To change. I do not want this I need a shortcut / hotkey and this is driving me crazy because I do not know this because I do not know what it has been told! Thanks to any eclipse master who can help. P>

cocoa - NSTableView - Disable Row Selection -

I have a NSTableView and I want to disable the row selection. The columns in the table view are bound to a NSArrayController and the contents of the table are displayed in the table view. How can I do this bindings I think you will need to implement a TableViewDelegate and - (NSIndexSet *) TableView: (NSTableView *) Table View SelectionEditForprofoldSalection: (NSIndexSet *) Proposed Option Selection Exchange