sql server - SQL Updatable View with joined tables -


I have an opinion that looks like this,

  select dbo .Staff.StaffId, dbo.Staff.StaffName, dbo.StaffPreferences.filter_type left dbo.Staff external join dbo.Staff.StaffId = dbo.StaffPreferences.StaffId dbo.StaffPreferences   

I'm trying to update the StaffPreferences.filter_type using,

  Where updated vw_Staff set FILTER_TYPE = 1 StaffId = 25   < P> I have read this in an MSDN article,  
that I

update, including any amendments, including the DELETE statement, and Only column reference should be in the same base table.

This means it can only update fields in dbo.Staff in this context (which is all I can currently receive) does not apply to the table to join in any subsequent What is the definition of 'base table'?

Edit : This is MS SQL

Your statement should only work properly only one table ( StaffPreferences ) columns are modified

If you separate tables in a single uPDATE statement If you try to update the columns from, you get an error.

  Message 4405, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 or function 'v_ViewName' is not updateable because the modification affects many base tables.    


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