audio - Stopping sounds looping in J2ME -
I am currently adding sound to my rock, paper, scissor J2ME app. At the moment I can get the sound to play, but it plays in a constant loop, which will not stop. I It seems that you are using and If this is the case, then the way you expect how you work, If you stop immediately after the start, then there is a chance that it If you want to learn how the work stops, add an order to stop the screen and after it If you hear playing sound, it is reasonable to hope that the player is ready to be ready to stop. stop (); and it does not help that I have used the following code to create sound:
Private zero place (string sound) {{InputStream = getClass (). GetResourceAsStream (Sound + ".wav"); Player p = player (in, "audio / x-wave"); P.start (); P.stop (); // System.out.printLN (game is starting ...);} hold (exception e) {System.out.println ("sound error:" + E);}}
stop is unlikely to work. Look:
p.start ( ); P.stop ();
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