
Showing posts from August, 2013

javascript - iterating nested loops in Jquery -

I am working on a page in which I have two nested loops, my problem is ... say for example The outer loop is 1 and will execute 1times. And internal loop will execute 2times. Now when I alert the value of the external loop in the internal loop, then throws me on the first try .. I understand how it is 2, as my inner value is 1 and the condition is . Html ("& lt; img width = '500' height = '35 'src =' / newsletter / section" + i + ".gif '& gt;"); Var rows = $ ("#divilft" + + + "TBI1 TD: Anth-Child (1)"); // has two lines (rows.label> gt; 0) {$ ("# tdSection" + i + "data"). Attachments ("& lt; Table id = 'tblSection" + i + "Data' & gt; & lt; / Table & gt;"); $ ("#tbesation" + + "data") Html (""); } {{.exx ({type: "post", url: "ajax methods. Espx / gatearticle dicks", data: "{'article id...

unix - GlassFish can't start because of "port conflict" but nothing is using that port -- what's wrong with GlassFish? -

I develop on Mac (Lion) with Eclipse and Glasfis 3.1. Glassfish uses 8080 ports and 4848 ports. Suddenly when I try to launch glassfish, it tells me that it can not be a harbor conflict. As far as I can tell, using that port is not doing anything. I shut down everything and restart the Mac, and whenever I run GlassFish, this error still gets. I uninstalled the glassfish, removed all the directories, resumed my machine, again got a slipped glassfish and the same problem. I have created a new test user on your Mac, please click Log out my form, sign, installed GlassFish under the user account and it runs fine. This is something in my user account that Mac or Glassfish thinks the port is in use. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? I hate the idea of ​​creating a new account on my Mac and transferring all my data there. Sounds like an excessive solution Any ideas Rob update:.? A "Lsof I: 8080" shows me this: $ lsof I: 8080 COMMAND PID user FD type ...

html - JavaScript Facebook Fan Gate without Permissions -

I'm in the process of creating a fan gate using Facebook's JavaScript SDK. I would like to determine whether the user liked my page or else I can display / hide the content. Currently, if I use JavaScript SDK, then the user is encouraged with the permission which I What i want to do Has anyone successfully acquired this in javascript? I can do it without any problem in PHP but unfortunately, we are not able to use php in our current project. This is not possible on the customer side Facebook sends an HTTP post request and processes you signed / rewrite post variable There is a need to use the server code for which it is necessary.

caching - Rails Cached partial in layout is rendered twice -

I'm trying to cache partial which is presented in the layout. It is partly computationally expensive so I want to count it once. This controller is not specific, therefore normal piece caching does not apply. I have decided to use Rails.cache.fetch ('menu') instead of caching. Partially viewable content is provided here. & lt;% Rails.cache.fetch ('Menu')%> Partial code ... & lt;% end% & gt; But when I do this it renders partially twice, for some reason it has stopped doing so in my development environment, so I tried and applied it Decided to I'm not so lucky with my production environment that partially prepares a menu that includes lots of records for the site to help improve navigation. I tried to put a cache statement in the layout file basically, but then the layout was rendering twice I recently removed a duplicate HTML for a jQuery Hack has been added, so that it "works" so far, but I'll work it properly. I do no...

c# - Calculating Elliptical Orbit in OpenGL? -

As everyone knows, satellites around the Earth do not go into a full circle. They are more of an elliptical orbit. I am trying to represent it using OpenGL to make a room around the earth. Currently, I draw a horizontal line made of 360 scratches that dashes into a fantastic full circle around the globe. If I have an orbital inclination, perigee and an apogee then what would be the method of calculating this cycle? I am trying to find a formula or white paper or something to get in the right direction. What is this crazy, of course they are perfect classes, But try to think more physically like a physical physics formua. or

How to match OpenCL devices with a specific GPU given PCI vendor, device and bus IDs in a multi-GPU system? -

I would like to be able to match with GPU with OPCL devices in the system on multi-GPU systems identified by PCI ID . / P> For example, if I have a system with many GPUs, possibly from different vendors, I can list the devices by enumerating the PCI bus, it gives me PCI vendor, device and bus ID I use any of these (GPU) PCI tools for OpenCL computation based on certain selection criteria, so how can I match it to OpenCL device? I have ClGetDeviceIDs () in OPCL but there is no clear way to match OpenCL devices for PCI devices. The OpenCL function provides access to clGetDeviceInfo () PCI vendor ID and device name but does not have a PCI device or simply ID. I can try to match the PCI device name with the name of OpenCL device, but it is possible that you have the same type of device and the names are not always the same. Why is this necessary? Say I know that something else is going on program X CUDA or GPU. I also want to avoid using GPU for OpenCL operation so that I c...

ms dos - Connect to remote Windows command prompt via PHP -

I was wondering if this is the way that I can remove shell commands from PHP directly from my Windows server command prompt Can I connect to implement I can do this with my Linux box through the libssh2 library. I'm wondering if there is something in the box on the Windows server. My goal is to remotely execute the program, or simply executes simple commands like "MKDIR" on my Windows server using PHP. Is anyone resolved, or can they tell me somewhere? I came a long time ago. It provides remote shell and telnet between other utilities. There is a 30-day trial. In addition, you can also try to install an SSH server for Windows and use SSH to connect to your Windows server.

c# - ReadLine() vs Read() to Get CR and LF Efficiently? -

To set the line length of each line in many large text files with 100,000+ rows before importing, Using an SSIS package working on the program I will also check other values ​​in each line to verify that they are right to import into their database using SSIS. For example, I'm looking for a line length of 3,000 characters and a CR in 3001 and LF in 3002, so there are a total of 3002 characters in total. When using ReadLine () it reads a CR or LF as the end of the line so that I can not check CR or LF characters. To determine whether the length is fine or not, I was just checking the line length of 3000. I just had to face an issue where the file 3001 had an LF in the situation but lost the CR. So readline () says that this 3000 Charlie Witch is correct, but it will fail in my SSIS package because it is missing a CR. I've verified that once each character will reach 1, I can determine whether each row has a CR and LF but it looks unproductive, and when faced with some fi...

flex - What is the approximate per-server or per-cpu cost of WebOrb Java Enterprise? -

I would love to know if I was wasting time to contact my annoying sales people, if they were outside This is most likely for our flexibility to deploy Flex / Java app in a clustered environment. The community version is not working here. As an insider, I should say that our sales people are anything but troublesome direct answers to you But you should contact us directly using the following form:

Access to private method using reflection in C#/Silverlight applications -

मेरा कोड रिफ्लेक्शन का प्रयोग करके विधि को आह्वान करता है: स्कोरिंग टाईप। इन्वोक मेम्बर ("स्कोरिंग क्लाइंट सीकोरपोस्ट्स समाप्त", बाइंडिंग फ्लेग्स । इन्वोक मोड | बाध्यकारी फ्लाग्स.इन्स्टेंस | बाइंडिंगफ़्लैग्स.NonPublic, null, scoringInstance, नई ऑब्जेक्ट [] (sArg, eArg}); जहां स्कोरिंग इंन्स्टेंस एक मॉडलव्यू क्लास का एक उदाहरण है। विधि निजी है, लेकिन मैं BindingFlags.NonPublic का उपयोग करता हूं, इसलिए, मुझे इसे एक्सेस करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैं नहीं कर सकता - मुझे विधिविवेश अपवाद अपवाद मिलता है: "पद्धति द्वारा प्रयास ... विधि का उपयोग करने के लिए ... विफल।" Google का जवाब नहीं है चांदी की रोशनी से Blockquote> सिल्वरलाइट में, आप निजी प्रकार और सदस्यों तक पहुंचने के लिए प्रतिबिंब का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। यदि किसी प्रकार या सदस्य का एक्सेस स्तर आपको स्थिर रूप से संकलित कोड में प्रवेश करने से रोकता है, तो आप प्रतिबिंब का उपयोग करके इसे गतिशील रूप से नहीं एक्सेस कर सकते हैं। संपादित करें: Silverlight 5 अब केवल निजी सदस्यों को प्रतिबिंबित...

php - mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given.? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे कोड में त्रुटि का कारण क्या है और मैं कैसे तय कर सकता हूं? (मैं कोडिगनिटर का उपयोग करता हूं) $ query_hotel_search = $ this- & gt; db- & gt; क्वेरी ("SELECT * होटल के होटल से जहां नाम '% $ hotel_search%' नाम से नाम '' नाम है); $ इकाइयों = सरणी (); जबकि ($ row = mysql_fetch_row ($ query_hotel_search)) / / लाइन 27 {$ इकाइयों = unserialize ($ पंक्ति [0]); } गूंज json_encode (var_dump ($ इकाइयों)); त्रुटि: एक PHP त्रुटि का सामना करना पड़ा था गंभीरता: चेतावनी संदेश: mysql_fetch_row () पैरामीटर 1 संसाधन होने की उम्मीद है, ऑब्जेक्ट दिए गए पंक्ति संख्या: 27 आउटपुट: सरणी (0) {} शून्य अद्यतन करें: त्रुटि: एक PHP त्रुटि का सामना करना पड़ा था गंभीरता: सूचना / संदेश: unserialize () [function.unserialize]: त्रुटि ऑफ़सेट 0 3 बाइट्स - रेखा संख्या: 29 आउटपुट: bool (false) null मेरे डेटाबेस देखें : $ query_hotel_search = mysql_query ("चयन करें * से होटल के नाम जहां '% $ hotel_search%' नाम से ना...

sql server 2008 - How can I merge two tables without a primary key (or how to have the leftovers from a merge get deleted)? -

कहो मेरे पास ये दो टेबल हैं: टेबल ए टेबल बी _______________________ _______________________ आईडी | विवरण आईडी | विवरण ----------------------- ----------------------- 1 कुछ वैल 1 | कुछ वैल 2 | अधिक डेटा 2 | अधिक डेटा 2 | और भी 2 | कम अधिक 2 है | और फिर 3 | यह बदल गया 3 | अन्य मूल्य 4 ये यादृच्छिक हैं 3 | लेकिन यह नहीं ------------------------ 4 | ये यादृच्छिक हैं ----------------------- मैं तालिका बी के परिवर्तनों की तालिका A में एक मर्ज कैसे कर सकता हूं और इसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं: टेबल ए _______________________ आईडी | विवरण ----------------------- 1 कुछ वैल 2 | अधिक डेटा 2 | कम अधिक 3 है | यह बदल गया 4 | ये यादृच्छिक हैं ----------------------- जब मैं ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश करता हूं: तालिका (एडी, विवरण) पर स्रोत (आईडी, विवरण) पर ( = source.Id) का प्रयोग करते हुए टेबलएज के रूप में मर्ज करें, फिर मिलान करें आईडी = source.Id, विवरण = स्रोत। सम्मिलित करें (आईडी, विवरण) मान (source.Id, source.Description); मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: मिर्ज कथन का अद्यतन करने का प्र...

Whats is going on? Python skipping over lines in function -

When I run the following program in python, takes variables in the function, but completely resume and show anything In addition to the main menu of the program, this qualifying leaves the "if" statement and asks for all the variables, even if the first or second option is selected (which is not required for the third variable). Biteedblu, it should not be an indentation error, I want to show that it was code within Stackevrflo. Edit: Never. I got it to work. Variables should be identical in function brackets. Oh, is that so! decomposes the forehead Options = 1 option! = 0: print "\ n \ n \ n ************ menu * ************************* ************************************************** ************* print "*" * 28 option = input ( "Please select") # sub-mailing option if option == 1: print "\ n \ n *** **** Calculation of submenu ******* "print" 1. Counting a "print" to 2. Count down from a "Print" 3. Pr...

multithreading - c# Thread syncronization problem -

So I see content playing with threads funny . I have a way that starts the thread and continues with its life and I tried to do the following to keep things safe. bool CopyOk1 = false; Bool copyOk2 = False; New thread ((= =) Firstprocess (template 1, riff coke 1)). Start (); New thread ((=) gt; second method (tempList2, referee CopyOk2)). Start (); Var spinner = new spinwight (); While (CopyOk1 ||! CopyOk2) spinner.SpinOnce (); Then in both the methods I start with the following Private static zero first method (list & gt; temp & gt; temp list, riff bool CopyOk) {var temp = new t [templist.Count]; Templist.CopyTo (temporary); CopyOk = true; My intent is to copy the passed list so that I can safely alter and use it within the ASAP to unblock the caller thread. My problem is that the second method unexpectedly, by formulating the array initialization and copying it to the list per list, by some means, by some means. These lists are created inside the col...

Rails 3 - custom url in block not working -

मैं उपयोग करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: & lt;% @ deal.tasks.each करें | कार्य | & Gt%; & Lt; li id ​​= "task_ & lt;% = & gt;" & gt; & Lt; span class = "handle" & gt; [ड्रैग] & lt; / span & gt; & Lt;% = link_to "# {task.title}", deal_task_url (: आईडी = & gt; कार्य.आईडी)% & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; मेरे मार्गों में ... मैच "कार्य /: id" = & gt; "कार्य # शो",: जैसा = & gt; "Deal_task" तो त्रुटि मुझे मिलती है कि शून्य है, मैं को ब्लॉक में कहीं और रख सकता हूँ और यह सही मान है, हालांकि जब यह deal_task_url के अंदर होता है यह हमेशा शून्य होता है अब, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक परीक्षण के रूप में कि मेरा मार्ग काम करता है, और जो मैं चाहता था, मैंने ऐसा किया ... & lt;% = link_to "# {task .title} ", deal_task_url (: id = & gt; '1')% & gt; यह काम किया है, लेकिन जाहिर है, प्रत...

.net - MSMQ InvalidOperationException after Send() when trying to grab LookupId -

विंडोज 7 32 बिट, .NET4। विशेष रूप से, जब मैं यह करता हूं: _queue.Send (mqMessage); वापसी mqMessage.LookupId; मुझे लुकअपआईडी के उपयोग पर एक अमान्यऑपरेशन अपवाद मिलता है। अपवाद संदेश है: इस संदेश के लिए लुकअप पहचानकर्ता परिभाषित नहीं है संदेश प्राप्तकर्ता विधि को कॉल द्वारा नहीं बनाया गया था, या देखने के लिए पहचानकर्ता को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए गुणों में जोड़ा नहीं गया था। मेरे लिए यह ध्वनि बनाता है जैसे कि संदेश को सफलतापूर्वक नहीं भेजा गया था MSMQ। मैं नियंत्रण कक्ष \ सभी नियंत्रण कक्ष आइटम \ कार्यक्रमों और सुविधाओं में "विंडोज सुविधाओं को चालू या बंद करें" विकल्प से सभी MSMQ संबंधित सुविधाओं को स्थापित किया है। अगर मैं अपनी स्थानीय विंडोज सेवाओं को देखता हूं, तो मैं दोनों " संदेश कतारबद्ध "और" संदेश कतारबद्ध ट्रिगर "शुरू और चल रहा है। कोई भी विचार जो यहाँ हो रहा है? यह स्पष्ट रूप से Message.LookupId: के लिए MSDN लाइब्रेरी आलेख में उल्लेखित किया गया है LookupId गुण केवल कतार से प्राप्त संदेशों पर ही पढ़ा जा सकता है केवल जब आ...

jquery ui modal window: normal radio button or select elements don't respond to click -

जब मैं एक jQuery UI संवाद को कॉल करता हूं और modal सेट करता हूं: गलत , मैं सामान्य पर क्लिक कर सकता हूं ( गैर-यूआई) HTML रेडियो बटन संवाद के अंदर कोई समस्या नहीं है लेकिन जब modal: true , फिर रेडियो बटन संवाद के अंदर क्लिक करने के लिए प्रतिक्रिया नहीं करते हैं। है इस व्यवहार के लिए एक सरल स्पष्टीकरण है? एक मोडल डायलॉग का बिंदु इतनी है कि उपयोगकर्ता फोकस को आपके द्वारा प्रदर्शित की जा रही जानकारी के लिए खींचा जाता है उन्हें। जब modal: true सेट हो जाता है, तो फ़ोकस मोडल फॉर्म पर होता है उपयोगकर्ता के संवाद बंद होने तक बाकी पृष्ठ प्रभावी रूप से अक्षम है। यही कारण है कि क्लिक करने की घटनाओं में आग लगती नहीं है आम तौर पर संवाद के पीछे की पृष्ठभूमि गहराई से होती है, इसलिए यह स्पष्ट करता है कि यह क्षेत्र मूल रूप से निष्क्रिय है। सेटिंग मोडल: झूठी पृष्ठभूमि में आपके फ़ॉर्म विकल्प और मोडल फॉर्म विकल्प सभी सक्षम हैं तो अगर मोडल: सच सेट किया गया है, तो केवल रेडियो बटन आदि मोडल डायलॉग पर सक्षम हैं। यहां कुछ डेमो हैं, जिन्हें आप अक्षम होने के समय देखने के लिए फॉर्म नियं...

.net - Json serializatjion, Howto add Object type name like 'Product' in front of every rows inside Json? -

मैं अपने जेएसन परिणाम के लिए निम्नलिखित संरचना चाहता हूं: {"total ":" उत्पाद "(" आईडी ":" 1 "," कोड ":" 14 "," पृष्ठ ":" 1 "," रिकॉर्ड ":" 133 ", " पंक्तियां " उत्पाद "{" id ":" विवरण ":" विवरण ":" विवरण ":" 2 "," कोड ":" भोजन "," विवरण ":" वर्णन भोजन "}, उत्पाद {" id ":" 3 "," कोड ":" क्लास "," विवरण ":" विवरण क्लास "}]} लेकिन मुझे जो मिला है वह निम्नलिखित है: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "1", "अभिलेख": "133", "पंक्तियां": [{"id": " 1 "," कोड ":" विवरण ":" विवरण 1 "}, {" id ":" 2 "," कोड ":" भोजन ","...

php - Mysql Unix Timestamp Store? -

I have found a little bit of a problem here. Unix stamps my database as a string 2011-09-01 20:22:36 and stores me as a Unix timestamp ############ Is required, so I can compare it by comparing it to a & gt; So the symbol but I also need to set the timestamp automatically on the update ( updated current timestamp ) as well as the timestamp default which is not really important The reason I can do this in PHP is if I need it. How can I do this? Timestamp Now is a date / time combo string and not an integral, so I can not compare it? My comparison string $ sql = Sprintf ("SELECT nid, field_date_value, where field_movie_location_value is updated with content_type_mobile_event & lt; '% s'", $ vid) ; Anybody is thinking. Use it to convert it to your query. If you should compare it to a PHP from a Unix timestamp, then MySQL is the easiest to allow the conversion of columns to handle at the end. $ sql = sprintf ("SELECT nid, other ...

C++ - pointer array to Vector? -

डबल * मान; // इसके बजाय, std :: vector & lt; डबल & gt; मूल्यों; // मैं यह चाहता हूँ। मैं जिस एपीआई का उपयोग कर रहा हूं वह परिणाम को डबल * सूचक के रूप में प्रदान करता है मैं std :: vector & lt; double & gt; आप एक वेक्टर जगह में एक सरणी लपेट नहीं सकते हैं और वेक्टर को उस सरणी पर काम करने की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। सबसे अच्छा आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं वेक्टर को डबल * और मूल्यों की संख्या दे, जिसमें वेक्टर प्रत्येक तत्व की एक प्रति बनायेगा और इसे अपने आप में डाल देगा: इंट arrlen = 0; // my_api का नाटक संदर्भ से arrlen लेता है और इसे सरणी की लंबाई के लिए सेट करता है डबल * dbl_ptr = my_api (arrlen); वेक्टर के & lt; डबल & gt; मान (dbl_ptr, dbl_ptr + arrlen); // ध्यान दें कि मान * * नहीं है * उसी स्मृति का उपयोग कर dbl_ptr // इसलिए हालांकि मूल्य [0] == dbl_ptr [0], और मान [0]! = & Amp; dbl_ptr [0] और भी, जैसे प्राटोोरियन ने कहा, अगर आप उपयोग कर रहे एपीआई का उपयोग करने के बाद आप स्मृति को मुक्त करने की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं, तो आपको स्मार्ट पॉइंटर्स में रुच...

c# - System.NotSupportedException with WebClient on Windows Phone 7 -

I have a problem using WebClient on Windows Phone 7. I am currently trying to download it in the string file so that I can parse the string using JSON.NET. Unfortunately, I can not even get the file into a string yet. Here's my code: Private Zero GetFileAsString () {var Client = New WebClient (); Client.DownloadStringCompleted + = New DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler (sClient_DownloadStringCompleted); Client.DownloadStringAsync (new URI (searchData.searchurl, UriKind.Relative)); } Private Zero sClient_DownloadStringCompleted (Object Sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) {if (e.Error == empty) {textBlock1.Text = e.Result; } And {textBlock1.Text = e.Error.ToString (); }} And here is a screenshot of the error I am getting: I have seen online and I can not find the solution This problem, this The previous posts on the site are included. Any help here is greatly appreciated! You can set your WebClient when you UriKind.Relative , Use the correct URI correct...

XSLT Attribute Matching With Namespaces -

I can not find a good description of why another example works here but not earlier: & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "/ wsdl: Definitions / wsdl: Message / @name [$$ MessageName]" /> & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; / XSL: stylesheet & gt; The context is finding a specific named message in the WSDL document. I suspect that there is something about enrollment about it that makes me travel with XSLT badly, but I do not understand why? Can anyone uncover light on this for me? I do not like to experiment, get the solution, because it does not move forward. The initial sections of WSDL are: & Lt; / Messages & gt; & Lt; Message Name = "Recovery Customer YtdRequest" /> & Lt; / Definitions & gt; There is no issue about namespace. Both expressions are correct and produce the expected results. Believing a reference template for instructions (at least), you are trying to print text nodes with the first instru...

iphone - how to display an icon or image in a uilabel or uitextview(uitextfield) -

Can anyone UILabel display an icon or image? ? I was creating a chat application, which needs to show an icon or image or custom image in UILabel or UITextField so that an expression or picture can be displayed . How to do this UITED Viv * text view = [[UITEX VAVE ALLOCK] initWithFrame: self View.frame]; TextView.text = @ "Your Text"; UIImageView * imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: textView.frame]; ImgView.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "yourImage.png"]; [Self.view addSubview: imgView]; [IMView Aid Sewview: IMView];

c++ - memory location of pointer variable itself? -

Is it possible to have a Pointer Variable Storage Space? i.e. I do not want to know the memory space, to point the pointer, I want to know what is the memory place of the pointer variable. int A = 5; Int * k = & amp; A; Cout & lt; & Lt; K; will place me at a what is the place of k ? int * k location of & amp; K , as such: // For this example assume that the variables start with 0x00 and 32 bits are each. Int A = 9; // 0x00 = 0x09 int * k = & amp; a; // 0x04 = 0x00 int ** k_2 = & amp; Amp; K; // 0x08 = 0x04 // like this: cout & lt; & Lt; "A value:" & lt; & Lt; a; // "The price of A: 9" Cot & lt; & Lt; "A's address:" & lt; & Lt; K; // "Address of: 0x00" cout & lt; & Lt; "Address of:" & lt; & Lt; K_2; // "Address of: 0x04" emphasis (A == * K); Emphasis (& amp; a ==); Emphasis (& amp; a == * k_2); Emphasis (A == ** k_2); B...

Named Ranges in Excel OpenXML -

I am trying to create named ranges in Excel with OpenXML. I'm able to add a defined name to the DefinedNames collection, but nothing looks like I have seen one of the extended file proprietes where the names of the categories are being saved, the structure named "titsoffproves". I have tried to add an entry there but it causes Excel to throw error and the designated category is not created. Here's the code I'm using: Public Zero AddNamedRange (string pNamedRangeRef, string pNamedRangeName) {DefinedName _definedName = new DefinedName () {name = pNamedRangeName, text = pNamedRangeRef}; _workbook.Descendants & LT; DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.DefinedNames & gt; () First () Attached (_definedName). DocumentFormat.OpenXml.VariantTypes.VTLPSTR _t = New DocumentFormat.OpenXml.VariantTypes.VTLPSTR () {text = pNamedRangeName}; _spreadsheet.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart.Properties.TitlesOfParts.VTVector.Append (_t); _spreadsheet.ExtendedFilePropertiesPart....

python - Should I use complex SQL queries or process results in the application? -

I am working with an application with huge SQL queries. They are so complex that when I understand, I have already forgotten how it started. I was wondering if it would be a good practice to pull more data from the database and make the last query in my code, say, are I crazy with Python? Will it be bad for performance? Note, the results are too big, I am talking about an ERP in the production developed by other people. I will have business logic in the application, as much as possible. It is difficult to maintain complicated business logic in questions. ( When I end up understanding one, I have already forgotten how it has started ) Complex logic is well in stored procedures. But with a specific python app, you want to keep your business logic in the python. Now, the database is better to handle data from your application code. So if your logic contains a large amount of data, then you can get better performance with the logic in the database. But this will be complica...

facebook - Can't add friend as developer/tester: "There was a problem getting data for the application you requested..." -

In the sandbox mode, we are trying to add an associate as a tester / developer of our application so that they add the app Can be able to test and test it. When they go to confirm the developer app request, they receive an application error dialog box that says: There was a problem getting the data for the application you requested. The application may not be valid, or there may be a temporary glitch. Please try again later. The administrator works properly in Dev mode for us while authenticating as admin administrator, but what should we do to add additional users as developers and testers? Error message is not particularly practical, any help appreciated. I had a single problem and I resolved temporarily by disabling sandbox mode

visual studio - What is an .exe file stub? -

I am learning how to obscure my assembly and for this purpose .NET reactor Is using. An option "Generates an original x86 EXE file stub" , which I do not understand its purpose, I import an assembly (for example .exe file) and outputs an offfixed .exe file , Which is roughly the same size. If I checked the "Basic x86 file stub generated" then the software output is .exe file that is very low in size (ie .exe is compressed ..) I I do not understand what that means. And in the documentation, it has been said: .NET Reactor is capable of generating an original x86 EXE file stub for your application. This way it is not possible to open your protected application directly in a decompiler. Deaconer recognizes your protected application as a native EXE file. Why do I want to generate .exe from a file which is already .exe? Although your question was some time back, I thought I would share an answer: Have you ever used tools such as reflector , such...

php - Determine whether or not database field is type TEXT -

I am working on an editing view that takes a database table as a logic, then loads field names And loads text boxes, textwares, etc. However, I do not really want the text box for each field. Some fields in my database are of type type; I want to show a Texter for them. Other fields are tinet, I want to display a checkbox for them. Is it possible to define the type of database field and then work in my PHP? Thanks in advance. Show columns from the table; provides the information you need. For more information, take a look here

c++ - precompiled header files usage for library builders -

बढ़ावा देने और एसटीएल हेडर precompiled हेडर फ़ाइल ( stdafx.h एमएसवीसी दुनिया में) इसलिए मैंने अपने डायनेमिक लिंक लाइब्रेरी प्रोजेक्ट के हेडर बदल दिए और मेरी परियोजना के stdafx.h में सभी एसटीएल / बूस्ट हेडर को स्थानांतरित कर दिया। इससे पहले #include & lt; boost / smart_ptr.hpp & gt; नेमस्पेस XXX {class CLASS_DECL_BK CExampleClass // CLASS_DECL_BK सिर्फ एक मानक डीएलएल आयात / निर्यात मैक्रो है {निजी: बढ़ावा :: स्कॉपीडीपीआर & lt; प्रतिकृति & gt; m_replica; }} के बाद नामस्थान XXX {class CLASS_DECL_BK CExampleClass {निजी: बढ़ावा :: scoped_ptr & lt; प्रतिकृति & gt; m_replica; }} अब मेरे संकलन के घटते समय का लाभ है, लेकिन मेरे पुस्तकालय के सभी उपयोगकर्ता बिल्ड त्रुटियां बना रहे हैं (जैसे अज्ञात वृद्धि :: स्कॉपीडीपीटी .. ।) क्योंकि लापता में शामिल हैं (जो अब मेरे stdafx.h में ले जाया गया है।) इस दुविधा का हल क्या हो सकता है? मैं अपनी हेडर फ़ाइलों को शामिल करने के बाद संकलन समय और को कम करना चाहता हूं, डेल के किसी भी उपयोगकर्ता के ...

php - How to securely generate an IV for AES CBC Encryption? -

I work on some crypto stuff. I use AES 256 with CEC mode I use OPENSSL I have the following things (source = Wikipedia ): There should be an initalization vector: Unique: Do not be repeated for any encrypted message with a given key Unexpected: An attacker who sees messages of any number and their information is about to predict next one with their IV Should not be more than 50% per bit of success (i.e., indistinguishable from random) My question is, how to prepare IV with OPENSSL and PHP safely? I know that there is such a functionality in lib mcrypt () I did not find anything to do with OPENSSL (creating unique and unpredictable IV) (with most other parameters set in the current parameter, which you should check that Is set to TRUE ). This will generate IVS with appropriate random characteristics. $ isIceSecure = false; $ Iv = openssl_random_sepseudo_bytes (16, $ eitscher); If ($$ then it was safe) {// We're good to go! } Else {// Unprotected resu...

reporting services - How to create SSRS report using 'SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio' -

कृपया एसक्यूएल सर्वर व्यापार खुफिया विकास स्टूडियो का उपयोग कर चरण SSRS रिपोर्ट द्वारा एक कदम बनाने के लिए कोई धागा मुझे बताएं मैं SQL सर्वर 2008 के लिए रिपोर्टिंग डेटा का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मेरा तालिका नाम EmpData एसक्यूएल सर्वर की पुस्तकों की ऑनलाइन रिपोर्ट तैयार करने के बारे में ट्यूटोरियल है। आप इन ट्यूटोरियल ऑनलाइन भी पा सकते हैं

List class's toArray in Java- Why can't I convert a list of "Integer" to an "Integer" array? -

मैंने परिभाषित सूची & lt; integer & gt; स्टैक = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; (); जब मैं इसे किसी सरणी में परिवर्तित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: पूर्णांक [] सरणी = stack.toArray (); मुझे यह अपवाद मिलता है: थ्रेड में अपवाद "मुख्य" java.lang.Error: अनसुलतीत संकलन समस्या: प्रकार बेमेल: ऑब्जेक्ट से परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता [ ] पूर्णांक [] के लिए क्यों? यह बिल्कुल वैसा ही है- पूर्णांक में पूर्णांक यह सामान्य स्थिति में नहीं है जब वर्ग हैं मैंने कास्टिंग करने की कोशिश की: पूर्णांक [] सरणी = (पूर्णांक []) stack.toArray (); लेकिन यहां मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: थ्रेड में अपवाद "मुख्य" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; [Ljava.lang.Integer;] में डाली नहीं जा सकती। समस्या क्या है? प्रकार विरंजन के कारण, ArrayList रनटाइम पर अपनी सामान्य प्रकार को नहीं जानता, इसलिए यह केवल दे सकता है। आप सबसे सामान्य वस्तु [] आपको उपयोग करने की ज़रूरत है, जो आपको ऐरे के प्रकार को निर्दिष्ट करने की अनुमति देता है जो आप चाहते है...

c# - Context menu items and subitems -

I have a context menu inside the form. For some reason, I wrote context menu together so I wrote this peace code: int a = 0; Leading (Menstep 1. Items with Toolstriptyme in reference) {cum. Text = "menu" + A. Toasting (); One ++; } But the main items change successfully, but if subitems do not change then how can I access those subitems too? PS: I can not add one image because I am new to this forum, what I am saying, I hope you will get this idea. Thank you! You need to enter ToolStripDropDownItem and DropDownItems property. And, of course, update it again Here's the sample: Public Zero ChangeMenu Name (ToolStripTime Collection Archive) {foreach (Toolstrip in the collectionMost item item) {item .Name = "new name"; If (item is toolstrip dropdown item) {ToolStripDropDownItem dropdown = (ToolStripDropDownItem) item; If (dropdowndown.downupdotts.count> gt; 0) {this.ChangeMenuItemsNames (dropDownItem.DropDownItems); }}}} How to us...

android - how to change the background image of Alertdialog -

I have created an alert dylog. Here I am able to change the background image AlertDialog button Now it is possible to touch the background image of the area behind the button..I sent you a screen shot..that is why I want to explain what I want..and the code It is used .. AlertDialog.bilder start_views = new alertDialog.bilder (this); TextView start_dialog_title = new text view (this); Start_dialog_title.setText (m_res.getString (R.string.strt_dialog_title)); Start_dialog_title.setBackgroundResource (R.drawable.strt_dlg_tlt_bckgrnd); Start_dialog_title.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER); Start_dialog_title.setTextColor (Color.WHITE); Start_dialog_title.setTextSize (20); TextView start_dialog_desc = new text view (this); Start_dialog_desc.setText (Html.fromHtml (m_res.getString (R.string.strt_dialog_desc))); Start_dialog_desc.setPadding (10, 10, 10, 10); Start_dialog_desc.setbackgroundResource (R.drawable.strt_dlg_desc_bckgrnd); Start_dialog_desc.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER); Start_dialog...

date - Twitter value into friendly time format at Flash -

I went googling for hours and the problem has not yet been solved. Currently, I withdraw data from Twitter's XML file: Everything works well, my date format shows: Venus 12 August 03:25:40 + 0000 2011 but I have to show it: 17 days ago Here my Flash is as3 code: " myXMLLoader: URLLoader = new URLloader (); // myXML loader.load (new URLRequest ("")); MyXMLLoader.load (new URLRequest ("twitter.php")); MyXMLLoader.addEventListener (Event.Complete, Process XML); Function Process XML (E: Event): Zero {var myXML: XML = New XML (; Trace (myXML.status [0] .text); Tweet_1.text = string (myXML.status [0] .text); Time.text = string (myXML.status [0] .created_at); } Here is the PHP code: I have also used crossdomain.xml If someone can help me then I would appreciate it! Thanks! :) Fri 12 Aug 03:25:40 +0000 2011 Tools Friday, August 12, 2011, 03hrs 25min 40...

objective c - How to associate more than one file extension types to my iPhone App -

How to associate more than one file extension types into my iPhone application I have already added the bundle extension but Now I want to add the feature to include files with extension .csv Simply create more than two items within the CFBundleDocumentTypes entry, which is an array. Generally, before goingogling and / or asking for a blog article, go to the question in the stack overflow, Developer. Read Com and related documents In this case, read.

functional programming - Scala, Actors, what happens to unread inbox messages? -

स्कला अभिनेता में अपठित इनबॉक्स संदेशों का क्या होता है? उदाहरण के लिए दो मामलों में: 1. विशेष संदेश के लिए प्रतिक्रिया के मामले को लागू करने के लिए भूल जाएं: अभिनेता! कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं 2 यदि संदेश बहुत तेज आता है तो: (टाइमऑफ़प्रोसेसिंगमेसेज> समयऑफमेसेज कॉम) अगर पहले या दूसरा मामला होता है, तो क्या इसे स्मृति में रखा जाना चाहिए? 1 संपादित करें क्या इस प्रकार की स्मृति रिसाव हो रहा है यह देखने के लिए कोई तंत्र है? शायद, अपठित संदेशों की संख्या नियंत्रित करें, फिर कुछ कचरा इकट्ठा करें या अभिनेता पूल बढ़ाएं। अपठित संदेशों की संख्या कैसे प्राप्त करें? कैसे इस प्रकार की स्मृति लीक अन्य भाषाओं में हल हो? उदाहरण के लिए एर्लंग ? मेलबॉक्स एक कतार है - अगर कुछ भी नहीं है कतार से संदेश खींचने (यानी यदि आपके प्रतिक्रिया या प्राप्त लूप रिटर्न false के लिए isDefinedAt में आंशिक फ़ंक्शन है) ), तो संदेश बस वहाँ रहना है। यह कड़ाई से बोलने वाला स्मृति रिसाव (आपके आवेदन का) है, हालांकि इसकी गंभीरता यह निर्भर करती है कि इन अपठित संदेशों की संख्या कैसे बढ़ती ...

Do I need the user input the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret when they login on Dropbox PHP Plugin -

I am developing a WordPress plugin which is using the Dropbox API I wonder Is that I need a user to register my own opposing key / secret secret and enter it in the plug-in or do I just use my key? If I use the release plugin I should use my key, what should I do to protect the key? Thanks for the advance! I think that you only need your key to log user using only that account Have to do. Do they make an app and I do not get a key? On the question of protecting your key, you should use "whirlpool" and use it. Or has anyone else got a better option?

visual studio - Automatically close Redmine Task with commit comment -

A feature in Redmine (associated revision) to link to work with special keywords typed in the comment on the command ): To fix issues: References, references, issue IDs * Fixes, closes Blockquote> When I commit (from Visual Studio 2010 + Mercurial) in the repository, all the referenced keywords are working fine but fixing issues are ???? Keywords (fixes, closed) can not change the situation. Any suggestions? Log in as an administrator and settings - & gt; Repositories - & gt; Problems and fixing in committed messages : Be sure to: In the dropdown the applicable state you have a condition in which you are using the right keyword Li> closes # 1234 To stop the problem, readmine must read the latest commitments. It is usually greed when you click on the Repository tab, you can also configure such a rack on a regular basis.

sql - Does order by in view guarentee order of select? -

I have a view for which it only makes sense to use a certain order. To see what I would like to do, include the ORDER BY clause, so that all SELECT s on that view, leave it. However, I'm worried that the order should be SELECT , because it does not specify the order. Is there any case where the order specified by which a sequence of results will not be reflected on the result (except the order of the section of the view) of a selection? You can not rely on the order of rows in any query, which is not clear ORDER BY section If you ask a given order, but you do not include a ORDER BY section, please be amazed that they are in the correct order, and it is again Do not expect to be. This is because the query optimizer is free to access rows in different ways depending on the query, table statistics, line count, index etc. If it knows that there is no ORDER BY section in your query, then the row order is more free to ignore the line order. A little distant-subje...

openid - DotNetOpenAuth Implementation with MVC 3.0 -

I used DotNetOpenAuth ( to implement OpenID logging for my application. I'm planning to use In the beginning, I have the ability to log in to my web application, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Twitter open analytics. Do I have to write to consumers i google, face for each item, or is there any general implementation to handle it? You can download it There is a sample project ( OAuthClient ) in it , Which has Facebook and Twitter implementation.

c++ - Why operator[] not allowed for maps but are allowed for int arrays? -

मेरे पास निम्न निजी सदस्यों के साथ एक वर्ग है: निजी: int * vals_; आकार_प्रकार * cidx_; std :: नक्शा & LT; आकार_प्रकार, std :: जोड़ी & lt; आकार_टी, अहस्ताक्षरित int & gt; & Gt; ridx_; अब मैं ऑपरेटर में इन वेरिएबल्स तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं & lt; & lt; अधिभार: (ध्यान दें कि m const ) std :: ostream & amp; ऑपरेटर & lt; & lt; (std :: ostream & amp; os, const smatrix & amp; amp; एम) {os & lt; & lt; M.cidx_ [0] & lt; & lt; endl; ओएस & lt; & lt; M.ridx_ [0]। पहले & lt; & lt; endl; वापसी ओएस; } मुझे क्या मिला है m.cidx_ [0] काम करेगा, लेकिन एम.रिड_ [0]। पहले एक त्रुटि देता है: त्रुटि: पासिंग 'const std :: map, std :: less, std :: allocator & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ' के रूप में 'इस' के तर्क '_Tp & amp; Std :: map & lt; _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc & gt; :: ऑपरेटर [] (const _Key & amp;) [_Key = अहस्ताक्षरित int के साथ, _Tp = std :: pair, _Compare = std ::...

reportingservices 2005 - Consolidating multiple rows to a single row -

Is it possible to include multiple row values ​​in a row? With the stored procedure where I acquire the data, I use multiple layers, except for the same rows that category -column dfferentiates for those products which have been assigned to several categories . I want to strengthen these categories in one column, separate example data from new lines: name article number sales sales category --------------- ---------------- ----------------- Products 1 2059102-1 20520 Retailer 1 --------- ---------------- ----------------------- Products 1 2059102-1 20520 Retailer 2 --- ---------------- ----------------------------- Products 1 2059102-1 20520 retailer 3 ------------- ---------------------------------- - Product 2 2059102-2 2050 Retailer 1 ------- ---------------------------------- ------- Product 2 2059102-2 5302 Retailer 3 Desired result: Name the article number B Sale sales category --------------------- -------------------------- - Product 1 2059102-1 20520 Retailer 1 ...

symfony1 - Performance Issue with Doctrine, PostGIS and MapFish -

I am developing a WebGIS application using Symfony with the MapFish plugin by MapFish Use GeoJSON built-in to render layers through Oklalars, of course, in a vector layer. When I show the layers up to 3k features everything works fine when I try 10k features with layers or more with the application crash I do not know the threshold because I have 2-3 features that Or there are layers with 10-13k features. I think the problem relates to the theory, because the last report in the log is something like: Sep 02 13:22:40 symfony [info] {Doctrine_Connection_Statement} Execute: and then query to get the geographic record. I said I think the problems are number of features so I used Open Layers. To reduce the number to get the Stretcy.bbaux () feature and show. The result is the same. The app is stuck while executing the query. If I add a limitation to the string of queries, then Geogeson's functions works. So I do not think it is related to the Mapfish plugin, but with...

jquery - How to display and remove a loading .gif when downloading a file? -

I have a button that is clicked on to download a file by submitting a form using POST is needed. [ Edit to clarify: The file being downloaded is generated through the PHP script based on the values ​​in the dynamically hidden form (which is the click based on the jQuery I I change through). The file in question is an excel file. I would not like to use GET if possible, because I do not want people to link directly to the file.] I was unable to use the $ .post I'm the form because it does not work as I would like, when the submission is okay, it does not trigger the download dialog box in the browser. As I understand, the content of the file is now present in Javascript, and there is no way (which I know) that allows you to send it to JavaScript to download it in JavaScript. Therefore, other solutions (for example) will not work in this particular case. The solution was to use $ ("# someform"). Submit (); When a hidden form was clicked on the button the page ...

javascript - What changes to DOM are made when MVC Validation triggers? -

I have a form in a modal window which is currently showing some validity (I am using ASP.NET MVC, I am using JQI UI, AJAX form, data annotations and humorous) When this validation triggers, I have seen it so far that it does some things: 1: My Validation Summary from .validation-summary-valid to .validation-summary-errors 2: My friend A class has been added to the valid input, which is called .input-validation-error 3: My verification messages to their class .field -validation-valid .field-validation-error But there is something else that is doing it and I'm not doing this to work Used to be. I is a text box which requires I can select inside this box before triggering verification, then select the second box and the verification will be silent. But as soon as I have an empty text box, I can select the text box and write something to remove the verification immediately, but if it is clear the hen and select a different box. The error has been re-applie...

oracle - TNS,can not handle the service name when two different version installed together -

In our server, we publish an application, which uses oracle11g as database. We just set the connection string in web.config, it works. However anyone is required to install oracle8 in the same server since they are in other client applications. But later, our web applcation can not work, we get an error: Ora-12154 TNS service name does not handle Then the path I found has changed the environment "C: / App / Oracle 81 / bin" has been added in the first place. Any ideas for both work? You can check that Drivers are being used in the net ... Microsoft's dislike Oracle Provider or Oracle's own provider or some type of ODBC provider who is sitting on top of many different types of possible drivers in a DSN should be removed separately. But it seems that Oracle 8 installation did not use any of the fir on the Oracle 11 installation Awareness steal which "path" is not environmental variables would be my guess registry. In the asc...

php - 404 Page Not Found - CodeIgniter related -

I am using the Codeigniter structure in a project - I have a device that reads an array and over 10,000 Email sends Swift Mailer Email Framework Once I have submitted it is to send to each email, but this is not sent to all of these at any time afterwards, I get the following error: 404 Pages not found The page you requested was not found. - 500.shtml This page really does not redirect anywhere, so I do not understand why it might be saying - someone has an idea? Thanks It seems that you actually end up with a 500 error 500.shtml), but when CI tries to display a custom error page for error 500), it can not be found, and therefore instead throws 404. Check your logs for reasons of 500 errors.

ios - How can i get any information like lat,long when i touch on MKMapView in iPhone/iPad? -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I now have a MapView using the xib file when I want to touch in MapView so I want latitude and longitude of that particular area. Any whey or any sample code that helps me in this work. Thanks in advance. After IOS 3.2 or greater, it is probably better and easier to use a With UIGestureRecognizer Before> instead it is trying to subclass and with a view to putting the map barrier manually touches, Map Add point identifier to view: UITapGestureRecognizer * Tgr = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self-action: @Selector (TapGestreHandler :)]; Tgr.delegate = self; // Add also & lt; UIGestureRecognizerDelegate & gt; [MapView addGestureRecognizer: tgr] for @diff; [TRG release]; Next, apply shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer to return Yes that can work in your tap gesture recognizer at the same time (the map otherwise by pins map as taps will not be handled automatically): - ...

android - how to get url from the file into bitmap object -

I am new to Android. I am downloading images from the Internet in the list V. I am getting the URL in the file object But when I send it to bitmap object, the bitmap object returns, so I mean the image is not loaded in the bitmap object. I answer. The code is here: Private bitmap getBitmap (string URL) {string filename = string.value (); File f = new file (cache directory, filename); // Here in the F I get the image URL / here the URL in the bitmap is not loaded & amp; Get tap bitmap bitmap = bitmapfile Decodefile (f.getPath ()); If (bitmap! = Null) returns bitmap; // no, try to download {bitmap = bitmapFactory.decodeStream (new URL (url) .openConnection (). GetInputStream ()) to download it; // Save the bitmap in the cache for later file (bitmap, f); Return bitmap; } Hold (Exception pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); Return tap; }} Private Zero write file (bitmap BMP, filef) {FileOutputStream out = null; {Out} Try new FileOutputStream (f); Bmp.compress (bitmap.compress format.png...

.net - WCF : Why Creating a ChannelFactory is more consuming that actually create the channels -

I understand that ChannelFactory creates a network connection and that the channel actually forms the lock for a connection during a call Works in Can someone confirm this, give some details? Not exactly what you are looking for, but the best article I address:

matlab - Colormatrix from colorvector -

I have a scatter 3 plot in which I use vector C to define the colors of different points. Here the color of the colormap is linearly in C, which is mapped to numbers. Somehow I want to find RGB values ​​of each value inside my C vector. So I want 3 matrix by X out of my C vector. Anyone knows that this is possible? Good luck, Akim EDIT: Thanks to @Abaz, I was able to solve this problem. Here's my solution: colors_current = colormap; Color = [color zero (length (color), 2)]; Stepw = Floor (Length) / Length (color field); Colorsort = sortrows (color); Color_old = 0; Counter = 1; I = stepw for: stepw: length (jas) color_indices = find (color_old & lt; color (,, 1) & color (:, 1) & lt; color_sort (i)); If the counter & gt; = Break the length (color scope); J = 1 for the end length (color_directory) JAbs (color_indices (j), :) = colors_current (counter, :); End color_old = colorost (i); Counter = counter + 1; P> The function used with any argument, by cha...

Add a dynamic function to an element using jQuery -

I am trying to work in a dynamic .change () list of elements: ELS = new array ('# element1', '# element2'); For (i = 1; i This does not work as desired because the i function has not been passed in, instead it is always equal to the last repetition, i.e. 2 How do I pass a value in change (function {}) ? Two ways to do this $ $ Use each var element_array = new array ('# element1', '# element2'); $ .eu (element_array, function (index, value) {$ (value) .change (function () {alert (index);})}}; Close one. var element_array = new array ('# element1', '# element2'); (I = 0; i & lt; element_array.length; i ++) {(function (i) {$ (element_array [i]) changes (function () {warning (i);});}) (I); }

Inserting batch of rows into two tables in SQL Server 2008 -

I need to insert several rows in table1 and at the same time enter a line Table2 a pkID to table1 and a value that comes with a SP parameter. I insert a batch with the table that has been stored and has the parameter value in which there are rows to put in table1 . But I have a problem inserting the line with the corresponding id (id) with the table2 in the table1 , as well as the parameter value I have passed created process [DBO]. [OSP_TV_Insert] @IID Int, @IactiveIt, @TypeIt- I need to put it in 2 table, reading @tableable table table 1 - this is a table which is DECLARE @ sql varchar (2000) DECLARE @ table1Id int initially DBTABLE 1 (UID, name, contact, address, city, state, zip, phone, active) Select @UID, name, contact, address, city, state, zip, phone, activated, @t_table group from g_activate - above questions Batch inserting using records The table that is hosted by DTableGroup will be displayed SET @ table1ID = SCOPE_IDENTITY () - This will display the r...

Programatically radius image -

There is currently a process in our website department where they have 4% of the corner of each image "Images for the Web. / P> They are currently using the radius function of serif photoplus, I was hoping that people would think of a way to fully program this program in the whole folder of images through open source or free tools. . I know that we can Can radiate with SS, but I still have to be convinced that there is an easy way to do this that is effective in all browsers and heritage browsers, though I am open I think thank you for any help. The right tool for the job will be Make rounded corners on the pictures It seems that there are many ways to do this, that is the reason I have not listed any special solutions here ImageMagick also has a batch function, with which you can round the corners of all the images in a directory. ImageMagick is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, so that you can use it for commercial purposes freely. / P>

java - Best way to consume RPC/encoded webservice? -

I need to consume old-school RPC / encoded WSDL websevaries for my backend. I first got Apache CXF And tried to use JX-WS, but JX-WS wsimport devices do not eat RPC / annodated WSDL. [Error] RAPC / encoded WSDL is not supported in JADWS 2.0. I also doubt about using JX-RPC for this purpose, because this method is out-date, Axis is a 1.45 year tool. Currently I look at these three options: JX-W Use Jack-RPC to get the old technique and get bad karma, Do this manually and later hate yourself. None of these sounds is very good, so I appreciate if you can give some good clues, what to do and how to solve it. Hand Editing with encoded literal ( encoded ) was resolved with WSDL (Originally under the operation input and output was use = "literal" was the only replacement) and then I could generate a slate with Apache CXF . This can be done, because endpoint RTC / encoded was absolutely not parsing and the RPC / Encoded Space...

c# - How to load javascript function from an dynamicall added control? -

The master page got a script manager. Then I got a control with ScriptManagerProxy and UpdatePanel. There I need to add a control dynamically (there is also a ScriptManagerProxy) inside the UpdatePanel and with that control I need to run some javascript code. DynamicControl.ascx: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function doSomething () {warning (1); } & Lt; / Script & gt; DynamicControl.ascx.cs: Public Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {... ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript (, this Gettype (), "script id", "& lt; script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; doSomething (); & lt; / script & gt;" false); My problem is that "doSomething ()" function is never called and I do not know why: s edit: it is called , But when I add control, I am not directly. If I code like this, then there will be an alert window: "script" = type 'text / javascr...

java - ANT: loadresource task called twice -

I have a very basic ant function that is behaving strangely. It is not more than this build .xml without any dependencies: & lt; Project Name = "Test" default = "Reset-http-http" & gt; & Lt; Goal name = "reconstruction-of -http" & gt; & Lt; Loadresource property = "results" & gt; & Lt; Url url = "http: //someserver/somecall.php" /> & Lt; / Loadresource & gt; & Lt; Echo & gt; $ {Results} & lt; / Echo & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Project & gt; The strange thing is, that it is executed twice, whereas everything in the ant script is run only once. This means that the http- call comes twice to the server. I also captured HTTP traffic using VirusShark and it confirms that the http-call is done twice. They are also called in milliseconds at the exact same time. The echo in the console output is shown only once. Anti-script eclipses are launched throug...

xbox360 - Simulate/Emulate Xbox Controller in C++ or C# -

I have a cooperative PC game, but the second player needs the Xbox joystick to play. Ok I do not have an Xbox controller, I have some other 10 nonsense joysticks and the game does not recognize it, so I tried different programs to simulate any joystick for the Xbox joystick, but I'm cheap Because this program does not even accept it. So I should try to create a program that simulate the Xbox Joystick input. Then I will catch my joystick clicks and send a simulated one to the Xbox. I know how to capture my joystick clicks, which I have already done. The question is simple - how to send XBox360 controller input into your PC? If so, then You can try this diagram: == "post-text" itemprop = "text">

iphone - UIView change background color to image -

मैं सफलतापूर्वक अपने कुछ UIView पृष्ठभूमि को एक कस्टम छवि को self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor रंग विथपार्टिशन: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "myCustomBackground.jpg"]]; लेकिन यह नियंत्रक में एक विशेष दृश्य पर काम नहीं करता है जो कि प्रारूप रूप से प्रस्तुत किया जाता है, लॉग इन वीआईयूआई नियंत्रक * लॉगिन वीकंट्रोलर = [[लॉग इन विज़ुअल कंट्रोलर आलोक] initWithNibName: @ "लॉगिनव्यूकंट्रोलर" बंडल: [एनएसबींडल मुख्य बंडल]]; UINavigationController * navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: loginViewController]; NavController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal; NavController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack; [आत्म वर्तमान मॉडेल दृश्यकंट्रोलर: नौवीं नियंत्रक एनिमेटेड: नहीं]; [लॉग इन वीआईयूआई नियंत्रक रिलीज]; [नवसंयंत्रर रिलीज़]; ऐसा लगता है कि self.view इस नियंत्रक के अंदर यह दिखा रहा था कि देखने के पीछे है। संपादित करें लॉगिनव्यूकंट्रोलर.एम - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {self.view.backgroundColor ...

Android 1.6 TabHost inside a Fragment -

In the demo, tabs and tab pagers extend fgettactivity in both instances. Each tab content is a piece, not a real success The tabactivity was used without the introduction of pieces. Now inside my activity, a screen part is a widget named widgetfraagment. Is it possible to include a TabHost for WidgetFragment? Visualize the mini-tabhost contained in an activity I tried doing all possible ways to insert a TabHost into a FragmentActivity inside a piece. After the text In generally accepted practices, the tabs fit the entire screen. Most people (including me) are unaware, the tab can be placed anywhere in a place like a simple view, LIVEview. The move is to include your tabhost in another layout. When you create TabHost, always keep these IDs: TabHost, tabs, tab content In your main layout, include your tab host.xml Android = "" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android LinearLayout xmlns; Here I am between ...