java - ANT: loadresource task called twice -
I have a very basic ant function that is behaving strangely.
It is not more than this build .xml without any dependencies:
& lt; Project Name = "Test" default = "Reset-http-http" & gt; & Lt; Goal name = "reconstruction-of -http" & gt; & Lt; Loadresource property = "results" & gt; & Lt; Url url = "http: //someserver/somecall.php" /> & Lt; / Loadresource & gt; & Lt; Echo & gt; $ {Results} & lt; / Echo & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Project & gt; The strange thing is, that it is executed twice, whereas everything in the ant script is run only once. This means that the http- call comes twice to the server. I also captured HTTP traffic using VirusShark and it confirms that the http-call is done twice.
They are also called in milliseconds at the exact same time.
The echo in the console output is shown only once.
Anti-script eclipses are launched through built-in ant, though the problem remains constant when the phone is called from the standalone ant from the Windows Command Line. So I do not think this is an IDE or target-chain problem.
Thanks for any help on this!
Edit: What is the price, here is the link, the ant task, which I have notified.
What you see is an inappropriate and rationally buggy behavior. I have not seen the bug in the database, but if you are interested, then this is the link:
What is happening is that this first task examines the size of the resource, then the stream reads in the buffer line Method executed on 126). The class opens the connection to read the content-length header, but then closes the connection it means that the connection to receive the stream from it again Must have to open from I believe that can stop calling () 282 and should be removed. However, one reason may be that the ant developers put it there. for this report, I will tell you this / vote
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