java - How to dispose wizard pages? -
I have created a "complex" composite, which contains some widgets and hears for some events (i.e., it's a And registers itself in the element). I have also applied a displacement method in that composite, which cancels itself from the information and calls the settlement at composite ( super.dispose () ). I use this widget in a number of places including a page of a wizard, however, it seems that when the wizard closes (either "finished" or "canceled"), my widget was settled Does not happen. In fact, the disposal of the method of wizard page is very simple, because it only clears the image. Am I forgetting something or do I have to execute clearly on my composite? You implement your dissection () in your "complex" composite class This widget can explicitly call resources to clean allocated resources within its implementation of the wizard page, break () method, but it only works for the wizard page !. A better way to execu...