What is the difference between the different connection strings from JBoss 5 to Oracle 11g R2 -

We have a Java application running inside JBoss EAP version 5.1 and up to date we always use standard thin driver Use Oracle for

Oracle After upgrading all our customers to the JDBC driver after further investigation and after downloading all related files from the Oracle site, we have jabs

 < Code> & lt; Connection-url & gt; Jdbc: oracle: thin: @ ... & lt; / Connection-url & gt; & Lt; Driver category & gt; Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver & lt; / Driver category & gt; & Lt; Connection-URL & gt; JDBC: Oracle: Thin: @ ... & lt; / Connection-URL & gt; & Lt; Driver category & gt; Oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource & lt; / Driver category & gt; & Lt; Connection-URL & gt; JDBC: Oracle: Thin: @ ... & lt; / Connection-URL & gt; & Lt; Driver category & gt; Oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPool & lt; / Driver category & gt;   

In the latest JBoss lib directory requires a copy of the UCP.JAR file.

The question is: Has anyone experienced different configurations and found better than one else in terms of performance and stability?



It depends What kind of connection do you want or do you want to set up a pool connection? Normally in the middle level environment you want to use the pool connection to limit the number of connections from your database and also provide good service time.

  1) Direct connections from database 2) Pool connection to database 3) Connection connected to database, new UCP pool     uses it


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