
Showing posts from June, 2013

html - Open Facebook page in iframe or frame? -

I have to open two Facebook pages at the same time as part of my HTML page. So when you go to mypage.html, two Facebook pages will be displayed. Is this possible? I get something: With code: & lt; Frameset cols = "25%, 75%" & gt; or & lt; Iframe height = "*" src = " Photo.php? Fbid = 10150277739848763 and set = P.105012493762 and Type = 1 & Theater" width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Your browser does not support iframes. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Facebook prevents directly from joining the IFrame (or through any frame) to the actual site. . This is because javascript can be used to access Facebook, including Facebook page's user name and password, by putting any site in IFrame (or any frame). There is no way around it. It has created itself in browsers to send some information to those headers, which states that they are being requested to pu...

javascript - Sort array by key OR: Why is my for loop executing out of order? -

I have some objects that I need to keep in a certain order based on some configuration data. There is a problem in replicating through the array in I thought that if I made the array and then stepped through the loop, then I could execute the code correctly. It is doing a great job except for a usage case, in which I add the fourth object to the array and then move to the third position. link [0] = foo link [1] = bar link [2] = foobar link [3] = a_herring link [4] = a_shrubery order = [] // json-loaded Gone, numbers 1 2 3 or 4 in the form are in the form of //: order [0] = 1 order [1] = 2 order [2] = 4 order [3] = wrong order [4] = 3 order (x in order) {if (x [x]) {printOrder [order [x]] = links [X] // Remember that in this case the order will be [0]} This should give me an array that looks like this: // var print order [undefined, foo, bar, e-turban But when I try again via the array: for (in printOrder x) {PrintOrder [x] .link.appendChild (Printordr [x] Kimage) Printo...

php - I'm having URL File-access errors when using OpenDir. Why? -

& lt;? Php $ pathname = "" $ _GET ['प्रोजेक्ट'] "/"; अगर ($ handle = opendir (pathname)) {while (false! == ($ file = readdir ($ handle))) {if ($ file! = "।" & Amp; $ file! = ".. "& Amp; amp; (स्ट्रॉप्स ($ फ़ाइल, '.jpg', 1))) {$ photo = $ pathname $ फ़ाइल; गूंज "& lt; छवि src = \" "। $ File।" \ "& Gt;"; }} बंद ($ संभाल); }? & Gt; मेरा कोड है मैं जो करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं वह यूआरएल पैरामीटर जैसे "प्रोजेक्ट = फॉर्वर्स" पास करता है, और इसमें PHP को / flowers / नामक फ़ोल्डर खोलना होता है और इसके अंदर की सभी .jpg छवियाँ लौटाता है। हालांकि, जब मैं अपना कोड चलाता हूं, मुझे ये त्रुटियां मिलती हैं: ** चेतावनी: opendir () [function.opendir]: यूआरएल फ़ाइल-प्रवेश / nfs / c01 / h03 में सर्वर कॉन्फ़िगरेशन में अक्षम है / Mnt/73283/domains/ पंक्ति 3 पर चेतावनी: opendir ( [function....

html onfocus tab vs page load -

Assume that I have a focus event for the text box. The event is triggered when the Users tab is in that box, As expected, but it also seems that the event is triggered when the box is selected, and then the window is covered and then opens tabs, opens a second app off, etc. One way to do this is to trigger the event by clicking the tabbing (or mouse click) text box, and not highlighting the window? You can use an onClick event, Will not trigger tabbing, trigger You can also use onKeyDown which will trigger on any major press, but whenever the user triggers the tabs away from the text box.

simple CSS question -

सूचकांक फ़ाइल में मेरे पास यह है: & lt; div id = "head" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; bla bla bla bla bla bla & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और मैं इसे इसे पसंद करता हूं: #head {height: 100px; चौड़ाई: 100%; छिपा हुआ सैलाब; पृष्ठभूमि रंग: # एफएफसीसी 99; } #हेड एच 1 {मार्जिन-बायां: 20 पीएक्स; फ़ॉन्ट-परिवार: जॉर्जिया; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 40px; } समस्या यह है कि जब स्क्रीन बहुत छोटी होती है तो टेक्स्ट का अंत इस तरह से चला जाता है: bla bla bla bl a bla bla और जो मैं करना चाहता हूं वह सिर्फ दूर की तरह फीका करना है: bla bla bl और बाकी पाठ को तब तक न दिखाया जाना चाहिए जब तक कि स्क्रीन को फिर से बदल दिया न जाए। आपको इसे जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है आपका एच 1 सीएसएस: श्वेत-स्थान: अब्रॉप;

html - Get the value of children in jquery -

How to get the value of the cell in the table when the user clicks on the next cell? & lt; Table ID = "registrarable" & gt; & Lt; C: forEach item = "$ {requestScope.AllUsers}" var = "user" varStatus = "loop" & gt; & Lt; Tr class = "userRow" & gt; & Lt; Td class = "numberwidth" & gt; $ {Loop.index + 1} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "nameWidth user" id = "$ {user.userno}" & gt; $ {User.fullName} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Button name = "disable BTN" id = "idle" class = "passive BTN" & gt; Deactivate & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; In Jquery, I want to get the value of "edi" from the second td when users click on the inactive button. I've made it like this var userNo = $ ('td.user', $ (th...

xml - How do I add multiple appenders to my Custom Appender using groovy config? -

I am converting my logback.xml file to groovy and with this challenge of adding the appenders to my custom appenders ! Currently I do this like this: & Lt; Param name = "blocked" value = "true" /> & Lt; Epander-Reef Ref = "FILE" /> & Lt ;! - & lt; Epander-reef ref = "console" /> - & gt; & Lt; Epander-reef ref = "consol_arr" /> & Lt; / Appender & gt; I tried something like this, but it failed: Appenders ("MyCustomAppender", MyCustomAppender) {buffer size = 10000 Blocking = true appendor-ref ('referee': "CONSOLE_ERR"); Appender- ref ('referee': "file"); } I can not change the custom appenders because it is in the shared code, so this is not the solution. I just want to do the exact thing that happens in XML, but in Jiroovi Try it out: def consoleErrAppender = Appendix List.Fund { It - & gt; == "CONSOLE_ERR...

php - Help on how to continue with code that verifies a registered user and updates mySQL -

When a user registers, the script sends an email to verify its account. When clicking on the link, the script gets the token $ token = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _GET ["token"]); and what I have to do if ($ token! = '') {Mysql_query ("updated member SET verified = '' WHERE verified = ' $ Token '"); } ($ Token! = '') {$ Result = mysql_query} ("updated members have been verified by SET"} or = '' WHERE verified = '$ token' "); if ($ result) {} else {}} What is my purpose that success on user Or the unsuccessful message is to be resonated when it succeeds, then verified will be empty. What is the proper way to do it with the examples above? Should I check if the tokens should be updated in DB Thank you. If your presence is present, But does not exist in your account, it updates your records, which does not exist or does not match. You should run something like this: i...

scala - safe Iterator.max -

Is there a library that provides functions like Iterator.max , but it Option [A] possibly due to a A account for blank eaterators? Alternatively, is there any library that provides class PosInf [A] or A to do this? What to do for me, but using a library is always better to duplicate the code.) : MA.maximum Usage: import scalaz._; Import Scalaz._ List (1, 2, 3) .maximum == Some (3) List.empty [Int] .maximum == Any The only problem is that it is not You can work directly with Iterators, so you instead (like Iterator.toStream ) list (using 1, 2) stream , 3) .iterator.toStream.maximum = some (3)

git svn - git-svn: branch renamed in svn repository, how do I tell git-svn? -

I'm using git-svn to track svn repository with multiple branches One of them working has been changed to the SVN repository. Git-svn does not understand what has happened. How can I tell git-svn? To make a correct branch of your .git / your SVN URL file [svn-remote "svn"] url = https: //my.repo/svn/MyProj/newbranch/

java - How do you make a defensive copy in a constructor if the input parameter is invalid -

In Josh Bloch's excellent book under Item 39 he says: "[ D] Copies are made first before examining the validity of critical parameters, and validity is checked on copies compared to the original. " Example given below: Public period (date start, end of date) {this.start = new date (start.getTime ()); This.end = new date (end.getTime ()); If (this.start.compareTo (this.end)> 0) new illegal throw exceptions ("..."); }} The problem with checking the validity after a defensive copy is that an invalid parameter may be caused due to a failed copy, for example, the above class is a NullPointerException If you enter null for start or end . If I check the validity before the defensive copy, then I am sensitive to the time-to-trial / time-of-use attack, which is the first to say the bloch due to the defensive copy. P> My question is what is a way around it? I do not believe that I am the first person to see this problem in a well-read bo...

php - How to check if a user has more than 5 failed logins and prevent brute force -

I want to avoid many unsuccessful logins and avoid users to stop attacks. If the number of unsuccessful login is 5 or more then captcha or disable access for 15 minutes. In the code below, whether or not the user successfully logs in. Some codes are unavailable, I use sessions on the right login. The number of failed logins can be found in the false_logins column. $ results check if found in the $ login and $ password using a query. Thanks for this. $ result = mysql_query ($ qry); $ Member = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result); // Check whether the query was successful and if the user is verified or not ($ member ['verified']) {// login successful mysql_query ("Update member set IP = '$ Ip', false_login = '0' Where entry = '$ login' '); header ("location: member-index.php"); exit ();} and {// login fail mysql_query ("updated member SET false_login = false_login + 1 WHERE login =' Header ("location: login-uns... mvc 3 - MVC3: Why won't my ModelError propagate to my view? -

I am working on a .NET MVC3 app. When I get an error in my controller, the error never expires in my view, why? My verb method looks like this: [http post] Create public action roles (userproof model) {if (ModelStat.IsAValid) {return view (model) ; } Try {DependencyResolver.Current.GetService & lt; IUserProfileService & gt; (). CreateUser (model.Email, / * Username for the ultimate map; We use email as the user name * / model, password, model, email, model first name, model last name, model phone, model Remember Fax, Model;); } Catch (Exception Pre) {ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError (string.Empty, ex); See Return (Model); } Return Redirect Action (Action Subscription); } My view is very boring: ... @using (HTML.BeginForm ()) {@ HTML.ValidationSummary (true) & lt ; Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; @ Html.labelFor (m = & gt; m.FirstName) & lt; / Labels & gt; @ Html.TextBoxFor (m = & gt; m.F...

Credit card numbers in html5 localStorage -

What if I store encrypted credit card information in the browser's local storage? When the user goes to the site again, the credit card field is prepared by javascript. The form directly states the payment processor, so the credit card information is never sent to my server. Of course, the site of my site and payment processor is delivered via https. Is it PCI compliant? Is this a bad way of working? Since the card # will basically be stored on the customer's machine, then (pci-dss of my With Interpretation) You have no way to restrict or monitor access to that data, though it is encrypted. I seem to be non-compliant

javascript/AJAX file uploading -

I need to upload a local file to the server with Javascript / AJAX. The problem is how I choose a file Can I read it in a byte array? PS: I can not use the HTML form to upload the file. With HTML5, the FileReader API is. This lets you read the files your users have chosen. On the second day I only created a CSV parser using HTML5 and JSL, it was not difficult at all. Since this is a new API, it is not well supported. See support here. If you do not want to do this, you have to solve the flag which Benjamin has suggested. If you want more information, go here. BADIA !!!

php - Isn't got anyway to convert my website image become dual language? -

I already add the Google translation tool to my website, but once I translate, only the content of the translation Will be done, I know that just create another HTML file which changes all the content and the image, double language is formed, what should I know about my website image to become a double language? My Website Code Language: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP Link to My Website: Since the text embedded in the image, you will not be able to change the language / text at this point. To update the pictures, what you probably can do is that they do not have text then you can insert text during run time. You can do this from time to time using imagemagik or gd2 (which probably will not do well) or you can generate text and then use CSS to insert image as background Are there.

xcode - Using GPS and/or maps in iphone app -

I would like to know whether it is possible to pass a GPS or Google Maps address from an SQLite database on a button's press Show on a map. If anyone knows about something that can help me, who is epitated. I would also like to get the current location and would like to show local places on the map, which will also be populated from the same database. thank you in advanced. You must use Google to translate the address to address / long coordinate direction- Instructions API because Apple does not support further geocoding. You can take a look at this API - very straight forward:

Need to Load facebook ID vars into Flash using only client side scripting -

I would just like to display the user's name and photo within a flash app. I hope that it will only be done in the client without using any backend scripting. ActionScript 3 for Facebook Facebook is under construction for the next few weeks to comply with the new 3D requirements of SDK, so I do not believe being current can be useful. We searched for and tested for a week with any luck and I feel that the answer is either very simple or not possible. If you have a solution, please help please It seems that getting the current javascript via SDK and getting those items through their external interface, the SDF is an example. (Make sure your SDF id is "Flash OBJ") Javascript code: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: ' ; status: incorrect, cookie: true, xfbml: false}); }; (Function () {var e = document.createElement ('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document...

file upload - Uploading Directly to S3 on CORS without Flash, from HTTPS hosted site -

We are looking for S3 in uploading large files (~ 100MB +) HTML-Form includes other meta information about the file, which will be stored in our application database and not in S3. Depending on the success / failure of file-uploads on S3, the metadata about the image will be inserted in our application DB. The application is on the Ruby-on-Rails stack and HTTPS is enabled. S3 is denied form submission, so a flash based upload is done. Direct JS uploads are not possible due to a cross-domain (CORS) limit with S3. Configuring the HTTP Server (NGNX) with the option described here ( Files-to-s) but the application (ie, NGNX) will run behind elastic load balancer at HLTPS. Is there another good pattern for this requirement in the AdWords World? Thanks, Shriram CORS is now supported, then your option is 1 now

python - Extract the value of a X.509 certificate custom extension using PyOpenSSL -

Using Python and PO OpenSSL, is there a way to recover the value of a custom extension? With custom extensions, I mean an extension encoded using the arbitrary extension format described under the Arbitration Extension. Also, is it possible to create such a certificate that has such an extension using PyOpenSSL? If the answer to any of these is "no", then I also indicate how to do it with any other Python Library. I do not want to call the system on the OpenSSL command line app. You can get to any and all you have loaded using pyOpenSSL. Extensions on 509 certificates for example: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; OpenSSL import crypto from c & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Cert = c.load_certificate (c.FILETYPE_PEM, file ('server.pem') read ()) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Cert.get_extension_count () 4L & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ext = cert.get_extension (0)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ext.get_short_name () 'Basic Consultants' & gt; & Gt;...

linq - Using Extension methods versus lambda expression in c# -

मान लीजिए मेरे पास विस्तार विधि है सार्वजनिक स्थिर IEnumerable & lt; उत्पाद & gt; फ़िल्टर (यह IEnumerable & lt; उत्पाद & gt; उत्पाद एनाम, फ़नक & lt; उत्पाद, बूल & gt; चयनकर्ता पैरा) {वापसी उत्पादअनुम। जहां (चयनकर्ता पैरा); } जिससे मैं ऐसा कॉल करता हूं फ़ंक्शन & lt; उत्पाद, बूल & gt; भाषा फ़िल्टर = प्रॉड = & gt; प्रोड। भाषा == लैंग; जो कि गलती नहीं कर रहा है, वह कार्यात्मक रूप से var products = products.Where (q = & gt; q.Language == पैरामीटर) के समान है; मैं समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि जब कोई पहली नमूना के अनुसार एक विस्तार विधि का उपयोग कर सकता है, और जब linq वाक्यविन्यास का उपयोग किया जाता है। मुझे लगता है कि आप कुछ शब्दावली को भ्रमित कर रहे हैं। आपके द्वारा दिखाए गए फ़िल्टर विधि एक विस्तार विधि है (पैरामीटर सूची में this कीवर्ड द्वारा इंगित किया गया है। क्या आप "linq वाक्यविन्यास" के रूप में वर्णित हैं वास्तव में एक लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति है । सभी LINQ विधियों को विस्तार विधियों के रूप में लागू किया जात...

regex - Perl script to list all the files -

I have a website where some download files are stored say that the website contains files GTP-UGP-Latest- GTP-UGP-Latest- GTP- UGP-latest - GTP-UG-LATEST- Pre-UGP- LATEST- Pre-UGP- LATEST- Pre-UGP- LateState- ISO Pre-UGP- Latest- The number of these files is increasing every day. My ultimate goal is to run the script daily (chronz) to check if there is a new file and download all new files if it has been added. My argument receives the version number of all files starting with GTP * (say Change it (530123) and then compare to get the largest number and then the previous Check with the downloaded version number which is stored in a local file. If this does not match, we download the file with the largest version number that starts with GTP and we start with PRE * I have a bad regular expression in I, please help me on this. Plea tell me to list all the f...

javamail - Java Mail API read message body problem -

I have a question about receiving email from a SMTP server so I should get a message from the server and get his body But I have a problem with it. I tried to get the input stream of the message and read it all but it really reads all the contents of the message, so my question is how can the Java Mail API read the mail system from the part and part of the title? I search in Google but not with success. I'm sorry, if the question looks stupid but I'm starting at the Java Mail API. Thanks in advance. try it You can read the message body using the getContent method . (MimeMessage) message) .getContent (); There is an extraordinary well-written resource on the JavaMail API

c# 4.0 - Optical errors in my published WinForm Project -

I put the debug folder on another computer to test my small project. But the colors do not match should look like one here: but looks like this: I have used .NETFramework 4 and only simple WinForms. Thank you. Edit: This is not a Windows theme, I have set this color explicitly. This is my designer code: It seems that the user is using a theme (not that you). The subject looks like high contrast white. Here you have some code to set color. this.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; This.Forecolor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight; You are setting the colors but you are setting them in their colors in their theme. They are for stability execution machine color settings, not developers This is why your labels appear blank. Try setting one of them in Color. In return, Reid and I'm sure this will appear.

magento - importing items into urapidflow -

I am trying to write a php script which outputs to a CSV file that is in Magmatno in urapedflow pro Will be imported. I'm a little confused when using a fixed line format as a dynamic column format conflict. Is it possible to stick in only one format? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! I had a hard time finding answers on the web, so for all I ' Li> In fact, for product import CSV, there are mandatory header columns highlighted in bold and red: Fixed RAW format is exceptionally difficult. I played with it until I did not know which features I want to adapt to. For reference, these were the headers I used to: So, hope that it helps, happy magnineo import!

javascript - Drag and drop event in a contentEditable element -

If something is left in the content, then what event is removed (after dragging)? Talking about a plain old drag and drop, do not drag and drop HTML (where any element can be dragable); The use case is simply: On the page there is a content editable diva, which is used as an editor Users can either from the current page or any other page Leaves some HTML except, or from another browser window (hence, there really is no concept of "source" object: the source can come from outside the browser) I should be informed That content was removed in it ContentEditable div is so much that I can work on it (clear it) I can see Div what is not anything that is not clear, but it is expensive and " Ugly "; Surely there is an incident that occurs when a drop occurs ...? I encountered the same problem while writing a tinyMCE plugin What elements of the drag and drop elements The best way to track me is to hear the 'domainedist' event on the content in th...

xml - Java Support for PMML -

I'm new to PMML: predictive model markup language () and I was wondering if some kind of Java support (open source / professional) for creating / parsing of PMML files Initially I have the possibility to create a program from Java environment only for PMML files. I am "Goggle" and I have many possibilities: Open Source: (PMML 3.2) / Ul> From Java javax.datamining Does it seem dead? Use an XML Java Library and Automatically Make parser / author of PMML files I appreciate all your thoughts. Oscar You should realize that this answer may depend on the model element That's what you want to work with. It is also very likely that your best choice to make PMML and parsing PMML will come from different software packages. I am going to think that 'PMML's creation' means you document, not model. I've never heard of anyone who integrates automatic model fitting with execution, but maybe it already exists. Certainly a PMML model c...

php - An IF statement is resulting in a Catch error message -

I have a PHP form where one of the fields in the SQL table appears as a link though I I want to display something other than data and then there is something in that area. It's a gig list and I want the option to display a link on 'setlist' I do not want it to display the filename, though it does now, but something like an image icon or 'SET' Someone has suggested that I add ($ line ['gigsetlist'] == "") {code but it An unexpected catch is taken .. The error message is the code with the above if the statement is included. Can anyone tell if what could be missing or disputed? & Lt; TD & gt; '$ Line [' gigshortdesc ']' & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; '; If ($ line ['gigsetlist'] == "") {Print '& lt; A href = "set / '. $ Line [' gigsetlist '] .php" onclick = "return openin (this.href, this .target, 480, 480, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ; "Rel ...

string - what happens to an object in Java if you do not reference it, like here : myString.concat("that") -

स्ट्रिंग माइस्ट्रिंग = "यह"; // स्ट्रिंग अपरिवर्तनीय myString.concat ("वह"); // एक नया ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया गया है, लेकिन सिस्टम को कुछ भी नहीं सौंपा गया। Out.println (myString); // बाहर "यह" प्रिंट करता है मैं एक संकलन समय त्रुटि पसंद करेंगे - ऐसा क्यों नहीं है? एक ही सवाल एक वापसी प्रकार के साथ किसी भी विधि के लिए लागू किया जा सकता है, जब इसे वापसी प्रकार की आपूर्ति के बिना कहा जाता है। सार्वजनिक myObject doStuff (... जो कुछ भी) {// / ; } को वापसी प्रकार रखने के लिए एक संदर्भ / चर प्रदान किए बिना कहा जा सकता है: MyObject newObject = doStuff (); // कार्य करते हैं (); // वापसी ऑब्जेक्ट निर्दिष्ट किए बिना भी काम करता है ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया जाएगा और कचरा के लिए योग्य होगा तुरंत संग्रह (यानी यह संभवतः कचरा एकत्र किया जा सकता है)। कारण यह एक संकलन समय त्रुटि नहीं है कि विधि को वापस नहीं करने वाली हर विधि के लिए आपको उस रिटर्न वैल्यू का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है। कुछ तरीकों को उनके दुष्प्रभावों के लिए ही बुलाया जाता है। एक अच्छा उदाहरण है: ...

java - Difference between and Color.RED -

setXxx ( और setXxx के लिए परिभाषाओं के बीच वास्तविक अंतर क्या है ( Color.RED) ? मुझे वेब पर निम्नलिखित स्पष्टीकरण मिला है क्या यह सम्मेलनों के नामकरण के बारे में है? जावा मूल रूप से लोअरकेस में कुछ रंग निरंतर नामों को परिभाषित करता है, जो स्थिरांकों के लिए अपरकेस का उपयोग करने के नामकरण नियम का उल्लंघन करता है। वे जावा के सभी संस्करणों में उपलब्ध हैं: रंग। ब्लैक, रंग डर्कग्रे, रंग। ग्रे, रंग। लाइटग्रेट, रंग। व्हाइट, कलर। मैगेंटा, कलर। एड, कलर पिंक, रंग। रंग, रंग, रंग। येलो, रंग .ग्रीन, रंग। साइयन, रंग। ब्लू जावा 1.4 ने स्थिरांक के लिए उचित अपरकेस नाम जोड़े हैं: रंग। ब्लैक, रंग। DARK_GRAY, रंग। जीआरए, रंग। LIGHT_GRAY, रंग। WHITE, रंग। MAGENTA , रंग। लाल, रंग। पिन, रंग। रंग, रंग। येलो, रंग। ग्रीन, रंग। CYAN, रंग। BLUE कोड ही है: सार्वजनिक अंतिम स्थिर रंग लाल = नया रंग (255, 0, 0); सार्वजनिक अंतिम स्थिर रंग लाल = लाल; जेडीके 1.4 में ऊपरी केस अक्षरों को प्रस्तुत किया गया था (यह नामकरण सम्मेलन के अनुरूप है, यह कहते हुए कि स्थिरांक चाहिए ऊपरी मामले में ह...

osx - Open NSPanel with button click in the PDE -

Custom Peedii with a button next to me and when I click on it I would like to show you a new Anspianl when I use the command I or MakeKeyAndOrderFront functions, panel below appears but print dialog window and no focus, I can not do anything. When I Rnmodel Forendo uses function would, it seems, appears on the panel window and right, but before it does model and I do not have that model that I want the panel and when I click on the red button to close panel But it disappears, the print dialogue has no focus, and I can not do anything with it, even I can stop the app. Please help me. I'm a newbie on Mac programming. I've found it: [panel set level: CG Shielding window level ()]; [Panel set works: when model: yes]; [Panel make and order font: self];

image processing - Edge Response Removal in SIFT -

Using hesiian matrix in section 4.1 of iron, the ratio of main curvature is used to remove the dates which may be related to the shore. The paper does not specify whether the Hessian matrix is ​​counted on the original image or the DOG. It applies to the DOG in the specified octave; Interval. My question is why the Hessian matrix applies on the DOG to identify those points which are the possible edges? I think that Hessian should be similar to finding Harris corner. The difference is that the Hessian matrix is ​​the second sequence derivative. So I concluded that Hessians should be applied to the original image. Can you tell me about the relevant resources, how is heission used? Paper on SIFT indicates that input in the Hesian matrix calculation is actually DOG I DoG edge map. Not because it does not have binary, however, it has eliminated the noise and has emphasized the features visible in that level of the DOG. So in short, the high value pixels of the DOG are the mos...

android - how to call a service from an activity? -

I have a service that intents dialogue = getBaseContext An activity starts by (), Dialog.class); DialogIntent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); . GetApplication () startActivity (dialogIntent); But I'm not sure when this new activity ends up for service, how to pass the call? Note that "startActivityForResult" does not work from one service;) Edit: Edit: Edit: > Activity terminated Intent dialogue = new intent (getBaseContext (), total keyboardboard.); DialogIntent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); . GetApplication () startActivity (dialogIntent); End(); So far, in service, do not get calls Public zero start at @Override (intent int, int startid) {Toast.makeText (GetApplicationContext) (), "AA!", Toast. LNNGHHORT). Show (); } When you try to start the service The is already running then it does not call the onCreate method, but it calls the onStart () methods ... ... You can use it to fulfill your nee...

c++ - Window Maximum Maximise -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I'm looking at the size (to create a program where I can set the maximum maximum size in the window when press maximum buttons for you) and run all windows up position (max / max window of x / y coordinates) it so that I do without my resize manually fit every window inside Rainmeter in my secondary Every time Nitr be visible. I managed to do a simple program I wrote using MINMAXSIZE This method WinAPI works perfectly for my short program, but the next 1 or 2 articles on the Internet There are very few documents in I was wondering whether this would be the best way to set the maximum size, or if there is another way to do this. The way I was planning to implement it in all applications or DLL injection or hook (not an experience to me), so I imagine the views of their people in ways having had. I know that there are some applications that already do, but I thought it could be a learning experience, and also, I tried al...

spring webflow 2 - Primefaces Dialog box - show it conditionally. javascript code not working -

I want to show a dialog box on the click of a prefetch command button. Before the dialog box, I have to check a solilat. I am using Spring Web Stream 2.3.0. So I'm doing it like this, and dialog box I'm not able to show this dialog box based on this condition. SWF 2.3.0 Primus 2.2.1 JSF Spring 2 Spring 3.1.0 M1 iAkAkacha Tomcat 6.0 STS 2.5.1 Therefore I have changed my code according to the following = " ()" update = "DialogPanel" & gt; & Lt; F: setPropertyActionListener value = "# {searchHandler.selectedAccIns}" target = "# {reqSearchHandler.checkAccStatus}" /> & Lt; / P: commandLink & gt; and dialog box & lt; P: outputPanel id = "Dialog panel" is provided = "# {reqSearchHandler.accStatusFlag}" & gt; & Lt; P: dialog header = "effect dialog" widgetVar = "dlg3" show effect = "bounce" hide effect = "explosion" heigh...

visual studio - Code analysis not working after ReSharper uninstall -

I recently uninstalled Risher-6. Now, if I look at any code analysis rule, then this ID (for example CA1001) will not display any other information. The name and all other Infos are shown as "unknown" and Analyst will fail to say that the terms and conditions are not compipable. I looked in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ Team Tool \ Static Analysis Tools \ Rule Groups and * .ruleset-files. found. Please repair the VS After this, please set your default settings in "Tools | Import and Export Settings" Reset to Thank you. Alex Berezhhsky, Researcher Support Engineer @ Jet Brain

c# - How to Export Invoices Generated Through Quickbooks SDK to PDF -

We have a scenario where we need to use QuickBook SDK to make an invoice from an external application and then Invoice in a PDF Copy Calling App Creating an invoice is very easy with the QuickBooks SDK, so there is no problem in this first step. However, I'm sure how to actually print or return invoices (in the form of PDFs) through an external calling application I have some questions related to this purpose I want to ask. Does QuickBook provide the ability to direct SDK and return a visual representation (such as PDF) to a document (for example an invoice)? Does the Quickbooks SDK provide the ability to print a document directly (for example an invoice)? Most of these questions come with my usual lack of familiarity with QuickBook SDK. Assuming that the number 1 above is not possible, there are some possible alternative strategies to fulfill our purpose. Strategy A - Use of accredited filename to export print and PDF If supported, we can print an invoice w...

Representing one-many data in a query in one row in sql server? -

मेरे पास दो तालिकाओं वाला एक डेटाबेस है: उपयोगकर्ता , आइटम उपयोगकर्ता इस तरह दिखता है: userId अनोनी इंडेंटिफ़ायर उपयोगकर्ता नाम nvarchar आइटम इस तरह दिखता है: यूजरआइडी अनन्य डिडिटीफायर आइटमनाम एनवर्चार इसलिए प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता में कई आइटम हो सकते हैं। मुझे क्वेरी जो उपयोगकर्ता देता है मैं इस तरह से कुछ कर सकता हूं: उपयोगकर्ता से यूजर आइटम जुड़ने से SELECT करें। यूज़र आईड = आइटम। यूज़र आईड यू यूआरआईआईआईडी = 1 अगर उपयोगकर्ता 1 2 आइटम, क्वेरी कुछ इस तरह वापस आएगी: UserId userName ItemName 1 ओलिवर ऐप 1 ओलिवर ऑरेंज मुझे इस तरह से कुछ लौटने के लिए क्वेरी चाहिए : UserId उपयोगकर्ता नाम आइटम नाम 1 ओलिवर ऐप, ऑरेंज या इससे भी बेहतर, कुछ ऐसा: UserId userName ItemName1 ItemName2 1 ऑलिवर ऍपल ऑरेंज क्या यह संभव है? इसका कारण यह है कि मैं इसे इस तरह से करना चाहता हूं क्योंकि अगर मैं SELECT TOP 50 के साथ कोई क्वेरी करता हूं, तो मैं 50 अलग-अलग प्रयोक्ताओं को वापस नहीं करना चाहता, न कि (उदाहरण के लिए) 50 पंक्तियों में 18 उपयोगकर्ता, कई मदों के साथ प्र...

jquery - In an ASP.NET MVC 3 view, how to handle all form submission in JavaScript? -

In this MVC 3 view, I submit the form completely via javascript (i using jquery) need to. Specifically, logic presented through my form of contact through the server, which is a comet structure (an improvement on Ajax, basically). How can I set up Javascript handlers to present any type of view (eg, by clicking submit button or entering in a field)? Handler needs to completely disable form submissions while processing the server. Keep in mind that I am also making controversial client side validation as a visual. You can use it or manually by adding a global script to all pages: $ (function () {$ ('form'). Submit (function () {if ($ (this). Valid ()) {// Client verification pass => Send it with AJAX $ .ajax ({url: this.action, type: this.method, data: $ (this). Serialize ()})} return false;});});

php - jquery carousel with text and description -

I need to show content from my WordPress blog in a slider I choose jcarousel because it can be loaded via AJAX This is provided through the array only, with image URL only. I need to bring the title and description of the image with Ajax. I need a slider like this How can I move forward $ images = array ('', '' , 'Http://', '', ' 199481143_3c148d9dd3_sJpg ',' ',' ',' / 69 / 199481255_fdfe885f87_s.jpg ',' ',' ',); Finally...

How can I fetch "partial matches" with mysql? -

I need to find the best match from a mysql table given a set of properties. For example, ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2 and ATTRIBUTE3, I want to get results as follows: Match rows with all the attributes 2 Matching rows with attributes Matching rows made with 1 attribute Yet I only know how to complete the first description: User> ATTRIBUTE1 = "aValue", ATTRIBUTE2 = "now", ATTRIBUTE3 = "now" LIMIT 20 NB I need 2 lists A list with completely matching rows and partial matches If you have an overall index ATTRIBUTE {1..3} This will benefit users from List A SELECT *, where ATTRIBUTE1 = "aValue" and ATTRIBUTE2 = "AWWE" and ATTRIBUTE3 = "aValue" LIMIT 20 and List B SELECT * in some rows Can help, as IF (ATTRIBUTE1 = "aValue", 1, 0) A1, if (ATTRIBUT2 = "AWW", 1, 0) A2, IF (A) TTRIBUTE3 = "AVWU", 1, 0 users from A3 where ATTRIBUTE1 = "Awwu" or ATRIBUT2 = ...

sql - Column with Numeric DataType returns a value with decimal upon using Crystal Report -

SQL सर्वर 7.0 VB 6.0 क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट 8 कॉलम नाम : MyColumn डेटा प्रकार: संख्यात्मक लंबाई: 9 प्रेसिजन: 10 स्केल: 0 चलो कहना है कि myColumn का मान है: 1, 2, 3, 4, और 5 जब मैं एंटरप्राइज़ प्रबंधक और क्वेरी विश्लेषक पर जांच करता हूं, तो परिणाम ठीक हैं। 1, 2, 3, 4, और 5 लेकिन जब भी मैं vb का प्रयोग करते हुए क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट पर डेटा प्राप्त करता हूं, परिणाम हैं: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 यह सिर्फ आपकी रिपोर्ट में संख्या स्वरूप की तरह लगता है कि डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से एक दशमलव देने के लिए सेट किया गया है यदि आप रिपोर्ट में स्वरूपण को बदलते हैं, तो उसे आपकी समस्या ठीक करनी चाहिए

c# - Good combination of tools and techniques for 3d XNA / WP7 Game -

I'm working on the 3D XNA games for the desktop version of XNA and one of the most pricking problems is justified Animation Support for 3D Models I am now trying to get a game for wp7 which is thinking that a recommended combination of devices is based on experience. In short: I am looking for the following workflow tips / best practices / experiences Modeling Animating Importing into the project I know that there are tutorials on, but I am particularly looking for real world examples. At least the code I have to write myself, the better I especially do not like those examples because there are many custom codes that are running there for importing and working with animation. There are so many custom codes because it is such an XNA I was surprised to actually use math How to move the object on the screen at a specific speed, I mean, who ever thought that mathematics would be useful beyond counting! Your best bet would be to look at some of the s...

java - playframework - setting a list parameter in a custom select tag -

Text after " I select some duplication tags in my html so that I will select a custom tag in the game that will be taken as a parameter The name attribute of the selection (which can be easily done) and a list item through which I can make the option tag dynamic. Basically I want to do something like this / ///// Store the custom tag in the formulas /////// & lt; Select Name Name = "$ {_ selectName}" & gt; # {List $ {_ Option}, like: 't'} & lt; Option value = "$ {t.Description}" & gt; $ {T.Description} & lt; / Options & gt; # {/ List} & lt; / Select & gt; /////// Calling custom tag from another HTML file is ////////// Type: # {select the form name: 'type', option: type /} field: # {Select form nameName: 'reg' options: areas /} type and regions are variables vector and forwarded from the controller. To assume the type and regions >, select the $ {_ options} tag ( # {list} ) Inside...

c# - "Internal" Modifier & OOP Principles -

I have heard that some people use the internal modifier to hide classes and members outside Is called the assembly in which they are declared because it defeats the main principles of OOP Is this really true? Is this really true? No, this is not true. Its uses of the internal visibility modifier are classes that you do not want to use outside your assembly, but still to be public inside the assembly. For example, if you are preparing an API, then there may be classes that you do not want to show in front of your API's users.

java - How to make a callback from a Service to an Activity -

Sorry for annoying you again, but I still can not find a way to callback service from my activity. .. Similar questions were found - // Callback interface interface MyCallback {void callbackCall (); } // class callback class worker {MyCallback callback; Void onEvent () {callback.callbackCall (); }} // Option 1: Class Callback implies MyCallback {void callback () {// callback code goes here}} worker.callback = new callback (); Not yet sure how to integrate that sample into my project. Any suggestions or links to clear the tutorial would be nice! This kind of callback (Observer Pattern) that you are showing in your example is a service and an activity Use Supervisor not to work between, when from Class A, you want to create an example of class B and send the callback from B to A. Regarding services and activities, things are completely different. AFAICT, if you want to callback your activity with service , then use the best method to use it ResultReceiver : , it...

java - JMS topic get clientID's -

Can I get client IDs for all JM subjects? I use Zebos AS6 (HornetQue). Of course, I can send queries to all of them and read the answers, but I am looking for a more elegant solution. With Horror you can list all the core queues using JMX-Management. You can only list the queues under ORG .hornetq.core (on the Jmx view). Customer-ID will only be part of the name.

multithreading - OpenCV CascadeClassifier C++ Interface in Multiple Threads -

I would like to run an OpenCV C ++ interface in multiple threads using the CascadeClassifier object. The way my program works, my main thread loads "some_file.xml" in a CascadeClassifier object, three or more threads are generated and they pass the cascade object. The program crashes afterwards. I have done many tests and have concluded that the CascadeClassifier object thread is not secure-while doing the "catechmeltiscale" function. I do not want to save the same file every time to read the hard drive off. The new thread is created, how can it be avoided? Higher cascade is stored in new format if you are working with LABP cascade You can avoid reading cascade from the file system for each new thread: In Load Cascade Memory: cv :: FileStorage fs (path_to_cascade_file, cv :: FileStorage :: Read); If (! Fs.isOpened ()) Handleearer (); For next-stage FS objects, create a new CascadeClassifier object for each new thread: cv :: CascadeClassifier ...

jquery - Problem binding mouse events -

I have a table of images each row, when it is folded, its image is hidden in the first hidden device Which is fully deployed. Now when I have a mouse on the image shown, I want to break the tr mouseleave events so that the image does not flicker and then when I leave the image div, then reboot the mouselevel event. I am able to unbind the mouseover event, but due to ribbing, flicker is generated. Relevant code: & lt; Table range = "1" id = "photoTable" & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; Tr class = "item" & gt; & Lt; Td class = "filename" & gt; GraphDataCAQ3UW88.png & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Div id = "this photo" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: #thisphoto {display: none; Status: Completed; Left: 250px; Top: 150px; Limit: 1px solid black; Background color: white; Padding: 20px; Z-index: 2; } js: $ (d...

javascript - Resize a div when printing -

I have a div of a gridview that needs to be printed. I'm using a CallPrint JavaScript method to print div. I have to add a header and resize the div to fit the page better. Here is the call print method function callprint (strid) {var prtContent = document.getElementById (strid); Var WinPrint = ('', '', 'letf = 0, top = 0, width = 800, height = 550, toolbar = 0, scrollbar = 0, position = 0'); WinPrint.document.write (prtContent.innerHTML); WinPrint.document.close (); WinPrint.focus (); WinPrint.print (); WinPrint.close (); Preet content Wiener HTML = strOldOne; } // Generating pop-up print preview page This is not the way to go. Instead, you'll see the and lt; Something like link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "print" href = "print.css" /> should be at the top of your HTML file, and by providing Katom CSS for print Change that element. To read more here:

javascript - Mouseover problem -

मेरे पास निम्न माउसओवर फ़ंक्शन है: $ ('। Msg_id')। ("माउसओवर", फ़ंक्शन () {$ (यह)। सीएसएस ('कर्सर', 'पॉइंटर'); टीआईडी ​​= $ (यह) .attr ('id'); idx = $ (this) .attr ('name '); Resp = ""; $ .ajax ({async: false, url: "log_msg.asp", डेटा: $ ("# msgForm")। Serialize () + "& amp; aktion = popup & msg_id =" + Tid + "& msg_id" + idx, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ("#" + tid)। Html (डेटा);}}); //$.post("log_msg.asp ", $ (" # MsgForm ")। Serialize () +" & amp; aktion = popup & amp; msg_id = "+ tid +" & amp; msg_id "+ idx, // function (डेटा) {//})। सफलता (कार्य () {// $ ( "#" + टिड)। Html (डेटा); // resp = डेटा; //$ ('' '' '' '' '' '' 'ब्लॉक' '); //popd.css (प्रदर्शन' , 'ब्लॉक');}};}); यह। Html के अंदर कुछ HTML कोड डालता है ($ ("#...

facebook - FB.ui feed post dialog changes -

When a user posts a comment on our site, we give them the option to send a comment to their Facebook wall. Meaning the following code: FB.ui ({method: "stream.publish", attachment: {"name": "article title", "href": document.location.href, " Description ":" excerpt from the article "} Message: User Comment, // Comment by user user@prompt_message: shareText //" what do you think? "Or similar, configurable}, function (feedback) {If (feedback & response.post_id) {// success!} And {// fail!}}); It pop-ups a dialog with "Your Comment Here" input from the same comment posted on your site. But he had degrade the message parameter to July 12. So now you get a big "share" box and the content you really want to share (the user's comment) is not included anywhere. Therefore, we are exploring another way to post a user comment. Still, at stream.publish still says that we can send the ...

spatial - Creating Shape Files from SQL Server using Ogr2ogr -

I am trying to run the following code in a command window. Executes the code, but does not give me any value in the SHP files. The geography type in the table is collections and polygons stored in the field of geography. I have made several changes for the geography type in the SQL statement - binary, text etc. But there is no luck. The output is in the .dbf file, so the connection to the database works, but the size. There is no data in the SHP file and .shx file and the size is of 17K and 11, respectively. Choose a suggestion ogr2ogr -f "ESRI shape" -overwrite c: \ Temp -nln Zip_States -sql "select [id2], [STATEFP10], [ZCTA5CE10 ], Geometry :: STGeomFromWKB ([Geography] .STAsBinary (), 4326) .STAsText () [geography] [geo-local] [dbo] from [us_State_Illinois_2010] "ODBC: .. Dbo / geo-spatial @ PPDULCL708504 Secondly, you are currently returning to the spatial area as a text string using STAsText (), but you are not telling OGR that it is a spatial area,...

flex - Air Application - Start in system tray? -

If someone can help me or point me in the right direction, then I would be very grateful. I am trying to launch an Adobe Air application in the system tray, so far I have used this snippet: which is described, although no one does the work, I started it, At least it can not seem to be the system tray: this is the code that is so far: & Lt; / Mx: WindowedApplication & gt; Many thanks. I think you will manage it doc () to Calling at the end of readyToTray (event: event) . To ensure that your initial window is invisible when it launches, you can set it to the visible property in the wrong.

php - Error when unzipping a group of images -

I am importing public domain books from to my site, and a php import set to do this Script is however, when I import and run images exec ("unzip $ images_file_arg -d $ book_dir_arg", $ output, $ position); This will sometimes give me back a $ 1 status. Is this okay? I have not had any problems with imported images so far. I looked at the man page to open, but he did not tell me much, could it possibly cause problems, and do I have to check each picture individually or am I safe? edit : oh I should have checked the manpage directly. They tell us what the error code means: The exit status (or error level) estimates the exhaust code defined by Pekwire and under VMS, the following values ​​are taken: General; No errors or warnings found. One or more warning errors were encountered, but the resource was successfully completed in any way. Includes zipfiles, where one or more files were omitted due to an unsupported compression method or an encr...

Help with jQuery cookie and Drupal 7 -

I am using this sample code here, and to put it in a custom. The JS file used to install my Drupal 7. I have an Omega Theme running, and I have successfully called the script through my .info file. The purpose of the cookie works, but clearly something is wrong because I see a javascript error message when I visit the site in IE When I write this, the script creates problems on my Drupal site with IMCE. I This is the code I am using: (function ( $) {Drupal.behaviors.omega_musicians = {attach: function (context, settings) {Var cookieName, $ tabs, stickyTab; cookieName = 'stickytab'; $ tabs = $ ('# tabstoo'); $ tabs.tabs ({ Select: Function (E, UI) {$ .cookies.set (Cookies, Ua (Android);}}}; stickyTab = $ .cookies.get (cookieName); if (! INN (sticky tab)) {$ tabs.tabs ('select', sticky tab);}} // EOF attached};} In addition to facts (to consider) that there is an issue with the mod_secure of Apache and cookies , ($) means the document and thu...

Creating objects from classes that implement interfaces in Java -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: जावा में, क्या इन दो पंक्तियों में कोई अंतर है? यदि हां, तो यह क्या है, और कब मुझे एक का उपयोग करना चाहिए? क्या कोई पसंदीदा सम्मेलन है? ध्यान दें कि ArrayList सूची लागू करता है। सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; गुच्छा ओफ्सट्रिंग = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; गुच्छा ओफ्सट्रिंग = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); दोनों ही मामलों में आप एक ArrayList को शुरु करते हैं अंतर यह है कि पहले मामले में आप इसे सूची के रूप में संदर्भित कर रहे हैं (इंटरफ़ेस जो एरेएलिस्ट लागू करता है), इसलिए आपके पास ऐरेएलिस्ट वर्ग की विशिष्ट विधि तक पहुंच नहीं है, लेकिन केवल इंटरफेस पद्धति है। उपयोग करें थी पहले: सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; गुच्छा ओफ्सट्रिंग = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); इस प्रकार आप अलग सूची कार्यान्वयन (अर्रेलिस्ट, वेक्टर) बदल सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग AClass () {सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; bunchOfStrings; सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt;...

c# - Need help with LINQ query -

मेरे पास निम्न श्रेणी है: आंतरिक वर्ग ModuleScrap {public System.DateTime ReadTime { प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ScrapReason {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक Int16 NetScrap {get; सेट; }} मैं एक LINQ क्वेरी के साथ कुछ मदद का उपयोग कर सकता हूं जो कि सभी पंक्तियों को कई सीमाओं (जो कि आसान हिस्सा है), ScrapReason पर समूह के बीच प्राप्त करता है और निर्धारित करता है प्रत्येक समूह के लिए NetScrap का योग मुझे LINQ में समूह के साथ बहुत अनुभव नहीं है। ऐसा कुछ, मुझे संदेह है: var query = स्क्रैप में स्क्रैप से जहां स्क्रैप। रीडटाइम & gt; = minDate & amp; amp; स्क्रैप। रीडटाइम & lt; = स्क्रैप द्वारा एक्सचेंज ग्रुप स्क्रैप। स्क्रैप रीजन में जी का चयन करें नया {कारण = जी। के, कुल = जी। एसयूएम (एक्स = & gt; (एनए) x.NetScrap)}; ध्यान दें कि int कास्ट क्योंकि int16 मानों के लिए परिभाषित नहीं है एक विकल्प समूहिंग को बदलने के लिए है: var query = स्क्रैप में स्क्रैप से जहां स्क्रैप। रीडटाइम & gt; = minDate & amp; amp; स्क्रैप। रीडटाइम और एलटी; = एक्सचें...

php - CakePHP: associating two models using different databases? -

I have two models, plants and amps, which have many relationships and I have configured them to join and The query is correct to get data for each, but the problem is that the plant and the AMP are on different databases. I am on the database database 1, Plant is on Database 2. Because of this, they do not query properly to join; The included table is only on database 1. When the plant tries to use the table of joining, then it is querying Database 2, which does not have this data. It is for the Association Emp Plant. is $ var and Belongsomani = array ('Plant' => Array ('className' = & gt; 'Plant', 'JoinTable' => 'emp_plant', 'ForeignKey' = & Gt; 'Employee_ID', 'Association Leading' = & gt; 'LocationID', 'Unique' => True, 'Terms' =>, '',)); Update : I tried to set a "Finder query" attribute to allow the table to join, but I do not know how to ...

jquery setting an inline width property problem -

I am using a jcarousel, and I need to clearly specify the width of each IMG. The problem is, that it actually has to work width = "". What is a way to add an inline width to the image? I tried: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('tab-item-photo img'). Each (function () {$ (this) .css ("width", "100px");})}} ; This size changes to the image, but it does not add the inline style width, so jcarousel's functionality does not work. Any thoughts on this? Thanks, H. This is setting the CSS property, but it seems that you talk about the width feature Trying $ (this) .attr ('width', '100px'); EDIT: In fact, there is an easy way to implement the same thing, which will be a little less rational. Your description above will be $ ('. Tab-item-photo img'). CSS ('width', '100px'); If you are not working from css to ATR ...

PHP pagination prolem -

I downloaded the pagination and used it in my website running in my local machine. After modifying and testing, I got a better result, but there was a problem that does not recognize the variable $ page, please see the following code: & lt ;? Php $ rpp = 3; // results $ per page = 4; $ Page = intval ($ _ GET ["page"]); If ($ page & lt; = 0) $ page = 1; $ Reload = $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF']; $ Sql ​​= "SELECT * FROM" TABLE_IMAGE. "ORDER ID ASC"; $ Qry = mysql_query ($ sql, $ con); // Calculate the total number of proper listings: $ tcount = mysql_num_rows ($ qry); // count the number of pages: $ tpages = ($ tcount)? Limit ($ tcount / $ rpp): 1; // total page, final page number $ i = 1; $ Count = 0; $ J = ($ page-1) * $ rpp; While (($ result = mysql_fetch_array ($ qry)) & amp; amp; amp; (($ count & lt; $ rpp) & amp; ($ j & lt; $ tcount))) $ {id = $ result ['id ']; $ Img = $ result ['path']; $ Title = $ resul...