Help with jQuery cookie and Drupal 7 -

I am using this sample code here, and to put it in a custom. The JS file used to install my Drupal 7. I have an Omega Theme running, and I have successfully called the script through my .info file.

The purpose of the cookie works, but clearly something is wrong because

  • I see a javascript error message when I visit the site in IE < Li> When I write this, the script creates problems on my Drupal site with IMCE. I

    This is the code I am using:

      (function ( $) {Drupal.behaviors.omega_musicians = {attach: function (context, settings) {Var cookieName, $ tabs, stickyTab; cookieName = 'stickytab'; $ tabs = $ ('# tabstoo'); $ tabs.tabs ({ Select: Function (E, UI) {$ .cookies.set (Cookies, Ua (Android);}}}; stickyTab = $ .cookies.get (cookieName); if (! INN (sticky tab)) {$ tabs.tabs ('select', sticky tab);}} // EOF attached};} In addition to facts (to consider) that there is an issue with the mod_secure of Apache and cookies    

    , ($) means the document and thus cookies are cookies (singular). To know the syntax, you can see the dome from firebug. Many (Attached Behavior) functions (such as Drupal.toolbar.toggle) are using it, I'm following the same thing and this is something for Drupal's JS cookies about me.
    Hope that helps


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