facebook - FB.ui feed post dialog changes -

When a user posts a comment on our site, we give them the option to send a comment to their Facebook wall. Meaning the following code:

  FB.ui ({method: "stream.publish", attachment: {"name": "article title", "href": document.location.href, " Description ":" excerpt from the article "} Message: User Comment, // Comment by user user@prompt_message: shareText //" what do you think? "Or similar, configurable}, function (feedback) {If (feedback & response.post_id) {// success!} And {// fail!}});   

It pop-ups a dialog with "Your Comment Here" input from the same comment posted on your site.

But he had degrade the message parameter to July 12. So now you get a big "share" box and the content you really want to share (the user's comment) is not included anywhere. Therefore, we are exploring another way to post a user comment.

Still, at stream.publish still says that we can send the parameter directly through the message API call, i.e.


I tested it And it works, but I am thinking that will it still work to move forward, or if they can not stop it?

If this changes, I will create a feed method, which is similar to the Streem method.

  FB.ui ({Method: 'Feed', Link: 'http://myapp.com/myitem', Display: 'iframe', Image: 'http: // myapp. Com / mylogo.jpg ', Message:' My Message ', Name:' Click to View Item ', Caption:' Title '})   

We will see the next major version and see !


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