
Showing posts from April, 2015

xcode4 - sln monotouch sample Load failed -

मोनोचौच नमूना समाधान लोड करने में विफल रहता है यह समाधान मुझे एक लोड त्रुटि देता है यहां से डाउनलोड करें यहां एक स्क्रीनशॉट है क्या मुझे मॉन्डोडएप का एक अलग संस्करण डाउनलोड करना है? मैं मोनोचौच के संस्करण की जांच कैसे करूं? धन्यवाद आपको Xcode 4 समर्थन के साथ काम करने के लिए मोनोडेकvelop 2.8 अल्फा डाउनलोड करना होगा। यदि आप "सहायता -> जांच के लिए जाँचें" पर जाते हैं, तो ड्रॉप डाउन को "अल्फा" में बदल दें और आपको नवीनतम मोनोडाकvelop 2.8 अल्फा संस्करण डाउनलोड करने की अनुमति देनी चाहिए। यह मोनोइडवेल 2.8 साइड को स्थापित करने के लायक है मोनो डेवलप 2.4.2 के साथ की ओर (हालांकि, 2.4.2 के बजाए बीटा चैनल में मोनोडेकvelop 2.6 समर्थन की कोशिश करना भी अच्छा हो सकता है - हालांकि यह एक्सकोड 4 का समर्थन नहीं करता है)। आशा है कि यह मदद करता है , क्रिसंट आर

java - How to make IvParameterSpec random but still decrypt -

For encryption in java ... This is an introduction to the article that the initial vector should be different every time, but if I encrypt To decrypt a different one used to do different IV, I get the garbage letter instead of the expected data. What is the proper way to encrypt on a server and decrypt it on the second front of the server? The general technique seems to be a byte array, but it is supposed to be unsafe ??? I believe is like a fourth salt - it is not a mystery, It is used only to present an additional element of randomness so that the same message can be encrypted, the same key still comes out each time individually. Then you can transmit four to encrypt as part of the encrypted value, as you will store the salt with a hash for a hash value. Of course, I can not complete the ly ...

rails routing and params with a '.' in them -

I'm using Rail to protect access to files that serve only to some web applications Should be done To do this, I have a controlling system that accepts information about the file that they want to use, checks their authorization, and then if they are authorized, then send them X- Use the sendfile file, except for a concept, the concept works fine: if they request a resource with someone in it my routing does not know how to handle it. Gon I have file: Match Attibi_ Resources / / guid /: Resource '= & gt; 'Atb_resources # show' ,: as = & gt; : Get_atb_resource ,: by = & gt; Get: and then if I try to do this in my imagination: go 'show' ,: guid = & gt; 'Some_guid',: resource = & gt; 'Blah.txt' Device failed with one: Failure / Error: Get 'Show' ,: guid = & gt; @ ATB.Guide ,: Resources = & gt; 'Blah.txt' ActionController :: routing error: no root matches {: guid = & gt; "ABCDEFG5...

c# - Asp .net Forms Authentication token using pure javascript -

How can I do something like this: request. Cookies [FormatsAuthentication.Formkeyname] .Value In JavaScript? You can not do anything like this in the Javascript authentication cookies when emitted by ASP.NET, whose This means that client scripts can not access them (and of course for security reasons). If this was not a HTTP flag, you can access cookies in JavaScript using variables, but as I said it does not apply to cookies (they will not be part of it).

php - My loop is only returning one value -

The issue here is that when I create an array with $ picnameoutput then print_r It prints as the array you will see in the screenshot. For the latter, I run the loop and I resonate to see the output, it gives only 1 value and I do not understand why this value very much Disappointed This is my code & lt ;? Php $ largedir = 'images / headshots / large'; $ Big = scandor ($ large scale); $ Picnameoutput = preg_grep ("/ Adam. * /", $ Large); Print_r ($ picnameoutput); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; counts ($ picnameoutput); $ i ++); {Dumb "$ picnameoutput [$ i]"); }? & Gt; And here's a screenshot so you can see what I mean You have a semicolon ; Then remove it for () before bracket. then for ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; counts ($ picnameoutput); $ i ++); {Dumb "$ picnameoutput [$ i]"); } $ I + lt; Count ($ picnameoutput); $ I ++) {echo "$ picnameoutput [$ i for gets ]"; } However I will recommend usi...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main - code -

Here is the source code for the program I wrote. Public class DVDInventory Program {final Int MAX = 5; DVD List DT [] = New DVD List [Max]; Int number of FDVDS = 0; Public Zero Array Sort (integer number) {int pass, i; Int temporary; DVD List s = null; If (calculation> 1) {for (pass = 1; pass 0) {s = dt [i]; DT [I] = DT [I + 1]; DT [I + 1] = S; }}}}} Public float Total ValueOfInventory () {Float Inventory Value = 0; For (int i = 0; i >>);); Println (); DVD List DVD; While {true} {System.out.println (); System.out.print ("Stop a DVD title (or to end the program):"); Name = input.nextLine (); If (name.equalsIgnoreCase ("stop")) {break; } System.out.print ("Enter the product ID:"); Number = input.nextInt (); System.out.print ("Enter unit price:"); Value = input NXFlot (); System.out.print ("Enter the number of units in the stock"); Stock = input.nextLong (); Input.nextLine (); System.out.print ("Enter Director's N...

C# : more efficiency coding in delegate/event subscribe in Visual Studio 2010 -

When I subscribe to the event, I am coding like this: (in Visual Studio 2010) 1. I will write as the following code: this.Loaded + = 2. I press the tab key 3 An IDE Automatically fill the code given below: this.Loaded + = New routing document handler (someClass_Loaded); 4 But the method did not exist in some classes yet. So I will write a method like the following code: Private zero someClass_Loaded () {} 5 But some class markings are not properly defined yet happened. So I have set the cursor on the delegate, "RoutedEventHandler". 6 I press F12 and then IDE is showing me a defining routing and handler. Namespace system. Windows {[...] Public Representative Zero Routing Avent Handler (Object Sender, Routing Avenger, ARGS E); } 7. Copy the RoutedEventHandler logic. 8 I paste it in some class_logged method Private zeroes class = loaded (object sender, routing and search engine) {} Is this the best coding practice? ps When I subscribe ... - Expose ListView ItemTemplate inside UserControl and allow markup? -

I am trying to create a UserControl that contains a ListView and many other controls / methods that we are repeating every list We make it. Is it possible to expose item template property and markup is allowed for it when using UserControl? I essentially want to add properties in ListView, but instead of creating all the wrapping controls for programming, allows for ease of design in ASCX. Markup for UserControl so far; & lt;% @ Control language = "C #" AutoEventWireup = "true" CodeBehind = "SuperListView.ascx.cs" Inheritance = "sandbox.superlist view"%> ; & Lt; Div class = "listwrapper" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; Asp: label id = "lbl_heeader" runat = "server" /> & Lt; Asp: button id = "cmd_CreateNew" runat = "server" CssClass = "create" /> & Lt; / H1> & Lt; Asp: panel id = "pnl_filter" runat = "server" ...

How do I use a Java .class file in Eclipse? -

I have a homework assignment for which we need to use the function in the .class file provided. I am trying to add it to eclipse, but I have no luck. The .class file is not part of the package, and I am not submitting it with my .java files, this means that I can not change the directory of the .class file, it will not have all of my .java files Should be in the same directory as well. I do not think I can add an external class folder with these requirements, adding the file to any .jar is also out of the question. How do I get my Java code to identify methods in the .class file? You have to add the class folder where your class file is located. Project properties to do this - & gt; Java Build Path - & gt; Add class folder

Scala underscores in names -

I have read many style guidelines and other resources, stating that using the underscores in method / variable / other names There is a bad idea for I What are the technical reasons behind this? I am very sad to prepare helpful tasks with _Also there are such things that should be private, which I want to make public so that I can access them through REPL. It is difficult to use other naming conventions like "accessory" suffix. Any thoughts will be appreciated! Wildcard operator is used heavily in _ scala therefore: xs map (_.x) // Call the x method of each element x-map (_x) pass each element through the _x method is misleading. You have to be careful to see if underscore is prepaid or not. However, the internal underscore is difficult to confuse: xs map (my_method) // There is no such form where _ stands for element of the list So these are less problematic, but at least still holding the eye slightly while looking for someone to shut down is p...

jQuery div class under div select radio button value -

& lt; div वर्ग = "बाहरी" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "इनर" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "एए" मान = "ए" प्रकार = "रेडियो" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "एए" मान = "बीबी" प्रकार = "रेडियो" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं jQuery में चयनित रेडियो मान कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मैं इस $ ('बाहरी बाहरी। इनपुट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं [प्रकार = "रेडियो"]: चेक किया गया') इसे आज़माएं $ ('। बाहरी। इनपुट इनपुट: रेडियो: चेक'); कार्य आपके चयनकर्ता में मुद्दा .outer.inner है। यह एक ही तत्व दोनों वर्गों के लिए दिखेगा। हो सकता है कि आप 2 कक्षाओं के बीच में एसएपीसी को याद किया।

.htaccess - htaccess: like urls -

I translate to try to come up with some mod_rewrite I am but any other page will work properly such as http : // example .com / contact and so on. I think this will work: Rewrite on Rewight Engines % {QUERY_STRING} ^ [a-z0- 9] + $ rewrite rule ^ $ view.php? Id =% {QUERY_STRING} [L] If you want to re-type in the address field of the browser, you will see [L] with [L, R = 301] must be changed. Explanation: The query-string (which is following the question marks) is not a part of the URL that the reversal sees in its matching pattern, Can not check. In my solution, I run the rule and if only use az and / or 0-9 in the query string ( RewriteCond ) Is done, and my rule only rewrites the ending URL with a slash (except for the query string) I call it view.php? Id = , and then add the query string to it. Edit: Tested on my Apache-server, and I did not find any bugs (yet).

Any way in C to forward declare struct in header without having to use pointer in other files? -

मान लीजिए मुझे यह सूची में है h: typedef struct list_t list_t; टाइपेडफ स्ट्रेट list_iter_t list_iter_t; List_iter_t इटरेटर (list_t * सूची); और फिर उन्हें list.c में निर्दिष्ट करें: typedef struct node_t {...} node_t; Struct list_iter_t {node_t * चालू; // इसमें जानकारी है कि क्या इटरेटर अंत तक पहुंच चुका है, आदि। चार खतरा; }; Struct list_t {...} list_iter_t iterator (list_t * सूची) {list_iter_t iter; ... वापसी करें; } हैडर फाइल में संरचना घोषणा शामिल करने से कुछ भी अलग हो सकता है ताकि कुछ फाइल में test.c मेरे पास हो: #include "list.h" void foo (list_t * सूची) {list_iter_t = iterator (सूची); ...} जैसा कि संभवतः कम्पाइलर को किसी भी तरह list_iter_t का भंडारण आकार बता सकता है? एक संकेतक का उपयोग करना असुविधाजनक है (क्योंकि यह एक संकेतक नहीं है, बल्कि अन्य कारणों से), लेकिन साथ ही मैं कार्यान्वयन के विवरण को यथासंभव अधिक छुपाना चाहता हूं। संक्षिप्त जवाब "नहीं" है। जिस तरह से आप संकलक को struct यह बताता है कि कैसे struct संरचित है। यदि आप क...

sql - Efficiently find top-N values from multiple columns independently in Oracle -

Suppose I have 30 billion rows with multiple columns, and I want to search for the top n most frequently values ​​for each column efficiently. For example, if I have freely, and with the most elegant SQL possible First name LastName FavoritesAnimals favorite book --------- ------- - ------------- - ------------ Ferris Freemant Possum UBIC Nancy Freemant Lemur Housekeeping Nancy Drew Penguin UBiich Bill Ribbits Lemur Dhulgren And I want Top-1, then the result will be: First name Last name FavoritesAnimals favorite book --------- -------- -------------- - ----------- Nancy Freemant Lemur Ubic Maybe I can think of ways to do this, but not sure whether they are optimal, which is important there are 30 billion rows; And the SQL can be bigger and ugly, and it may be that a much more temporary place will be used. Using Oracle. This should only be a pass on the table. You can use an analytical version of count () to get the frequency of each value independently: choose ...

c# - Loading large data -

After I have a datatable hava with large amount of data (250K). I have used DevExpress component and Nhibernate. DevExpress is the server mode in components, but it does not suit me because I am using nHibernate. There are many columns in the table as well. And 5 relation tables that are displayed with the main table (records of 250)? What is the best way to get my goal to give advice to my English? Thanks and sorry Edit: How with small parts To apply data load? After If I understand your question, then you probably need endorsement: Loading and Quantity data displayed. NHibernate supports this with a combination of ICreteria and SetFirstResult / SetMaxResults: IList & LT; MyObject & gt; GetPageOfMyObjects (integer pageSize, integer = zeroBasedPageNumber) MyObject & gt; (); }

java - Owned One-to-Many Relationships -

मेरे पास दो वर्ग हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग कुत्ता {@PrimaryKey @Persistent (valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) निजी कुंजी कुंजी; @ परसिस्टेंट (मैप किया हुआ = "कुत्ता") @ एलेमेंट (आश्रित = "सच") निजी सूची & gt; खिलौना & gt; खिलौने; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग की खिलौना {@PrimaryKey @ परसिस्टेंट (मान स्ट्रेटजी = आईडीजनरेटर। श्रेय।) निजी कुंजी; @ प्रस्तुति निजी नाम का नाम; @ प्राइसेन्ट निजी कुत्ते का कुत्ता; } 1) अगर मैं यह करता हूं खिलौना खिलौना = नया खिलौना (); toy.setDog (कुत्ता); // कुत्ता एक कुत्ता वर्ग pm.makePersistent (खिलौना) है; क्या मैं इस खिलौना को getToys के माध्यम से कुत्ते से प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? 2) अगर मैं यह दो बार करता हूं खिलौना खिलौना = नया खिलौना (); toy.setName ( "एएए"); toy.setDog (कुत्ता); pm.makePersistent (खिलौना); क्या दैटस्टोर में दो बिल्कुल समान खिलौने दोहराएंगे? धन्यवाद! यदि आप "toy.setDog" करते हैं तो आप खिलौने को खिलौनों में नहीं जोड़ चुके हैं खिलौने की सूची ... यानी संबंध द्विदिश है...

html - How do I center an inline-block/floated header with no extra markup? -

I have should a variable width header which is the background color that is wide in the text ( No wider) The only way I can think of doing this (without additional markup) is to set the display inline block or float it to float However the problem is that I can not focus the headers (the other requirement). The closest I have ever passed is position: relative; By setting , it pulls up to 50% from left to left and then 25% with negative margin, although it does not continually focus the header. This document should remain in the flow so that status: absolute; Nobody else goes. If you know it's a way to use CSS Any additional markup Please tell me (pseudo-element elements are OK, let me know IE7 There is no problem with support)! Resolve using the display: table; At the top (with margin: 0 auto;).

What is the use of a private static variable in Java? -

If a variable is public static varName; , then I can access it from anywhere ClassName.varName . I also know that stable members are shared with all instances of a class and are not re-specified in each instance. It is declaring that private static varName; a variable private varName; ? In both cases it can not be accessed as ClassName.varName or ClassInstance.varName All can be accessed as ClassName.var_name , but only from within the class that it has been defined - because it is private is public static or private constant variable is often used for constants, for example, many people In the code "defeat E-codes do not like "constant; They want to make a public stable or private static variable with a meaningful name and use it in their code, to make the code more readable. (You can also create such a constant final ). For example: Example of public class {Private final static string JDBC_URL = "jdbc: mysql: // local host / sho...

database - Crystal Reports databaselogin promt -

im CR version 13. Using CR SP1 for VS2010 and VS2010 I have a Report is a lot of sub-data they use the XML schema for data at design time and then use runtime-populated datasets. It works very well on my development machine but reports on other development machines or in the deployment have popped up a database-promo prompt for user names and so on. I have seen a lot of people with similar problems, there is no answear, let me make it clear, I do not use databases in any kind of shape or form. Other reports work fine, only my new report does this. I had some sub-reports which I wanted to suppress, I only set it on a data source did not do. For some reasons my development machine did not pop a dialog for the datasource on CR, so I did it. The report is given a parameter value which is used in supress sources of sub-reports.

javascript - Retrieving exact clients time in C# -

To date I dateTime.Now; I am using the function, okay, in the later stage, I used javascript to keep the client's date and time in time zone. But when I change the date and time of my system and try javascript. It shows the converted time of my computer how should I fix the customer's current date and time value. How to get it. Please do not answer more than C #; On the client, when the client sends a request with Javascript, get the new date (). (Tomas) (java). ) and send it to the server. ToJSON (GMT + 0000) gives the current customer datetime in Timezone (Greenwich): var dtStr = new date (). ToJSON (); on the server, C #: date time dtServer = DateTime.Now; DateTime dtClient = DateTime.Pres (Request.JQueryString ["dtStr"]); // or request.form double request timedelata = 10f; // starts the maximum time request in seconds between the client, // and this code lines are executed. Double second delta = 2f; DateTime max = dtClient.AddSeconds (requestT...

java - Can't get email attachments without extension from javax.mail.message -

Please help me to solve my problem. I have a function that looks for email content and attachments: / P> Public Zero Set Content and Attachments List (GMailEmail Gmail Email, Part Message) Messaging Option, IOException {If (message.isMimeType ("text / *") & amp; Amp; StringUtils.isEmpty (Message.getFileName ()) {gmailEmail.setContent (message.getContent (.) ToString ()); Log.debug ("Text Data Found. Set as Body:" + message.getContent (.) ToString ()); } And if (message.imetip type (MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE)) {multipart multipart message = (multipart) message.getContent (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; multipartMessage.getCount (); i ++) {bodypart message page = multipartMessage.getBodyPart (i); SetContentAndAttachmentsList (GmailAmail, MessagePant); }} And if (StringUtils.isNotBlank (message.getFileName ())} {MailAttachment attachments = new mailattempt (); Attachment.setContentType (message.getContentType ()); Log.debug ("Attachment content type:" ...

Way to format strings with "?" parameters to full string in java? -

For example, I want to apply class with method public class logger {Public Zero Information (String Message, String [] Parameters) {}} If input is New logger () Info ("Info: param1? Is the ultimate 2?", New string [] {"a", "b"}); should be output information: param1 is one, ultimate 2b what is the easiest way to do it apply the? Can you use the method for a ? Instead of using , you can format C style % x , where x can be d (for Int), s (for string) etc. In addition, you can see class method. It accepts all formatting flags for formatting (uses formatter to format String.format () method ).

how to create custom installer for window application in .net -

I want to create a setup for my window application , in which I want installation at the time the user has input custom connection string . How can I do this after digging in this case I have created a set up project for this. Now I got stuck in it, how to proceed if you are using the Visual Studio Setup project, you can try to create a custom dialog. Through which you get the connection information. Perhaps this tutorial will help you: If you are using another device, tell it in your post and I will edit my answer with a few suggestions.

iphone - Text Only Detail View From RSS Parser -

I'm new to Objective-programming, but by now I manage to do a custom splitview which is an RSS link This URL will open in a detailed view when the news list link in the menu view on the rootview is selected. The problem is that I can only show the full html in uiwebview. What do I want to see in detail to display only text and image (such as BBC News App), I tried String to strip withContentsOfURL and HTML tags, but it displays the entire string from head to footer Do I just want the body's content anyway, can I achieve it? thank you in advanced. If you use XMLParser, then you should use this method to use the Dredd Aliment method. And if one (/ element> Name isalTyString: @ "body"]) use this type if / else any of your data class To save the arrows, check what you want to refine it, and then when you retrieve the data while viewing the detail, then use this array and use the special Tie with Rann that you want to appear in your details view. Like: - ...

php - Get a different image from the database depending on screen size -

I am starting to create a web app and the idea is that this load is based on the URL Will be accessed and pictures from the data base. Www.mitdomà | /? Id = 1 0.2 0.3 etc. Up to 50 pieces. The problem is now that I should have dynamic content to turn on the mobile or pad (depending on the screen size). What type of screen can I choose PHP and can I remove the correct picture? So if this is an image that looks in the side which is 320px wide then it is a full one and if this one iPad is 1024px wide. I have formed the basis of a MySQL base with these areas. ID: Company: Billed_fil And the code looks like this. html: & lt; Div data-role = "page" id = "side1" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "header" data-noblebutton = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "content" & gt; & Lt; P class = "broad" & gt; By & lt;? Php echo $ company? & Gt; & Lt; ...

ios - Getting an app on two iPads in sync -

We are trying to remove a way to get an app on two iPad in sync. Then the case of use would be: We have two iPad, each one has an app running, User 1 is doing something on its iPad and this change is made to the user's iPad Should be displayed on Do you think Bluetooth (WiFi) communication can work or something like a VNC viewer? Cheers If you want to sync them only to local WiFi or Bluetooth, watch a gamekit colleague co-worker without using the server. There is also an apple which shows you how to add those devices and communicate between them.

reporting services - Non queried parameter - different behaviour SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 R2 -

I have a report that has a report parameter with the following properties: Hide Default value (non-query): DD / MM / yy Invalid value P> The report has been started using the ReportExecution2005.asmx webservice. On SQL Server 2005, the web service runs reports without problems. On SQL Server 2008 R2, the web service returns an error: Report this parameter to a default or user-defined report parameter 'datumformaat' Value is required to run this report or to subscribe, you must give a parameter value. Can it be fixed in some way, as is the case with SQL Server 2005? The parameter has zero value, which was causing the error

jdo - Datanucleus exception adding new column to hbase table -

I am using it with I had a table user . There are 4 rows in it. Now I added a new column to the table. Now every time I use any old user object that does not have this column, DataNucleus throws an exception because it is trying to map the column to POJO with property. There is no other way than updating the old 'user' object with dummy data? My object mapping looks like something: @ persistent (column = {@ column (name = "next_mail_timestamp", insertValue = "# null", defaultValue = "#NULL", allowNull = "true")}, name = "next mailtemstamp", cacheable = "false", nullValue = NullValue.DEFAULT) private long nextmailtemstamp; As you can see I have insertValue , defaultValue , allowNull , nullValue Have tried to use . But nothing seems to work. The Stacktrace looks like this: "java prettyprint-override"> . Hbase.util.Bytes.toLong (

how to include a jQuery file in php session file? -

This is my php file where it creates a session for the user: - & Lt ;; PHP / session session_start () start; // Check if the user's session is not set then there is no OT (if isset ($ _ session ['UID'])) {echo "Welcome," $ _ Session ['UID']; } Other {header ("location: error page html"); }? & Gt; And this is my jQuery file: - $ (document) .ready (hide the function () {$ ("# link"). ( );}); I want a user to log in after hiding my "#links". How do I include a jQuery file in my if statement in PHP? I tried: - include ("jqueryFile.js"); Required ("jqueryFile.js"); But it does not work. Requirement and include for server-side files, such as php. All you need to do is echo & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jqueryFile.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; '; If you want to include in the requirement / usage, you should cache y...

DDD: inter-domain referencing design issue? -

What are the DDD recommendations for inter-domain referenced designs? Do I try to add them as "friends" (one in each other) or better to create upper level "inter-domain" business service? PS crossing this smooth water, I was unable to find anything useful to read in the internet, and started thinking that the comparison of "inter-domain reference" for such things Better words exist in ... am I right? Description: I have two models / business services Semantic first domain (A) with the sell / maintenance process for our items The CRM is the second domain (b) "Design" data of our goods. On our goods we have two visual points: From the perspective of the perspective perspective and the engineer Actually each model is effective for the same database ORM (object-relational mapping) tool. Some inter-domain activities are eg. Assumptions (like sometimes we can sell things to SMB, only if some engineering rules are valid). From the...

xcode - How to select multiple dates in TapKu library? -

After the I want the date show tapkilibrary in multiple selections. Like Highlight Date between 14aug2011 to 18aug2011 - (NSArray *) calendarMonthView: (TKCalendarMonthView *) monthView marksFromDate: (NSDate *) STARTDATE todate: (NSDate *) lastDate {NSLog (@, Date is "Selected date% @"); //txtbdate.text=date; NSDateFormatter * timeFormat = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [Timeformatetet format: @ "yay-MM-DD"]; [Timeform set set time zone: GMT]; // [time format sitelokel: [NSLocale currentLocale]]; // [Timeformat settimeJohnson: [ntremezone local timezone]]; NSString * theTime = [TimeFormer stringFormat: date]; NSLog (@ "% @", thetime); Objappdel.strdate = thetime; [TkmonthView reload]; Appointment Deletate * Appointment Dictry = [[Appointment Dictator Alloce] Init Whitelheim: @ "Appointment Datebutt" bundle: Nile]; [Self. Navigation controller Push ...

c# - Looking for a unsigned 128bit Integer Datatype for the .net Framework -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: जैसा कि मैं एक उपकरण पर काम कर रहा हूं जो आईपी उपकरणों का प्रबंधन करता है और मैं इसमें आईपीवी 6 समर्थन जोड़ना चाहता हूं, मैं मूल आईपी से संबंधित गणना करने के लिए 128 बिट अहस्ताक्षरित पूर्णांक। नेट डेटाटाइप खोज रहा हूं (सबनेटिंग, सभी होस्टों की सूची एक सबनेट, ..) यह मानक अंकगणित / तर्क तरीकों का समर्थन करना चाहिए। धन्यवाद:) यहां तक ​​कि पोस्ट करने से पहले यहां भी कृपया यहां खोजें:) P>

Blackberry - how to create a layout like sliding drawer android -

Does anyone know how to create a layout component in Blackberry that behaves like Android's sliding drawer? thx Actually this is not done but I think the most The biggest difficulty is sliding animation part and visibility IMHO should work on the animation for the first sliding effect. Then on the manager itself Touch devices come with one more difficulty ... You have to program the slider touch event so that it follows the gesture.

windows - passing arrays to functions in x86 asm -

I am learning x86 asm and using masm, and trying to write a function in which the following Signatures are equal to: zero function (double A [], double b [], double c [], int lane); I'm not sure how to implement it? The ASM file will be compiled into a Win32 DLL. How to do this, it can translate very simple functions into ASM for me: Zero function (Double A [], Double B [ ], Double C [], Intel lane) {// a, b, and c equal length given by LAN, (int i = 0; i & lt; length; i ++) c [i] = one [I] + b [i]; } I tried to write a function like this in C, compiled it, and seeing the related disalled code in the XE while using OLEDBG but I can not even find its function Found. / P> Thanks. I have not written x86 for some time but I give you a general idea of ​​how to do this Since I do not have a codeer working, it has been written in Notepad. func proc a: DWORD, b: DWORD, c: DWORD, len: DWORD mov eax, len test eax, Eax jnz @ f ret @@: Push EBX Push ESA XX EX...

Display file png,jpg,... JSP with Spring MVC 3 -

I am working on a spring MVC 3 web application, I have some JSP which with a single exception Works, I have some problem in displaying images - GIF, JPG and so on - I tried to make them JSP side: & Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" "/> images / XXX.gif" alt = "test display" / & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" / "/> image / XXX.gif" alt = "test display" / & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" ..// image / XXX.gif "/> alt =" testDisplay "/> WEB-INF / images / XXX.gif "alt =" test display "/> & lt; img src =" & lt; C: url value = "../web-info/images/xx.gif" /> "alt =" testDisplay "/> & lt; img src =" & lt; Spring: URL value = "/ images / XXX.gif" htmlEscape = "true" /> "align =" right "alt =" test display "/...

definition - Is Ruby a scripting language or an interpreted language? -

I have just seen that in the Wikipedia page of Ruby, this language has been defined as the language interpreted. I know that maybe I'm missing something in my background. I always have the distinction between an interpreted language, which is not needed for the compiler and a compiled language (which needs to be compiled before the execution of programs), but which is characteristic of a scripting language Is Ruby sure as a scripting language? Thanks and I'm sorry for Black Out Things are not just black and white At the very least, they are big and small, large and quiet, blue and orange, brown and gray, long and short, right and wrong. The only way to interpret / compile is to categorize the languages, and it is completely free (between countless other things) whether you call the same language as "scripting language" or not , It is also a broken classification: The implementation of language is not interpreted / compiled based on language (it is ...

php - session_id() always returns '' even if a session cookie is set -

I am currently experiencing problems with PHP function session_id. At the beginning of my scripts, I check that the user has a session and I do not want to call session_start () because it generates a session cookie. Every time I call session_id, this gives "it, even though the session is definitely set." I've verified that a session is set by checking session cookies through the $ _COOKIE array. Session_start () session is not present for PHP without calling Session_start () after you can easily call Check that the user has found a session with the key check in the $ _SESSION super-global array.

javascript - Calculate using elements' contents in jQuery -

मैं संबंधित तत्वों ( mcost_el = mcount_el * mprice_el ) के टेक्स्ट का उपयोग कर एक गणना को चलाने के लिए चाहता हूं और परिणाम को किसी अन्य तत्व के टेक्स्ट ("mcost_el") पर लिखें। & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mcount_el" & gt; 2 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mprice_el" & gt; 544,33 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mcost_el" & gt; 0 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mcount_el" & gt; 3 9 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mprice_el" & gt; 460,00 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "mcost_el" & gt; 0 & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; मैं यह कोड लिखता हूं: var count = 0; Var मूल्य = 0; $ ('। Mcost_el') प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {count = parseInt ($ ('। Mcount_el')। प्रत्येक.टेक्स्ट ()। Replace (",", "।")); Price = p...

javascript - Node.js: Create an Express project using CoffeeScript -

When I run ExpressApnname, expressjs creates all the necessary folders and files I'm thinking that one way to do this , But instead of making an app in JS, it creates a coffee script. Thanks Try it out: Express-Coffee is a template or boiler-plate that has begun writing the Excel web application in the coffee script. It's ready to go with the base setup of an Express Web App. It also includes a cakefile that lets you create your own coffee, imagine, and develop you. You hack into the src folder and create the cake file as a server file, write your email in your test folder and run the cake test or spec to run your test suite. Create your own jade view in the View folder and enter your public assets in the public folder ...

iphone - IS there any easier way to show $ currency format?(As specially commas) Can I integrate RE with Objective C code? -

I am using X code 4. And make a US currency calculator. My aim is to display the numbers in the proper format? Like $ 1,234 $ 12,100 $ 1,23,123 I add it and string stuff Do not want to. Is there any easy way to integrate any RE or any Ruby or Python which will help me in forming a currency format. Please show me the easy way instead of long programming. allows you to format the currency taken from the example // Build FormatsNsNumberFormatter * formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; // -------------------------------------------- // format style In the form of currency, the output for the console ----------------------------------------- - - [Setter Settlement Style: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle]; NSString * Formatted Output = [Formatting StringformNumber: [NSNumber NumberAttah: 1234]]; NSLog (@ "output as currency:% @", formatted output); // -------------------------------------------- // Change local And output as currency ------------...

api - How can an app on facebook page be set as landingpage? -

We want to set your app "Willonman" on the following page as the landing page: The wall is currently landing page Looking forward to the helpful answer. Best, Christina "Weakman", at least for me (UK ), Is the landing page.

java - How do I get and use the Apache Ivy.jar file from inside my project, without having it in my .ant folder? -

फिलहाल मेरे पास इस कॉन्फ़िगरेशन है: build.xml: & lt;! - आइवी सेटिंग प्रारंभ - & gt; & Lt; शर्त गुण = "ivy.home" मान = "$ {env.IVY_HOME}" & gt; & Lt; isset प्रॉपर्टी = "env.IVY_HOME" / & gt; & Lt; / हालत & gt; & Lt; लक्ष्य नाम = "डाउनलोड-आईवी" जब तक नहीं = "ऑफ़लाइन" विवरण = "आईवी डाउनलोड करें" & gt; & Lt; mkdir dir = "$ {ivy.jar.dir}" / & gt; & Lt!! - वेब साइट से आइवी डाउनलोड करें ताकि इसे बिना किसी विशेष स्थापना के भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सके - & gt; & Lt; get src = "${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar" dest = "$ {Ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp = "true" / & gt; & Lt; / लक्ष्य & gt; & Lt; लक्ष्य नाम = "init-ivy" निर्भर = "डाउनलोड-आईवी" विवरण = "आइवी शुरू करें" & gt; & Lt;! - आईवी घर से आईवी लोड करने का प्रयास...

SQL Server - Get all children of a row in many-to-many relationship? -

I SQL Server I am trying to write a recursive query which is basically a given parent to parent-child hierarchy Lists. A parent can have many children and a child can have many parents, so it is stored in many relationships. I have revised the following question with any other related question, although it does not increase with all kinds of trees and only the first level children ... Selects @ObjectId @ObjectId = '1A213431-F83D-49E3-B5E2-42AA6EB419F1' set uniqueidentifier; As trees (choose A * to Objects_In_Objects choose where A.ParentObjectId = @ObjectId UNION ALL B * Join Tree Select with A.ParentObjectId = B.ObjectId) on Join Objects_In_Objects B. An internal tree from * Objects arrest on trees. ObjectId = ar.ObjectId Do anyone know how to modify the query to go down from 'tree'? Or is it not possible to use the above construction? Object column: ObjectId | Name Object_in_object column: ObjectId | ParentObjectId Sample data: O...

c - Is it a good practice to include all files in one .h file and include that file everywhere for AVR? -

क्या मैं ऐसा कर सकता हूँ / * include all.h * / #ifndef INCLUDEALL_H_ # परिभाषित INLUDEALL_H_ 1 # शामिल करें & lt; avr / io.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; avr / pgmspace.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; avr / interrupt.h & gt; #include "DataTypeDefs.h" # शामिल "timer_api.h" #include "uart_api.h" #include "RTC_PCF8563.h" #include "TWI_Master.h" # # "ADC_LTC1859.h" # शामिल करें "spi.h" # शामिल करें शामिल करें "AT45DB161D_UART_AS_mSPI.h" #include "utilities.h" #ifndef F_CPU #define F_CPU 16000000UL #endif #include & lt; util / delay.h & gt; #include & lt; string.h & gt; #endif / * INCLUDEALL_H_ * / और इसमें शामिल हैं all.h फ़ाइल हर जगह। हर जगह सभी प्रोजेक्ट फाइलों में इसका अर्थ है। अन्य सभी फाइलों में #define INCLUDEALL_H_ 1 की तरह ही मैक्रो का उपयोग किया गया है। मुझे लगता है कि संकलन समय में बहुत समय लगता है। मेरे पास सामान्य नियम है कि मैं निरपेक्ष न्यून...

Resize content of HTML image markup with PHP -

My HTML page displays an image with the following code (using Flickr) Code> & lt; ? Php echo '& lt; Img src = "http: // farm". $ Photo ["farm"] .. / '. $ Photo ["server"].' / '. $ Photo ["id"].' _ '. $ Photo ["secret"] .jpg' & gt; ';?? Gt; The thing is That I would like to change this image again and then it will display it on the page and I do not know how to do it. Add width and height attributes to your HTML string. & lt ;? php echo '& lt; img width =' 200px 'height =' 200px 'src =" http : // farm '. $ Photo ["farm"] .. / '. $ Photo ["server"]. '/' $ Photo ["id"]. '_'. $ Photo ["secret"]. '.jpg' & gt; '; ? & Gt;

c# - In some of my my user controls, the sub elements are not created at page load -

I know that I should understand this, but I can not work it, I have a page with many user controls on it - I have created a set of user controls to handle the data on the page, because it helps to split some user controls well, though others are failing. The error is that subcontrols are not created - that is they are set to zero in the page-load but they should have been created at this point, I thought - and the controls that work There are also sub-rules that start working. And these names do not have a typo because they compile pages, and I have not messed about the names. Do anyone have any ideas or suggestions about why this can happen? I do not think the posting code will help, because the code is not something special, but if someone wants to see me in any way I know. This is C #, Donnet, web site Thank you! ETA Some Code: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Cass: comment id = "comment" runat = "server" title = "comments" /> & Lt...

c# - Fast insert container -

I need a container where insert insert is fast and thread-protected because I use it I'm planning to do a parallel.for_each example inside. After some time, I will scan the container and place every item thanks .net 4.0: There is a bunch of concurrent compilation in dictionary, queue, etc.

sql - How to refresh foxpro cursors? -

After creating a cursor text for a selected query, I update some values ​​in it, and then some rows do not match Account Criteria Here's the problem: For example; If I have 30 records and update them, then remove 10, the record number will not change! It will still be 30 Is there any way to tell the cursor to refresh or reload, so that the REC number will match me properly? I am running a select write the cursor to write: update delete but record The number does not change, even if I browse my cursor, there is lesser record than before? When you delete the record in FoxPro, the record is marked as deleted, But the packed command is not removed until it is issued. Since trying to pack a cursor as a result of "invalid operation" for the cursor. Error You should issue your COUNT and other commands with no deleted () section so that you can only work on records, which have not been marked as deleted. By browsing the table and seeing deleted records, I s...

ASP.NET MVC3 Role and Permission Management -> With Runtime Permission Assignment -

ASP.NET MVC उपयोगकर्ताओं को डिज़ाइन समय ऐसा ही है। [प्राधिकृत करें (भूमिकाएं = "प्रशासक, सामग्रीएडिटेटर")) सार्वजनिक कार्यवाहक फ़ू () {वापसी दृश्य (); } वास्तव में अनुमति की जांच करने के लिए, एक (रेजर) दृश्य में निम्नलिखित कथन का उपयोग हो सकता है: @if (User.IsInRole ("ContentEditor ")) {& Lt; div & gt; यह केवल सामग्री एडिटर भूमिका में उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए दृश्यमान होगा। & Lt; / div & gt; } इस दृष्टिकोण के साथ समस्या यह है कि सभी अनुमतियों को गुण समय के रूप में डिजाइन समय पर सेट किया जाना चाहिए और उन्हें असाइन किया जाना चाहिए। (विशेषताएँ DLL के साथ संकलित की जाती हैं, इसलिए मैं वर्तमान में रनटाइम पर [अधिकृत (भूमिकाएं = "व्यवस्थापक, सामग्रीएडिटेटर")] विशेषताओं (अतिरिक्त अनुमतियों की अनुमति देने के लिए) के लिए कोई तंत्र से अवगत नहीं हूं। / P> हमारे इस्तेमाल के मामले में, क्लाइंट को यह बदलने की आवश्यकता है कि उपयोगकर्ताओं को क्या अनुमति है तैनाती के बाद । उदाहरण के लिए, क्लाइंट किसी विशेष प्रकार की कुछ सामग्री को स... - Accessing Grandparent Content Placeholder in Master Pages -

I'm searching the web and I'm not looking for any answers (there were some questions added on the stack overflow, but They 'I think I have to answer or be the same), so I thought I wanted to be one of my own. It revolves around nested master pages and a content page, which reaches the grandparents' content place holder, even if this parent has not been exposed again in the nested master . I am thinking that this is not possible. Core Site Master & lt; Html xmlns = "http: // www."> & Lt; Head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; Asp: ContentPlaceHolder ID = "Title Content" Run = "Server" & gt; & Lt;% = Html.GlobalModel () PageTitle% & gt; & Lt; / ASP: ContentPlaceHolder & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Asp: ContentPlaceHolder id = "head content" run = "server" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "shortcut icon" ...

php - Accept Unicode Characters along with Underscore via Regex -

यदि (preg_match ('@ ^ ([^ \ w _] * \ s) {0}} [ ^ \ W _] * $ @ ', $ _POST [' txt_username_reg ']))। । । उपरोक्त पंक्ति को PHP में उपयोग किया जाता है '@ ^ ([^ \ w _] * \ s) {0} [^ \ w _] * $ @' रेगेक्स "अंग्रेजी अक्षर + संख्या + 3 रिक्त स्थान अधिकतम" की अनुमति देता है। मैं निम्न को कैसे अनुमति दे सकता हूँ: 4 अंडरस्कोर अधिकतम & amp; ; यूनिकोड वर्ण (केवल बिना विशेष वर्णों के अनुमोदित - अनुरोध को कोष्ठक के भीतर संलग्न करें)। \ w मानक ASCII अंग्रेजी वर्णों के खिलाफ मैच होगा, मैंने पहले इस बारे में शोध किया है और अब तक कोई समाधान नहीं मिल सकता है। मैं आमतौर पर सीमांकक (या सीमाओं) के खिलाफ मैच का सुझाव देता हूं। इसके बजाय शब्दों का और किसी भी अवांछित पात्रों को मना करना। हालांकि विभिन्न दृष्टिकोण उपलब्ध हैं, अधिक जानकारी के लिए इन लिंक की जांच करें।

regex - Remove colon from part of text via jQuery? -

I had a similar question that was posted earlier but it is a bit different. I'm trying to remove the colon from the lower price code of jQuery usage. & lt; Font class = "value color_productprice" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "dealtext" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; : $ 58.05 & lt; / Font & gt; So far I believe that something like this can be completed, I need another set of eyes to improve it: $ ('Pricecolor: contains (":")'). Remove (colon ??); It still does not look right, maybe I get () ? $ ('*'). Each (function () {$ (this) .html ($ (this) .html (). (":", ""));});

c++ - Finding Geometric Mean of user input -

I am working on a project for a class and I am having trouble producing the geometric mean, which is always Comes out to be 1 and I'm sure this is not right. Here's my code: # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Math.h> using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {float i, j, k; Float a, h, g; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter floating point number 3" & lt; & Lt; Endl; CIN & gt; & Gt; I & gt; & Gt; J & gt; & Gt; K; While (i> 0 & amp; nbsp; J & gt; 0 and & amp; amp; amp; A & gt; 0) {a = (i + j + k) / 3; H = 3 / ((1 / i) + (1 / j) + (1 / k)); G = POW ((i * j * k), (1/3)); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Arithmetic:" & lt; & Lt; A & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Harmonic:" & lt; & Lt; H & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Geometry:" & lt; & Lt; G & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; ...

visual studio - Strange issue with DLL reference -

OK, this is one that my limited mind does not understand: We have An existing net app that uses Dell which creates PDF files from a vendor. In an earlier version, a setting underlines a group of words, but 1) the spaces between the words are not underlined, and 2) put the letters downwards on the next pixel under the letters, so there is no white between the letters The location was not underlined. It started by us Version of Dll is. The company puts a new version of the .dll that underlines the space between words, and underlines two pixels below We uninstall the old version of .dll , Remove it from GAC, make sure that anywhere on the system. There are no copies of Dll, and install a new version. V.S. In, under reference, we can see that. Dll is the latest version. However, when we run the app, the result is that the words are underlined, and the graphs are below a few pixels, but the spaces are not underlined between the words. We have created a new test project, referenc...

ajax - jQuery JSONP "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :" -

यह मेरा AJAX कॉल है: $। Ajax ({type: 'GET', Url: user.baseURL + 'api / users / briefprofile', डेटाप्रकार: 'jsonp', सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, पाठ, xhqr) {// var डेटा = $ .parseJSON (डेटा); console.log (डेटा); }, त्रुटि: फ़ंक्शन (jqXHR, टेक्स्टस्टैटस, त्रुटिप्रसार) {console.log ("ERROR")}} पूर्ण: फ़ंक्शन (jqXHR, टेक्स्टस्टैटस) {console.log ("पूर्ण");}}); त्रुटि है: अनचाहे सिंटेक्स त्रुटि: अप्रत्याशित टोकन: मुझे क्रोम में 200 का नवीनतम प्रतिसाद मिलता है (नवीनतम)। मुझे ये प्रतिक्रिया में सभी सामग्री मिलती है जो मान्य JSON है। मुझे सचमुच परवाह नहीं है कि ब्राउज़र सही ढंग से इसे पार्स नहीं कर रहा है, लेकिन मैं वास्तव में पूरी कॉलबैक में इसका उपयोग करना चाहूंगा। किसी भी विचार क्या है) त्रुटि के कारण? ख) लौटे हुए सामग्री क्लाइंट-साइड को कैसे जाना है? सर्वर को समर्थन की आवश्यकता है। और प्रतिक्रिया की तरह होना चाहिए: jsonpcallbackname & amp; jsonpcallbackname ({{"GUID": "E5FC2115FF59", "अंतिम नाम"...

c - Why is PWD empty and how to fix it? -

I am using lighttpd and have written the following CGI script: main } {Printf ("Content-Type: Text / HTML \ n \ n"); Four * pwd = ""; PWD = getenv ("PWD"); Printf ("Current Path:% s", PWD); } Result The current path is: (null) Well, why do not I get it and I Do not know how to execute the path of the script. I am searching for [0] Razis with a path, and used PWD for it but maybe I should do something different. UPDATE is not working well four CWD [_PC_PATH_MAX + 1]; Getcwd (cwd, _PC_PATH_MAX + 1); is cwd "". It may be that my script knew that if I used to stop the 1408 room as my datacenter, then where was it. : P Instead of using getcwd () . No need to set PWD . #include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; Char * getcwd (four * buf, size_t size);

javascript - is there a way to set a certain screen zoom level? its messing my site up -

My site looks okay until people start zooming, and after this, after hours and with its CSS How to fix this zoom problem are messing up. Should I fix the zoom at a certain level? If so, how can I do this? I tried to fix this zoom problem but put everything in one table but it is not really working so I do not know what to do .. help .. It is That's what it looks like on Safari, it's certain if I see my adjustment at the zoom level initially: Then looks correct on Firefox and Chrome: Page zoom options, and usually you are technically unable to do this. A user will zoom a webpage because they wanted to make it big, the reasons are their own, and a different site should not interfere with that choice (and not). Instead of fighting the user, you should design your site in such a way that in order to make the material the most important thing, you should design your design in a manner that when a user is zoomed (Or makes other changes such as deactivation of CSS...

How do I track my parent find function call in beforeFind() for CakePHP -

I am currently using KKPHP to filter my search queries based on the current logged in user. At the moment it feels good and everything is working smoothly, only one problem is that I should know where the function was started so that I can apply different query filters based on the parent search function call; Is there anyway to do this? It seems like adding one of your models to your controllers / verbs is a bad idea. Instead of trying to create a custom method in your model, you can find whatever signatures you need, and just find it from within and return its results as necessary.

python - sorting a dictionary of lists based on keys -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं चाबी के मूल्य के आधार पर सूची का शब्दकोश सॉर्ट करना चाहता हूं ['111', '156', '15 9'], '215': ['109'], '214': ['111', '156', '15 9']: [217 ': [' 109 '], '111'], '21 9': ['111', '114', '212', '214â ????]} लेकिन मुझे ऐसा कुछ चाहिए ['111', '156', '15 9'], '215': ['111'], '217': ['109'], '21 9': [ शब्दकोश किसी भी विशेष क्रम में अपनी चाबियाँ नहीं क्रमबद्ध करते हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें हैश तालिका के रूप में लागू किया गया है। आप चीजों और मूल्यों को क्रमबद्ध क्रम में प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, लेकिन एक ऐसा शब्द के रूप में नहीं, जैसे: & gt; & gt; & gt; ['111'], '214': ['109'], '214': ['111', '156', '15 9'], '215': ['111'], '21 9': ['111' '114', '212', '214...

arrays - Recursively Create Hasmaps in Java -

I am trying to create a new hashmap for each document as input. In Pseudeocode I can think of something like: for (each input dock) {map & lt; String, string & gt; MapInputNumber = new hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; } so you will have 4 documents for: mapInput1 mapInput2 mapInput3 mapInput4 How do I complete Can i It seems that you are trying to dynamically declare the variable Can not do - the variable they set themselves on compile time, However, you can create a list: list & lt; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; Maps = new arreelist & lt; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; (); (Document document: Docs) for {map & lt; String, string & gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); // Map by map map.add (map); }

php - Help on how to let a user change his password after authentication -

When a user forgets their password, reset their password to reset their email account with a link and token (unique) The password is sent .php When authentication is correct, it is able to change the password. My question is how can this happen? In a quick and easy way, he has to email a new password and change it through his CPU, but is this a good user experience? $ result = mysql_query ("Forgot member WHERE select member number = '$ token'"); If (mysql_num_rows ($ result) == 1) {What happens here? } And (die ("question failed");} what's happening here ? Something like this echo 'Your password was sent to you'; Mysql_query ("Update Member Set Password = '". $ Random_hashed_string. "' WHERE Forgotpass = '$ token' "); mail ($ $, $ theme, $ message." Password: ". $ Random_hashed_string," from: ");

python - referencing a variable in another function? -

I am an experienced TCL developer and write my own processes to help myself. I call it a proc i callVar, print out the value of the variable in a certain format, so I know that it is variable and what is the value "set foo 1; putVar foo" result 'foo = "1" I want to do the same thing in Python, but I can not find the answer :( In TCL I use the up command because when I pass the name of the variable, then I can see the value at the top. . I understand that an advanced light in the dragon There is no mechanism of r, but with its introspection capability, I would think that this is something trivial, but I am not getting the answer anywhere. It seems that this should work: and expanded: def foo (): y = "Hello World" printwor ("y") foo () y = "Hello World " You can, but you should not do so if your code is correct If is needed , then there is something wrong with your design, and you should probably use the dictionar...