Display file png,jpg,... JSP with Spring MVC 3 -
I am working on a spring MVC 3 web application, I have some JSP which with a single exception Works, I have some problem in displaying images - GIF, JPG and so on - I tried to make them JSP side:
& Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" "/> images / XXX.gif" alt = "test display" / & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" / "/> image / XXX.gif" alt = "test display" / & gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt; c: url value =" ..// image / XXX.gif "/> alt =" testDisplay "/>
WEB-INF / images / XXX.gif "alt =" test display "/> & lt; img src =" & lt; C: url value = "../web-info/images/xx.gif" /> "alt =" testDisplay "/>
& lt; img src =" & lt; Spring: URL value = "/ images / XXX.gif" htmlEscape = "true" /> "align =" right "alt =" test display "/> But I'm not sure whether the real problem comes from the pages or from anywhere.
// Web-INF
/// Images
+ XXX.gif
Yes, I know that the Picture folder has been repeated, I '
is the correct use:
Alt = "TestDisplay" /> Files in the web-INF are not accessible to the client.
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