Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main - code -
Here is the source code for the program I wrote.
Public class DVDInventory Program {final Int MAX = 5; DVD List DT [] = New DVD List [Max]; Int number of FDVDS = 0; Public Zero Array Sort (integer number) {int pass, i; Int temporary; DVD List s = null; If (calculation> 1) {for (pass = 1; pass 0) {s = dt [i]; DT [I] = DT [I + 1]; DT [I + 1] = S; }}}}} Public float Total ValueOfInventory () {Float Inventory Value = 0; For (int i = 0; i >>);); Println (); DVD List DVD; While {true} {System.out.println (); System.out.print ("Stop a DVD title (or to end the program):"); Name = input.nextLine (); If (name.equalsIgnoreCase ("stop")) {break; } System.out.print ("Enter the product ID:"); Number = input.nextInt (); System.out.print ("Enter unit price:"); Value = input NXFlot (); System.out.print ("Enter the number of units in the stock"); Stock = input.nextLong (); Input.nextLine (); System.out.print ("Enter Director's Name:"); Director = input.nextLine (); DVD = new DVD list (name, number, value, stock, director); If (dip.numberOfDVDs & lt; dip.MAX) {dip.dt [dip.numberOfDVDs] = DVD; Dip.numberOfDVDs ++; Println (); System.out.println ("& lt; <>>;); Dip.displayDVD (dip.numberOfDVDs - 1); } Else {System.out.println ("\ n Arrow is full. Please stop entering information."); }} Dup. Arrest (D.mb.fdvdfs); System.out.println ("\ n
To compile:
Javac dvdinventory program .java and continue:
Java-ClassPath. DVDInventory program
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