xcode - How to select multiple dates in TapKu library? -
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I want the date show tapkilibrary in multiple selections. Like Highlight Date between 14aug2011 to 18aug2011 Use this delegate method, it will return an NSArray of those dates that you want to highlight.
- (NSArray *) calendarMonthView: (TKCalendarMonthView *) monthView marksFromDate: (NSDate *) STARTDATE todate: (NSDate *) lastDate {NSLog (@, Date is "Selected date% @"); //txtbdate.text=date; NSDateFormatter * timeFormat = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [Timeformatetet format: @ "yay-MM-DD"]; [Timeform set set time zone: GMT]; // [time format sitelokel: [NSLocale currentLocale]]; // [Timeformat settimeJohnson: [ntremezone local timezone]]; NSString * theTime = [TimeFormer stringFormat: date]; NSLog (@ "% @", thetime); Objappdel.strdate = thetime; [TkmonthView reload]; Appointment Deletate * Appointment Dictry = [[Appointment Dictator Alloce] Init Whitelheim: @ "Appointment Datebutt" bundle: Nile]; [Self. Navigation controller Push ViewController: Appointments Animated: Yes]; [Appointment Dictative Release]; } - (NSArray *) calendarMonthView: (TKCalendarMonthView *) monthView marksFromDate: (NSDate *) STARTDATE todate: (NSDate *) lastDate {NSMutableArray * data = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSDateFormatter * dateForm = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [DateForm setDateFormat: @ "yyyy-MM-dd"]; [Date settime timezone: GMT]; NSDT * date; For (int i = 0; i & lt; [objappdel.arrDate count]; i ++) {NSString * time; Time = [objappdel.arrDate object atindex: i]; // time = [[[Job Data Values: @ "Record"] ObjectItindex: i] Valaphoriki: @ "JobStartdate"]; // timing = [[[bastring separating from time components: @ ""] ObjectType: 0]; Date = [DateTime: Date]; [Data addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", date]]; } NSArray * copy = [Data Copy]; NSInteger Index = [Per Count] - 1; [Copy the object id (for reverseObjectEnumerator]) {if ([data indexOfObject: object inRange: NSMakeRange (0, index)] = NSNotFound!) {[Data removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } Index; } NSLog (@ "sorted date% @", copy); / / Initial blank number array, it will be populated with correct / wrong so that each marker should be kept every day. NSMutableArray * marks = [NSMutableArray array]; // Start the calendar for the current type and do not set the timezone to save daylight NSCalendar * cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; [Cal set time zone: [nystimjon timezoneforescakeframgmt: 0]]; // Create DateComponents based on StartDate so that repeat dates can be created. // It is extremely important to assign due to daylight saving via NScLender and NSDTech contracts, // it has been removed with the timezone set above. If you have used "beginners" before (i.e., NSDT * date = start-up); As the date of the first // iteration, the bars go up and down on the basis of day-to-day fluctuation. NSDateComponents * comp = [calorie components: (NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit | NSWeekdayCalendarUnit | NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit) fromDate: STARTDATE]; NSDT * D = [Calorie DateFormonMant: COMP]; // NSDateComponents * offsetComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init] to increase the loop once every IIT offset components; [OffsetComponents setDay: 1]; // For every date between start date and end date // If they exist then data is in array (yes) {// Is the date above the last date? If so, exit the loop // NSOrderedDescending = left value is more than right if (compare [D: Last Date] == NSOrderedDescending) {break; } // If the date is in the data array, then add it to the numeral array, otherwise do not NSLog // (@ "% @", [d Description]); If ([include the data: [de description]]) {[adding points: [nsnumber number whitabulls: yes]]; } And {[number plus object: [NSNumber number withb: no]]; } // Increasing Day (ie, 1 day on this day) using offset components d = [calay date buying cominternents: offset content to date: D options: 0]; } [Offset Companions Release]; Return [NSArray arrayWithArray: marks]; }
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