xcode - How to select multiple dates in TapKu library? -

After the

I want the date show tapkilibrary in multiple selections. Like Highlight Date between 14aug2011 to 18aug2011

  - (NSArray *) calendarMonthView: (TKCalendarMonthView *) monthView marksFromDate: (NSDate *) STARTDATE todate: (NSDate *) lastDate {NSLog (@, Date is "Selected date% @"); //txtbdate.text=date; NSDateFormatter * timeFormat = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [Timeformatetet format: @ "yay-MM-DD"]; [Timeform set set time zone: GMT]; // [time format sitelokel: [NSLocale currentLocale]]; // [Timeformat settimeJohnson: [ntremezone local timezone]]; NSString * theTime = [TimeFormer stringFormat: date]; NSLog (@ "% @", thetime); Objappdel.strdate = thetime; [TkmonthView reload]; Appointment Deletate * Appointment Dictry = [[Appointment Dictator Alloce] Init Whitelheim: @ "Appointment Datebutt" bundle: Nile]; [Self. Navigation controller Push ViewController: Appointments Animated: Yes]; [Appointment Dictative Release]; } - (NSArray *) calendarMonthView: (TKCalendarMonthView *) monthView marksFromDate: (NSDate *) STARTDATE todate: (NSDate *) lastDate {NSMutableArray * data = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSDateFormatter * dateForm = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; Nstmezone * GMT = [Nstimeon TimezoneWithAbet: @ "GMT"]; [DateForm setDateFormat: @ "yyyy-MM-dd"]; [Date settime timezone: GMT]; NSDT * date; For (int i = 0; i & lt; [objappdel.arrDate count]; i ++) {NSString * time; Time = [objappdel.arrDate object atindex: i]; // time = [[[Job Data Values: @ "Record"] ObjectItindex: i] Valaphoriki: @ "JobStartdate"]; // timing = [[[bastring separating from time components: @ ""] ObjectType: 0]; Date = [DateTime: Date]; [Data addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", date]]; } NSArray * copy = [Data Copy]; NSInteger Index = [Per Count] - 1; [Copy the object id (for reverseObjectEnumerator]) {if ([data indexOfObject: object inRange: NSMakeRange (0, index)] = NSNotFound!) {[Data removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } Index; } NSLog (@ "sorted date% @", copy); / / Initial blank number array, it will be populated with correct / wrong so that each marker should be kept every day. NSMutableArray * marks = [NSMutableArray array]; // Start the calendar for the current type and do not set the timezone to save daylight NSCalendar * cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; [Cal set time zone: [nystimjon timezoneforescakeframgmt: 0]]; // Create DateComponents based on StartDate so that repeat dates can be created. // It is extremely important to assign due to daylight saving via NScLender and NSDTech contracts, // it has been removed with the timezone set above. If you have used "beginners" before (i.e., NSDT * date = start-up); As the date of the first // iteration, the bars go up and down on the basis of day-to-day fluctuation. NSDateComponents * comp = [calorie components: (NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit | NSWeekdayCalendarUnit | NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit) fromDate: STARTDATE]; NSDT * D = [Calorie DateFormonMant: COMP]; // NSDateComponents * offsetComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init] to increase the loop once every IIT offset components; [OffsetComponents setDay: 1]; // For every date between start date and end date // If they exist then data is in array (yes) {// Is the date above the last date? If so, exit the loop // NSOrderedDescending = left value is more than right if (compare [D: Last Date] == NSOrderedDescending) {break; } // If the date is in the data array, then add it to the numeral array, otherwise do not NSLog // (@ "% @", [d Description]); If ([include the data: [de description]]) {[adding points: [nsnumber number whitabulls: yes]]; } And {[number plus object: [NSNumber number withb: no]]; } // Increasing Day (ie, 1 day on this day) using offset components d = [calay date buying cominternents: offset content to date: D options: 0]; } [Offset Companions Release]; Return [NSArray arrayWithArray: marks]; }   

Use this delegate method, it will return an NSArray of those dates that you want to highlight.


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