
Showing posts from March, 2014

javascript - js/jquery: scheduling events -

I want to schedule events, which will call my predefined callback How to schedule in JSL Can / Jquery: Once Event? Recurring events (to call your function every minute, or five minutes)? You want once for the event and for the repeat incident. Both take two arguments: one function and the time specified in milliseconds. var delay_millis = 1500; // will warn once, timeout word handle = window to set at least half a second time after time. Setimmeet (function () {warning ("time has passed!");}, Delay_millis); // will repeatedly warn er var repeatHandle = window.setInterval (function () (warning ("Do I still bother you?");}, Delay_millis); Bonus: If you call these functions around the values ​​returned, you can cancel the callback if you need it. Bonus: shutupShutUp = function) {Window.clearInterval (repeatHandle); }; shut up shut up(); // Now I can think of myself

objective c - NSWorkspace lauchApplication weirdness - it only works from within Xcode -

@implementation बटन - (IBAction) doSomething: (id) pId; {NSFileManager * filemgr; NSString * currentpath; NSString * appPath; Filemgr = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; वर्तमानपथ = [filemgr currentDirectoryPath]; एपपैथ = [वर्तमान पाथ स्ट्रिंगबैपिंग स्ट्रींग: @ "/ संसाधन / सिस्टमरन.एप"]; [[एनएस वर्क्सस्पेस शेयड वर्क्सस्पेस] ओपनफ़ाइल: ऐपपैथ विथ एपिकलीक्शन: नाइल]; बाहर निकलने के (0); } @end यह कोड पूरी तरह से काम करता है जब मैं & amp; Xcode से चलाना, या जब मैं Xcode के अंदर से "उत्पाद" को ठीक से क्लिक करता हूं हालांकि, जब मैं खोजक से आवेदन चलाता हूं तो यह कभी भी लॉन्च नहीं करता ... यहां तक ​​कि बहुत ही निर्माण फ़ोल्डर में से ... wtf? अपनी संसाधन निर्देशिका को खोजने के लिए currentDirectoryPath का उपयोग न करें। NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle currentBundle] pathForResource: @" systemRun "का प्रकार: @ "एप्लिकेशन"];

jsp - Trinidad <tr:poll tag -

JSF / त्रिनिडाड JSF 1.2-1.2_07-b03-FCS जेएसटीएल 1_1-एमआर 2 (विशेष बिल्ड) त्रिनिदाद 1.2.8 जावा 1.6.0_22-बी 0 4 ईक्लिप्स 3.6.0 (हेलियस) टॉमकेट 6.0.28 (वेबलॉगिक पर भी चलाने की आवश्यकता है) IE 7.0.5730.13 फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स: 6.0 JSF में मामूली अनुभव, कम से कम त्रिनिदाद। मेरा पहला त्रिनिदाद (आंशिक रूप से) कार्यक्रम काम कर रहा है। मतदान जोड़ने की इच्छा। जेएसपी फ़ाइल: & lt;% @ पेज सामग्री प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8" पृष्ठ एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8" & gt%; & Lt;% @ taglib uri = "" उपसर्ग = "एफ"% & gt; & Lt;% @ taglib uri = "" उपसर्ग = "एच"% & gt; & Lt;% @ taglib uri = "" उपसर्ग = "ट्र"% & gt; & Lt;% @ taglib uri = "" उपसर्ग = "ट्रफ़"% & gt; & Lt;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD...

wcf - ASP.NET page keeps failling unless I make minimal change to web service file -

ओके यहाँ एक अजीब है। मेरा अनुप्रयोग (एक वार्डबोर्ड अनुप्रयोग जो कर्मचारी जानकारी दिखाता है , कॉर्पोरेट समाचार, आदि) में शामिल हैं, अन्य बातों के अलावा, .NET वेब पेजों का एक समूह और एक वेब सेवा VB फ़ाइल, जिसमें कुछ फ़ंक्शंस शामिल हैं (अपडेट टेबल, उपयोगकर्ताओं को पुनर्प्राप्त करें, आदि)। हर अब और फिर, एप्लिकेशन क्रैश हो जाता है या असफल लोड करने में विफल रहता है मैं वेब सेवा फ़ाइल में न्यूनतम परिवर्तन (जैसे नीचे एक स्थान जोड़ना, या कोड का एक टुकड़ा कटना और कट को अंडू करना) बना देता हूं। उदाहरण के लिए, जब यह क्रैश हो जाता है या कुछ और होता है, तो मैं इस वेब सेवा vb फ़ाइल को खोल सकता हूं, कहीं न कहीं स्थान जोड़ सकता हूं, फ़ाइल को सहेजता हूं, फिर एप ठीक काम करता है! क्या किसी को भी ऐसा कोई विचार है, ऐसा क्यों होता है? यह मेरे लिए कोई मतलब नहीं है कि यह दुर्घटनाग्रस्त क्यों रहता है और मुझे उस वीबी फ़ाइल पर जाने के लिए एक छोटा, बेकार परिवर्तन करने और इसे हर बार सहेजना होगा! आपके कोड में कुछ गंभीर बग है इसमें कुछ प्रकार की मेमोरी रिसाव होनी चाहिए, क्योंकि आपके द्वारा कॉन्...

SELECT the same column multiple times (SQL Server) -

Note : In the last time, I know it may sound like a stupid question, But I actually did it a little bit before posting here. It was one of those "right-down-your-nose" answers, oh! I have tried to combine more than one simple lookup tables into one because I am told that common practice is common. I've combined the table with status and a priority level: Situation (ID, name) Projects (ID, Project Name, Status ID, Priority ID) - Master Table for value 1-10 indicates my position while indicates ID between between ID ID priority level if I select them in two tables If divided, they would be: position (id) , StatusName) Priority (ID, Primary Name) Target What I want to do, the results for these values ​​are called "Sets" As a master table joins, the result set is a query in two different columns. I tried the following questions, but it does not work: Name of the position, name as priority in the name of the project, name as priority by ...

nsurl - Unable to use NSURLRequest Xcode -

I am trying to call the following URL in xcode 57 45.8153 and latitude = 40 23 29.8284 & Amp; Device = 4FFB39E4-28A8-5E26-90C5-6E16105E08C8 and user name = bad and service = test & amp; Comments = T8a098098jjjal The problem is that when I try to do this in the following code xcode is working NSURLRequest * request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: lsUrl] Cash Policy: NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval: 60.0]; NSURLConnection * conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest: Request Rep: Self]; lsURL is a URL from above Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here. URL works when I type it in a web browser Are you blank with% 20 Tried to avoid space?

Visual Studio Code Contracts Extension - Tooltips only show list of exceptions and not the contract info -

Is there anything other than to distribute the written assembly XML document file to show the contract information? Should tooltips, when someone is using my library? The Visual Studio 2010 Code Contract Editor installs extensions. I do not think xml is required or used as far as I can tell of BCL's The information is entirely from * .contract.DLL files (Program Files \ Microsoft \ Contracts). Then either the actual library should be sufficient or those assistant DLL should be added.

get one value from xml document in php -

I have a PHP variable that contains XML code. I would like to get only one value from that XML and go together Would like to This is XML: 3 & lt; / ListId> & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Subscriberlist & gt; & Lt; / Data & gt; & Lt; / Reaction & gt; I would like to become a Var $ customer and get value (in this case 4) Can anyone explain me? On this this doctor will tell you how: For: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Feedback & gt; & Lt; Status & gt; Success & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; Data & gt; & Lt; Count & gt; 1 & lt; / Counts & gt; & Lt; Subscriberlist & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Subscriberid & gt; 4 & lt; / Subscriberid & gt; & Lt; EMAILADDRESS & gt;< / EMAILADDRESS & gt; & Lt; Format & gt; J & lt; / Format & gt; & Lt; Subscribe...

javascript - What Event should I register on DOM Update with Internet Explorer -

पृष्ठभूमि मैं एक बुकमार्कलेट विकसित कर रहा हूं जिस पर निर्भरता 3 मेरी पुस्तकालय स्क्रिप्ट चलने से पहले पार्टी पुस्तकालयों को डीओएम में लोड किया जा सकता है। मुझे जो समस्या हो रही है, वह यह निर्भरता श्रृंखला है जिसे मुझे प्रतिक्रिया देने से पहले इंतजार करना पड़ता है, और मुझे इसे IE में उड़ान भरने में समस्याएं आ रही हैं। मुझे यकीन नहीं हो सकता कि JQuery यहां तक ​​कि इस स्तर पर पेज पर। यह कुछ है जो मैं जांचता हूं, और यदि वह वहां नहीं है, तो मुझे इसे DOM में बनाना और इंजेक्शन करना होगा। नियंत्रण का प्रवाह ऐसा कुछ है: var e = document.createElement ('' डीओएम में मुख्य पुस्तकालय (जेक्जरी) लोड करें, मैंने एक ईवेंट श्रोता को संलग्न किया है, स्क्रिप्ट '); E.type = 'text / javascript'; E.src = http: // ... jquerylibrary.js e.addEventListener ('लोड', कॉलबैक); कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन सेट करें var कॉलबैक = फ़ंक्शन () {// मेरी सामग्री जो jquery का उपयोग करना चाहती है} यह काम करता है, और यह अच्छी तरह से काम करता है। मैं श्रृंखला jquery, कुछ jquery प्लगइ...

objective c - How to get the time in iOS Programming -

I wanted to get random numbers according to the time. How can you get the current time in iOS programming for iOS? NSDate * now = [[NSDate alloc] init]; OR NSDate * now = [date of NSDT]; By default, an NSDate object will be started to start the date.

exchange server - Adding an appointment to specific user's calendars using with php-ews -

I am trying to add an appointment using php-ews in an Exchange 2007 user's calendar. To add the currently connected user's calendar I have the code set up and it works fine. This user is also allowed to write other user's calendars Do anyone know how I know how to add calendar events directly to someone else's calendar? (I do not want to invite them) After actually digging into ews I finally figured it out And it's very easy you just specify the user in the folder. So if you have: $ request-> Saved EatFinder ID- & gt; Distinguished Folder ID-> ID = 'Calendar'; Just add: $ request - & gt; Saved EatFinder ID- & gt; DistinguishedFoulderID- & gt; Mailbox-> Email address = '' And that's it.

iphone - Unable to click on any part of the UIScrollView to scroll through the images. There is only a specific porition I can click on -

I have loaded some UIImages in the UIScrollView. However, when I try to scroll through these UIImages, I can only click on a specific area in the screen. What property should I look for to increase the "clickable area"? In this way, I can click on any part of the scroll view to scroll through the images Is there anything to do with the content of the scroll view? Make sure that the User Interface enabled adds your ideas to your scroll view. UPDATE: Set -Clips Two-Bounce Yes and see that the scrollview frame is too small and the content is beyond the scope of the scene.

regex - Python - Modifying a backreference. Can it be done? -

New in Python, so please forgive my ignorance. I am trying to modify the strings referenced back in a regular expression. Example: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A_string 'fsa fad fdsa dsafasdf u.s.a. U.S.A. U.s.a fdas adfs.f fdsa f.afda '& gt; & Gt; & Gt; Re.sub (r '? (. & Lt;.? = \ S) (([a-zA-Z] \) + [a-zA-Z] \ {0,1}) (= \ s) , '& Lt; acronym & gt;' + re.sub (r '\.,' R '', ('r' ''). Upper ()) '' , a_string ) 'Fsa fad fdsa dsafasdf & lt; Acronyms & gt; USA & lt; / Acronyms & gt; & Lt; Acronyms & gt; United States & lt; / Acronyms & gt; & Lt; Acronyms & gt; U.s.a & lt; / Acronyms & gt; Fdas adfs.f fdsa f.afda ' Instead, I think the desire for output is: ' fsa fadsa dsafasdf & lt; Acronym & gt; USA & lt; / Acronym & gt; & Lt; Acronyms & gt; United States & lt; / Acronyms & gt; & Lt; Acronyms &...

extjs - Javascript to check filesize before upload in Internet Explorer -

Is it possible to use javascript to check the file size (in the customer side) before it is actually uploaded to the server is ? This application is built on EXTJS and Java and is restricted by Internet Explorer 7 for use on Windows XP machines. No use of ActiveX is permitted. The workflow is such: the user selects a file to upload, checks for the file type and filesystem, kicks in the prompt immediately. If the file exceeds the limit, the GUI will indicate with an error. If the file is within the limit, then the full pathpath will be sent to upload the server end (Java servlet). What is possible to check with the javascript file and read the full file path? It is possible with ActiveX objects. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function getSize () {var myFSO = new ActiveXObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); Var file path = document.upload.file.value; Var thefile = myFSO.getFile (file path); Var size = thefile.size;...

Automatiacally Generating text input and dropdown select on click using javascript/Jquery -

I am trying to create a system like if a user clicks on the "Add" button, it creates two text fields And select two drop-down automatically. I searched Google for the tutorial, but have managed to find me, how to add text fields only, but I have to add drop down with the option to remove. I have some knowledge of PHP but a little bit JavaScript or Jquery Would you please kindly help? Here I have found that the code is: & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Generate function () {var d = document.getElementById ("div"); D.innerHTML + "" & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'food' & gt; "; Var E = document.getElementById (" div "); E.innerHTML + =" & lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'food' & gt; "}} id =" form1 "name = "Form1" method = "post" verb = "" ...

iphone - iOS SDK UITabBarController only shows one of two UIViewControllers -

I am trying to create an iPhone application with a tabs: one for the game and one for the other. However, when I add UIViewControllers [_ tabBarController by using setViewControllers: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self.viewController, self.viewController2, zero] Animated: No] This shows only the first one. I have tried to set the title property of each of my view controllers, then by adding them, I [_viewController setTabBarItem: [[UITabBarItem alloc ] Has tried to initWithTitle: @ "Something" image: Zero Tag: 0]] and named in the last operation Also tried However, I do not think I can show more than a tab on the screen. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Michael Did viewController2 zero and it did not load yet? Make sure that you have properly connected it while using IB.

bonitasoft bpm vs jBPM vs Activiti -

I am evaluating the BPM offerings used in our application. I wanted to know Differences between Bonitsoft / JBPM and activity Some of these product forms provide generation capabilities - is this a good one? Would you use it instead of custom web form or in addition to custom web form thanks Take a look at the Manning publication in the active book in the Action Book. It's still in the MEAP version so you can download sample lessons. Start reading from the section "ACTIVITI and JBPM" and it also compares the extrusion and bonnetSoft. Hope it helps.

svn - Wordpress, subversion, 2 computers, no work? -

So we are trying to create a WordPress site with subversion. My friend downloads all the information, I can give it my own SQL Is it a shortcut to work between two different computers (it uses Mac OS so that our paths are different: 8888 (on MMP)) and just for XMPP Local host We tried to update the wp_options table so that the cyturl and Home = "Localhost: 8888 / MyProject / WP /" anything works, Can not show on I was hoping that this would be an easy way to do this so that we could work together simultaneously. Ignore the wp-config.php file on both SVN settings After that you can add some lines for that file to wp_options , which you need to configure for both sites - like add something: define ('WP_SITEURL', 'Http: // localhost: 8888 / myproject /'); Since you will ignore this file svn- - you can setup as many as you want. A list of parameters is available here:

ruby on rails - ActiveRecord join with new 1.9 hash syntax -

I have an AR query that looks like this user.books.joins (: Writers). Where (: Author = & gt; {: id = & gt; [1,2,3]},: title = & gt; 'blah') This is just an example But notice when I specify conditions on a composite table, I am using pre-1.9 hash syntax. : Author = & gt; {: Id = & gt; [1,2,3]} Is it a way to do the same query with 1.9 hash syntax? It is very readable as it is and the 1.9 syntax will probably reduce it. But I am still curious if this is possible and how it will look. This completely new syntax: Junks (: Author). Where (authors: {id: [1,2,3]}, title: 'blah')

javascript - Href link followed by onclick events when we press a button -

Currently I have a button that will open a popup and it will show some parameters (like ID, name) But now I want to open a welcome page (href link) and place that pop-up page with that ID and name that I have passed. My onclick event is a JavaScript code that will open popups. I have used something like this It can be done in many ways. One simple way to do this is: - When the user is removed onclick , then redirect the user to your welcome page. At the same time of redirection, to get this information in popup, you want to get the parameters on the welcome page. After the welcome page has loaded, check whether the variables specifically get or not. If they are set, then show a popup window with the information passed by GET in that page.

android - Java for each issue -

Actually I was searching for the same question in an example or stackoverflow and I get this one. That's why I'm using Android-Drôde in my example, which I give code. Whatever I have to do, the purpose is similar to the C code that he is using: StPacketInjectQueryPackage qType = (StPacketInjectQueryPackage) [[Q objectForKey: @ "Type"] intValue]; . According to your code ... My question is how can I do this ... code using my java Edit (my problem): If I use his code, then how can I get the item: "Type" in Java. I think it should be like this: RPCPacketInjectQueryPackage qType = (RPCPacketInjectQueryPackage) b.getKeys or b.get ("type " p> Every Java is well documented in standard Java documentation For example: If it does not adequately explain what you are trying to do, then I would suggest taking a knife in Java and then ask a question on stack overflow Your code is wrong with it if you can not get to work.

Inject a file resource into Spring bean -

What is a good way to inject some file resources in the spring bean? Now I use ServletContext autowire and the bottom is more elegant way to do this in Spring MVC? @ Controller Public Class Some Controllers {@Autowired Private ServletContext servletContext; @RequestMapping ("/ treatise") public model and visual texts () {servletContext.getResourceAsStream ("/ web-INF / file.txt") in InputStream; // ...}} Something like this: @ Controller Public Class SomeController {Personal resource processing; Public zero set resource (resource processing) {this.resource = resource; } @RequestMapping ("/ treatise") in public models and visual texts () {InputStream = resource.getInputStream ()); // ... in.close (); }} In the definition of your bean: & Lt; / Bean & gt; This will create the /WEB-INF/file.txt path using the ServletContextResource , and inject it into its controller. / P> Note that you can not use component-scanning to... - Configuring a failover partner for Sitecore -

I'm currently experiencing a really weird (at least for me) problem in a configurator of Fellowserver in Sitkor about. Environment: .NET Framework 3.5 Windows Server 2008 R2 IIS 7.5 This is one of my connection string: & lt; Add name = "master" connectionString = "user id = user; password = password; data source = PRIMARY_SERVER \ INSTANCE, 60000; failure partner = FAILOVER_SERVER \ INSTANCE, 60000; database = sitecoremer" /> As you can see, I have configured a failover partner, which accepts the certificate similar to the primary database server. If I stop the primary database during operation, I'll get a SqlException that says: The login user has failed for the 'user' Any other request will show the same exception, until AppPool is recycled now the application point for the failover database ... Do not switch the application itself to the database needed? The only idea I had something like that, but it sound...

r - Plot weighted frequency matrix -

This question is related to two different questions I have asked before: 1) 2) I want to reproduce this plot in R: I found it far away using the code below the graphic: # test and number of numbers and% numbers num numbet & lt; - 36 numbers & lt; - 1000 # Fill a matrix where the rows are cumulative bets and the column trials are exchamals. & Lt; - Matrix (1, number1): (For sample (C (0,1), numbet, prob = c (5 / 6,1 / 6), (= 1, numbet, ncol = numtri) TRUE) xcum [ , I] & lt; - cumsum (x) / (1: numbet)} # Leave the trial as transparent lines so you can create matlots (xcum, type = "l", xlab = " My question is: "test frequency", ylab = "relative frequency", main = "", col = rgb (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02), las = 1) I How can I reproduce without plotting more than one specimen, the top conspiracy in one pass, thanks. You can produce this plot ... ... using this code: boring

oop - Why Does PHP's Type Hinting Think My Class is a String? -

I've written that working on a PHP class. Type the method for an example of setColour () one of my class, color . I am doing this: $ color = new color ($ update-> color); Echo get_class ($ color); $ Product- & gt; SetColour ($ color); As I expected, get_class tells me that $ color is an example of a domain \ color , but I I can get an error when it setColour () : catcherable fatal error: 1 Domain \ Product :: setColour () to pass the domain Should be an example of \ color, string given, a ?? | color looks like this: color provides a custom Enum type, which override __ toString () , so I thought the problem might arise, but when I do not help in deleting __ toString () implementation. Whatever you can think, it will be appreciated. I do a test, I do not see any problem: & lt ;? Php square color {Private $ name; Public Function __toString () {Return $ this- & gt; Name; } Public Function __ Composition ($ name) {$ this- ...

.net - contract from other project than interface not visible -

When I add to a wcf service project, I can see it under Add a Service Reference. But another project after the inter interface, but the proper reference of the same name, location and type in the contract for the interface - I can not see my service under service service addres. Why? Am I missing something in the config file? Should the service be in the project with the config file interface or contract? Edit. The first project system. Using the service model; Namespace Project .ServiceModel {[ServiceContract] Public Interface Item {Operation Contract} Zero DoWork (); }} The second project using Project.ServiceModel; Nameslane Project Service {Public Class} Test: ITATE {Public Zero DoWork () {}}} and System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Service name = "project.Service.Test" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "http: // localhost: 8732 / test /" binding = "wsHttpBinding" contract = "project.Se...

javascript - Loading Google Font Stylesheets on the fly for Preview -

पृष्ठभूमि: हम एक इंटरफ़ेस में Google फ़ॉन्ट को एकीकृत करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं हम विकसित कर रहे हैं; जहां उपयोगकर्ता फ़ॉन्ट चुनेंगे, और फिर फ़ॉन्ट का त्वरित पूर्वावलोकन प्राप्त करेंगे। Google के साथ, आपको फोंट के लिए एक स्टाइलशीट में लोड करना होगा ... इसलिए जब भी उपयोगकर्ता एक अलग फ़ॉन्ट का चयन करेगा हमें इसे बदलना होगा। प्रश्न: क्या जेएस के साथ मक्खी पर एक स्टाइलशीट में लोड करना संभव है और परिवर्तन उपयोगकर्ताओं को तुरन्त दिखाई देना संभव है? हां ... यह बहुत संभव है उदाहरण यहां पा सकते हैं:

php - Execute symfony task command from the shell_exec() permission denied -

I have a "doNothing" Symphony Task call and I want to execute it as shell_exec ('/ var / www') I want to execute from / Symfony php symfony doNothing '); Calling my symfony action Apache refused to say the error I think the www-data The user is not allowed to solve this. Edit Error sh: / var / www / esm / symfony: Permission denied You should look in the directory where your script is. Use ls -la to display all the files in the folder and their permissions (to execute a php script file) x bit is assigned to www-data or its group.) In addition to / in all the original directories, for x apache The user assigned to the group that is able to change the directory. Look. You have a tree structured file system: In / var / www / var / Var / www / esm in / var / www In / var / www / esm / symfony / var / Www / esm Then the www-data user should be able to execute all those directories ( x bit). Then when ex...

actionscript 3 - write text on top of loaded box image right in the middle -

मैंने पेंट में एक बॉक्स बनाया है और इसे [embed (source = "Colbox.png")] var कॉलबॉक्स: क्लास; निजी var NBVar: बिटमैप = नया Colbox (); कोड। कोड जो निर्देशांक सेट करता है txtFld.x = 100; TxtFld.y = 100; TxtFld.width = 300; TxtFld.height = 300; TxtFld.text = "80"; NBVar.x = 80; NBVar.y = 80; addChild (NBVar); addChild (txtFld); हालांकि संख्या 80 रंगीन बॉक्स के मध्य में प्रकट नहीं होता है। बेहतर सटीकता के साथ इसे हासिल करने के लिए एक आसान तरीका क्या है? एनबीवारा x = (colored_box । विथथ / 2) - (एनबीवीआर.विड्थ / 2); NBVar.y = (colored_box.height / 2) - (NBVar.height / 2); यह कोड आपको सही केंद्र देगा और NBVar को colored_box का बच्चा होना चाहिए।

c# - sqlite database not returning results -

Why does not my query return results? I am using C # to give this column header but no row. Is there any problem in my selection statement? Here is my code: conn = new SQLite connection ("data source = local.db; version = 3; new = false; compress = true"); Datatale data = new datatile (); SQLiteDataReader Reader; (SQLiteTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction ()) {{SQLiteCommand mycommand = new SQLiteCommand (conn)) using {mycommand.CommandText = "SELECT * TAGTABLE WHERE TAG = '" + Tag + "';"; Reader = mycommand.ExecuteReader (); } Trans.Commit (); Data.load (reader); Reader.Close (); Reader.Dispose (); Trans.Dispose (); } Return data; TAGTABLE has the following fields: TID int, tag varchar (500), file path varchar (1000) You do not need a transaction, try the following: DataTable Data = New DataTable (); (SQLiteCommand mycommand = new SQLiteCommand (conn)) using the SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection ("Da...

matlab - How to generate a matrix through a loop? -

I'm wondering how to get them into matlab: a = 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 10 10 11 10 12 The structure that I really want to do is 2 thousand files but I will start with something easy . So I was thinking about doing it through a loop: i = 1: 1: 10a (i) = [ii + 2] end but it returns an error: ??? In an assignment A (I) = B, the number of elements of B and I will be the same. The idea is to use a loop for a whole matrix (or structure, I think both are ...) (or maybe it's without any kind of The way loop case ...) Can anyone tell me how to do this? Thanks a lot! In your in the loop, you are specifying two of your array Numbers to an element a Try i = 1: 1: 10a (i, :) = [i i + 2] for; Instead use the end or, just use a = [(1:10) '(3:12)']; that changes your loop ...

algorithm - find all non-repeating paths through a set of connected nodes/process diagram -

I am trying to understand whether a certain process diagram in any appropriate way They have one or more starting points They have one or more end One of the starting points is the Connector Leader In all stages There are at least one or more inbound connectors and one or more outbound connectors If there is more than one of the following names Hey: Start the Terminator Termination Terminator One-Step Connection leading to I have access to all the data that I can imagine to be necessary (finding all the starting points, getting all connections, connection names etc). I basically want to find many unique paths from the starting point through the process at the end point, where you do not round in the circle again and again. You can go through a single step several times, but you can not repeat more than once the circuit through any route. It would have written a papers about the type of people and its evidence is why it can be done or not, I just do not kn...

linux - *nix Shell Editor for Eclipse -

Was a quick look, but I can not find a good (any) shell (sh, ksh, csh) editor For eclipse. I am currently editing lots of * .csh files, and it is assuming that they have been opened in the system default editor. I changed that behavior to the default text editor in eclipse, but obviously there is no syntax highlighting. I was initially just looking for some syntax highlighting, but while searching, did the dedicated plugins for the development of a whole different file type? Not sure what they offer. I'm not sure what I see, but basically just a little color. GC Although I have not used it for ages I Use only vi without colors and fancy stuff.

Jquery Tab modified from code behind -

I would like to modify the text header of the jquery tab in the back code, and I must get the selected tab number. any idea? I was trying to reference the tab with HtmlGenericControl but it is very difficult because it's just a "div" and does not run on the server I'm using, c # Thanks a lot guys You say "jquery" and then you say "behind the sentence" In the same sentence You need to understand that these are completely different techniques that do not have any direct knowledge about each other. When the "code" runs behind the server, Javascript runs on the customer's browser. If you want to modify the active tab on the client's page, then this is Javascript if you want to inform your server of this tab selection change, then you can access your Javascript via a web service through an AJAX call need to get. Simply put, it can not be done with your (bad) .NET control alone.

git svn - Git submodule not updating from a git-svn repository -

मेरे पास एक प्रक्षेपण है जिसमें git submodule शामिल है / projectx / foo / bar / Submodule सबपलोड रिपोजिटरी स्वयं ही एक git-svn रेपो है जो एक svn रिपॉजिटरी को ट्रैक करता है। स्टैंडअलोन सबुमुंडो रेपो में, मैंने कुछ नए अपडेट्स में खींच लिया है: git svn fetch और मुझे कुछ संशोधन आते हैं। इसलिए मैं चला: git svn rebase master और जब मैं कॉल करता हूँ: git स्थिति यह सब ठीक लग रहा है इसलिए मेरे प्रोजेक्ट के रूट में मैं चला रहा हूं: git submodule update और कुछ भी नहीं होता है मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूं? मैं निश्चित रूप से चला है: git submodule add git submodule init पर submodule, और जब मैं चलाता हूँ: git submodule status मैं अपनी स्थिति के लिए हैश देखता हूं। तो क्यों git submodule update किसी भी अपडेट का कारण नहीं है दुर्भाग्य से, git submodule update एक git fetch / Code> को git svn fetch के बजाय submodule में चलाया जा सकता है। सबसे आसान समाधान अपने जीआईटी-एसटीवी को अन्य स्थान के उपखंड भंडार का क्लोन रखने के लिए है, और फिर उस रिपॉज...

What is the benefit of import in a namespace in R? -

R's namespace mechanism assigns a export function which is then visible to the user. In addition, it allows the import functions from other packages, while the profit of exports is clear, I have more problems in understanding the benefits of import. An advantage seems to be that any one can use the function from other packages without enclosing the package and thereby saving the memory is an example in this section. However, the import function should have other benefits. Specifically, the namespace of stats4 package shows: importFrom ("graphics", plot) importFrom ("stats", optim, qchisq) # # For these, we define methods or (AIC, BIC, Novus) a general generic: importFrom ("statistics", AIC, BIC, COF, clerk, loglink, nodes, profiles, updates, vcov) Export Classes ( Mail, profile., Summary.mL) # # All methods for imported generic: export methods (COEF, CONFY ## Indirect generics who have no way to export here (AIC, BIC, Knox) ​​are impor...

Test Flash on Android device via USB -

I am currently learning ActionScript 3.0, primarily for developing mobile games for Android. The tool is really useful for simulating flash content running on a central device, but I thought there was a way to test directly through the device via USB. I am wrong here, because I can not do this for life, I get some information on doing this. I got many guides about how to get a USB connection, but actual testing / debugging is being done only in the flash builder. I am using Flash CS5, and I want to test my AS3 project directly through our Nexus on the US. Only Guides I can get information about the publication of Flash projects on Android, which is a fairly long process. Surely this should be a quick way to preview the content directly on your phone without the whole process of making APK? It should help you ...

c++ - Where can I find script that convert VC++ inline assembler to intrinsics? -

I am porting inline codlars which use the SSE command for self-reliance Takes a lot of work for Anywhere on the Internet I saw a Python script which simplifies the work, but it can not be found anymore. I do not think you will be happy with such a script. First of all, the intents in my opinion are useful only for one or two liners, if you have more instructions then separate amber file. With that, you have to control the result any way with a long list of assembler instructions, which involves understanding each instruction and its result, which basically means that you can rewrite it at the same time. Secondly, I think you are searching for something like this because you want to discontinue part of the software from 32 bits to 64 bits, right? My experience told me that you will go into some strange errors because some unexpected types are inserted if you do not have an eye on every line of code. Third, are you talking about Visual Studio? Is there any other compiler tha...

debugging - How to debug kernel written in c++? -

I am developing my kernel in C ++. Anybody please tell me step by step How to debug a kernel? I am using Linux OS and GCC and NASM to build my kernel. Answer to the kernel test I am helping janxiose and virtualbox 4.x Thank you. I would recommend as an emulator, it comes with some debugging capabilities.

css - Subtracting an exact amount of pixels from a relative value -

In my CSS, I need to create a div width 100% - 10px. Is it possible? if so, how? Very straight forward and simple. It is not possible in CSS that you simply can not calculate in CSS. You have to trust Javascript for this. If you need absolutely to work through CSS, then you should wrap it in a single padding with a padding. HTML: & lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: . Warper {Padding-right: 10px; } And here's the answer:

javascript - list of available functions for jQuery(window) -

Where can I find a list of standard functions available for the jQuery (window)? I know load and focus. Just open your console, type: console.log (JQuery (window)); Press Enter (enter in the Ctrl-Firebug), and you'll see it there!

c# - How to download file from website url using SSIS package -

I downloaded some files using website URL using the SSIS package or the C # code I want to do this But the problem is that the website is a build using Flash and I have to log in first, only then I can go to the homepage from where I can send a 4-5 PDF file Need to download please help? Take a look at this you need to use the exact PDF download URL. Unless the file is restricted by authentication, you should be able to download it. To pass credentials, see the property available in the credentials namespace system .net.WebClient

dynamic programming - Explain the algorithm to solve 'longest increasing subsequence' problem -

I have been trying to understand this algorithm for the last 2 hours, but I can not get it. Can anyone explain it easily? function lis_length (a) n: = a.length q: = 0 for n for new array (n): max: = 0; 0 to k for j, if any [k] & gt; A [ja]: if q [j] & gt; Maximum, then Maximum = q [j] Set Q [K]: = Max + 1; For maximum: = 0, I am 0 to n: If q [i] & gt; Maximum, then Maximum = q [i] Set Maximum Return; After the first double (double) loop, q [i] status > already ends in the status of j The largest growing follow-up length, but between j and 0 and k-1 . Given this, how do you calculate q [k] ? Good, you can type j with j and a [j] & lt; One of the [k] , related q [j] values ​​is the largest, add one, and hide that value in q [k] See for This is what internal loops do. Then in the entry in the internal loop, q [j] is already the correct value for 0 and k-1 Click . And on the exit, there is also the right value for k , so w...

Best way to represent formatted text in memory? C++ -

I'm writing the original text editor, okay this is actually an editing control box where I want to write code, numeric Mann and expression for my main program The way I am currently doing it is that I keep editing character control under control. In the editing control I have a class that divides the string into a 'glides' such as words, numbers, line breaks, tabs, draft tokens, etc. For example, the word glyph is a string representing the literal word and a small integer, which represents the number of white spaces located on the rear. When calculating script wrapping, the glyph also contains the necessary information. For example, the text line "My name is Carl" is equal to a linked list of such glyphs: Nullinglif. Word traveler (â ???? maia ????, 1 white spot) is a ???? Word gallery (â ???? name, ????, 1 white location) a ???? Word Gleef (one is virtual, 1 white spot) a ???? Word Travel (â ???? curl ????, whitespace 0) Zero. Therefore, instead of stor...

sitemesh grails: how to handle scripts in templates -

मेरे पास / body टैग से पहले स्क्रिप्ट सहित main.gsp का एक लेआउट है: & lt ; G: पेजप्रॉपर्टी नाम = "पेजस्क्रिप्ट" / & gt; Index.gsp एक पृष्ठ है जिसमें main.gsp का एक टेम्पलेट है, और और lt; सामग्री टैग = "स्क्रिप्ट" & gt; का उपयोग कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट को शामिल करने के लिए करता है, ताकि सभी लिपियों / शरीर टैग से पहले अच्छी तरह से रहें मेरे पास मेरे साथ टेम्प्लेट है, मेरे निर्देशक के साथ मेरे पृष्ठ (index.gsp) में शामिल हैं: & lt ; G: रेंडर टेम्पलेट = "पोस्टबॉक्स" / & gt; इस टेम्पलेट को पुन: प्रयोज्य और स्वतंत्र के लिए, इसकी अपनी स्क्रिप्ट की आवश्यकता है मैं इसे कैसे शामिल कर सकता हूं और इसे / शरीर टैग के ठीक पहले रख दिया है? अगर मैं & lt; सामग्री टैग = "स्क्रिप्ट" & gt; का उपयोग करता हूं तो मैं index.gsp में घोषित स्क्रिप्ट को ओवरराइट करता है मेरी राय में आपको इसका उपयोग करना चाहिए। यह प्लगइन आपके जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड, जावास्क्रिप्ट निर्भरता को व्यवस्थित करेगा, और आप अपनी जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइलों को मॉडरे...

UNIX Zombies and Daemons -

I understand that when a process is not cleaned then zombie is created (its resources are not retrieved Is / is cut). After calling for the fork () to make a new process, parents should always call waitpid on that process, to clear it. I have also learned that a child, who was created by himself, fork, and then let the child die, obviously the init process in Unix (Paid # 1) after you do this process Will be detained. What should I know - as far as I know, when a parent dies, then it becomes clear that the child automatically - so how a zombie is made in the first place ? Secondly, the guardian of a repressive process stops, why the Damonius process is not considered zombie? What should I know - as far as I know, when a parent dies If the child goes, the child cleanses himself - how does a zombie become in the first place? No, parents do not clean children themselves whenever a process ends, all its children (running or zombie) are init process. The zombies are c...

Access DLNA TV with Java code -

I want to control my DLNA TV from my Java program on my PC. Specifically, I want to: Find out if there is a TV in the LAN Check if it's currently running (for the first step) Send some commands later (as if off) I believe that I have to implement the Digital Media Controller (DLNA-DMC) profile. Is there a Java Library that allows me to do this easily? I could not find a lot of doctors on this. Have an API under NDA? Can you recommend reading something? Take a look I'm not sure that it implements the features that you actually see But at least this is a starting point.

ios4 - No architectures to compile iphone sdk -

I'm trying to compile a project from github - / iWVU / Blob / 61448d679192a574a9cc1aa1ee671ffa08e93a6c / libraries / Aarket / Aarviaiuai when I get to run it I none architecture not (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH to compile for ' = Yes, active arch = armv6, VALID_ARCHS = i386 ppc ppc64 ppc7400 ppc970 x86_64). ' and above it's gray in its 'Build Three20' . Any ideas on how to fix this? Also - if I Builder tree so he removes 20 'dependence joins me Error: There is no SDK with the name or path' iphonesimulator3.0 ' . Error is no SDK with the name or path usually a project The reason for referencing is to check the "Base SDK" in the build settings of the SDK you do not have; You usually want to set it up in the "latest iOS". Are you sure you have the latest version of iWVU? I downloaded it and it makes me fit ...

URL prefix for posts WordPress -

Then I have a website on the WordPress engine and I want to show the post url but everything else will look. Just want to add a 'blog' prefix to the URL for all the posts, but not the page. My permalink settings /% postname is% / if I / blog /% postname will be% / I will have the 'blog' prefix in each url of your site. I: (I can not find the solution in the WordPress admin backend) and for this I No acceptable plugins found. Thanks, thanks. Why not create a category called "blog" and use paramount structure /% category% /% postname % /?

Symbolic constants in C -

Conscious of symbolic constants using macros, mathematical constants and const objects Macros are global in the area and can not be confined to the local area, which is a major disadvantage. Calculation constant can not be used in situations other than integer, the mathematical constant can not be float or displayed in the long run. Construction objects can be local scope, can be displayed in different datatypes. But declares an "int consultant" or "cant ace" in C, the value constant and int buffer [A] is not allowed in C. But C ++ AF buffer [A] is allowed because it is called "Constant A" compiler constant only. Despite most of these mentioned losses, generally prefer to define the indicative constants as a mathematical constant compared to the truncated objects. I could not understand the statement given below that the Contents tells the cause of performance penalties. What is the reason for this? Please help me understand .. The problem wit...

entity framework - System.Data.MetadataException - seems more stubborn than most people's -

I've moved more links, and still my problem can not be solved. I have transferred projects recently and it seems that this may be an issue - but if so, how to solve it. I am quite Can not understand that when EF runs, then CDL is found. File I thought they are embedded in DLL [is set to do this]? The problem-based service does not directly use EF, it uses the second DLL that does that. I also added a direct reference to DLL but no happiness. In addition, using the same connection string works fine in my system test project, the same code (functionality in dll, does not have casing service) through IDE. To be below the wrong initiality of the StructureMap and EF itself

javascript - reading a post from another site with a html page -

I have a static HTML page that receives posts from another website. I need to be able to read the information in the post and store the data in a cookie, but the page is a static HTML page and has to be in this way. Anyone have any ideas? If you are getting information from other websites, then $ in JSON or XML format You can retrieve returned information using the jQuery Cookie plugin ( and store it in a cookie. Hope it helps.

zend framework - Generating Payroll Forms with Zend_PDF? -

Good morning, I am interested in generating PDFs from my payroll website which can be used Zend Framework Zend_PDF scares a lot in terms of the amount of work needed to generate a PDF generating PRF data, leave only one W2 document What better tools are available (Smarty or FPDF are thinking?) Which With Zend Framework And will create a level of complexity required to pay Stab or W 2? Thank you! I use html2pdf, a well-used tool which can convert HTML code into PDF files Converts. You can find examples here: It is easy to use and integrated with the Zend.

php - How can I join Excel documents using PHPExcel? -

I am using dynamically to generate order receipts. I want to be able to generate a "summary" excel file containing all the order receipts (per worksheet). Is there a way to join one of two (or more) Excel documents with PHPExcel? In Excel, the "tab" is known as "worksheets" in PHPExcel With Excel can create a workbook. For reference, there is one more answer on SO. An example of adding an external sheet is not sure if all naming dances are required. (CodePllex Link encourages you to clone the worksheet and copy the clone sheet so that it is not removed from the original workbook, but I do not think this will be a problem unless you are writing output to the source workbook.) It seems that something like this should be done: function getReceiptWorksheet ($ receipt number) {// Do something here to retrieve & amp; Return your current receipt} function vsmasterworcbook ($ filename, $ receipt number) {$ workbook = new PHPExcel (); Foreign...

javascript - Why doesn't this setInterval code work? -

I am trying to change the background color of every other body but it does not work. what I have done? var color = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"], rand = monastery. Cecil (mathematics.rendum () * Colors.length - 1), t = setInterval (function () { = colors [rand];}, 1000); You can use once and again again the value rand You are defining it every time you mean: var color = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"]; T = setInterval (function () {// Use CEL floor instead of use, and then you can leave -1 var rand = Math.flur (Math.Rendam) * colors.length) BackgroundColor = colors [rand];}, 1000); In addition, you are using commands to separate the command, while it will not always be broken (I can think of at least one situation Where it will not be), it is usually a bad idea because it means that some b...

javascript - Accessing webpage script from content script -

I try to execute an onclick () event of a code ( & lt) I am doing; A & gt; ), but it does not take the visitor anywhere, it executes the javascript code, however, how can I execute the code, due to that content script, the scripts on that webpage can not be accessed Let's go The code that should be executed uses custom functions, which are declared in the webpage. Jquery): Understand that 'myfunc' in the script-in-page The function that you want to be able to perform. var script = $ ("#webscript"); (or any other way of getting a script tag that contains the code) var myfunc = null; // Function-name declare (probably not even necessary) eval (script.html ()); // where myfunc has been announced and your myfunc variable has been specified Try using the function now: myfunc ( ); Edit 2: You may also: var copyScript = document.createElement ('script' ); CopyScript.type = 'text / javascript'; CopyScript.text = scr...

wpf - Referencing the correct System.Windows.Interactivity dll from Prism application -

I have a WPF prism application that I am making. The application is at that point where I want to be able to add EventTrigger for control so that I can call commands on the built-in visual model. However, I can not reference the correct DLL to create the project run. Currently, I am referring to Microsoft.Expression.Interactions and System.Windows.Interactivity C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft SDKs \ Expression \ Blend \ NETFramework \ v4.0 \ Library \ directory When I run the module, I get this error: to file or assembly Could not load 'system. Windows Interactivity, public key token = 31bf3856ad364e35 'or one of its dependencies The system can not find the file specified. I checked the assembly in the System.Windows.Inactactivity reflector and can see that this reference mscorlib Presenter Presentation Framework System System.Core System.Xaml Windows point to all reference 4.0 structures. I have referred everyone to the .NET referenc...

c# - Client template not working with custom helper action methods -

I am using RVC view engine with MVC teleicent control and ASP.NET MVC3. For example, I have my helpful supporting methods, for example: public static object category editing (this is UrlHelper urlHelper, int classId) {new {controller = "category", action = " Edit "id = categoryId}" } I have an AJAX grid and I have my own column template, there is a link by going to Action Action Method in the Country Controller, but I do not know how to display it Be done correctly I currently have this but it is not working: column.Bound (x = & gt; x.Id) .client template ("& lt; a href = \" " + Url.RouteUrl (URLCategoryEdit (Int32.Parse ("& lt; # = Id # & gt;")))) "Edit"> When the grid loads, it gives the following exception: The input string was not in the correct format. So I'm assuming that is int32.Parse ("& lt; # = Id #>") is incorrect. try this: public static object...

How can I use custom javascript in Spring Roo generated pages? -

I am working on a spring roo project and in case of being able to customize the web page, Has hit. The main thing I want to do is to be able to dynamically hide some fields because the customer is filling out web forms. I have a drop down list that has been powered by enumeration, which has 4 options and the fifth is the "other" option. If the user selects "other" then I have to show a text box so that the user selects his own Could. I was talking to someone and he said, "It really depends on the UI you have chosen. In the case of MVC scaffold you can use JavaScript to run these relations. ". I'm actually using MVC scaffolding so I think I have to use javascript. I really do not know much javascript but the problem is that I do not even know where the javascript code will go during my project files and then of course there is another problem that Javascript is used to dynamically hide the field in Spring How to do. Thanks itemprop = ...

c# - How to open a toolbar menu by Keyboard short-cuts? -

I have a blank toolbar button on my form and I'm adding all its menus and menu items at run-time . I have to add a keyboard shortcut in this toolbar menu How can you do this? You can use the special symbol in the menu item text to mark the "& amp; key on this simple example Take a look: Edit: 1) If there is a text in the drop down button, then it's' & amp; symbol for the menu. Like to drop. Therefore, in this specific case, the "verb" string has been assigned to that point at some point in the code, it must be "more actions". 2) If it Evl image drop down (the text is not visible buttons) Unfortunately '& amp;' The symbol trick does not work, but you can do this, for example, something like that. Pseudocode : Secure Override Zero OnkDown (KeyEver ER) {if (E.Alt & amp; e.KeyCode == Keys.A) {toolStripDropDownButton1 ShowDropDown ();} Base.OnKeyDown (e);} Hope this helps.

sql - problem with select -

I have a table with two column rows A1A2B1 B3C1C2C3 And I want to get it only from this ID (A, B or C) which contains only 2 rows with value 2, from this table I should have got, the row with 2 does not have a sequence of beakus, and there are rows with 1 and b in C, but it also has row with C. .. What is the simplest way? Calling your table by calling col1 call 1 (separate call 2) = 2 and the minimum (call2) = 1 and maximum (col2) = 2 or another extension for more than 2 numbers SELECT Col1 HAVING MIN (case when COL2 IN (1, 2) then 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1 and COUNT (DISTINCT col2) = 2 from yourtable group to col1

iphone - How often can my Application send APNS Notification -

I need to send remote API notifications to my iPhone applications from my server applications. I want to know the frequency with which I Under the circumstances, I can send remote APNS notifications: From my server application to iPhone app on the same device. to I know that Apple has set a certain limit on this, but I do not know the boundary. Thanks The Apple Push Notification Service constantly monitors providers for irregular behavior, looking for sudden spikes of activity In, fast connect-disconnect cycle, and similar activity. When Apple detects this behavior, it attempts to inform the providers, and if the practice continues, then it can put the provider's certificate in a revocation list and refuse further connections. The following article has been given If you get any further information, then post it here. .....

python - Using __init__ in django to annotate a model with extra information -

I wrote a __init__ method for one of my models that added an object to a dynamically object for the object Some helpful information combines it does not reflect a column in the database: class MyModel (models.Model): title = Models.CharField () Description = Models.TextField () def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): self.aux_info = "I'm not in the database!" It was working fine, but I got a case where it does not work. I have some code in a scene where I set a condition variable and a list of MyModels in JSON: from django.core import serializers Django.tills import importation ... #designs that use serializers for the model serialized_items = serializers.serialize ("json", itemlist) data ["items"] = serialized_items # serialized_items now a string data ["status"] = Integrate data detox using the easy-to-use position # python objects. Response = simplejson.dumps Returns HttpResponse (resp, mimetype = "application / javasc...

database - how to show file on each list view item selection when there are huge items in listview in android -

I have 1500 records in the database based on the selection of databases, I have put them in listview when any list of users If I click on the item of the scene then I want to show 1 file which contains 1 image n rest information. The problem here is how can I not implement this thing, because if I use the database only for information I am of the database Cars will be much bigger as 1500 images exist there. And I can not use the switch case for the same Plz plz help me in regards to thnx in advance, sups. I'm not sure that it makes great sense to store images as databases in Blobes ... I think this would be a better way to store these images on the SD card and save the file name in DB. Of course, it all depends on your architecture and if you have a good reason to save images in DB (usually take a lot of space on users' phones) it's a different story.

java - How can I highlight multiple variables in Eclipse? -

In eclipse, if you place your cursor on a variable, then it will highlight that variable everywhere in the code. I was wondering how you can highlight more than one variable at a time? But using the search dialog, you can see two variables in the same search. Mark the regular expression checkbox in the options. Use a regular expression in the search textbox. For example if you are looking for both index and count variables (index) | (Count) . The search button will cycle through all the instances of both index and count . This can be expanded for even more difficult searches.

ruby - Why are callbacks callable in Rails model classes? -

मेरे पास इस तरह रेल मॉडल मॉडल वर्ग है: class something & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस से पहले self.key = secureRandom.urlsafe_base64 (8) एंड एंड मैं यहाँ before_create क्यों कॉल कर सकता हूं? मुझे यह ActiveRecord :: Base की एक विधि होने की उम्मीद थी लेकिन यह नहीं है कॉलबैक ActiveRecord :: कॉलबैक के तरीकों हैं। लेकिन मैं उन्हें बिना किसी वर्ग के मॉडल क्लास में क्यों कॉल कर सकता हूं? आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं क्योंकि ActiveRecord :: बेस ऐसा करता है (या आपके रेल के आपके संस्करण के आधार पर ऐसा कुछ): Base.class_eval करें # ... कॉलबैक, एक्टिवमोडेल :: अवलोकन, टाइमस्टैम्प # ... एंड तो ActiveRecord :: Base में पहले से ही ActiveRecord :: Callbacks शामिल है और आपका क्लास इनहेरीटिंग द्वारा कॉलबैक को उठाता है से ActiveRecord :: बेस ।