ruby on rails - ActiveRecord join with new 1.9 hash syntax -
I have an AR query that looks like this
user.books.joins (: Writers). Where (: Author = & gt; {: id = & gt; [1,2,3]},: title = & gt; 'blah') This is just an example But notice when I specify conditions on a composite table, I am using pre-1.9 hash syntax. : Author = & gt; {: Id = & gt; [1,2,3]} Is it a way to do the same query with 1.9 hash syntax?
It is very readable as it is and the 1.9 syntax will probably reduce it. But I am still curious if this is possible and how it will look.
This completely new syntax: Junks (: Author). Where (authors: {id: [1,2,3]}, title: 'blah')
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