exchange server - Adding an appointment to specific user's calendars using with php-ews -
I am trying to add an appointment using php-ews in an Exchange 2007 user's calendar. To add the currently connected user's calendar I have the code set up and it works fine. This user is also allowed to write other user's calendars Do anyone know how I know how to add calendar events directly to someone else's calendar? (I do not want to invite them)
After actually digging into ews I finally figured it out And it's very easy you just specify the user in the folder. So if you have:
$ request-> Saved EatFinder ID- & gt; Distinguished Folder ID-> ID = 'Calendar';
Just add:
$ request - & gt; Saved EatFinder ID- & gt; DistinguishedFoulderID- & gt; Mailbox-> Email address = ''
And that's it.
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