
Showing posts from January, 2013

Can I choose area when Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC3? -

How can I run MvcScaffold in an area in mvc3? Is this possible? I would like to perform something like this: Matrix Meridian - Maril Just use a dash instead -Aria - Aria: If you want a special file generated to go to ASP.NET MVC Field, enter its name here Note that you have already created that area; Schollfords do not automatically create areas (yet).

Background compile in VS2010 and C/C++ -

मैं Visual Studio 2010 और इंटेल icc सी विकास मैं C99 का उपयोग करता हूं, लेकिन संपादक अभी भी C99 के रूप में त्रुटियाँ बना रहा है (संकलन ठीक है)। दूसरा प्रश्न, क्या विंडोज पर इंटेल कंपाइलर के साथ एक्लिप्स (सीडीटी) का उपयोग करना संभव है? जैसा कि आपकी पोस्ट की प्रतिक्रियाओं में उल्लिखित है, जो समस्या आप देख रहे हैं, वह केवल आपके intellisense के साथ है। आप बंद कर सकते हैं VS2010 में इंटेलिसेंस त्रुटि रिपोर्टिंग: उपकरण & gt; विकल्प & gt; पाठ संपादक & gt; सी / सी ++ & gt; उन्नत। IntelliSense के अंतर्गत, "त्रुटि रिपोर्टिंग अक्षम करें" चुनें और इसे "सत्य" पर सेट करें।

WCF Data Services - Including children on first request -

I have an enterprise model with a sales line and several line items when I make a request for a particular line, Line information is returned, but I do not get back to the line of children's line. I have tried to remove [XmlIgnoreAttribute ()] and [SoapIgnoreAttribute ()] from the navigation property but I still have not found hair items. What is WCF? Data Services A complete audio in one shot Can not serialize the object graph? No, you should say the service that you want to load the navigation property using on the client too.

javascript - JQuery Drag can drag past the Containment element with auto-scroll -

I am playing with drag and drop of jQuery when I saw that the window is when I can pull it out of the prevention element Very small and have a scrollbar; Actually what you can do with the code below, as long as you can not shorten your window up to vertical scroll bars; Then drag the inner div downwards until it is outside the outer wall. Anyone knows a workaround or has faced this problem somewhere else (maybe I'm doing it wrong)? Currently I disable the scrolling option only, but I want to be able to scroll it. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery-ui-1.8.11.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("draggable"). Draggable (); $ ("dragg...

datetime - php: setting a timezone by UTC offset -

I know that my user's timezone is UTC +3 I want to create a date object with knowledge: $ usersNow = new date time ('now', new datetime zone ("+ 3")); I get a respsonse as: 'Unknown or Bad Timezone (+2)' What am I doing wrong? How can I decide? how about this ... $ original = new Date time ("now", new datetime zone ('UTC')); $ Timezone name = timezone_name_frame_parab ("", 3 * 3600, wrong); $ Revised = $ original- & gt; Settime time zone (new date time zone ($ namename));

glibc - How to stop Clang from duplicating functions in standard C header files? -

I have some pretty pretty C99 codes that have multiple C files are compiled, and when I compile it with Clag 2.7, I get some very strange errors: /usr/include/bits/stdio.h:77: ` Many definitions of 'wizarding' a2test.o: /usr/include/bits/stdio.h: 77: Firstly defined here What is happening is that & lt; Stdio.h & gt; For , the GNU Liby Header file should contain putchar , extern __inline __ , and for any reason in the conflict .o files Putting Definition Then when the linker sees duplicate definitions, then it is bleaching. I suspect a configuration problem: When I use Inclination 2.7 which is with Debian Lane, everything is compiled but for the class I'm reading, the software is red Must be run on Hat Enterprise Linux 5, and my sysadmin has created the stigma 2.7 from the source. (We are not using 2.9 because we are not able to compile the Hello world, and we are not using later versions because we can not find the latest to make it.) I'm look...

eclipse - OpenCMS and CVS -

How to integrate working with a CVS and OpenCMS, especially looking at maintaining properties and metadata is? I have set up OpenCMS for development on my local machine, as well as Eclipse related to CVS. I can unify files between OpenCMS and Eclipse and check them in CVS, which works fine - except that I do not know any version to control property and control other metadata. One question: How do you sync OpenCMS files? Are you talking about VFS (Virtual File System = mysql data files)? Because in OpenCMS, all content files reside in VFS, not on the actual file system (RFS). You are talking about the content files of your OpenCMS site, right? OpenCMS Core Source files that you are using to compile the Open CMS core jar, I agree. There is an idea that Mapping to drive VFS using WebDV, but I found that it is not very stable and reliable. With it, you will usually receive the property in a separate folder as well.

Real requirements vs business requirements -

Assume that I have an account creation form, which fills the user database. Let's say that this database table has 6 columns: UserID, User login, Password, Email, Demographic, Demographic. This program requires userID, user login and password. It can not work without any remaining "business needs", the company wants to know these things, they are "necessary". Would it be better to configure my application and database so that it is really necessary, or can this impediment in business logic? My stomach is saying I have another option, but I have seen almost all the production codes, 1 is usually the case. Is this a lack of planning, or any kind of professional / programmer printed on the programmers tell me that it is necessary, I will make it necessary). Or, is there any compelling reason? The actual requirements for us usually reflect technical requirements that are necessary to actually operate the program. We usually apply them in structural ...

c# - Change tracel level dynamically thru trace listener -

हमारे पास एक विशाल C # codebase है जो लॉगिंग करता है। नेट ट्रेसिंग और कस्टम ट्रेस श्रोता। मैं ट्रेसिंग स्तर को गतिशील रूप से बदलने के लिए विकल्प की तलाश कर रहा हूं (चेतावनी से वर्बोस आदि ..) मैं उम्मीद कर रहा था कि ट्रेस श्रोता से ट्रेस स्तर को बदलने का एक तरीका था और मैं ट्रेस स्रोत पर लॉग स्तर बदलने के लिए कस्टम श्रोता को संशोधित कर सकता था। लेकिन यह संभव नहीं लगता है ट्रेस श्रोता (बिना प्रतिबिंब ..) से tracesource ऑब्जेक्ट को पकड़ने का एक आसान तरीका है? मैं ट्रेससोर्स से गतिशील ट्रेसिंग स्तर को लागू करने से बचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं क्योंकि इसमें बहुत सारे कोड बदलाव शामिल होंगे I कोई भी सुझाव? यहाँ ट्रेसिंग करना आम तरीका है: ट्रेससोर्स टीएस = नया ट्रेससोर्स ("टेस्टलोग सोरस"); Ts.TraceEvent (TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "चेतावनी संदेश"); Ts.TraceEvent (TraceEventType.Error, 0, "त्रुटि संदेश"); & LT; system.diagnostics & gt; & LT; सूत्रों & gt; & Lt; स्रोत नाम = "टेस्टलोग सोरस" स्विचनैम = "ग्लोबलस्विच" & g...

Where can I find a database of US colleges and the classes they offer? -

I have noticed that they have a list of several schools and classes they offer. Does anyone know how they get this data? I think this is through some databases, but I may be wrong. This is most likely through a database to be their database being accurate And I suspect that they will give you access to it. I found this site which looks very reasonable and provides a CSV or Excel for all recognized colleges: The site is malfunctioning: The US Department of Education, therefore, can not guarantee that the information given in the database is accurate, current or complete. You may come up with a scrape from the publicly available sites to gather the rest of the information but you have to check the legitimacy of that. It is not everything, but it is a beginning to hope that it helps!

php - how to auto add multiple youtube video id to jw player and play them sequentially? -

I would like to receive this post to post many YouTube IDs in WordPress, something like "3jSDiJ, DJIJWK, JDIAZ" And I want to load them in the JW Player and run them in sequential order. I must first be able to figure out how many ',' there are so that in the JW Player code I {'file': 'http: // www Can make a loop to make multiple of ' / v? 3SJDDJ'. ,} This is an example of two videos & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Jwplayer ("Container") Setup ({'Flashplayer': 'jwplayer.swf', 'playlist': [{'file': '',}, 'file ':' Http: // 3jSDiJ ',}], repeat:' list '}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Your suggestion and support is appreciated Not really, enough information has been given to ensure this, but assuming that the YouTube ID is being stored in an array, you can do some...

MySQL storing undirected graph edges efficiently -

I want to store underside graph edges (for example, for friends) node one , one can use: Create two rows per line, query on one column per node: + ---------------------- + + | ID | From_node | To_node | + ---------------------- + + | 1 | One | B | 2 | B One | + -------------------------- + SELECT * FROM `x` from which to_node = a Create one line per line, use or : + --------------------- --- - + | ID | Node_A | Nod_b | + ---------------------- + + | 1 | One | B + -------------------------- + SELECT * to `y`, where node_a = one OR node_b = a Which makes for a more efficient lookup? Index with 2n rows, from_node and to_node , n with rows, index on node_a, > and node_b / Code>, OR If you customize everything If you do, X will be faster, assuming you read data from the disk and are inquiring about a single person's friends. This is because you can arrange your data on the disk so that it can be ordered to match an index that you are as...

iphone - Proper way for testing application update on iOS? -

Some posts say the trial update on the simulator to update the new IPA on the old IPA via iTunes for the test update. It is the same. That is, what are the steps for app update testing? Install version 1 from iPhone Simulator. Modify / test some data on version 1 Install version 2 through the iPhone Simulator. Make sure everything works as expected. Or should I do instead? Install version 1 ipa through iTunes. Similar to the above Install version 2 ipa via iTunes. Like thanks There is a simulator not a simulator for proper testing on one device. There are differences in behavior between the simulator and the device, which is devoted to many Dev, not this simulator can not simulate some hardware directly . If you are testing on iOS 4, then you can use OTA installs to reduce some troubles of testing through iTunes.

python - Why does takewhile() skip the first line? -

I have a file: 1 2 3 tab 1 2 3 tab I want to read the block between tabs as blocks. import itertools def block_generator (file): in the form of lines with open (file): line for line: block = list (iterolls.cavion x: x.rstrip ('\ N ')! =' \ T ', lines)) The output block I want to use it like: block = block_generator (mime) for block block: The blocks are starting from the second line like all of me [2,3] [2,3] , why? From the DRA block_generator (filename) here via group Another method is to use the group: as lines with open (filename): for pred, block by group (line, "\ t \ n" .__ ne__): if future: yield block

regex - JavaScript Regular Expression Syntax -

I'm trying to create a regular expression that checks the letters, numbers, and underscores in .NET, ^ \ W + $ "I can. However, I'm not familiar with javascript syntax. Can somebody help me out? Thank you! One obvious difference is that in javascript, you can regex the form of the / pattern / flags - This is Perl-style, your "example" will then be ^ \ w + $ → / ^ \ w + $ / . For example, a e with multiple e , case-insensitive search (hence i flag): var s = 'qweeeerty'; S = s.replace (/E + / I, 'E'); Returns: qwerty .

asynchronous - Designing an async API in Python -

(Note: This question is strictly about the API's design , not how applicable That means, I only look at my API's client that I only care about what I have to do to get this work done.) In simple words: I want to know the established pattern I - if any - for (alias promises, aka deferred, aka work-name differ on the basis of structure) In Python. The following is a more detailed description. Consider a simple Python API like this: def read_line (): ... s = read_line () print (s) This is a narrow version - if a line is not yet available it will be blocked. Let's say, now, I want to provide a compatible asynchronous (non-blocking) version that allows to enter a callback after the operation is completed. A simple version might look like this: def read_line_async (callback): ... read_line_async (lambda s: print (s)) Now, in other languages ​​and frameworks, there are often existing compulsory or at least well-established patterns for such APIs. For example, ...

Emacs Python.el, Syntax Highlighting Quirks -

I am using version 0.23.1 for Ajax. Syntax highlighting is a little bit - Any variable name has an underscore keyword that will result in the keyword highlighting. For example, the result of "foo_list" is being highlighted in "list". Compared to anything in my own understanding of AMX-Lisp (this is not a big deal) how can I tell about how to fix it? Here I think the relevant code "Python." In line 312-318, I suspect that there is a problem with the definition of "symbol-start", but I do not know what that name means. (defy python-font-lock-keywords ;; keywords (, (RX symbols-start ("" and "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Except "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "...

To call an Activity after the text has spoken in the current activity in Android text to speech app -

I'm new to Android; Can someone help me with the following requirement; To call an activity after the speech of the current activity is completed The activity of 2 is read after the completion of the activity 1 but activity 2 activity 1 was started before the completion of the lesson is. This statement ID is not even identified. I have written the code as follows. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Intake on public zero {if (position == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {string text = tt.getText (). ToString (); If (text! = Null & text.length () & gt; {} {toast. Make Text (Activity 1.This, "Speaking:" + Text, Toast. LNNHHLLG). Show (); Tts.setOnUtteranceCompletedListener (this); Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; MyHash = new Hashmap (); Tts.speak (text, textotowspeech .QUEUE_ADD, myHash); MyHash.put (TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID, "Done"); } And if (position == TextToSpeech.ERROR) {toast. Make text (fossil., "Error occurr...

iphone - view will disappear is not firing -

What are the alternate methods for the view that I am using the addSubView method to add the view? See Williams is not firing. I want to release all the allotted objects when the current view disappears. Currently I am using the dealloc method to do this. But the Delok method is not firing fast as I am getting memory warping and sometimes my app can crash itself. The main problem is with voice files ADView / Removeprocessorview (these methods do not belong to viewers viewing the controllers Are) WillAppear / viewWillDisappear methods to see the call view You must type in the release object code delok (). removeFromSuperview should call dealloc (). session expire very soon -

I get this message many times and it seems that this is not normal, how can I fix this problem? A worker process with a service id of '8052' service pool '' has requested a recycle because it has reached its personal bytes memory limit. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Hi, it has not expired due to timeout, due to this memory limit, an application pool recycle It's usually too bad. If you have complete control of your ASP.NET application, then I recommend that you profile it carefully and find out that you are allocating and not exceeding the amount of storage / release. . > It can help to understand how many times users are going in the normal usage cases and can start investigating them. Are you loading too many bytes in the file for download? Are you keeping too many references in session? Once upon a time we had a similar problem and after several weeks we came to know that we were accumulating the context ...

EditorFor(..) throws an exception when my model is null in my ASP.NET MVC application -

मेरे पास वास्तव में सरल MVC दृश्य है, जिसमें एक सरल string है मॉडल। उदाहरण के लिए। @ मॉडेल स्ट्रिंग जब मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं, तो दृश्य एक अपवाद फेंकता है, अगर मॉडल मान null है (यह तब होता है जब प्रयोक्ता इस दृश्य / पेज / संसाधन पर पहली बार होता है)। मान रिक्त या रिक्त नहीं हो सकता पैरामीटर का नाम: नाम विवरण: वर्तमान वेब अनुरोध के निष्पादन के दौरान एक अनियंत्रित अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। कृपया त्रुटि के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए स्टैक ट्रेस की समीक्षा करें और कोड में इसकी उत्पत्ति कहाँ की गई है। अपवाद विवरण: System.ArgumentException: मान रिक्त या खाली नहीं हो सकता पैरामीटर का नाम: नाम & lt; td & gt; @ Html.EditorFor (मॉडल = & gt; मॉडल) & lt; / td & gt; मैं इनपुट बॉक्स का उपयोग करके EditorFor (..) कैसे कर सकता हूँ जब स्ट्रिंग मॉडल का मान रिक्त है? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> ऐसा लगता है कि यह समस्या यह निर्धारित नहीं कर सकता कि उस फ़ील्ड के नाम के रूप में इसका उपयोग क्या करना चाहिए जो आप बना रहे हैं। मैं एक ...

ruby on rails 3 - Uninitialised Constant Iconv -

In the recent code, using the following code to avoid UTF-8 problems with input text ic = ('UTF-8 / IGNORE', 'UTF-8') #valid_string = ic.iconv (Untrusted_string + '') [0 .. - 2 ] Line [4] = IC.Connov (line [4] + '') [0 ..- 2] row [5] = ic. Coke (line [5] + '') [0 ..- 2] This works perfectly in development, however, once pushed on our server, The problem is "crude continuous icon" when we try to run the rack file with the above code. Is there an easy way to fix this issue? Tried to add the gem 'iconv' to add the gem file and these errors were loaded upon installing the bundle, so assuming this is not the right way to fix it ... Fix it by adding the requirement of 'iconv' at the top of the rack file

php - SQL JOINS retrieving and displaying twice -

I am joining 2 tables and am trying to show results. The only problem is that every result has been repeated. I have 2 tables, messages, and follow messages are a fixed user input, and I want to show it only to specific people who follow some users. Message | Follow -id -id -message -mem1 (logged-in user) -userid -mem2 (user followed) -product $ display = ""; $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ("Select" to join me as a message to me.Userid = fl.mem2 WHERE fl.mem1 = $ id (user entered) ORDER me.created DESC LIMIT 10 $ ($ Line = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)); $ {$ = $ line ["id"]; $ message = $ row ["message"]; $ userid = $ row [ "Userid"]; $ made = $ line ["created"]; $ Display. = "& Lt ;? Php echo $ userid ;? & Gt ;: & lt ;? Php ek $ message ;; & Gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ made ;; & Gt; ";} There are no duplicates in the database, just by recovering. Thanks for the input! Ed...

Format for C# commenting with NUnit and XML commenting -

When NUnit and XML are writing C # with comment, is there a required, or preferred format for which the first is? will: using NUnit.Framework; Nameshorna February {/// & lt; Summary & gt; & Lt; C & gt; Foo & lt; / C & gt; Classroom test bar /// & lt; / Summary & gt; [TestFixture] Public square Foo {}} Correct or will be: using NUnit.Framework; Nomestation October {{TestFixture} /// & lt; Summary & gt; & Lt; C & gt; Foo & lt; / C & gt; Classroom test bar /// & lt; / Summary & gt; Public class Foo {}} Better? This is not unique to NUINT - it has no special properties. This is a matter of priority, but at least for me, the code should come before - attributes are also counted as codes.

wcf - get fault information from a webinvoke method using WebClient -

मैं नया WebClient (url) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। अपलोडस्ट्रेस (... WCF WebInvoke वेब विधि को खोलने के लिए। विधि फेंक रही है एक गलती अपवाद। क्या रिमोट सर्वर ने त्रुटि लौटाई है: (400) खराब अनुरोध " क्या मैं एक गलती फेंक रहा हूं? FaultException) इसमें सभी प्रासंगिक जानकारी के साथ। सादर क्रेग। try {string result = client.UploadString ("http: // localhost: 8080 / method", "POST", xml.ToString ()); result.dump ();} कैच (वेबएक्सेशन एक्स) {XNamespace exn = "Http://"; var त्रुटि = XElement.Load में नोड से (ex.Response.GetResponseStream ())। Descendants (exn + "p") नोड का चयन करें। Value; त्रुटि। डंप ();}

javascript - How to directly fade to another image (without any delay) using jquery? -

My code works, but this second image can not be directly done: - Fade the first image - & gt; Delay - & gt; How can I fade in the second image fade in the second one? My jquery code $ (document) .ready (function () {var std = $ (".fadeim"). Attr ("src"); var Hover = std.replace (".png", "-hover.png"); $ (".fadeim") .mouseover (function () {$ (this) .FadeOut ("fast", function () {$ ( FadeOut ("fast") ("source", "yes"); $ (this) .fadeine ("sharp");});}). Mouseout (function () {$ (this) .FadeOut ("fast" , Function () {$ (This) .attr ("src", std); $ (this). FadeIn ("fast");})}}}})}}; When you hover the 'first' image, the second one is still loaded Does not happen. Try this type of: $ ('.fadeim'). Every (function () {var std = $ (this) .attr ("src"); Var hover = std.replace (".png", "-hover.png...

google app engine - How many threads per GAE instance? -

Does anyone know how many formulas GAE examples ( Java , no pythons) Under the terms? The new instance creation conditions have been well described, but no information appears to indicate how many requests can provide a multi-threaded Java instance service. An example only processes one thread at a time. As the first request in the queue has been assigned as a free example, as soon as it has been created. Once this request is completed, it is free and another request has been assigned to it. One request at a time, per instance.

java - I want to copy an excel file from one location to other URL server location -

I want to copy / move Excel from a local machine / path to the server location. Server location, we manually upload the excel file, but I want to do it autmatically using Java files. Can I do this, if so, please give me a suggestion on this. Thank you in advance VSRK If you upload it through a web form If so, you can use Apache HTTP Client to create a request sent to the server in the program and upload the file. Before you upload, you will need any authentication that the server will store any cookies sent to you, and any post-authentication navigation for the web page will be required. You will need to fix the upload request exactly as the web browser sends it, the parameters and all.

Web page embedded within Android application -

all day Basically what I'm trying to do is embed a webpage within my Android app. I know that the startActivity will open the browser and display the page externally from the application. However, what I want is a page that can be displayed within the application, an edit text box or something similar inside. Is this possible and can I see a tutorial? Yes, this is a WebView. More info here:

winapi - Basic Windows Programming question in VS2005 -

"itemprop =" text "> I created a Win32 console application (without enabling precompiled header option). And now my source code is, in this form, there are two compiler errors // AFormattingMsgBox.cpp: defines the entry point for the console application. // # include & lt; Windows.h & gt; #include "stdafx.h" // integer _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) integer APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, integer iCmdShow) {int cxScreen, cyScreen; CxScreen = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN); CyScreen = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN); Messagebox printf (TEXT ("ScrSize"), text ("% i pixels wide by screen% i pixels wide is high"), cxScreen, cyson); Return 0; } CDECL MessageBoxPrintf (TCHAR * szCaption, TCHAR * szFormat, int x, int y) {TCHAR szBuffer [1024] int i; Va_list pArgList; Va_start (parlist, SJ format); _vsntprintf (szBuffer, sizeof (szBuffer) / sizeof (TCHAR), szFormat, pArgList); Va_...

c++ - EOF before EOF in Visual Studio -

मेरे पास एक कार्यक्रम (दृश्य स्टूडियो 2005 में) में इस स्निपेट था: if ( _eof (fp- & gt; _file)) {ब्रेक; } जब एओफ़ पहुंचा था तो इसे बंद करने वाला लूप टूट गया। लेकिन कार्यक्रम फाइल में पिछले कुछ हज़ारों वर्णों को पार्स करने में सक्षम नहीं था। तो, यह जानने के लिए कि क्या हो रहा था, मैंने ऐसा किया: अगर (_eof (fp- & gt; _file)) {cout & lt; & lt; ftell (fp) & lt; & lt; endl ; टूटना; } अब जवाब है कि मुझे फ़ोटेल से मिला वास्तविक फ़ाइल आकार (जो अपेक्षित नहीं है) से भिन्न (और छोटे) था। मैंने सोचा कि विंडोज़ को फाइल के साथ कुछ समस्या हो सकती है, फिर मैंने यह किया: अगर (_eof (fp- & gt; _file)) {cout & lt; & lt; ftell (fp) & lt; & lt ; endl; फेसेक (एफपी, 0, SEEK_END); अदालत के & lt; & lt; ftell (एफपी) के & lt; & lt; endl; टूटना; } खैर, गड़बड़ी () ने सही उत्तर दिया (फ़ाइल आकार के बराबर) और आरंभिक फीट () विफल (पहले बताए गए अनुसार)। संपादित करें: फ़ाइल "आरबी" मोड में खुली है। आप _eof () से एक फ़ाइल...

c# - Is there any alternative of Dictionary in .NET? -

I need to use a dictionary in the project but as we know they are only capable of using keys and Are not using indexed, and I want to use objects in dictionaries using indexed. That's why I came to know about Bella and Ordered Delivery on the Web because they are accessible using both index and keys but they have something else like I am reading / writing every minute of the day, so use the Ordered Divider This is not a good idea for. / P> So in the end my question is that there is an option available which gives me the functionality of the dictionary and I can access it through indexes and do not cause any display problem. In response to your comment, you are expecting only one hundred updates a minute, it is too low The job is - practically nothing. You can still use OrderedDictionary , the display will not be a problem for you

ios - Google Maps APIs in iPhone Paid App -

मैं एक आईफ़ोन एप्लिकेशन विकसित करना चाहता हूं जो Google Places API, Google Distance Matrix API और Google Directions API () का उपयोग करता है पास के स्थानों जैसे रेस्तरां, अस्पताल आदि ढूंढें। क्या मैं इन तीन एपीआई (Google Places एपीआई, Google डिस्टैंस मैट्रिक्स एपीआई और Google दिशा एपीआई) को मुफ्त में उपयोग कर सकता हूँ ( बिना एक मैप्स एपीआई प्रीमियर लाइसेंस) सशुल्क iPhone ऐप निशुल्क iPhone ऐप जिसमें विशेषताएं हैं जो इन तीन Google API का उपयोग करती हैं और अनलॉक करती हैं अतिरिक्त भुगतान सुविधाओं जो इन एपीआई को इन-ऐप खरीद के माध्यम से उपयोग नहीं करती है। निशुल्क iPhone ऐप जो अतिरिक्त भुगतान सुविधाओं को अनलॉक करती है जो कि इन Google APIs का उपयोग करता है इन-ऐप खरीद के माध्यम से आप ऐपिस का उपयोग करने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं हालांकि एक लोगो आवश्यक है

MySQL: Get results given a condition -

I have a table that looks like this: target_id || Countrycode 5 ----------- || ------- US ---- 5 -------- --- --- ------- CA --- 2 ---------- || ------- FR ---- 3 ---------- || ------- SP ---- 3 ---------- || ------- FR ---- and the other table that looks like this: target_id || Area_name 5 ----------- || --- North America 2 ----------- || - --- France ------ 3 ----------- || As you can see, table 2 contains location and target_ids, whereas in Table 1, in the case of North America, this target is up to 5 , Which is Canada and America, on the other hand is target_ID of France, 2, and some are target_id of Europe 3, which includes France and Spain. What I would like to do through MySQL, is to get a table of goal, country code, country_name but for countries only, this means only for goal_ids of Table 1, which are in only one line (For example, we know that FR is a country because number 2 is only in the FR, and we know that 3 represents an area because there a...

whitespace - XSLT transformation adding unwanted Linefeed -

Using VS 2010, I am editing an XML file that will be used to replace an XML file . I'm trying to output a carat return () and only this one. I do not want to show the linefeed character (x0A). No matter what type of stunt I am in XSL, the output file always adds an LF to my CR (CRF) and I do not want that the reason is that only CR I want it to be parsed by a secondary system which sends an SMS message, for which only LF is required. I'm thinking that the problem is XSL or the conversion process. Style sheet: & lt; Xsl: stylesheet xmlns: l = "" version = '1.0' & gt; & Lt; Xsl: import href = 'LidAditFanks.XSL' / & gt; & Lt; Xsl: template match = '/' & gt; & Lt; XSL: implemented-import / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; Xsl: output method = "xml" encoding = "UTF-8" indent = "no" /> & Lt; Xsl: Template Match = ...

c++ - boost::ref and boost::asio completion handlers, pass-by-reference - (बढ़ावा :: रेफरी (i)); मुझे इस कोड के एक भाग में कॉल है, अंतर्निहित प्रकार i निश्चित रूप से एक दायित्व है (क्योंकि बढ़ावा को दूर करना: रेफरी मूल्य से गुजरता है, जो ठीक काम करता है), हालांकि रगड़ मुझे बताता है कि: /opt/dev_64_swat/proto-rpc2/dependencies/boost/include/boost/asio/handler_invoke_hook.hpp:64:3: त्रुटि: Type 'boost :: reference_wrapper & lt; rubble :: rpc :: TcpFrontEndConnectionInvoker & gt;' कॉल ऑपरेटर प्रदान नहीं करता मैं संदर्भ से कैसे पारित करूं, मेरे पास ऑब्जेक्ट्स हैं जो एसिंक्रोनस कॉल से अधिक निकलती हैं, और वे अधिक सुरुचिपूर्ण (कम बढ़ावा :: साझा_पीटीआर & lt; .. & gt; अगर मैं उन्हें संदर्भ से पास कर सकता हूं)। - संपादित करें - मैंने एएसआईओ की उदाहरण निर्देशिका के माध्यम से गहराया है, और बढ़ावा :: रिफ़ पूरा संचालक के लिए नहीं दिखाया गया है तो मुझे लगता है कि मैं यहाँ भाग्य से बाहर हूं। क्या कोई कारण है कि हैंडलरों का संस्करण रेफरी को स्वीकार नहीं करता है? - 2 संपादित करें: मुझे जो दिखता है (जब तक कि ...

security - What bad things can a user do in a browser without the script tag? -

I have an entry form where the user can type in arbitrary HTML, except for the script tag, what I need to filter is? Here's what I do: userInput.replace (/ & lt; (script) / GI, "& amp; $ 1"); but manages a white list of tags (used here at SO), and filters all other tags (spaces). Why? I do not like white lists because I do not want to stop the user from entering the arbitrary tag, if he chooses; But I can use a more comprehensive blacklist in addition to 'script', what if I need to do as a black list? short answer: they can do anything with Script tag Javascript does not require a script tag, the script can be placed in the almost every HTML tag script in many places the script tag Can appear in addition to the src and href attribute, and style attribute used for the URL. The ability to put unwanted scripts in a user on their page is a security vulnerability known as. Read around and read this topic. You do not want use...

sdk - image transfer between iPhone application and server -

There are several types of parsing methods like NSXML, JSON etc etc. I am confused with so many ways. So please help me to choose from them. Which best parse has to be followed, then taken from images and an iPhone application ?? ASIHTTPRequest to act on asynchronous request To parse JSON objects sent in JSON framework native data objects (NSDictionaries and NSArrays) UIImage * myDownloadedImage = [UIImage imageWithData: .. [RequestObject feedback data]]; to turn downloaded image data into a UIImage. Here is a sample code for one of my recent projects. I inserted ASIHTTPRequest.h and JSON.h NSString * projurl = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ Mobile / Project_details /? Project =% @ ", WEBAPPURL, self.projectId]; __blick ASIHTPPReveve * R = [with ASHTPPRAC request request: [NSL URL URL AuthorString: Progerlal]]; [Set setpleplelock: ^ {self.projectData = [[R response string] JSONValue]; [Self.tableViewReloadData]; }]; [RSynSynchronous]; You can wal...

c++ - QFileSystemModel - Incremental update/pre-emptive update -

From Qt documentation: QFileSystemModel setRootPath will not fetch any files or directories () Is called. This file will prevent any unnecessary inquiries on the system unless the drives in Windows are listed in it. Unlike QDirModel (obsolete), QFileSystemModel uses a different thread to populate itself, so it will not cause the main thread to be questioned as a file system for hanging. To call the rowCount () will return to 0 until the model does not populate any directory. QFileSystemModel keeps a cache with file information Caffei keeps up to date using QFileSystemWatcher automatically. I am using QTreeView with a subclassified QFileSystemModel which uses the check box. If I get '0' before I expand an item in the QFileSystemModel :: rowCount (index) tree, even if there are no subdirectories or files or not However, once it is expanded into the correct line count it will be called again. I think if you call QFileSystemModel :: setRootPath (), then it will recei...

xml - jQuery XHR returning error 0 on select platforms -

I am using code below which works on some CE platforms but always fails others. The message I get back is: ajaxError: 0 error then success Callback is not like this This is also in the web browser so I hope that someone can point out a simple error and why something happens on this but there are no other good examples: IE9 has errors But Google Chrome works in Data.fetchData = function () {var i = 0; Data.items = new array (); SS.log ("Data.fetchData"); $ .ajax ({url: Define.feedURL, data type: "XML", success: function (data) {$ ("# items"). Blank (); $ (data) .find ("item"). ("Title: first"). Text (), 'image': item.find ("url") .text (), 'subtitle': utility strip chars (item.find ("subtitles"). Text ( ), 'Summary': Utili.Strip Chairs (item.find ("summary"). Text ()), 'video': item.find ("enclosure"). Attr (...

c# - how to use console/windows app without focus on it? -

im creating a KElog application that enables me to write all the data typed on a text file / database Can I do this without focusing on window app / console app? For one reason, all of you know, this is for my PC and is not trying to hack an account. Just to know what they are doing on my computer. Example: This class allows you to tap the keyboard and mouse and / or to detect their activity, whenever an application is running in the background or there is no user interface.

drupal - php array selector unsure of differnce -

Hi I'm working with Drupal and it uses arrays at one level. I'm not much with the family , I have a quick question which is the difference between these 'selectors' (which is the correct word)? $ node ['field_geoloc'] This is an error cause "Fatal Error: Can not use type object as stdClass array ... " / Pre> This works (im is using it in an if! = Null statement) $ node- & gt; Field_geoloc Hope that's a simple question ... thanks. is very easy .. error says all this: "Fatal Error: You can not use type objects as stdClass as an array ..." You are trying to use an object as an array. The object property is not accessible using the $ array ['key'] method, which you have used, the need to use properties like you Is: `$ Object-> Property ' If you have any object, you can obtain properties from that array using the method but I know from experience that you have to do that method with ...

animation - g.raphael bar chart and updating/animating the values -

I'm working on charts a few times and need to update the chart values. The only way to do this is to do the whole thing again, is there a simple update to do so often? And if I really want to do this, then this change is animate. Any suggestions? here you want (updates). The only issue you were on the right track to create a new bar chart is that you do not want to "display" the bar at that time, but you want to use your bar for animation . Although it creates a new graph that we throw later (using the remove), it seems that Rafael is the best practice. function b_animate () {/ / first, a new bar chart var c2 = bars.g.barchart (200, 0, 300, 400, [bdata], {stacked: falls, color : ["# 999", "# 333", "# 666)")}); // Then for each time (C) in our chart, revive the path of our new chart (C2) $ .each (c.bars [0], function (k, v) {v.animate ({ Path: c2.bars [0] [k] .attr ("path"), 200); v.value [0] = bdata [k] [0];}); // Now...

c# - Replacing non type safe with type safe generic method -

I'm looking for a way to change: public class non-encryption {Private list & lt; Object & gt; Content = new list & lt; Object & gt; (); Public listing & lt; Object & gt; Content {Get Refundable Content; }}; Public non-tipusfe (Paramaz object [] logic) {foreach (Object AGR in arguments) {contents.Add (arg); }}} Object with purpose is a purpose in which I can add many different types of objects. At present, the objects must be checked upon retrieving to determine in the right order / correct order. Currently I have the following: the public class type just & lt; T1 & gt; {Secure list & amp; Object & gt; ArgList = new list & lt; Object & gt; (); Private Redoni T1 arg1; Public type (T1 arg1) {ArgList.Add (arg1); This.arg1 = arg1; } Public T1 Arg1 {get {return (T1) ArgList [ArgList.IndexOf (arg1)]; }}} Public class type just & lt; T1, T2 & gt; TypeSafe & lt; T1 & gt; {Private Redoni T2 RG2; Public type (T1 ar...

iphone - accessing function defined in another class using delegate method -

- (शून्य) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिकादृश्य ने किया था SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {NSLog (@ " didselectrowatindexatpath "); प्लेस * प्लेसएटइंडएक्स = (प्लेस *) [ऐप डिलीगेट.प्लेसअरे ऑब्जेक्टअटइंडेक्स: इंडेक्सपाथ.रो]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "आवश्यक अक्षय लंबा है% एफ,% एफ", प्लेसएटइंडएक्स.प्लेस लैटिडेट, प्लेसएटइंडएक्स.प्लेस लैंगलिट); ReturnToMapDelegate = (CortesViewController *) [[UIApplication साझा किया गया अनुप्रयोग] प्रतिनिधि]; [वापसीटैममार्कडिलेगेट शोएड्रेस]; } - (शून्य) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिकादृश्य किया था SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath को PlacesViewController.m में बुलाया जाता है और फ़ंक्शन "showaddress" को CortesViewController.h में परिभाषित किया गया है। मुझे त्रुटि मिल रही है "बिना किसी अपवाद के कारण ऐप रद्द करना 'NSInvalidArgumentException', कारण: '- [CortesAppDelegate showAddress]: अपरिचित चयनकर्ता को उदाहरण के लिए भेजा गया 0x146ce0 '" लाइन पर returnToMapD...

scatter - Write using mouse on R plot? -

I type in the plot () function. Using scatter gm is there any possibility of drawing on this graph? I would like to add a straight line and get its parameters, but in my opinion abline () can be inconvenient (I Itemprop = "text"> Take a look at RStudio and this example: Library (Manipulation) data = matrix (rnorm (20), ncol = 2) example & lt; - function (data, a, b) {plot (data [, 1], data [, 2]) abline (a = a, B = b)} manipulation (example (data, a, b), a = slider (-5, 5), b = slider (-5,5)) on this plot One no Line, and will allow you to slope and block it. It was inspired by the example of this page: Note that it requires RStudio to be installed (this For more information, go to Locator with other solutions in Base R. Can be done.

datetime - JPA, Glassfish, Mysql: UTC time conversion occuring twice -

I am getting mad ... I have recently seen that time is wrong in my JPA-managed organizations I have a date area: reaching my personal timezone CET, even for a machine running a glassfish and a MySQL. Glassfish is instructed to use the default time zone as UTC: a @ startup -bine set timezone.set default (timezone.gate time) Zone ("UTC")); Caching is disabled in persistence.xml Here's what: In the unit A, the field SyncTimestamp of java.util is date . When a particular resource is triggered, the timestamp is now set: a.setSyncTimestamp (new date ()) . Let's take my watch on the wall 14: 30: 00 hours (the date left for brevity). The institution is managed, so the update ends in DB. The expected value of the database in the database (type DATETIME ) is "12: 30: 00 H" - CET is currently 2h ahead of UTC. Shows the transaction timestamp as "12: 30: 00.123 Z" (notes milliseconds). After retrieving the unit from the datab...

javascript - Precompile mustache templates or load externally? -

While compiling in JavaScript, you can load external mustache templates and do not clutter coffee files. Actually, you can load the mastach file at runtime, but you need to call them with some performance penalties with an AJAX request. I would like to precompile some static mustache templates and they can include them in a javascript function that can be in a file and compressed. Is there a project or a script in it? jsttojs template compiled / template / index.js --extent mustache - clock Or use the solution for the bell,

Which DOM events can be bound to a DIV element? -

शीर्षक में प्रश्न के अनुसार ... DOM ईवेंट की एक पूरी सूची है, जिसमें ब्राउज़र-विशिष्ट और स्पर्श-इंटरफ़ेस ईवेंट भी शामिल हैं सभी माउस और कुंजीपटल घटनाएं एक डिवेल से जुड़ी जा सकती हैं, जो निम्न हैं: माउसडाउन, माउसउप, माउसओवर, माउसेमोव, माउसआउट, क्लिक, डीब्लक्लिक, कुंजीडाउन, कीप्रेस, कीप

Salesforce: environment-specific variable replacement in a custom button url -

I have to navigate to a URL in a new window by clicking the button that has custom cellfolds (summer '11) button is done. URL indicates my own custom web app (this does not point to URL just as a salesperson environment). I want this URL to be configurable for my dev, staging and live environments so that SalesForce dev environment points to the Dev app for the Button app, and so on. If possible, what is the best way to get it, given that I am deploying optimization via dev (customizable buttons, but other things too) a change which I Staging and pushing on living environments? It's not a custom setting you want to implement it yet? Possible - we need to vote:

java - SWT-App Loading .swf files from a runnable .jar or external folder -

I am programming in Java using SWT widget library in Eclipse, and I prepare a runable Java application I am doing I have received an application, I do not know how to load external .swf files from a folder on "ALL" computer. I can load images from any computer, because I use the getResourceAsstream line of code. But "import com.docuverse.swt.flash.FlashPlayer" "loadMovie (arg, arg)" takes only one string. So I did classname.clash .getResource ("blah.swf"). GetPath (); Which gives you a string, I set it up, and it can get the package completely in the file running on eclipse. When I export it, then I can not find ".blah.swf" inside the .jar file, which I created a runner-up jar. So my problem is, how do I load from my SSF files? Jar or any external folder, so customers can download with .jar executable application, so it can point to those SDF files. Thankyou. The way I was talking about the comment (creating temporary fil...

JQuery rebind after using html() -

I am using JQuery. HTML () Use this code to swap around the page on your page: $ ('# item1'). Html ($ ('# item8') .HTML ()); $ ('# Item8') HTML ('& Lt; p & gt; sdsdsd & lt; / p & gt;'); I've found that it works great, however, if jQuery functions stop working then there will be a toggle for example in div # item1, as long as I am .html (), By then it will work fine. Is there a solution to reboot JQuery to solve it? Thank you! Instead of retaining the HTML of the elements, instead of reparse it in any other element, instead of retaining the HTML of the elements, you var $ item8 = $ ('# item8'); .. $ ('# ITEM1') below () enclosed ($ item8.contents ()); $ Item8.html (' This will keep any existing binding on the elements already created, so there is no need to use live or those events There is no need to reboot. Live () , or rather, representative () is still a decent alternative solution,...

GET Formset returns 302 instead of 200 (django) -

I have used inlineformatet, the idea method is as follows: @login_required def Patron_edit_phone (requests, * args, ** kwargs): Protector = request.user PhoneNumberFormSet = inlineformset_factory (Guardian, PhoneNumber, Extra = 1, out = "Type", can_order = true) if request.method == "Post": formset = PhoneNumberFormSet (request.POST, request.FILES, Example = Protector) if formset.is_valid (): () messages.success (request, _ (U "Votre information de Numa © ro de Ta © là © phone one Bien à © ti © mise à jour ")) Other: formset = PhoneNumberFormSet (Example = Protector) and The direct_template (request, 'accounts / patron_phone_edit.html', extra_context = {'formset': formset, 'patron': patron}) I tested the "post" method for inline format I have been successful in doing this. Here is the code def test_patron_phone_edit (self):. Self.client.login (username =' ', password =' ​​...

symfony - Injecting other service's parameters in my own service -

I would like to know if it is possible to inject service criteria in my service and if so, how? I should put you in context I am using FOSFacebookBundle which loads some configuration from the config.yml file. Those configuration settings (such as my Facebook app_id , secret , cookies , etc.) are kept FOSFacebookBundle this code With the following: // FOS \ FacebookBundle \ DependencyInjection \ FOSFacebookExtension.php foreach (array ('file', 'APIID', 'secret', 'cookie', 'domain' , 'Culture', 'permissions')) $ $ containerbuilder- & gt; Setpalmator ('fb_bookbook $ $ $ attribute, $ config [$ attribute]); } I know that by doing this it is possible to get those parameters through the $ container : $ Container-> GetParameter ('fos_facebook.app_id'); But I would like to know if it is possible to take those parameters directly into my service definition, I have a service named FacebookHelp...

coldfusion - FB Cookies are cached in Facebook App -

I am using the affinate Facebook API for ColdFusion to develop a Facebook app and with me later events The real problem is authentication. The API clears the application cookie properly and I'm logged in, but with the help of an extra call on the template, if you reload everything decreases and I I can get the user token with an access token. I have called the API in an application.cfc in an online event. So it is a strange thing, no matter how many calls to the API from the collision, the only thing that will get me the latest app cookie is reloading the template (I get javascript in the form of a workaround I do). It seems that the app cookie is cached in any way and is refreshed only on the reload, still the user is authenticated. The process for recapturing is as follows: Internal Event API Scrap Cookie Internal Event API Scrap Cookie We have Facebook UID and AccessToken. This session's cookie settings are in Application.cfc. & lt; Cfset...

excel vba - copy formula and generate new sheets -

If I have a column named 'value' with only 1 column, such as: Column A --------- emp_id emp_name dept_id and then a 2 sheet called 'SQL', in which cells with 2 columns like: Columns A -------- = "Select the number (*) from Texle where" & amp; A1 and "null;" = "Select Count (*) based on the table where the length (" & amp; A1 & amp; ">> gt; 10;" Column B. -------- Sheet for blank sheet for length What is the VBA macro code (note I need it in VBA because I have to generate sheets Button) Would I need to generate the following two output sheets (each sheet with only one column): Sheet for blank -------- ---------- - Select the number (*) from the table x where emp_id is zero; Select the number (*) from the table (x) where emp_name is zero; Select the number (*) from the table (x) where dept_id is zero; Sheet for length ------------------- Select the table count (*) where the length (emp_id) is gt;...

javascript - Weird width reported in DOM (0, when element has width) -

I think the image tells me that what's going on very well, I know that it would have been with such images , Which are not loaded yet .. and the width of this element is , but the functions with which the width is needed are called width and later, and usually the web inspector itself Updates to, so ... what's going on here? (I am trying to apply the width of one element to another, and because of the second report being invisible due to the width of 0 it is doing something on the invisible elements. These inline There are elements, so this is probably the reason? But obviously someone is creating a breadth somewhere, and it is working with other inline elements with the same JS but different CSS. element" display: inline "such as and ; or & lt; a & gt; or do not use the width style. If you set the element to "Display: Inline-Block" This will use a width style property. element.offsetWidth will give you the appropriate width, but...

internet explorer - Unable to set correct href link in IE with jquery address -

Using I am setting up my href link in this way: & lt; A Href = "#view_profile = 123" & gt; View 123 & lt; / A & gt; When my address change event is called: $ Address.change (function (e) {alert (e.value);}); I see values ​​from FF and Chrome as I expect: / view_profile = 123 IE, however, returns a full URL path like "/", the previous one: / http: // localhost / # view_profile = 123 Any ideas why IE and what is the best way to fix it? I have tried many things, but this happens every time. Here is the link I use to get the link path: // Set Up on some Jakoose Address Elements $ ('A'). Address (); // Run some code at initial load $ .address.init (function (e) {// address details can be found in event item}); // handle any URL change events $ .address.change (function (e) {alert (e.value); var urlAux = e.value.split ('='); var page = urlAux [0] ; Var arg = UrlAux [1]; Alert ("Page:" + Page); Warn...

jni - What is a "hook" and how can I write one in Java? And how to communicate with kernel to know the keys pressed by the user/registering with OS -

Although I searched a lot, it is still unclear that what I actually do is a "hook" for example, I read this post on this: In front of the second code of a piece of a hook code, there is a way to separate a code from one another, so that the first piece of code is the second piece The first piece of code gives the opportunity to monitor and / or filter the behavior of the other part of the code. For example, a mouse may hook up, allowing the hook code to monitor the mouse, while at the same time while preserving the original mouse event processing routine functionality. I have also read this, but I still can not understand what a "hook" is actually what someone can explain, in general terms, what is "hook" ? Why do some write a "hook"? Also, is it possible to write "hook" in Java? Note: I wanted to write a kelloggener in Java and a friend of mine said that you have to write "hook" in C. I can not write the whole k...

sql - Update statement taking too long to execute -

I'm running a simple update statement that takes a lot of time to execute it. Here are the updates and index details. The default value of the exported column is 0 UPDATE PAR_ITM SET has been exported -1 = WHERE was exported & lt; 1 [/ code> Index: Nonclassed index [IX_PAR_ITM_Exported_1] ON [dbo]. [PAR_ITM] on [primary] at [PAR_ITM] ([Export] ASC (PAD_INX = closed, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, FILLFACTOR = 80) Then you are exporting 1 where the export is already equal to -1 . Maybe you used to change, where exported from = 0 will hit the lower rows?

c++ - unexpected output in function calls -

I have a program in which I have implemented the main function as the following and finally i get the unexpected value of i I am here. int main () {int fun (int); Int i = 3; Fun (i = Fun (Fun (i))); Printf ("% d", i); Return 0; } and my function implementation int (int i) {i ++; Return (i); } My output is: 5 What did I expect: 6 i = funny (i = funny (funny I))); This will give you 6 funny (i = funny (funny (i))); This gives 5 because the last call does not specify the value to i. Apart from this, as mentioned below by Tom mentioned in the context of value, if you have passed from context, then it will be 6 if you have fun (fun (fun Fun (and &)); (what functions / depending on parameter type).

Is there a way to disable the hosts file at an application level in Android? -

I am trying to move around to use host file DNS override in my application. Is there an App Property or TCP setting that can allow me to do this? Alternatively there is a DNS hook at an application level? I'm basically trying to transfer ad blocking hosts to custom ROM people, but it does it at an application level. > Essentially, if people do not like advertisements, then do not use my app, but I do not want to become a prick and have not run my app. class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Is there an application property or TCP setting that will allow me to do this? Not for your own IP address (e.g., HTTP request), you are welcome to find some Java DNS resolution libraries and use it instead of the system, but in your app There is no way to stop other requests from third-party code. / P> Alternatively there is a DNS hook at an application level? See no above. Essentially, if people do not like advertisements, do not use my app, b...