c# - Is there any alternative of Dictionary in .NET? -
I need to use a dictionary in the project but as we know they are only capable of using keys and Are not using indexed, and I want to use objects in dictionaries using indexed. That's why I came to know about Bella and Ordered Delivery on the Web because they are accessible using both index and keys but they have something else like I am reading / writing every minute of the day, so use the Ordered Divider This is not a good idea for. / P>
So in the end my question is that there is an option available which gives me the functionality of the dictionary and I can access it through indexes and do not cause any display problem.
In response to your comment, you are expecting only one hundred updates a minute, it is too low The job is - practically nothing. You can still use OrderedDictionary , the display will not be a problem for you
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