drupal - php array selector unsure of differnce -
Hi I'm working with Drupal and it uses arrays at one level. I'm not much with the family , I have a quick question which is the difference between these 'selectors' (which is the correct word)? This is an error cause "Fatal Error: Can not use type object as stdClass array ... " This works (im is using it in an if! = Null statement) Hope that's a simple question ... thanks. is very easy .. error says all this: "Fatal Error: You can not use type objects as stdClass as an array ..." You are trying to use an object as an array. The object property is not accessible using the If you have any object, you can obtain properties from that array using the method but I know from experience that you have to do that method with $ node in the drawer Should not be used. $ node ['field_geoloc']
/ Pre>
$ node- & gt; Field_geoloc
$ array ['key'] method, which you have used, the need to use properties like you Is:
`$ Object-> Property '
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