
Showing posts from June, 2012

How can I get ant behavior when expanding properties with gradle? -

I have an ant project which I am converting to gradle. In the ant project, there is something like this: & copy; Copy todir = "dest_dir" & gt; & Lt; Fileset & gt; ... & lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; Filterchain & gt; & Lt; Expandproperties / & gt; & Lt; / Filterchain & gt; & Lt; / Copy & gt; Extends the filter chain properties like $ {property} , but ignoring the dollar signs without brakes I try to replicate this behavior in gradle I am doing If I have expanded , then gradle spreads files as a Groovy template, which tries to expand the dollar sign with braces. / P> Copy 'source_dir' to 'dest_dir' (} If I type with filter ant ExpandProperties Filter class, I get a NullPointerException. Is there an easy way to do this? Okay, I understood that the ExpandProperties filter needs to set its project property with ant project is. In this way I have been configured to...

c# - WPF equivalent of Control.CursorChanged event -

I am trying to change my mouse cursor at some point when I am pulling my mouse in a wpf listview . However, when I set my mouse, it immediately gets overloaded from something else, and turns it back into the drag cursor. I'm not sure where the cursor changes come from, it's definitely not my code, so it should be a system. If this is a system, then I have to block the event for cursor changes, and to show the cursor whether I want to handle the incident, right? So this control has a WPF equivalent. Cursor changes event? Or perhaps there is no other way to deal with this problem? Edit: Part of my code here Private Zero SetDragCursor () {if (_badDragLoc) {Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.No ; } And {mouse. Override crackers = cursor.arrow; }} Private Zero inventory viewer (object sender, DragEventArgs E) {if (at a bad drag spot) {_badDragLoc = true; SetDragCursor (); }} I also have the event event handler in which I have the SetDragCursor () method even when I ste...

How do I add a mouseclick event to a winform treenode? -

मैं एक वाइन्फ़ॉर्म ट्रीनोड में माउसक्लिक इवेंट कैसे जोड़ूं? अपडेट ध्यान दें कि मैं इसे रनटाइम पर करना चाहता हूं। गतिशील रूप से ऐसा करने के लिए आपको ट्री व्हीव्स NodeMouseClick घटना इस प्रकार: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Windows.Forms का उपयोग कर; नामस्थान WindowsFormsApplication1 {सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी के फॉर्म 1: फ़ॉर्म {सार्वजनिक फॉर्म 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } निजी शून्य फॉर्म 1_लोड (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटआर्ग्स ई) {ट्रीव्यू 1। नोडमाउसक्लिक + = नया ट्री नोडमैऊसक्लिकइवेंटहैंडलर (पेड़दृश्य 1_नोडमॉइसक्लिक); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (नया वृक्ष नोड ("नोड 1")); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (नया वृक्ष नोड ("नोड 2")); } Void treeView1_NodeMouseClick (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, ट्री नोडमॉइसक्लिकइवेंटअर्गेस ई) {Console.WriteLine ("क्लिक किया गया:" + e.Node.Text); }}} पर क्लिक करें

iphone - Getting wrong FBUID on iOS and old rest api -

I have a big problem UID which comes from Facebook (2147483647) is incorrect. On this, I can see that the correct UID of my profile is 100002137171664. So .. what am I doing wrong? All necessary permissions have been set. ------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------- (zero) session: (FBSession *) session was logged: (FBUID) UID {NSLog (@ "FBUID:% LL.D.", UID); // 2147483647} ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------ I think the problem is that you are formatting fbUID incorrectly, instead try% d or% llu

Help with linq query, problem with skip and take when joining on multiple queries -

I want to give a bunch of notifications on my home screen, though I am using paging to make sure I do not do concat 2, there are 3 or 4+ questions in memory which can get thousands of results. I am having trouble writing this question, any guidance would be appreciated ... Domain model: I have a bunch of reports, you can create reports, create jobs and work Can comment on all the reports related to. My query needs to be sent out: All new reports (based on the date they were created) All reports are closed (based on the date of closure) All new tasks have been made on this report (Task Manager monitors some) All the latest comments On the job My code is up to now: [non-action] Private IELIT & lt; Notification DTO & gt; GetNotifications (logononer dtio logonuser, int vagu, int le) {var allreports = _repo.All & lt; Report & gt; (); Alltasks = _repo.All & lt; ReportTask & gt; () Join (allreports, x => x.reportID, y = & gt; y.ReportID,...

ImageMagick: Vertically Center Text? -

I am trying to text vertically in the image using Image Magazine. For example, I want an image that is 200 pixels high with the word, "Test" is vertically focused in the image. And I do not want to specify the width of the image. I want to calculate the width of the image based on the width of text to Image Magazine. - Bidable parameters require both width and height, so I can not use it. I use ImageMagick 6.4.0 01/19/10 Q16 for Sagvin. It appears to be the latest Saigwin version. Thank you! Specify the width in the -size parameter and use: / P> Convert-size x200- Background red -Guardie Center- -Vinit 10 label: "test" test.png

c++ - Eclipse CDT + ICC compiler -

क्या इसमें इंटेल सी ++ कंपाइलर ( icc ) का उपयोग करना संभव है विंडोज पर ग्रहण (सीडीटी)? मैं इसके लिए "पढ़ सकता हूं" इस तरह कोई एकीकरण वर्तमान में विंडोज में नहीं दिया गया है इंटेल सी + + कंपाइलर के लिए पर्यावरण "। वैकल्पिक रूप से, वहाँ मिनजीड, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट अनुप्रयोगों के विकास के लिए एक नि: शुल्क उपकरण है और यह माइक्रोसॉफ्ट सी रनटाइम की कार्यक्षमता तक पहुंच देता है। इसे एक्लिप्स सीडीटी के साथ कैसे सेट करें। आप मिनगू डाउनलोड भी कर सकते हैं।

html - Add padding to select input in chrome? -

select input element for categories in my site, thus there is a padding: Padding: 5px; The padding works well in Firefox, but only adds top and right padding in Chrome, and it looks weird, How can I fix it? Your select element (for some reason) The CSS property is as follows: Padding-Down: 0! Important; You have to delete Important otherwise it will not allow override.

jquery - Cloning javascript library into iFrame -

I am creating a popup dialog using jQueryUI. I have problems because I am using the same blocks of HTML and Javascript code on the page. (This application was not designed for it and I do not want to read it in depth). So I have two tags with the same ID attributes in the document - on the page and in popup. To avoid this, I decided to open a dialog in an iframe. Everything works, of course, but popup opens slowly (there is a long list of JS and CSS files to load). They are definitely in the cache, but the browser sends them a request to check them. Question : Can anything be done as a quick help? I can connect to the original window using Javascript, so can I either import or clone (deep copy), for example, the jQuery library? Text "> You do not need to clone jQuery, you can also use it from within frame parents. $ ('Selector ', Document) .someMethod ()

hadoop - How to Get Pig to Work with lzo Files? -

So, I have seen some tutorials for this online, but everyone seems to ask something different. Also, not every one of them specifies that you are trying to work on some remote cluster, or are trying to interact with a remote cluster locally ... He said, my goal is to make a pig work with my local computer (a Mac) with laso compress files, which is present on the Hadop Cluster which is already working with the lotzo files. Has been set up Thaup FS - [command] . You can get files with . I have a locally installed dip and when I run through a Haup cluster run script or when I just run stuff through the wagon I can load non-lizo files and play around Can i My problem is only in the case of finding a way to load the lzho file, can I just process them through an example of Elephantbird cluster? I have no information, and only the least information is found online. Therefore, any kind of tutorial or answer for this would be great, and hopefully I will help more people than just peo... - Getting a random number in MS Visual Basic 2008 -

I am new to MS Visual Basic 2008. In fact, I am currently enrolled in the class. My final project for the class will generate random numbers within a series of numbers. For example, if I give the user five text windows, then to select the number to input or a random number is generated, I will have a button called randomize. Unfortunately, I do not know the code line (s) for random work. Thanks for the help. Try this method to generate a random number with a given minimum and maximum range : Generate private functionsRandomName (minimum as integer, maximize as integer) as random random number of random () random random Next (minimum, maximum) end function Call it like this: Dim I as Integer = GenerateRandomNumber (0, Int32.MaxValue);

kif framework - command line support for KIF for running tests on real device -

I am using KIF to test my application. I want to start my tests from the command line, I saw the device in the waxime, it seems that the simulator has to run the test but there is a way to use KIF tests in continuous integration with the real device. This would be useful if I could run tests in a real device from the command line. I know that it is possible to do this with the Apple UI automation on the iOS 5 Beta version, but let me know that there is no way to do this in iOS 4. Your help will be greatly appreciated. -Teja to right now No, is not there any special equipment you have, or is it only on the general principle? We are looking at ways to test the device in CI, but it is a hard nut to crack. All the structures for controlled equipment are private.

php - Multiple controllers with a single model -

This is what is trying to do Ive used several different types of items The table containing the data is Ive for example: line1: item_type = event line 2: item_type = news line 3: item_type = booking I want to write a controller 'event_controller' and use the 'object' model with it and only want to work with item_type of the event. Use another controller (news_controller) and the same model for the news. How do I do it on the cakepp? I am coming into the cake from codeigniter and CI. Can we do any model we can load in any controller, I do something similar to cake? I would like to suggest you not to do the $ Uses statement Instead, you can use relationships of such models like $ this-> Model- & gt; M0del1- & gt; .... & gt; SomeFunc (); If the relationship exists. If the relationship between the model does not exist then just use $ this-> loadModel ('ModelName'); Wherever you need it in a specific function If you us...

php - Fastest way to match uri string -

The following code is in my site's index.php file and every time a page runs my The website has been inquired, both of these need to execute requirement on their own 404 error pages, so do not worry about this to do so within PHP What is the best performing way? $ cache = $ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; If (preg_match ('/ ^ \ / blog /', $ cache) || pre_match ('/ ^ \ / portfolio /', $ cache)) {Define ('WP_USE_THEMES' is true); // Loads WordPress Environment and Template Required ('./wordpress / wp-blog-header.php'); } Else {// Load codeigniter is required ('./ codeigniter / index.php'); } $ cache = $ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; If (0 === Stropo ($ cache, '/ blog /') || 0 === Stropo ($ cache, '/ portfolio /')) {Define ('WP_USE_THEMES' is true); Requires ('./ WordPress / WP-blog-header.php'); } Other {required ('./ codeigniter / index.php'); } No Regex is required and it is su...

facebook - iFrame vs XFBML -

I am getting confused with these two operations. Before I wrote this question, I saw about 5 or 6 other articles, but, I still do not know what I want. Am I right by saying that the use of 'iframe' in code is not compatible with many mobile devices? I have always seen that XFBML is more suitable. I also tried some of my mobile devices and gave some "mixed" results. Can someone set me on the right course of code? Only when you are sure to use xFBML that you need special function provided by XFBML , Eg multi-friend-selector. Otherwise, iframe always likes.

java - NoSuchElementException is occurred during implementation of InternetExplorerDriver in Selenium WebDriver -

Currently, I'm working on WebDriver to invite IE browser to run the trial. But I tried to get a NoSuchElementException when trying to run a simple example below. However, if I used a Chrome driver or a firefox driver, the code works fine. Any thoughts or thoughts will be appreciated Jar:. selenium-server- standalone-2.5.0.jar code: import org.openqa.selenium.By; Import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; Import; Import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; Public static zero principal (string [] args throws interrupted expeditions {Desirable capabilities ie capabilities = the desired capabilities Internet Explorer (); IeCapabilities.setCapability (InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true); WebDriver Driver = New Internet Explorer Driver (ICAPPT); Driver.get (""); Driver.findElement ( ("q")); } Error message: thread "main" ...

JSON.NET and Replacing @ Sign in XML to JSON converstion -

JSON.NET Framework can convert XML to JSON, but it uses @Sign in JSON as the attribute is. What will be the best way for me to remove it before sending it to the scene? I know that I can replace a straight up, but a @ character can be relevant somewhere and it should not be replaced. Is there a regx for this? public action results () {var xml = New XmlDocument (); Xml.XmlResolver = null; Xml.Load (Server.MapPath ("~ / App_Data / Navigation.xml")); Return content (JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode (xml, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); } "{{" "Type": "menu", "@ title"} {"layout": {"navigation "@ Type": "menu", "@ root": "event", "@ title": "event", "navigation": {"@ type": "action", "@" event "," "@" ":" + Add event "," @order ":" 1 "," navigation ...

math - Re: Space physics for missiles, spaceships -

In the useful codeProject article, an entrepreneur and very useful person has made the necessary mathematics for a Newtonian missile, which is the target of Newton. It is necessary to kill (It works for matching and speed between the spaceship, little bit of input). In the last few days, I have written one thing about it, hundreds of spacecraft (blocks), missiles (block) firing on each other quite clear. However, it only works entirely for Newton's craft and, as most of the space simulators can point to flying (or who can tell the FTL methods Likes), Newtonian is not the only way to fly And I think that, with all the wonderful computer hardware, there should be a computer program, which can say, p + v * t + 0.5 * a * t * t = P + V * T + 0.5 * A * T * T and spray equations that depend on the T and A (or A, to ensure that the chaser is left or right). The legend is near me (MATLAB may be able to get it, but I do not not $ 2,100), but if I have 1-column, 2- Line vector ...

jquery - when checkbox is clicked I want Bvalidator to validate limited fields -

I have a form and there is some recognition in using bValidator. The problem I am facing is when I check a checkbox, so I want bValidator to validate only the limited areas and when the checkbox is not clicked, I want bvalidator to validate all areas. How to solve this problem? Thanks Abhinab The easiest solution would be to disable those fields When the checkbox is checked. Or check box is checked, you can delete the data-biwilator feature from the field.

HELP How to integrate my online exam in joomla 1.6 -

An online exam has been written in PHP and I wanted to integrate it into my website created by Joomla 1.6. One of my problems is how to transfer my online exam code to Joomla 1.6 and how to join the database of online exams in Joomla. I appreciate all help. Thank you and God bless. Well, cronfermus is a great tool for the V4 form and this is how you can attach the form Allows to specify tables and allow for custom elements and things of that nature, but it allows completely custom forms (i.e. your full php form / exam). 100% Not sure how your test works, I will keep a strong suggestion from there that chronforms can work around it. Multi page forms, all kinds of trick / coordination, are out of chronofroms for them, and their forums are continually seen with the main programmer and some great help. I want to look there first.

Showing dynamically generated bitmap in ASP.NET page -

I need to create some block diagrams on my ASP.NET page. Is it done by drawing at best? How do the dynamically generated Bitmap objects appear? Write a bitmap to create an HTH handler response stream Handlers yourself There is a link on If you can write a file in the file system, you can use the naming convention, so you can not make it again and again. If you have written it in a file, then you can write it in the response stream using the context.Response.WriteFile (path); You need to set the proper headers for the response, if you want to do something like the bottom then it should be fine. context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Public); Context.Response.Cache.SetLastModified (lastWrite); Context.Response.Cache.Setetag (string.Format ("\" {0} \ ", last quote.Ticks); Context.Response.ContentType = "image / png"; You can check these headers on incoming requests and return 304 with something (first make a random chec...

c++ - Quickest way to change endianness -

What is the fastest way to reverse the ends of a 16-bit and 32-bit integer I usually do something like this Coding was done in Visual Studio in C ++): union bytes 4 {__int32 value; Four f [4]; }; Union bytes 2 {__int16 value; Four f [2]; }; __int16Chimpindianness16 (__Int 16Wal) {bytes 2 temporary; Temp.value = vals; Char x = [0]; [0] = [1]; [1] = x; Return temp.value; } __int32 changeEndianness32 (__ int32 val) {byte 4 temporary; Temp.value = vals; Char x; X = [0]; [0] = [1]; [1] = x; X = [2]; [2] = [3]; [3] = x; Return temp.value; } Is there any way to do this fast , in which I do not have to do so many calculations? Why are not you using the built in swab function, which could possibly : Is your code better optimized? In addition, should start with normal bit-shift operations, and are used so widely that they can be recognized by the optimizer and can also change the c...

32bit 64bit - Why do C compilers specify long to be 32-bit and long long to be 64-bit? -

Did not get much sense in making 64-bit and reserve long for the 128-bit number until the reality became longer? Yes, this is understandable, but "taller" as Microsoft's "32" - Bits As far as I know, so far in all mainstream systems, Windows is the only OS where "long" 32-bit are on Unix and Linux, this is 64-bit. All compilers for Windows will compile 32 "bit" to "long" on Windows to maintain compatibility with Microsoft. For this reason, I avoid using "int" and "long". Sometimes I'll use "int" for error codes and bullion (in C), but I I will never use it for code which depends on type size.

Json of jquery form plugin cannot be acquired -

I'll upload the file using jquery form plugin, and at the end of the question period on the $ .jax process event Farm response data is Jason The processing is done from the end of the server without the hassle, and until the firebug looks with the JSN form, the response data is returned in size. However, I can not get that $ .jaxform data after that, it is a part of processed code. Code $ ('#Uploads') AjaxForm ({cache: false, data type: 'json', type: 'post', error: function (xhr, status, error) {warning ('error condition condition:' + position + '- position text:' + error '': 'Path': 'path', 'type': 'type'}, complete: ('+' - error result: '+ xhr.statusText);}, timeout: 1000, datatype:' jason ', data: {Warning ('full');}, success: work (data) {alert ('success');},}); Feedback (firebug) The length of the material closed 155 content-type application / Ja...

visual studio 2008 - IFilters for index service for DICOM c# -

I am trying to use the indicator service server for searching on DICOM files. I want to know that the index service Supports Dcm and .dicom file extensions. I had read about IIFFLATOR but no one was able to find DICOM files. Thanks! The windows were created when XP came I have never used Dicom to come to anybody using it, but I think it is very useful to write a filter and use it to index the DICOM tag. It will not be difficult. However, I suspect that this is going on as a result of a huge amount of information overload; In a DICOM study, there are several series plus capture / derivative series, and each series can have thousands of separate files (OK, later the problem with modern Extended DCOM and a volume-per-file, but right now Also a large quantity per piece-files being produced) Only file-level indexing is not useful if Windows Search can be detected about the hierarchy and you have to search for a series / series that can be more interesting but most people keep t...

javascript - How to set up ajax time out? -

I have this code to call AJAX after 40 seconds: Xmlhttp} { ("GET", microbel, true); Xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = showResults; Xmlhttp.send (zero); Var httpTimeOut = setTimeout ("Ajaxtimeout ();", 40000); } Function ajaxTimeout () {xmlhttp.abort (); Document.getElementById ('errorShow'). InnerHTML = "Request timeout"; } Although I am unable to test this due to environmental constraints in my place. Can someone please tell if this is correct or any modification is necessary? Fix it: if (xmlhttp) {xmlhttp .open ("GET", MY_SERVLET, is true); Xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = showResults; Xmlhttp.send (zero); SetTimeout (function () {xmlhttp.abort ()}, 40000); Since the ajaxTimeout function can not see the variable " xmlhttp , but we can use the anonymous function to access the local variable Still have to use another approach so that the library can take care of it. Your code will look like this: $. ...

android - Google Maps startActivityForResult -

I would like to start a map activity and return the result of the place. Is it worth doing without using this mapview and without the need of Google Maps Library? Yes it is possible. You must add an "onclick" event listener to your map. The event is removed when it will return the corus. Please find more details in the map API documentation.

A better alternative to Vagrant -

We use convergence for environmental automation and provision. It works smoothly but occasionally, if there is some problem in the rebellion (many of them are starting from SSH to networking configs), new developers who join us and just to boot and work the box To start, it is really difficult time. So I was thinking, an easy way to manage these virtual environments (like launching GUI and launching VirtualBox)? Maybe I should have a question, what are the best practices on this field, besides Wagrint? Uses virtual virtualization as virtualization layer, so that you can start a vaporette VM Add to your warranty file. config.vm.boot_mode =: gui Also take a look with this because it lets you like it faster, quick rollback, etc. With sandbox

postgresql - How to put where clause for multiple columns while updating multiple columns at the same time? -

I want to update more than 10 columns at the same time, and my problem is where I stand all these I want to do the columns. My code is: Set as customer UPDATE C name =, address = a.address, telephone = a.telephone, - - - customer From an INNER join (Season Casember, Max (Current Debt) from ASMD, from Customer Group, Casember) on Z Zaasianumber = a.casenumber and = a.currentDATE where (a.casenumber = c.casenumber) In the above statement, I want to add the condition to update the column only if it is not 0. For exmple update as the customer name set =, address = a.address, ... .. where & lt ; & Gt; 0, A.Edress & lt; & Gt; 0, A. Telephones & lt; & Gt; 0 .... ... Is it possible to place where to check each column? Any suggestion is appreciated .. something like that name is a typo and your names are actually character columns) update as the customer name set = name when the name & Lt; & Gt; ''...

javascript - CSS hover property alternative for IE -

CSS hover property does not work in IE but works fine in Firefox. So what could be the solution for the following code for IE? one # aUpdateZip: hover, a # aCancelZip: hover {text-decoration: underlined; Font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } Can you always use JQuery? Add some good hover effect? For example ... $ ("# aUpdate"). Hover (function () (.font () .stop (). Animate ({"color": "# 000000"}, "medium")}, function () {$ (this) "Color": "#ffffff"}, "sharp")});

html - MVC form with parametars: -

I use fileuploader Jquery, I tried to define: & Lt; Form enactiepie = "multipart / form-data" action = "& lt;%: Url.Action (" edit "," ticket ")% & gt;" Method = "post" & gt; Usage of (Html.BeginForm ("Edit", "Ticket", New {ticketOnAdit = Model}, FormMethod.Post, New {enctype = "multipart / form-data"}) { Each of these ways is defined as HTML form: class = "MultiFile-intercepted" method = "post" action = "21359" id = "Form1" & gt; I do not have a parameter: enctype = "multipart / form-data" given problem How to solve, if someone can show me what went wrong Will be: & lt;% (Html.BeginForm ("edit", "ticket", new {ticketon edit = model}, form.mast.prost, new {enctype = "multipart / form -data "})} {%> ... like it (regards as the default route): & quot; form action =...

html - Right aligning one column and left aligning the other, within one table -

I have created an HTML table with 2 columns. I want the text to be aligned to the first column, but I want the second column to be in the left coalition because there are check boxes in it. This will appear for the presentation, but I do not know. I tried to make a TD class = "column 1", then text-align: true; HTML Any ideas will be appreciated. = "column 1" & gt; Recovered log: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "column2" & gt; Input CSS td.column1 {text-align: right; } Here you go, it should work :) & lt; Style & gt; #mytable {width: 500px; Margin: 0 auto;} #mytable td {width: 250px;} # mytable Left {text-align: right; Background: # 333;} #mytable .right {text-align: left; Background: # 666;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Table id = "mytable" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td square = "left" & gt; 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "true" ...

Castle windsor - creating and disposing container in WCF services -

WCF is planning to implement Castle Windsor in the layer, which is an ASP.NET project when I installed Castle Windsor , It was said that we only need to make a container once and after using it it has to be settled. So in my scenario it has been killed at this point where I need to make a container in WCF. I initially thought that putting application_start on global.asax.vb and settling it in application_End but app_end will be called when the app pool recycles or iis restart. The other thing was that the session started in my mind and Session_end. Then the end of the session will only work for Inproc type. Besides this, it can only be received after some time of idle time. The third option is to call in each method to create an example and make it Do not advise what I know after each method is closed Can you please suggest that what is the best way to do this. In advance thank you psi You usually get your IOC container per life lifetime only Once configured, and it lo...

android - How to set the ArrayList data in to the ListView? -

मेरे पास ArrayList में डेटा है: [android_metadata, test1, test5, test4, Test2, test3, test10, test1002, abcd, zxy, re, test1001, test, test21, test12] अब मैं इस तरह के डेटा को Android में ListView में सेट करना चाहता हूं। कृपया इस मामले में मेरी मदद करें मैंने कई उदाहरण देखे हैं लेकिन क्या मुझे डेटा स्टोर करने और लिस्ट्यूव्यू में प्रदर्शित करने के लिए गेटर सेटर वर्ग को लागू करना चाहिए? मैं सिर्फ सूची दृश्य में डेटा की सूची के ऊपर और इसके ClickEvent को सेट करने के लिए दिखाने के लिए है। इस कोड को आज़माएं आयात करें java.util.ArrayList; आयात एंड्रॉइड। एप। Importroid.os.Bundle; आयात करें android.widget.ArrayAdapter; आयात करें android.widget.ListView; पब्लिक क्लास स्टार्ट गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है {निजी स्ट्रिंग [] lv_arr = {}; /** गतिविधि पहली बार होने पर बुलाया गया। * / @Override सार्वजनिक शून्य OnCreate (बंडल savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.main); // सूची देखने के लिए एक हैंडल प्राप्त करें ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById...

android - How to access one class database in another class? -

I created a database in my class like public final string CRAZY_ALARM_DB_NAME = "CrazyDb" ; Public end string CRAZY_ALARM_TABLE_NAME = "CrazyTable"; Alarm db = this.openOrCreateDatabase (CRAZY_ALARM_DB_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE, empty); Alarm DB.XACSQL ("if not present on table" + + CRAZY_ALARM_TABLE_NAME + "(REQ_CODE INT (3), day INT (3), HOOR INT (3)" + ", minute INT (3), COUNT INT (3) , Repetition INT (3) "+", day VARCHAR2 (100), SNINT (3), Mon INT (3), "+" TEENT (3), with int (3), ThuUnt (3), FRI INT 3), "+" set INT (3));); Cr = alarmDB.rawQuery ("SELECT * FROM" + CRAZY_ALARM_TABLE_NAME, empty); So I want to use this database in another category. I am also doing the same thing, I wrote the code "OpenOffrrr" in another class and in the "cursor". But while compiling it on the cursor line ... there was no such table. Please help me The better you can, it's a database as...

c# - XML Serialization of Private Variables -

I am new to XML serialization and I have read that the private variables are not ordered yet As long as they are given under a public property but after deserializing I am able to find private variables in the deserialized object while debugging. Can anyone explain this? Here is my code: class program {static wide men (string [] arg) {XmlSerializer xs = new XML serializer (typef (Nokia)); Nokia N = New Nokia (); (Stream s = new file stream ("XMLFile", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None) {xs.Serialize (s, n); } XmlSerializer xs1 = New XmlSerializer (type (Nokia)); (Stream ds = file using OpenRide ("XMLFile")) (Nokia DN = (Nokia) xs1. Direialize (DS);}}} Public class mobile {public perfection = 10; personal full weight = 20 ; Public Mobile () {}} Public class Nokia: Mobile {public string signal = "bad"; public Nokia () {}} While debugging I have made my object after deserialization Immediately see, I find the variable weight in t...

Makefile find in array -

If I have something like this: project + = path / copy / first project + = Path / per / second project + = path / to / third and LIBS + lib_output / first.lib LIBS + = lib_output / second Side LIBS + = lib_output / third.lib I get the project from PROJECTS + = path / to / first to LIBS + = Lib_output / first.lib ? Is a hashp available in Mathepile? Or the possibility to search in the array? You can simulate lookup tables using the fact that they have the variable name dot and Forward Slash may include: project + = path / per / first project + = path / per / second project + = path / per / third LIBS + = lib_output / first.lib LIBS + = lib_output / second.lib LIBS + = lib_output / third.lib lookup.path / to / first: = lib_output / first.lib lookup.path / to / second: = lib_output / second.lib lookup. Path / to / Third: = lib_output / third.lib path: = path / to / first $ (info $ {path} - & gt; $ {lookup. $ {Path}}) path: = path / p Rati / second $ (info $...

.net - Isolated storage access permissions -

I have an application that stores data in different storage data stored in the machine-assembly area So that all users of a given machine can access this data. Everything seemed to work just fine under the admin account, but as soon as we tested our app under the guest account, we have participated in user permission restrictions. It seems that being a simple folder created by separate storage, OS, these folders may have some restrictions on user access. By default set to allow read in my case a guest account / write, but as soon as we were placed in a file that administrators storage per account, we have been an exception since the guest account The attempt to remove was not the right to remove files created by another user. As a result, each time we get an accident, when the guest is created by another user A require removal of files, then tries to use some features. I thought maybe I warned proceed him with deletion check permissions guest that he was trying to not use t...

iPhone SDK, framework to handle api calls? -

I'm making an iPhone app, can a server suggest some framework to handle API calls ( I am using Core Data for my model) is a framework, Restkit Is there any other framework / set of sections that can be easily adapted? It is difficult to answer your question without knowing what type of API you want to communicate with is; Does it follow some relatively well-known and well-defined structure? If not, then maybe there will be no framework for this and you have to roll your communication code. If this is the case then searching in the library will be a good starting point.

Is there any way to get access to DOM structure in Android's WebView? -

Is there any way to access the DOM structure in Android's webview? I need to check that some DOM objects exist on the page and then fire some events. Thank you! Not easily. You can call loadUrl ("javascript: ...") , where ... to be executed in the current web page Javascript is a piece of code, if your "fire is in the context of some incidents" web page, then maybe it will be enough if you need a Java code to "set some events to fire", you also get the addJavaScriptInterface () to use javascript-> Java Bridge object will be required and to call your loadUrl ("javascript: .. ..") code, get your data back in Java.

sql server - SSIS delete folders named with a date -

My process automatically updates some new folders in the name of a date (collection) i.e. (09-01-2011) I can see the date of the folder in the directory and delete those people older than a certain date? Thanks div>

.net - How can I find the type of T in a c# Generic collection of T when all I know is the type of the collection? -

I have an array of propertyInfo, representing property properties. T & gt; Some of these properties are of ICollection , but T is different across properties - I have some ICollection & LT; String & gt; , some ICollection & LT; Integer & gt; , etc. I can easily identify which type of property are ICollection & lt ;. & Gt; Code>, using GetGenericTypeDefinition () method on , but I'm feeling it id document item propertyIn [document] documents = item .GetType () GetProperties () .; PropertyInfo property = documentProperties.First (); Type typeOfProperty = property.PropertyType; If (typeOfProperty.IsGenericType) {type typeofproperty = property Property Type GetGenericTypeDefinition (); If (typeOfProperty == typeof (ICollection & lt; & gt;) {// detect the type of ICollection & lt t; t & gt; // and work accordingly}} You know that this ICollection must be & lt; x & gt; but do not know X , That is quite easy with:...

vim - Delete mark ' (single quote) -

I'm trying to remove the mark ' (single quote), but I do not I know how I am doing delm \ ' , but it does not work. I also thought of every combination that I could think of. I know this is a Vime Script question, but I could not find it anywhere. Why do you want to remove that mark? This is an automatic one (from the fraction): "In the case of the latest jump, or where the" last m "was given . Not set when || Command commander was used. See also ..

compiler construction - Scanner (Lexing keywords with ANTLR) -

I am working on writing a scanner for my program and a parser with most of the online tutorials included It is not possible to write a lixar without writing a parser at the same time. I'm just trying to generate tokens, they do not interpret them. I want to identify some tokens like INT tokens, float tokens and "start" and "end" I'm confused about the keyword matching I tried the following attempts to fail: keyword: KEY1 | Key 2; KEY1: {input.LT (1) .gettext (). Equal ("BEGIN")}? Letter +; KEY2: {input.LT (1) .gettext (). Equal ("END")}? Letter +; FLOATLITERAL_INTLITERAL: DIGIT + ({2}! = '.}}} = & Gt;'. 'DIGIT * {$ type = FLOATLITERAL;} | {$ type = INTLITERAL;}). '.' DIGIT + {$ type = flotitual}; Piece letter: ('a' .. 'z' | 'a' .. 'z'); Piece points: ('0' .. '9'); Identifier: Letter | Letter digit (letter | digit) + | Letter (letter | DIGIT) *; WS // Whitespa...

Python traversing two lists -

I found this good statement in a tutorial: for x, in y [ (X, y) for list Y in the list for y] B:] Now, for me, I was convinced that this statement will come in the list and list B and X is the value of list A and y is a value from listB. But in this example two lists had the same length. Will this statement also give me all the pairs, if one list is longer than the other, or do I have to use a different statement? Thanks in advance. For example, if input is , then "post-text" itemprop = "text"> code cartesian product (), 1,2,3] and [4,5] , the result is: (1,4) (1,5) (2, 4) (2,5) (3,4) (3,5) For comparison, the result of zip ([1, 2,3], [4, 5]) is : (1,4) (2,5) As As you can see, zip (or) now abandons additional items in more logic. Its version replaces these missing elements with an uncontrolled value. For example, iterttools.izip_longest ([1,2,3], [4,5], 99) returns: (1,4) (2 , 5) (3, 99)

opengl es - parameters for glOrtho for screen size quad in cocos2dx -

I am creating a render texture of 2048x2048 and by providing an inspiration of size 2048x2048 when covering the full render texture I am here. How are the parameters for calculating Glotho (..)? Glotho (float) -1.0 F, (float) 1.0 F, (float) -1.0 F, (float) 1.0 F, -1, 1) works for the motivation of size of 1024 x 768 and 512x512. What is the limit on the maximum resolution of the render target? In the case of phantom you mean tractor Call to Glotho (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0) 2048x2048 will not work with a phantom nor any of these size 1024x768 and any one of 512x512 or better size will work, But I'm sure this will not give the desired results. For the glOrtho , the coordinates of phantom and logic are in one place (which is not required to be pixels). Use either a phantom of 2x2 size glotho (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0) or glotho (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0), with a Phantom of size 1x1 or a Phantom of 2048x2048 Glotto (0.0, 2048.0, 0.0, 2048.0, -1...

xsd - How to avoid usage of global elements in XML schema -

I want to create an XML schema which only allows a single root node. The root node in the structure below, is an element that I want to reuse in different places. My first method was to create a global element in the schema, but if I do this, then an XML document which is valid only for this schema in the form of a single root tag. How do I create such global elements which are allowed only to be used as a riflement within my basic framework? This is what I have to do: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Branch & gt; & Lt; Leaf / & gt; & Lt; / Branch & gt; & Lt; Branch & gt; & Lt; Fork & gt; & Lt; Branch & gt; & Lt; Leaf / & gt; & Lt; / Branch & gt; & Lt; / Leaf & gt; & Lt; / Fork & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; But this is valid & lt; Leaf / & gt; will be also in the form of root node XML is always just a root node Represents the hierarchical structure and is bound to its schem...

pygments - save Python script with formatting - special characters -

I use pygmentize to save my Python script as an RTF file (keyword in syntax with proprietary color it depends on). Unfortunately, with the strange symbols, the program has special characters (Ä, ??, º, Ä ??, ó), what is the option to set the appropriate code page? Alternatively - is there any other device that can carry out this operation properly? If there is no answer for both questions - how should I remove all special characters from the Python script automatically? Did you use the actual pygmentize of this kind of actual encoding of your source file? If you do not do this, then it's the default in Latin-1 that does not contain the characters you describe.

c# - Windows forms Form shaking while rendering child form inside -

Hello I am using forms of windows .. I have taken the form of parents and mainly one Link is placed and especially when linking that the child should access the form but the header and left menu will remain mainly and the middle block (i.e. the form of the child) will be changed. I did not make any form style from the hair form. My problem is that when I click on it, link the form of the child ... the border style of the form is displayed and it is hidden (like the flash it is second And is displayed for disappearing). The form limit should not be removed from the link when clicking this link ... Thanks in advance .......... Have you done control. Suspend layout () and control ResumeLayout ()?

java - "JRE 1.3 or higher must be installed!" / "JDK 1.3 or higher must be installed!" errors installing JAI 1.1.3 on Windows 7 (x64) -

मुझे ये त्रुटियां मिल रही हैं ... गंभीर: जेआरई 1.3 या उससे अधिक स्थापित होना चाहिए! गंभीर : जेडीके 1.3 या उच्चतर स्थापित होना चाहिए! ... जेई 7 (1.7) के साथ, विंडोज 7 (एक्स 64) में जे (जावा एडवांस्ड इमेजिंग) 1.1.3 को स्थापित करने पर " C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre7 "और JDK 7 (1.7)" C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 "पर स्थापित। निम्नलिखित, विशेष रूप से यह मैंने किया है: (नवीनतम संस्करण) डाउनलोड की गई: संपादित करें (प्रश्न): यह बहुत अच्छा होगा अगर कोई अंतर बीच में टूट सकता है ये फ़ाइलें निर्देशों में पर्याप्त जानकारी नहीं है और मान लें कि आपको पहले से ही पता है कि क्या क्या है। संपादित करें: जैसा कि नीचे दिए गए टिप्पणियों में बताया गया है, .exe अनन्य इंस्टॉल है, लेकिन मैं उन्हें तीनों स्थानों पर स्थापित करना चाहता था ("सी: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें (x86) \ सन माइक्रोसिस्टम्स \ जावा एडवांस्ड इमेजिंग 1.1.3" और साथ ही मेरे जेडीके और जेआरई स्थानों पर), क्योंकि मुझे यकीन नहीं था कि मुझे जावा डेवलपर के रूप में अपने काम की आवश्...

perl - How to replace package name with a variable when using strictures -

मेरे पास दो पर्ल पैकेज हैं: pack_hash और pack_run पैकेज pack_hash; $ VERSION = '1.00'; @ आईएसए = क्यूडब्ल्यू (निर्यातक); @EXPORT_OK = qw (% hashInfo); $ हैशइनफ़ो {एबीसी} = ['ए', 'बी', 'सी']; 1; पैकेज pack_run; स्टैंक्शंस का उपयोग करें; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें; डेटा का उपयोग करें: Dumper; उपयोग करें pack_hash qw (% hashInfo); somethingDoing (); उप कुछ करना {my $ var1 = \% pack_hash :: hashInfo; # हैश संदर्भ प्रिंट Dumper ($ var1) हो रही है; ... ...} 1; क्या कोई मुझे किसी भी चर का उपयोग करके हैश-पैकेज ( pack_hash ) के नाम को बदलना संभव है, कृपया मुझे बताएं: मेरे $ pakVar = "pack_hash"; मेरा $ var1 = \% $ pakVar :: hashInfo; मैं जानता हूं कि यह गलत है / NOT_CORRECT है, लेकिन मैं इस प्रकार का प्रतीकात्मक रिफ रूपांतरण चाहता हूं, जब मैं कड़ाई का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मैं यह भी जानना चाहता था कि क्या eval के साथ ऐसा करना संभव है लेकिन मुझे एक अंतिम वैरिएबल चाहिए, यहां $ var1, जो कि विशेष हैश ( हैश इन्फोस ) का संदर्भ देगा; न...

Calling a video from in Flash through an XML -

I am trying to call a video in flash as2 from The video link is stored in the external XML file. Flash works fine when I try to make a video call with an exact FLV location, but whenever I try to call the YouTube URL I am stuck with the code I was wondering if the video is a specific Please start with GMT, which needs to be stored in XML, please help. Here is the flash code: security.Laudomain (""); Security.allowDomain ("*"); // Start XML Loading Loading XML file xmlData = new XML (); XmlData.ignoreWhite = True; XmlData.onLoad = loadXML; XmlData.load ("videos.xml"); // Paste the nodes of XML into an array function loadXML () {vidArray = new Array (); ANode = this.firstChild.childNodes; Len = aNode.length; For (var n = 0; n! = Len; n ++) {vidArray [n] = A node [n] .attributes.url; }} Output_vid.onEnterFrame = function () {trace (vidArray [0]); Output_vid.contentPath = vidArray [0]; }; And here is the XML code (video....

java - WebView with ProgressDialog , and Dismiss -

How to insert any progressive dialog that click on every link; In this webview? The public class extends ChatreaMainActivity activity {/ ** is called when the activity has been created first / /Override Public Zero onCreate (bundled savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); [...] Webview Engine = (Webview) Find VVBIID (RID.Web_Gin); Engine.loadUrl ("File: ///android_asset/www/index.html"); Engine.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). [...] I have tried and will not dismiss it at all. Webview Engine = (Webview) ViewById (; Engine.loadUrl ("File: ///android_asset/www/index.html"); Engine.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). Progress = (, "", "page loading ..."); }} Page field on public zero (webview view, string url) {if showing progress () ()) {progressBar.dismiss (); } package com.mobiinteractive.Sandbar; Import android App Import

sql server - sql orderby conversion error when case is used -

मेरे पास निम्न क्वेरी है यह तब होता है जब @sortorder = 1 या -1 , नाम से क्रमबद्ध। हालांकि, यदि मामला कथन निकाल दिया जाता है और बस नाम आरोपित द्वारा आदेश को बिना किसी त्रुटि के क्वेरी चलाने का उपयोग किया जाता है। क्या कोई यहाँ पर जा रहा है समझा सकता है? धन्यवाद। DECLARE @SortOrder INT = 1 तालिका बनाएँ # परिणाम (आईडी पहचान की पहचान (1,1), नाम ID INT, अपेक्षित NUMERIC (5,1), वास्तविक NUMERIC (5,1) ) का चयन करें नाम, अपेक्षित, वास्तविक, आईडी से (चयन करें ISNULL (NULLIF (शब्द। वार्ड, ''), नाम। प्राथमिक) एएस [नाम], # परिणाम। अनुमानित, # परिणाम। वास्तविक, # परिणाम। NamedID FROM # Result INNER को नाम पर नाम दर्ज करें। आईडी = # परिणाम.नामआईडआईड बाईं ओर शब्द पर शब्द दर्ज करें। वर्डआईडी = शब्द। WordID और शब्द। भाषाईज = 0 यूनिऑन का चयन करें 'औसत' जैसा नाम, कास्ट (((SUM (# परिणाम। अनुमानित)) के रूप में (अपेक्षित), सीएएसटी ((((एसएम (वास्तविक)) / COUNT (आईडी)) NUMERIC (5,1) एएस [वास्तविक] के रूप में, -99 99 [आईडी] के रूप में [परिणामों से]) परिणामस्वरूप आदेश @ सोर्स ऑर...

c# - bind gridview dynamically with label and tooltip -

I want to force the gridview with datatable in the back code and I add a label in each cell in gridview and on a tooltip I want to display their values ​​label ... I can not find the tool tip .. (I want to display each seat of that stage) !!! And want to tooltip it, and my platform can change, so I want to dynamically) Help me. My code is here // on the grid view page It is bound to give me the index was out of bounds should be less than the non-negotiable and the size of the collection. Parameter Name: Index for Protected Zero GridView1_RowDataBound {Object Sender, GridViewRowEventArgs E} {{int i = 0; I & lt; table.Rows.Count; i ++} (Int j = 0; j and lt; table.color; j ++) {label lbl = new label (); Lbl.Text = GridView1.DataKeys [e.Row.RowIndex] ["Labeltext"]. ToString (); Lbl.ToolTip = GridView1.DataKeys [e.Row.RowIndex] ["TooltipText"]. ToString (); E.Row.Cells [0] .Controls.Add (LbL); }}}} You must add a line to each cell in the label . I w...

SQL Server get Unique 'BIOS' string? -

In Windows we can obtain a unique string that represents the BIOS (unique to that machine) There is something comparable to SQL Server where I can identify that SQL Server installation or back up BIOS (unique to that installation) may be a MAC address, ... although the machine may be more than one per copy. create table #ipconfig (info varchar (256) null) #ipconfig insert in EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig / all' SELECT SubString (info, CharIndex (':', info) + 1, 99) #ifconfig as the information in the form of '% physical address%' drop table #ipconfig

Vertical Accordion Content Slider ideally jQuery -

I'm searching for a vertical accordion content slider for a little while. I've got one: And it's great I implemented it on my site But there are some things I'm not happy with. It's not very smooth, and I set the Autodele time up to 4 seconds Despite doing so, it seems that switching to the first slide takes a long time and then they start switching like each other. So something is not very right. Does anyone know about another vertical emption plug-in, can I try? Ideally a jQuery one. Thank you. Why is it easy to use the plugin with enough jQuery alone? Example ... HTML & lt; Div class = "wrap" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "heading" & gt; Heading & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "body" & gt; Body & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wrap" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "heading" & gt; Heading & lt; / Div & gt; ...

ios - ZipKit and iOS5 - synthesized vs. user defined setter/getter -

जब ज़िपकिट ( के साथ एक परियोजना को नवीनतम के साथ संकलित करते हैं IOS5, मैं निम्नलिखित चेतावनियां देखता हूं: किसी उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा परिभाषित सेटर / गेटर के साथ संश्लेषित सेटर / गेटर जोड़ नहीं सकता कोई भी विचार? प्रश्न में कोड है: - (शून्य) setInvoker: (आईडी) i {_invoker = i; If (_invoker) {irtsIscancelled = [self.invoker का जवाब देता हैसचिव: @ सिलेक्टर (रद्द किया हुआ है)]; } और {irtsIscancelled = NO; } } वास्तव में आईओएस 5 से संबंधित नहीं है इसलिए मैं जवाब देंगे। क्या आमंत्रक @property को nonatomic के साथ घोषित किया गया है? शायद नहीं। उस स्थिति में रनटाइम एक परमाणु प्राप्तकर्ता पैदा कर रहा है, जबकि आपने एक गैर-परमाणु सेटर लिखा है। कंपाइलर आपको उस बारे में चेतावनी दे रहा है।

Scala, Specs2, Mockito and null return values -

I am trying to test some scala codes using scans2 and mokoto. I am relatively new to all, and difficulty with fake returning methods. In the following (written with some name changes) "The process of my component" should be "{" Pass the parser in new module "{ Val file = mock [file] myComponent.process (file) There was a (moppress) .PRSE (file)} "mutate parse result for translator" module {val file = mock [file] val myType1 = mock [MyType1] MockParser.parse (file) Returns (myType1) myComponent.process (file) There was one (mock translator). Translestate (myType1)}} Unless I am in SUT If I add a call, then "Passer's pass file" works, and then dies because the mockparser.parse method returned an empty, which can not take the translator code. Similarly, as long as I do not try to use the translation result in SUT, "Pass Pars Results for Transcription" passes. The actual code for both These methods can never retur...

eclipse - Apache Tomcat problem -

I had established Eppleps with Tomcade. 7. I start eclipse and it works when I use my projects within the browser. localhost: 8080 / ReadFormData / Form.html But what's strange is that when I type in the browser: localhost: 8080 This does not reach the Apache site. I get the following error status: HTTP status 404 - / type status Report message / description Nurodit resource (/) is not available. When I close the eclipse and I start the server from the outside and localhost: 8080 Does it work . I know that this is not a big deal but it is disappointing. It is believed that it is regular and you really want it to be your eclipse-managed talket For example: Double-click on your tomcat in the Eclipse "Server" view At the bottom of the scene that is now opened, the module " / Li> Click "Add External Web Module" and browse to the directory where you removed your tomatk, select webapps / root there, OK Press Keep as the...

python - Form handling in Pyramid -

Since there is no form dependency in the pyramid, I need recommendations to deal with the form. This form covers generations, verification, etc. I know only wtforms, but I do not mind to use a few more things more advanced. I recommend getting worse Form generation and validation beyond this great documentation, ongoing Demo app and it supports localization and AJAX. I do not believe it is formally supported by Ajax directly.