Showing dynamically generated bitmap in ASP.NET page -
I need to create some block diagrams on my ASP.NET page. Is it done by drawing at best? How do the dynamically generated Write a bitmap to create an HTH handler response stream Handlers yourself There is a link on If you can write a file in the file system, you can use the naming convention, so you can not make it again and again. If you have written it in a file, then you can write it in the response stream using the You need to set the proper headers for the response, if you want to do something like the bottom then it should be fine. You can check these headers on incoming requests and return 304 with something (first make a random check) If you need to refresh each time, do not worry about caching and just type your code Bitmap objects appear?
context.Response.WriteFile (path);
context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Public); Context.Response.Cache.SetLastModified (lastWrite); Context.Response.Cache.Setetag (string.Format ("\" {0} \ ", last quote.Ticks); Context.Response.ContentType = "image / png";
If (context.Request Headers [from then]> gt; final writing] reference.Headers [itag] gt gt = last write) {context.Response.StatusCode = 304; Context.Response.StatusDescription = "Not Modified"; Return; }
context.response.OutputStream . div>
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