java - WebView with ProgressDialog , and Dismiss -

How to insert any progressive dialog that click on every link; In this webview?

  The public class extends ChatreaMainActivity activity {/ ** is called when the activity has been created first / /Override Public Zero onCreate (bundled savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); [...] Webview Engine = (Webview) Find VVBIID (RID.Web_Gin); Engine.loadUrl ("File: ///android_asset/www/index.html"); Engine.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). [...]   

I have tried and will not dismiss it at all.

  Webview Engine = (Webview) ViewById (; Engine.loadUrl ("File: ///android_asset/www/index.html"); Engine.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). Progress = (, "", "page loading ..."); }} Page field on public zero (webview view, string url) {if showing progress () ()) {progressBar.dismiss (); }    

  package com.mobiinteractive.Sandbar; Import android App Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.webkit.WebView; Import android.webkit.WebViewClient; Public class enhances SandbarinFacebook activity {WebView mWebView; Protected void onCreate (bundled saved instenstate) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.fb); Final progression DIOLOG PD = progressive Show (this, "", "Loading ...", is true); MWebView = (webview) Find VibibIID (RD WebKitWebView 1); MWebView.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). . MWebView.getSettings () setSupportZoom (true); . MWebView.getSettings () setBuiltInZoomControls (true); MWebView.setWebViewClient (New WebViewClient) {@Override public void onPageFinished (webview view, string url) {if showing ( (& amp; pd! = Null) {pd.dismiss ();}}} ); MWebView.loadUrl (""); }}    


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