
Showing posts from July, 2011

counting letters in a cell "matlab" -

One of the above codes will count the number of characters in a cell that I like it [Exclusive C, ~, IDX] = Unique (chromatic); Unique entries in% # unique CC% #, if first-R2008a calculation = deposit (idx (:), 1, [], @ yoga); Tilde changes with 'Dummy'; But there is a blog: My cell contains letters from E to one I do not want to find any of the 'A' B ... this code will not tell that there ' E 'if it is not available. 4 would be calculated instead of just 5 1 2 2 3 and not 1 2 2 3 0 How to do I have added a = 1b = 2 ...... You can use it instead of resolving it: characterCell = {'a' 'b' 'b' 'a' 'b' 'd' c '' c '} ; % # Sample cell array mailsel = {'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'}; Letter to count #% [~, index] = icemember (character cell, matchale); Find index in% # match, cell calculation = submit (index (:), 1, [nuzeil (mesh) 1]); The% signaling i...

java - How do we handle Cursors in Android? -

I was reading this question and one of the answers is that we are related to parsing The useful data should be parsed throughout cursor . Would it be applicable in the cursor if I had to parse the cursor in ListAdapter ? I cursor to a ListAdapter . Instead I see ListView . will use the binding data.

Problem with videoView on Android -

I had a problem using 2 video views on Android I know that I I can not use 2 video views at the same time. This is my workflow. Create 2 video views. Hide 1 of them Prefetch the first video view. Play the first video view. I prefetch a second video in a different thread At some point I see the video. The second video is working okay. When the second video completes, I switch to the first video. The video starts playing from the beginning rather than the last position of the first video. I tried to get the current time and tried to save it before the switch, and then when the video scene came back for the first time, I use seekTo (final content time), but Buffer (before last present time) went. Did you know that the buffer is static or if video weights only use one buffer? Why does not video video save Videu's last position? (Current time or buffer state? Is there any way to do this without doing any unwanted work? My theory is that because th... - Generic GDI+ Exception Followed by OutOfMemory Exception -

I am working on a VB.Net WinForms app. This app shows lines of production lines that the user will row down the row and print the ActiveReports documents package. This package can include up to 9 reports. The package is selected and is said to be printed, then it is sent directly to the machine's default printer using the active repairs mechanism: rpt.Document.Print (false , False, true) These reports also use images drawn from file systems. When they move quickly through the rows, they sometimes encounter: A common error occurs in GDI + The exception of the "System.OutOfMemoryException" type was thrown. Due to this some documents are not printed and they will have to go back and it will know who does not print. I know that the machine is not out of memory, so my impression is that the printer is completing the memory or the report is trying to use an image during printing and there is a problem creating there. If this printer is filling memory, is the...

XSL or XSLT or XSLFO: which can expand text? -

मान लीजिए मेरे पास XML फ़ाइल है: & lt; दस्तावेज़ & gt; & Lt; title & gt; कैसे पश्चिम जीता था & lt; / title & gt; & LT; अध्याय & gt; Lorem इप्सम ब्लाह ..... और lt; / अध्याय & gt; & Lt; / दस्तावेज़ & gt; क्या ऐसा शीर्षक को रेंडर करने के लिए XSLT या XSLFO या XSL का उपयोग करना संभव है: कैसे पश्चिम जीता था ------- ------------- Lorem Ipsum Blah ..... मैं शीर्षक के बाद लाइन पर सही संख्याओं को कैसे उत्पन्न करूं? इसे आज़माएं: & lt; xsl: template match = "title" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "पाठ ()" / & gt; & LT; XSL: पाठ & gt; & Lt; / XSL: पाठ & gt; & Lt; xsl: कॉल-टेम्पलेट नाम = "अंडरलाइन" & gt; & Lt; xsl: के साथ- param नाम = "लंबाई" चुनें = "स्ट्रिंग-लम्बाई (टेक्स्ट ())" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: कॉल-टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; / XSL: टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; xsl: टेम्पलेट नाम = "अंडरलाइन" & gt; & Lt; xs...

open source freeware alternatives to FTP ZipDeploy? -

To upload my whole website as a zip, then open it on a remote server. Is there any freeware tools like FTP zippept that automates this process? If you can use rsync which is a great option .. Use the backup directory option You should also consider doing so that you can keep the historical version, but keep them out of the public HTML area. If you can not use RSINCC then you can use the SCP which will seal the transfer for you. If you can not use RSINCC and do not have a SCP, then you can use something like dear FTP (Windows) that will make the transfer seconds seconds for you.

OPA mapi syntax error -

Then I have a database record that has a field with a list (string), I changed this list to strings Want to show some XHTML? I have written the following function: display_lp (path) = (list.mpeg (x, careteppi -> gt; & lt; div class = "show_content" id = # Show_content> {x}: & lt; textarea class = "edit_content" id = # edit_content_lp cols = "20" lines = "1"> {characterlp} y XMLConvert.of_list_using ("", "", "", y)) though not compiled Does. It gives me a syntax error: Syntax error on sentence 270, column 188, error may occur in the following quote, usually in the red section (starts in the beginning) or simply display_lp (path) = (list.mp3 (x, carelpi -> gt; {}}: {characterlp}), / character [path] / lifepaths - & gt; Y XMLConvert.of_list_using ("", "", "", y)) display (path) = ( & gt; sign What am I doing wrong here? I think ...

Javascript in a wordpress post -

मैं कैसे और WordPress पोस्ट में मैंने एक बुकमार्कलेट बनाया है और मैं इसे अपने ब्लॉग के माध्यम से पास करना चाहता हूं। लेकिन वर्डप्रेस मेरे पोस्ट से जावास्क्रिप्ट को बाहर निकाल रहा है, जब इसे प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। मेरे WordPress साइट पर HTML संपादक में कोड आपके जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड में एक समस्या है- जो फ़ंक्शन को परिभाषित करती है, लेकिन इसे कभी कॉल नहीं करती है मेरे पास & lt; a href = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: अलर्ट ('हाय');" शीर्षक = "सतर्क" & gt; अपने बुकमार्क बार में खींचें & lt; / a & gt; एक पोस्ट में, और मुझे क्लिक होने पर चेतावनी मिलती है, साथ ही बुकमार्कलेट।

java - How to pass two objects to the same Spring Controller Form submission? -

मेरे पास निम्न pojo है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग फ़ू {@Size (min = 0 , अधिकतम = 10) निजी स्ट्रिंग बार = नल; @ आकार (न्यूनतम = 0, अधिकतम = 10) निजी स्ट्रिंग बाज़ = नल; और निम्न नियंत्रक: @Controller @RequestMapping (value = "/ path", method = RequestMethod। पोस्ट) सार्वजनिक वर्ग नियंत्रण {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग हैंडलर (@ वालिद फू फू 1, बाइंडिंग रिज़ल्ट res_foo1, @ वालिड फू फू 2, बाइंडिंग रिजल्ट रेसफू 2) {// बिजनेस लॉजिक}} और निम्न फॉर्म स्निपेट: & lt; फ़ॉर्म क्रिया = "/ पथ" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "foo1.baz" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट नाम = "" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; input name = "foo2.baz" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; मुझे फ़ॉर्म जमा करते समय निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: तर्क प्रकार मेल नहीं खाता ...

c++ - Why doesn't gcc support naked functions? -

I use nude functions in the patch parts of running programs. I can do this easily in VC ++ in Windows, I am trying to do this in Linux and it seems that GCC has not supported nude work. Compiling the code with nude functions gives me this: Warning: one. Ignore attribute directives compiled under CentOS 5.5 i386. The naked feature is supported by GCC only on some platforms (ARM, AVR, MCAR, RX and SPU). According to: Nude : To indicate the ARM, AVR, MCAR, Rx and SPU ports of this feature, specify that the specified function The aforementioned / unfilong series generated by the compiler is not required. The programmer is dependent on providing these sequences. Only statements that can be safely included in nude functions are AM statements which do not have operand. All other statements, including statements of local variables, should be avoided if statements, and even further. I'm sure why not.

ruby on rails 3 - What's this error that occurs when I attempt to install the omnisocial gem? -

When I run the bundle install after adding the omnibox gem to my gem file, I get it when I already have The latest version of the OA-Core gem is installed: Compatible versions for Bundler gem "OA-Core" could not be found: In jamfile: Om-Social depends on oia-core (~> 0.1.2) Depends on Omniauth oa-core (0.2.6) ... Install gem installed OA- Core Successfully OA-Core-1.0.21 Installing the Replaced Mani Re-Documentation for oa-core-0.2.6 ... Installing RDoc Documentation for oa-core-0.2.6 ... Need to update your version of? The problem is that the omnisocial gem dependency has not been updated Match the latest oa-core release Bundler will try to solve all dependencies for all gems. In this situation, omnisocial says that it is 0.1.x OA-core (this ~ Gt; is the operator), but omniauth says that 0.1.2 is the release or after one) > Should have 0.2.6 . Obviously, 0.2.6 not 0.1.x is a part of the set of release and therefore you are...

ruby on rails - rake task memory leak -

Do I have the work of a long-running rack that tilts my system memory over time? What is the fastest way to track my problem and reach out to it? I am using Ubuntu on Rails 2.3.5, Ruby 1.8.7, SliceHost and MyScl 5. I have a rail app that works fine I have a night job that runs all night and works a lot (some external calls, Twitter, Google etc), and many DB calls active Using the record, over time this work increases memory size up to 4 gig. I do not know why the rack is not releasing the memory of the memory. I started looking for a black box, but it Setup to look complicated Yes and has not been updated for more than a year. I am not able to take it for work locally so that I try to produce. Thanks Joel Before throwing two ideas, you are looping as part of this job, make sure that you refer to those items You are not catching up because you do not need them, because they should be collected from them. If you have done, remove them from your array, or whatever else, e...

documentation - Docblox: can not open input file docblox.php -

has installed a doc block on windows using just pear Error in running 'Input file can not open docblox.php Any ideas? Both docblox.bat and docblox.php are c: \ xampp \ php, and this directory is on my way ... Thanks! P> Could it be that it is not set on your computer?

Rails 3 - Ajax Put request gives 404, yet it works -

I am updating a job status from my deal overview page where I display my list of tasks for that deal This works, the work gets updated, however, I get a dirty 404 error. Any thoughts? js / coffeescript jquery -> $ (". Full_task"). Live "click", - & gt; Task_id = $ (this) .attr ("value") "Clicked on the checkbox" + task_id $ ('ul # tasks'). Sortable "Refresh" $ .jax url: "tasks /" + task_id Data: "& Work [Is_completed] = 2" Type: "PUT" Success: - & gt; However, the requirement to do this "$ I" is however, that it should be done with Ajax. Thanks Advance! EDIT: Requested Information routing error & lt; h1 & gt; routing error & lt; / h1 & gt; Show ",: id = & gt; # & lt; Deal ID: 1, Title: Blue, made_t: "2011-09-02 00:08:24", updated_at: "2011-09-02 00:08:24", account_id: 1>,: format = & g T; # id...

MySQL Show Duplicates -

मैं वर्तमान में इस संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: SELECT a, b fm tbl ग्रुप द्वारा ए, बी हेविंग COUNT (*)> 1; मुझे पता है कि परिणाम सही हैं, मैंने मेज पर क्या कार्य किया है। लेकिन, यह वास्तव में मुझे डुप्लिकेट नहीं दिखाता है "ग्रुप बाय" क्लॉज दिखाने से रिकॉर्ड के दूसरे आधे हिस्से को ब्लॉक कर देता है। मुझे पता है कि यह शायद एक सरल समाधान है, लेकिन मैं वास्तव में show डुप्लिकेट कैसे करूँ? दूसरे शब्दों में, अगर 110 डुप्लिकेट हैं, तो मुझे 220 रिकॉर्ड मिलना चाहिए। धन्यवाद यह कोशिश करें बीबी से जुड़ने के लिए चयन करें * (चयन ए, बी एफएलएम टीबीएल ग्रुप बाय ए, बी हेविंग COUNT (*)> 1;) xx जहां xx.a = डीपी .ए और xx.b = डीपी.बी मेरे एसक्यूएल वाक्यविन्यास के बिल्कुल निश्चित नहीं है, लेकिन यह एसक्यूएल काम करना चाहिए

ruby on rails - Devise doesn't redirect properly to stored location when using omniauth provider like facebook -

I have some actions in my app that are protected and require user authentication Since I am planning, I certify I use the user! Before the filter to protect them, whenever the user hits the protected page, ask the user to log in and then redirect back to the protected page. This part works perfectly. The problem is that when a user tries to login with Facebook through my app, the user does not redirect the login to the protected page after login. It always puts the user back in the root URL. This is not a problem with standard authentication I suspect that there is something to do with the Pathstra method which requires ubiquitous integration. Any help would be greatly appreciated Omniauth is my code snippet for callback: def facebook # Applying the method below to your model omniauth = request.env Need to "[Omniauth.auth"] @user = User.find_for_facebook_oauth (omniauth, current_user) if @ user.persisted? Flash [: Notice] = I18n.t "devise.omniauth_callbacks....

package - Can I add dependencies into .rpm which is already built? -

I have a .rpm package that is converted from .deb to alien in Ubuntu. It requires another dependence in Fedora, but I can not find a way to add dependency. And I think I can not edit its SEPC file because I only have to Rpm file is. Any suggestions? You can create another dummy package & lt; Your-package & gt; - & lt; Dependency & gt; In addition to specific files, this includes the necessary tags and dependencies for your file. In this way, when you install a dummy package, it will force your two packages and dependencies to be installed.

c++ - Integer |= Char; operation ignoring high order byte in Integer -

Just a quick and specific question, it stumped me for about half an hour. four * bytes = {0x01, 0xD8}; Int value = 0; Value = bytes [0]; // result1 (0x0001) is the value The last operation is interested in me, how is it changing the integer signed in -40 in 256? Edit : For example, a large part of the example code has changed In your case is equivalent to char signed four, which means that when you value 0xD8 to Char , then this is a negative number | Common arithmetic conversions that occur during the operation are cost-protection, so the negative number is preserved. To solve the problem, you can either create all your data types as unsigned when you have binary arithmetic or you can call value | = ((Unsigned char) buffer [0]) you can type or value | = Buffer [0] & amp; 0xFF .

indexing - Linked List with fast node order querying -

We are using a dip linked list data structure to store some unfamiliar data (data such as unarmed , Although the node order is relevant in the link list). A normal operation on this data structure is nodebayrnode (node ​​n1, node n2), which has two node pointers in the list and determines which one of them is second. This operation takes linear time, because it needs to find the second element to cross the list, which is very slow, to increase this speed, we can add the serial number of each node to the node Has cached within, and refreshed this cache as needed. However, cache refreshing is linear, and operations that alternatively modify the list and the usage of this cache is very slow. I am looking for suggestions to speed up this behavior. I basically need a data structure that allows all the following functions in continuous or logarithmic time: Insertion (after or after the node) Delete a node Apply a modified binary search tree, struct node {/ * add you...

javascript - Read complete data from stream from onMessage -

How to read from a web site entirely using javascript ? On Message: Function (Event) {var msg =; Warning (msg); } In the above code, variable msg shows only partial data How to obtain complete data from websicet server? contains complete information; It depends only on your output how much you will see. A warning box only contains a special number of characters, because more characters do not fit in the warning box only. Warning ing is not a good practice to display large data. A more convenient way to save the length and to check that, for example: On Message: Function (Event) {var msg =; Warning (msg.length); } The length should be just the right length, that is the length of the characters you sent.

Scrolling animation JQuery UI -

I am using the JQuery UI to add a calendar to myself and I Window is used in .location.href on in the calendar with any To go to the anchor on the date> The event of the jQuery UI Date Picker. Can anyone recommend to make scrolling easier with JQuery in the Onsite Select event? The JS code is: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {var events = [{title: "#DETAILS", Date: New Date ("09/13/2011")}, {Title: "Dinner", Date: New Date ("09/25 / 2011 "}}, {title:" meeting with the manager ", date: new date (" 10/01/2011 ")} $ (" # datepicker ").Delever ({before the show: work (date) { Var result = [true, '', empty]; var match = $ .grep (event, function) {return event.Date.valueOf () === date.valueOf ();}); if (matching. Length) {result = [true, 'highlight', empty];} return result;}, on: function (date) {window.location.href = "#" + da...

facebook like - What is the difference between liking similar urls -

जब एफबी उपयोगकर्ता "पसंद" यूआरएल "", क्या वह भी "पसंद" "Http://" और ""? मैं हूं उलझन में, कृपया मदद करो! मुझे एफबी पृष्ठ पर एक पृष्ठ टैब के माध्यम से चलाने वाला एप मिल गया है और यह पता लगाने के लिए कि क्या उपयोगकर्ता ने उस पेज को पसंद किया है, इस ऐप की ज़रूरत है। क्या यह संभव है? फेसबुक की आंखों में से प्रत्येक, पूरी तरह से अलग यूआरएल हैं। एक आदर्श दुनिया में, आप मित्र URL का उपयोग करने के लिए अपनी एचटीसीएसी फाइल सेट करेंगे ताकि सभी "पसंद" और "फ़ेसबुक" कभी भी देख सकें, यह एक ही यूआरएल है।

c# - Count concurrent Calls from Calllog -

There is a list of calls with start time, stoptime, duration, collars and some other properties. Now I try to imagine a concurrent call from this list, but I do not know how to start with this task. I have to feel this work in Net C #. The first idea was to take each call, and count it in an array for every second, then I have an array that calculates the call for every second, but it seems to me That is not the case: -) class CallConcurrentCounterController {static zero main (string [] args) {var call = new ImportDataFromCSV (); DataTable DataTable = Call. Gate dataable (path, separator); Date time start time = new date time (2011,07,01); CallsBucket (DataTable, STARTTIME); } Public Zero Call Bucket (Datatale Call, Datetime Starttime) {var callbacks = timely in enumerable.Range (0, (60 * 24)) Select (i = & gt; Start Time.Admnates (i)) // Create Time Base Create new selection at Start Time and Current Minimum // Create an anonymous type {// Create a property named Time, wh...

Android : How can i get a image that is in drawable its size in KB, name and extension -

I have a picture in res / drawable-hpdi / pic.jpg, so I have a warning box Should display height-width name and extension, I can not just understand how to work as a file and get its size etc. Bitmap beeppaint = BitMapficht. Decode processing (getResources (), R.drawable .pic); File file = new file ("res / drawable-hdpi / pic.jpg"); Long length = file. Long (); If (! File.exists ()) {length = -1; } ImgInfo = "Height:" + bMap.getWidth () + "\ n" + "Width:" + bMap.getHeight () + "\ n" + "Size:" + Length; I get height and width which can comfort me, can someone help me? byteoutputstream baoos = new byteOnputstream (); FileOutputStream fo = null; BMap.compress (Bitmap Compoformat.JPEG, 40, Baoos); File dst = new file (photoname + ".jpg"); Try {dst.createNewFile (); // Write bytes in the Fight = New File OptimizeTream (DST); Fo.write (baos.toByteArray ()); } Grip (IOE EXPRESS E) {LogE ("Photo Convert...

javascript - Weird margin when using .prependTo() -

I have a problem understanding the following behavior: I have a container ; Div & gt; in which some inline-block & lt; Div & gt; Nodes are included Example: Now I need to, the new foobar inline-block & lt; Div & gt; No problem to fill the elements, use jQuery - & gt; .prependTo () To protect (applied to the parent container) now comes the issue, for the first time .prependTo () using a "something, somewhere" Example: As you can see, this is the margin of only the very first element (again, I do not track the location using firebug / devoots. So, it does not think so). All further insertions are just fine, using the .insertBefore () code on the first code also works fine and looks great. Unfortunately, I use .inertBefore () , this is the reason why I am asking for some heads here. What do I miss? Where does this strange margin / difference come from? I only tested on Firefox 4/5/6 so far. This is the white spo...

Passing php variable to jquery -

के लिए ($ v = 0; $ v & lt; 11; $ v ++) {echo "& lt; div class = 'सदस्यता रद्द' & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = 'बटन' & gt; सदस्यता रद्द करें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; "; गूंज "& lt; div id = '$ v' & gt; & lt; / div & gt;"; } मैं चाहता हूं कि कक्षा को रद्द कर दिया जाए ताकि नीचे दिए जाने वाले डिवेल को निकाल सकें। इसलिए इसके लिए मुझे जरूरी $ वी पास करना होगा। यह मैं जेक्यू के साथ शुरू किया है लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि कैसे चर $ वी पाने के लिए। मैं इसे कैसे पूरा कर सकता हूं? $। तैयार (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('सदस्यता रद्द')। निकालें ();}); आपको jquery को कुछ भी देने की आवश्यकता नहीं है: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('unsubscribed')। एक ('क्लिक', फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this) .next ()। Remove ();})}} ; यह आपके वर्तमान HTML के लिए काम करता है। अधिक सुरक्षित होने के लिए, आपको उन तत्वों को एक क्लास जोड़ना चाहिए जिन्हें आप हटाना चाहते हैं: ($ V = 0; $ v & lt; ... - ASP.Net Generate and Save CSV using System.Web.HttpResponse -

Hi I am using the following code to generate a CSV file containing data from a dataset. CSV fixes and displays a prompts box so that the user can either open or save the CSV file. What I am thinking is it possible to save the CSV file? Thanks for any help edit with solution (NB) I do not need a prompt box to open because I will write additional code to create and save many files. Show them links). It saves the dataset as a CSV on our server. Protected sub-export Btn_click (as a bi-directional sender, e-mail as a system). As the new chartnew.csvhelper dim strData1 like string = csv.Export (ds1, True) nowadays date as date = date. Now. Date today as string = nowadays Toastring ("ddMMyyyy") is a filtered filename string = AJST & amp; "_filename.csv" as the slow saveDir string = "writedir \ files \" dim as the apppath string = as request. Physical ApplicationsType String FilePath String = Eppath + Reserved + Filename Writer As a New Stream Driit...

java - How to load a PDF from a .jar File? -

I have created a swing application and it includes a file, help.pdf in .jar File will be When the user selects a help-> user guide from a JNNUTime, then it should load the file in the default PDF viewer on the system. I have the code to load the PDF, private zero openHelp () {try { helpFile = getClass (). GetClassLoader (). GetResource ("help.pdf"); File pdf file = new file (helpFile.getPath ()); If (pdfFile.exists ()) {if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported ()) {Desktop.getDesktop (). Open (pdfFile); } Else {System.out.println ("Awt desktop is not supported!"); }} And {System.out.println ("File does not exist!"); } System.out.println ("Done"); } Hold (Exception pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); }} This eclipse works in the IDE, however, when I pack it in a jar for other people it does not work anymore. How can I fix this problem? The problem is that a file is not the name of a component of a jar File can be given. What...

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Routing -

मेरे पास नियंत्रक ब्लॉग है मेरे पास कार्रवाई अनुक्रमणिका () और दिखाना (निशानेबाजी आईडी) सूचकांक () सभी पोस्ट और दिखाएं (स्टिंग आईडी) एक पोस्ट प्रदर्शित करना प्रदर्शित करें > मैं ब्लॉग / दिखाना / आईडी> blog / id पर प्रतिक्रिया करने के लिए मानचित्रण करना चाहता हूं, इसलिए मैं Global.asxc पर गया और ऐसा किया : मार्गों। MapRouteLowercase ("ब्लॉग", "ब्लॉग / {आईडी}", नया {नियंत्रक = "ब्लॉग", कार्रवाई = "दिखाएँ", आईडी = UrlParameter.Optional}); लेकिन यह काम नहीं करने के लिए तेजी है, हो सकता है कि कोई मदद कर सकता है? आपके पास निम्न मार्ग हो सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य रजिस्टररॉउट्स (रूट कलेक्शन मार्ग) {routes.IgnoreRoute (" {resource} .axd / {* pathInfo} "); Routes.MapRoute ("ब्लॉग", "ब्लॉग / {आईडी}", नया {नियंत्रक = "ब्लॉग", क्रिया = "दिखाएँ"}); मार्गों। MapRoute ("डिफ़ॉल्ट", "{नियंत्रक} / {action} / {id}", नया {नियंत्रक = "ब्लॉग...

browser - Zend Studio / Eclipse only uses Firefox for debugging -

Somehow my Zend Studio / Eclipse uses Firefox as the external browser for debugging only. I had Chrome all the time and Chrome has its default browser! Settings Zend Studio: Gen - & gt; Web Broser - & gt; "Use default system web browser" and "Use external browser" is set. Firefox default setting and then tried Chrome again how can it be ??? I also tried to add Chrome to the new look in the external browser, but I can not enter the "location" path. On: / application / Google \ \ Chrome It says "the value of the location is not a valid path name" grRrrrr The answer is found here: In addition to this, for both Zend Studio Works either, shell scripts or preferences xml editing I have the following shell script #! / Bin / sh open -a 'Google Chrome' $ 1

java - issue with Google translation API -

I need an example to convert the Spanish language into English language through Google Translator API. I tried with the following code, it gives some exceptions that someone can help me out. Code: import *; Public category GoogleTranslator {/ ** * @ Ultimate Argus * / @SuppressWarnings ("deprecation") Public Static Zero Main (string [] ARG) {// TODO code application logic here {try.setHttpReferrer ("sp-en") Try; String Translated Text = Translation Translicate ("Hola Mundo", language. Spanish, language. NGLIISH); Println (translatedText); } Hold (Exception pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); }}} Error: java.lang.Exception: [google-api-translate-java] error recovery Make translations ( at (translate java: 69) at (translate .java: 192) generated on GoogleTranslator.main (GoogleTra...

facebook, post comment via php curl -

From a tutorial here: I later posted a comment Try a post, but return: [type] => OAuthException [Message] = & gt; (# 200) The user has not authorized the app to perform this action. This is not my post antivont wall post ID, I tried my freinds wall, he My app has allowed, I can post a post to my post, but failed in a comment, I would like to<his fid> / Feed? Post ID was found through Access_token = 140XXXXXXXXXXX , so there is no problem in post id. What steps have I taken? $ fbId = '100001102789652_233997699980321'; $ AccessToken = '140XXXXXXXXXXXXX' '; $ Url = "{$fbId}/comments"; $ Attachments = array ('access_token' = & gt; $ accessToken, 'message' = & gt; "hi comment",); // Set target url $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ url); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_SSL_VER...

multimedia - how to draw and animate flowing water in flash -

I want to create a flash animation for the work of a small hydro system..I want to add the valley, mountains and one River (check the link given below) but I am quite confused about this design thing, so if you can add some tutorial about it, then it will be greatly appreciated. @Colvenpole: Thanks for the link, but I'm starting a flash ... and I want to make an animation for my class work. I want to use the mouse on properties so that I can see the description / picture on the mouse or download the attached file on a button click. Can you add some more tutorial links related to pulse particle system? And please take a look at the link below (). The video shows the flow of water towards the turbine and it changes? | How can you add some links to rotation and show the flow of water? Thanks again. @ Bani jioho: I used it and it works very well with pictures, but when I paint it with photoshop or with colors in flash, it seems a little odd (all because this is not im ..) Thanks an...

regex - string replace (php) -

Does anyone suggest a quick task that will automatically spill out the spaceship & amp; The apostrophes from a string in PHP For example, I need to remove any unwanted stuff from the string. $ email = "myname'"; // apostrope needs to be removed & amp; The empty space $ email = str_replace (array ("'",' '),' ', $ Email);

javascript - JQuery - Load table and insert it with html() -

I want to load the html table in a div HTML-loaded via code Is: $ ("# table_wrapper"). Hide (); $$ ("& Lt;; echo base_url () ;; & gt; schichtplan / employee_fields /" + plan_id + "true", function (data) {$ ("# table_wrapper"). Html (data); $ ("# table_wrapper "). Show ();}); The data is valid through warnings and looks like: & lt; Table border = '0' cellpadding = '4' cell area = '0' square = 'ambitubeter' /> & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Amp; Nbsp & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'plan_id: 1; Sort_id: 1 'class =' ​​edit_employee '& gt; User 1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'plan_id: 1; Sort_id: 2 'class =' ​​edit_employee '& gt; User 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt;...

php - Display posts of one wordpress site on another wordpress site -

I want to access / display a post / categories / tag of any WordPress site to another WordPress site. So how can I do this? Can anyone tell me this? You have to use RSS feeds, you can parse RSS as XML file PHP one Use of RSS Reader

Custom validation in Android -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: कृपया ऊपर दी गई छवि को देखें, मैं वैधीकरण की तरह ही देखना चाहता हूं यह संपादिका में मेरे पास setError का उपयोग किया गया है लेकिन यह ऐसा नहीं दिखता है कि मैं ये संपत्ति कैसे कस्टमाइज़ करूँ? कृपया मुझे समाधान प्राप्त करने के बारे में कोई सुझाव दें। यदि आप कुछ कस्टम नोटिफिकेशन बनाना चाहते हैं तो आपको कस्टम लेआउट के साथ टोस्ट दिखाने के लिए।

c - Required help in make file -

I just want to apply the statement below "If the bin folder is not currently available If the bin folder is available then its nothing. " Can anyone give me an idea of ​​how I can do this? Edit: I do not have any errors mkdir: directory can not create `./bin` ./bin: file exists -mkdir./bin If ./bin already exists, then mkdir will fail silently, otherwise it will create a directory.

css - display CENTERED row of images -

I have a line of three images that are currently looking just right. Now, I want to display two more images right below those three and I want them to focus (this looks slightly upwards on the pyramid). No matter what I do, coalition is left in the lower line. Here is the CSS . Category {width: 176px; Font-size: 80%; Text-align: center; Swim left; Status: Relative; } Here is the html: & lt; Div style = 'width: 95%; Alignment: Center '& gt; & Lt; Div class = 'range' & gt; & Lt; A href = 'individual.php' & gt; & Lt; Img src = 'picture / personal Jpg 'style = "padding-bottom: 0.0em;" Range = '0' alt = 'Personal electronic neighborhood watch alert by email and text messaging' & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Individuals & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'range' & gt; & Lt; A href = 'community.php' & ...

javascript - html code in class name -

Due to a long and complexity, I need to include an html code spacing in a class name - no other option This class has links to open and close links to some javascript. In Chrome, Safari, IE8, Firefox 5,6 though this does not work in Firefox 3. Why this will happen, I do not understand! Anyone have an idea - does Firefox handle this character in a weird way? In any case, I do not think Firefox is going to update your browser to help you is. It seems that your problem is an unstoppable force against an immovable rock. But I think 'an additional option' with additional work Saying that there is no other option, generally, even if it is appropriate, avoid another problem and / or laziness. As suggested, code will also help us in exactly what you are talking about.

scripting - Windows batch command to make changes effective immediately -

I have a batch script that lets users change their background from black to white or vice versa. The problem I am facing is that the script only makes an instant change sometimes, and the user has to log out a second time and to change it back in the background, it has to be logged back even though I have So far: @echo off call: quiet exit / b: quiet :: For comparison, using the Black Wallpaper registry value set "black = C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Themes \ MDCBackground_black.bmp ":: Current for current query / F" token = 2 * delims = "%% A IN ('REC query' HKCU \ Control Panel \ Desktop" / V Wallpaper ') DEBIT ON current = %% B: For debugging purpose. ECHO current =% current% stoppage if "% Current% "=="% black% "(Phone: MakeDayWallpaper & gt; Null 2 ​​& gt; & amp; 1: logoff: Rundll32.exe Make changes without requiring user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters) and (Call:...

math - One-to-one integer mapping function -

We are using MySQL and developing an application where we do not see the ID sequence publicly. ... ID is hardly top secret and there is no important issue if someone was actually able to decode them. So, a hash is definitely a clear solution, we are currently using MD5 ... go into 32 bit integers, and we trim from MD5 to 64 bit And then store it. However, we do not know when you trim like this (especially since all numbers come from automatic or official times), how likely is a collision? We currently investigate the collision, but since we once put 100% rows of performance, the performance is terrible (not bulk). But in the end, we do not really need security, hash and they consume unnecessary space and an additional index is also required ... So there is no simple and good enough work / Is the algorithm which guarantees one-by-one mapping for any number without a clear visual pattern of sequential numbers? / P> EDIT: I am using PHP which does not support integer arithmeti...

c# - .NET XML Deserialization -

I have the following XML feed objects in a list I need to deserialization I How can I get the .NET 4.0 C #? & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Games & gt; & Lt; Games & gt; & Lt; Lot_name & gt; Football & lt; / Lot_name & gt; & Lt; Awards & gt; & Lt ;! - The "division_" tag for each award ends with a different number - & gt; & Lt; Divisions_1 & gt; & Lt; Divisions & gt; 1 & lt; / Divisions & gt; & Lt; Match & gt; 5-2 & lt; / Match & gt; & Lt; Payment & gt; $ 10 & lt; / Payments & gt; & Lt; / Divisions_1 & gt; & Lt; Divisions_2 & gt; & Lt; Divisions & gt; 2 & lt; / Divisions & gt; & Lt; Match & gt; 3-2 & lt; / Match & gt; & Lt; Payment & gt; $ 5 & lt; / Payments & gt; & Lt; / Divisions_2 & gt; & Lt; / Awards & gt; & Lt; / Sports & gt; & Lt; / Sports & gt; & Lt; / Body ...

Android: Simple way to make a whole a tap to skip page? -

I have a disclaimer on one page and I want to do this so that the user can tap the page and launch it new activity. Is there a simple way to do this? Thank you Check here: and especially in "WebView in JavaScript Use "section from that javascript interface you can send an effect to the desired activity. Hope this helps!

gcc - cannot find -lc and -lm in g++ linux -

I am using Ubuntu and GCC and G ++ are working fine but today it has been shown: / P> can not be found - mm-lc I searched and found that something in the code with / usr / bin / ld To do. Which is symlink (I hope) lbd.bdf I have pasted that file into the directory from Ubuntu on PC's PC. It was not working. I found that -lc means static library in libc.a. For the same way -lm I found them in my i386-linux-folders (the name was different). I tried code barriers but the same errors Make sure your libpath (in G ++) indicates directory (ies) that the libm Are located in .a and libc.a (use the -l option)

how to determine an element’s ancestors with jQuery in an iframe (eg. like when we do inspect element to view in firebug it shows the full path) -

मेरे पास एक एचटीएमएल पृष्ठ में दो iframes हैं & lt; तालिका सीमा = "1" चौड़ाई = "100%" ऊंचाई = "100%" & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; th & gt; आईफ़्रेम आईडी = "i1" width = "100%" height = "100%" src = "/ wordpress" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & lt; / th & gt; & Lt; th & gt; आईफ़्रेम आईडी = "आई 2" चौड़ाई = "100%" ऊंचाई = "100%" src = "/ वर्डप्रेस" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & lt; / th & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; मैंने पहले आइफ्रेम के किसी भी लिंक को क्लिक किया है, तो दूसरे iframe का href बदलने के लिए क्लिक ईवेंट दिया है ताकि दोनों iframe के समान पृष्ठ लोड हो जाएं $ ('ए')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (ई) {var id = $ (this) .attr ('id'); var href = $ (this) .attr ('href'); var पथ = $ ( यह)। Parent (); var ahash = {'id': id, 'href': href,...

javascript - Running offline AJAX appliaction on Opera Mobile 11 -

I am preparing a project for web applications with large AJAX access, which should work on smartphones. One of the requirements is that the application should be able to run without internet connection. The scenario is relatively simple when the application has been started and then the internet connection is lost, but does not the user have an internet connection, and whether to launch this application? Opera has the ability to save mobile, which can be loaded even without internet connection, the problem is completely AJAX application. I have tested 2 instances: And, they are both running in online mode, but fail to launch in offline mode (empty screen, no error message). I think the problem is that the opera main page is left, but not the required javascript In this fall I have a question: What is the developer driving Opera web in the offline mode? How should JavaScript be organized to be downloaded by Opera for offline mode? You must specify. You can also paste all ...

php - Daily/Weekly/Monthly Highscores -

I have an online highscoak made of php + mysql, but it currently shows all time highscore, I Daily / Weekly Want to add / that month and I was wondering what would be the best way? My current idea is to add 3 new tables and then there is data inserted in each of them, and then having a cron should run at the appropriate time to delete the data from each table. Is there a better way I can do? There is one more thing, I want to keep it so that the page is Highscore .php? T = all t = daily, etc. Thanks Use a table and mark the date of the highest score Add column. After that there are three separate questions for each time, eg. Highscore where SELECT ... from Date & gt; "05-12-2011"; If you want to keep a normal version without a definite date, then use one of these: where highcorse from SELECT ... Date & Gt; = Curdate () - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK (curdate ()) + 6 DAY;

Printf() in c printing 0's for extra format specifiers -

# शामिल हैं & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int a, * b, ** c, *** d, **** e; एक = 10; ख = & amp; एक; c = एंड बी; d = & amp; सी; ई = & amp; घ; Printf ("\ ना =% d बी =% u सी =% u डी =% u ई =% u", ए, बी, सी, डी, ई); Printf ("\ n% d% d% d% d% d% d", a, a + * b, ** c + *** d + **** e); वापसी 0; } मैं इस पोस्ट को संपादित नहीं कर सका ... ऐसा करने के लिए सभी विकल्प मेरे ब्राउज़र में दिखाई नहीं दे रहे हैं। मुझे यह पूछने का मतलब है कि कंपाइलर ने मुझे चेतावनी क्यों नहीं दी और मुझे आउटपुट दे रहा है अतिरिक्त फॉर्मेट विनिर्देशकों के लिए 0 0 के रूप में। आपको पांच रूपांतरण विशेषताओं लेकिन केवल तीन तर्क हैं? सी मानक कहते हैं, 7.1 9.6.1/2 में यदि प्रारूप के लिए अपर्याप्त तर्क हैं, तो व्यवहार अपरिभाषित है। आपके मामले में, कार्यक्रम शून्य को मुद्रित करने के लिए तैयार है मेरे मामले में, यह कुछ और मुद्रित हुआ। प्रश्न के जवाब में "क्यों?" संपादित करें: ज्यादातर संकलक इस त्रुटि के बारे में चेतावनी देते हैं: जीसीसी कहते हैं, चेतावनी...

java - Glassfish 3.1 deployment error -

I am developing a Java IPE application on the Glasfish application server. I am constantly developing / underlining the application because I am developing. and com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.InputJarArchive can not be entered in com .sun.enterprise.deploy.shared .FileArchive The server log does not report any more, the ID has searched the net, but it seems that nobody is encored on the same problem. There is no zip file in my war file! How can anyone solve this? Thanks and in service Here's the solution: Again the war file looks amazing but after that everything worked again! Perhaps some earlier deployments failed to give up some references to a broken application. This is an estimate anyway

php - Need to hash emailed 'verification' URL? -

I have a form that collects basic user information on a later page this user will enter a 'verification' code To be sure that they have access to the email account. In addition, in some event, a person has accidentally left the site before entering his validity code, I will provide a link with a unique $ _GET variable so that they verify their email address Able to Some questions: Is there a disadvantage in collecting the verification code in the plain site next to the email address of the customer (this code is 12345)? Need a 'hash' verification URL $ _GET variable? I thought that only 64 characters create string, add at the end of the URL and check against the database value (again stored with email address). I could never do that user password (leave in open non-hashed) but in this situation, what is the proper method? Edit It seems that people are like GUID thoughts (though I'm not sure that this is more typical than saying 64 characters rand...

html - trying to get a div to shrink width on window resize -

I just feel like a fool. Anyway - there are three columns near the page, there is a fixed width on the right and left and therefore should also be. To change the size of the browser window, I need the center column. I know I know, it should not be difficult, but this is not happening to me here: html: & lt; Div class = "bottom_content" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "left_col" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Commpro.Biz & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div class = "s_n_icons" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / facebook.png" alt = "facebook" /> & Lt; Img src = "picture / flickr page" alt = "flickr" /> & Lt; Img src = "picture / twitter.png" alt = "twitter" /> & Lt; Img src = "picture / youtube page" alt = "youtube" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Username: & lt; Input = "text" size = "20" name ...

.net - Linq query to list VB.NET -

मंद क्वेरी = myContainer.MyObjects में o.MyStringProperty का चयन करें स्पष्ट myroproperties सूची के रूप में (स्ट्रिंग की) = query.ToList ????? 'बिल्कुल नहीं!!!' "क्वेरी" प्रकार IEnumerable (स्ट्रिंग के) मैंने query का उपयोग सीधे (infragistic) के डेटा स्रोत के रूप में करने की कोशिश की है कंबोडिया, लेकिन यह मुझे नल रेफरेंस अपेशन को फेंकता है, इसलिए मैंने इसे "स्ट्रैक्सल" डेटा स्रोत बनने के लिए स्ट्रिंग्स की सूची में कनवर्ट करने का निर्णय लिया। सूची के रूप में मंद मान (स्ट्रिंग की) = query.AsQueryable () .ओलिस्ट () या तो काम नहीं करता: प्रकार का प्रकार 'System.Collections.Generic.List (System.Linq.IQueryable (स्ट्रिंग के)' नहीं कर सकता 'सिस्टम.क्लॉक्लेशंसजीनरिक लिस्ट' (स्ट्रिंग के) में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है। आपका त्रुटि संदेश सुझाव देता है कि क्वेरी वास्तव में एक सूची (टी के) जिसमें आंतरिक रूप से एक संग्रह होता है। यदि यह मामला है, तो आप मंद मूल्यों के रूप में कोड> चुनेंमुख्य .toList () संपादित करें:...

.net - Is there any difference between Request("key") and Request.Params("key")? -

In the ASP.NET MVC3 application, I have a function that looks like: public sub-doSomething (controller CTX as controller context) .... 'Which to use? And why? Dim val = controllerCtx.HttpContext.Request.Params.Item ("SomeKey") Modulate Val = Controller CTX.HttpContext.Request.Item ("SomeKey") .... End Sub ( I know that the item is in both a default property and can be removed, which is not relevant in this question. ) The MSDN page is looking for it and I do not see any difference, both pages say that they get value: Cookies, Forms, Query String, or Server Denial Storage. (Although they list different commands.) I have seen, but it seems that the answer focused more than request on query string . vs. request. Item . Why would I use one on another? Is there a difference between the two? Both materials are strictly in relation to cookies As far as one is used, okay, in an mvc application It would be bett...

python - Selenium RC css selector with adjacent sibling combinator picks wrong table row -

EDIT: I basically made a mistake in table data that I originally posted. Correction is in bold . I have stainless R.C. Writing Python for I am trying to select table row in the document below that contains "United States" and "1", but the selector is always selecting the line in which the "United States" And " 214 ". I think I know why it looks like: () 214 matches "1" and that row is selected. This is my selector syntax: ("Css = table # filltbl tr td: contains (% s) + td: (% S) "% (country, area_code)) where country ==" United States "and area_code ==" 1 "It seems that the adjacent brother associate is being ignored. How can I: In (1) the match is exactly "1"? Sorry for the thank you and the confusion. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional // N" ""> & Lt; Html ...

c - Bitshift to multiply by any number -

How can I multiply an integer with a given number, only by adding, subtracting and using bitsfösting? I know that the transfer is growing by a multi of 2 and the right place is divided by the power of 2, but I do not know how to normalize it is to know What about negative numbers? Change the complement of the two and do the same process? ( Edit: OK, I've got it, never. You convert to complement of two, and then you change according to number from left to right To the left.) Now the difficult part has come. We can only use 3 operators. For example, by multiplying by 60, I can complete it using: (x + 5) + ( X Where x > That's the number that I'm multiplying. But this is the 7 operator - how can I use it only 3? As far as I know, it is easy to multiply in general using only 3 operators Not the way. It is possible to multiply with 60, 60 = 64 - 4: (x

php - Simplifying looping queries down to one query -

I have a list of categories of different levels. I have columns, category_id , category_title , category_level and category_parent_id the following code is a part of my search script For the category given in the search, I want to get results not only on the results related to the selected categories, but in this category all child categories (and those children) D). I have surrounded it by looking into the children of the class and then children's children. Is it possible to do a query to simplify it down? I want to get a string of all hair categories individually by a comma, so that I can use it in the WHERE IN condition. $ categories = $ this- & gt; Input-> Yes ('category_id'); $ Subquery = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('parent_id', $ ranges) - & gt; Obtain ('Categories'); $ Subcats = $ subquery- & gt; result (); Forex Currency ($ subkits $ cat) {$ categories} = ','. $ Cat- & gt; Category_ID; $ Subs...

php - Can I use Zend Modules to "white label" my Zend Application -

I work on this Facebook application that should be "white label" for various "brands". The "white labeled" version will use the same domain and the same DB will change the layout and style of the pages, but the "white label" and most of the business logic between the current application Will be normal. I thought that would be a smart way of doing this to create a Zend module of my current application, and to make another module for the white label application. This second module will be "inherited" from the first one, so I do not have to duplicate the whole code. The specific logic of "white labeled" will be coded into other modules and global features in the first place. But what is read about the module, the global feeling is that they should be in line with the independent features, that is why I am thinking that my attitude is not good ... What do you think about it more generally, do you think that the Zend ap...

Is SQL Server smart enough to not do IO when it is not really needed? -

मेरे पास एक मर्ज स्टेटमेंट है जो इस तरह दिखता है: (Target.Id = source.Id) पर स्रोत (आईडी, विवरण, यूनिकटॉस्ट) के रूप में आईडी आईडी = source.Id, विवरण = स्रोत। विवरण, यूनिटकास्ट = सोर्स सेट करें (आईडी, विवरण, यूनिटकास्ट से टेबलब का चयन करें)। यूनिटकास्ट जब मिलान नहीं किया जाता है तो सम्मिलित करें (आईडी, विवरण, यूनिटकास्ट) मान (स्रोत.आईडी, स्रोत। वर्णन, स्रोत। यूनिटकास्ट); जब मैं इसे चलाता हूं यह बताता है कि कितनी पंक्तियों को प्रभावित किया गया था। अगर मैं इसे चलाता हूं और मुझे पता है कि स्रोत और गंतव्य बिल्कुल वैसा ही है, तो मुझे अभी भी एक संदेश मिल रहा है कि पंक्तियों की x संख्या प्रभावित होती है मेरे मामले में यह लगभग 200 पंक्तियाँ हैं क्या एसक्यूएल सर्वर डिस्क पर समान डेटा को फिर से लिख रहा है? 200 पंक्तियाँ कुछ भी नहीं है और आसानी से SQL सर्वर के प्रदर्शन को प्रभावित करने के साथ फिर से लिखा जा सकता है लेकिन अगर मेरे पास 500,000+ पंक्तियों और कई सारे इंडेक्सस के साथ एक मर्ज स्टेटमेंट है, तो तालिका में सभी डेटा को फिर से अपडेट करना महंगा हो रहा है। क्या मुझे यह जांचने की ...

process a list of files with a specific extension name in matlab -

How can I process all the files in a folder with the ".xyz" extension? The basic idea is that I need a list of file names and then for each file to loop to load it. Use to obtain a list of file names. You can specify wildcard.

javascript - How to replace image pixel in Webos Palm js -

I want to change the image pixel color with the other colors in the web, so anybody can suggest how I do this . Thanks This can be done using the HTML5 canvas API. Make the size of a canvas image, and then drag the image to the canvas. Get image data, and stay away! var canvas = document. GetElementById (canvas); Var reference = canvas.getContext ('2d'); Var image = context.getImageData (0,0, canvas wide, canvas.height); image is now a imageData object, which has an array data , in which all pixels Image included Suppose you want to remove the green column on the sixth column and the third line on the pixel. var index = (5 * image.width + 2) * 4; // six columns of pixels, and two for the third line. // four times, because the four channels are [index + 1] = 0; // plus one, because we want the second component Once your pixels are manipulated, load the image data back in the canvas. context.putImageData (image);

bulkinsert - SQL Server 2000 - Can it perform bulk insert operations? -

Is it possible to put a bulk with SQL Server 2000? If so, please tell me how. Third party equipment / add-ons are not likely to be allowed. Yes, refer to this MSDN article:

JQuery Mobile Caching issues, onClick not fired unless page is reloaded -

OK, tell me first I'm assuming it's related to caching. But I'm not 100% sure I'm working on a mobile site that you can see The problem is logging out, the logout button is fine Clicking right from If the user logs in, navigates to any page on the site, then tries to click the logout (see the function below) they will not receive anything, no posts, no transfers , And if I keep a warning in the function then it's not done. Nothing. Before leaving the user to reload the page and log out efforts. function submitLogout () {$ .post (".. / server / log.php", {uaction: "logout"}, function (data) {window.location = "/ index .php ";}); Username Foo , password bar . Click on logout Now if you want to see the function call, then reload the page and click on logout. Or, instead of navigating to step 4, logout ** then to clarify **; SubmitLogout function never actually runs; If I change the function fu...

Javascript: access server side variable client side using variable -

I'm trying to: JQuery on 'loop' through all the elements The page related to the same CSS class ("boilerplate") Check the current value of each on its server side value (property: static profil) Apply special CSS class ("Editedbackcolor") If two values ​​do not match (i.e. I'm trying to flag, when the pref on a text box CSS I am using: .boilerplate = Assign all text boxes to form I .editedbackcolor = Different shadows I want to assign to text boxes, where the current value is not equal jQuery code I have so far: jquery (document) .ready (function () { // Select each element with the class boilerplate and the func Action Run jQuery ( '. Boilerplate input "). Each (function () {var target1 = jQuery (this) .attr ("i d"); matchcheck (target1);}); }); And I am working on the "matchcheck" function where I am having problems. I am trying to pull back the server side "static profile" pr...