Scrolling animation JQuery UI -

I am using the JQuery UI to add a calendar to myself and I

  Window is used in .location.href   


in the calendar with any To go to the anchor on the date> The event of the jQuery UI Date Picker. Can anyone recommend to make scrolling easier with JQuery in the Onsite Select event? The JS code is:

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {var events = [{title: "#DETAILS", Date: New Date ("09/13/2011")}, {Title: "Dinner", Date: New Date ("09/25 / 2011 "}}, {title:" meeting with the manager ", date: new date (" 10/01/2011 ")} $ (" # datepicker ").Delever ({before the show: work (date) { Var result = [true, '', empty]; var match = $ .grep (event, function) {return event.Date.valueOf () === date.valueOf ();}); if (matching. Length) {result = [true, 'highlight', empty];} return result;}, on: function (date) {window.location.href = "#" + date;}});}); & lt; / Script & gt;    

Maybe using a jQuery plugin like?

  [... ] Select: Function (date) {$ .smoothScroll ({scrollTarget: "#" + date});}    


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