
Showing posts from June, 2015

c# - Alt + Keys in richtextbox -

I have a line rich textbox and I want to add characters. There will be 2 states in the letters. Then there will be some red letters in the text in RTB and some will be with green color. This is possible when the user press Alt + some character should be added to the RTB in red. Thanks Yes! it's possible. Add a button and add the text name to & amp; Add code to the + button and hide it So if you press Alt +, the character added to the RTB will be in red color. You will press the button or menu before the "Add more" button or the exact name of the menu.

Nuget Server returning 403's and 404's -

I'm trying to host on my Amazon EC2 VPS, and I'm having problems. I have followed the instructions given here () I read this thread () from the same line I am not running TFS This may be a "" proxy problem, but I'm not completely sure how to check. Located in my newgate feed, you will see that both are throwing errors and more. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. You probably want to have a web site-project in Newgate. Running the server. Instead try to run it through an ASP.NET web application (in Visual Studio you can create one through File -> New ->, - Project -> ASP.NET Web Application)

ibm midrange - What is the best way to make an almost e-commerce site with a current system in as400 database? -

I have an AS400 system that stores all information about our articles, such as price, availability, code, description And so on. Availability is available to use as a substitute for more frequent use, but all this happens in the AS400 system. Now I will need to create an online store with all the articles, but I only have the database. My question: It is better to create another database (MyScl) to make a copy of the articles every day and use on the web server, or to make better Web servers and databases Between a link (*) (*) The webserver can not be on the same server, where 400 works as If you want live access to your availability, You should use the remote connection of Raksha so that you can dynamically update the availability Depending on the installation of your network and web server, you can make direct DB connections or use the web service. Just remember the security when setting it up. Another option may be automatic updates of web databases on a reg...

android - Can't See Graphical Layout in eclipse -

I just update my ADT and I get this message when I try to view the layout in an old project "Layout is very recent. Update your device!" What does this mean? Your ADT eclappa plugin will need to be upgraded to the latest version. You make the possibility of updating your SDK devices as much as possible, but have not updated the plugin with it . See these links:

Calling a method in one code behind from another code behind in WPF -

What is the best way to call a method in the code behind a window, which is the code behind the second window? For example, I have a method in the code behind ShowSamples () my MainWindow , I have a separate window Window2 , once user Clicks on a window on window 2 to show me the ShowSamples () method in the code behind MainWindow . How do I get it? Note: There is no reference to each other in the windows, they do not inherit a given class and parents are not the ships, 2 windows in completely separate 1 application. If you are trying to call a method on your current main window, Call your method using the main window, and an artist. Assume that your main window is called Sample Wando, it should work: ((Sample Window) application. Current. Manwindows) .ShowSamples ();

SMTP networking at shared server -

My website is hosted in a shared server. I want to send an email from my website to the email address of my website. (Using a shell script to execute on a shared server.) I'm curious to know: whether the connection should be channeled externally through phone / DSL company or Is internally channeled by the server? If externally, how can it be done internally? Telnet 25 Hello ... ... it will have to go through a "fake" loopback interface. That means, it will be taken through an internal path within the network stack. You can take a packet trace through TCPDump or looking at the header in the distributed email.

jQuery UI Theme too big -

What should I do when I download a jQuery-UI theme - the Demo page? I am looking outside the box, it is big (see below). I know that all CSS is available from me on the demo page, but I'm not really a CSS expert, and do not know what to take, and what to leave. Edit The same is shown here. Edit I think the problem What is: P body {font-size: 10px;} The sizes are relative to the page (more fluid layout). So (at least in the belt) changes the body's font-size, it fixes it. Just change the font size of your pages and the dialogue will change with it.

python - list reverse, list multiple by -1 -

अपेक्षित परिणाम: & gt; & gt; & gt; (5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1], [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]) मेरा कोड: # फ़ंक्शन लिखें जो एक पोस्टिव नंबर के अनुसार 4 सूचियों को देता है। Def createLists (num): ls = [आइटम में श्रेणी (num)] वापसी सेट (ls, ls.reverse (), ls.reverse () * (- 1), ls * (- 1)) कोई भी मुझे मार्गदर्शन करता है कि यह कैसे करें? def सेट सूची (Num): ls = range (1, num + 1) रिटर्न (ls, ls [:: - 1], [-n के लिए n में ls] [:: - 1], [-n के लिए n में ls]) प्रिंट बनावट सूची (5)

javascript - How to access custom fields Facebook PHP SDK -

In Facebook their documentation is an example for a custom sign up form: & Lt; Fb: Registration field = "[{'name': 'name'}, {'name': 'email'}, {'name': 'favorite_car', 'description': 'what is your favorite car?', ' Type ':' text '}] "redirect-ury =" URL_TO_LOAD_AFTER_REGISTRATION "& gt; & Lt; / Fb: Registration & gt; I want to create something like this but instead of the preferred car, my custom field is known and I only need FB registration: & lt; Fb: '' address', 'address',' type ':' text '"[[name': 'name'], {'name': 'email'}, {'name': 'address',' Description '}, {' Name ':' zipcode ',' description ':' zipcode ',' type ':' text '}] "redirect-uri =" " \ Fb_only = ...

Redirecting the user to a page in a different directory in an ASP.NET application -

I am working on ASP.NET which has 2 folders / directories Test1 and How can I redouble test2 from Test2? I get a 404 error with this code: if (user.insynol ("admin")) {Response.Redirect ("../ test2 / Login.asxp "); } may be: feedback again : Guided ("~ / Test2 / Login.aspx"); You have ASXP There are many other things that most of these can fall in typo category. What is the resulting URL in the address bar of your browser when a 404 page is found? Have you saved the Login.aspx page that is in Test2?

design - Approach to designing large functional programs -

I've been reading a lot in functional languages ​​and maybe parts of my application to F #. Is it better to design from outside or inside? I am not an expert at all on this subject, but here an article on this topic, 'our' There is a link by: And some questions are SO & amp; Programmers (where - incidentally - I suspect this question would be better)

many to many - CRM 4.0 Business Unit Entity, cannot create N:1/N:N Relationship -

In the form of title, I try to create an N: 1 (Expanded: custom_ct) relationships I am doing CRM 4.0 in New multiple-to-one relationship button option is missing from the UI I create an N: 1 relationship for other entities Can I do but what does businessunit do not have a famous limitation in CRM 4.0? Or have I got something wrong in the system?

mysql - Query not returning expected results -

I am trying to select all my areas and join the deals in those areas ... this query 0 Returning the result, I have verified that I have data for the match that I expect to get ... Does anyone see something clearly wrong? SELECT deal *, From the area_id area, INNER JOIN account_areas ON (account_areas.account_id = 1 and account_areas.area_id = on JOIN deal (deal.area_id = and deal.site_id = 1 and DAYOFYEAR (deal.created ) = DAYOFYEAR (NOW ()) and deal. Ed> = NOW () ORDER BY ASC The idea is that I will call all deals for a certain area I want to draw, but if there is no deal, then the field still results in the query. account --------------------------------- | ID | Email | --------------------------------- | 1 | | --------------------------------- Accounts_Arez ---------------- -------- | Account_id | Area_id | ------------------------ | 1 | 81 | 1 | 42 | ------------------------ Deals ------------------------- -----------...

Filtering Telerik MVC Grid on Date only (neglect time values) -

I have a column in the Teleormic MVC grid which is the date of the date I type for display and filtering only its date I want to use part of . State & gt; () .name ("tlkStateGrid") .Columns (col = & gt; {col as a result, I use the following code @ (Html.Telerik) Grid Bound (M = & gt; m.CreatedOn). Title ("Date Created") Format ("{0: DD / MM / Year}");. Grid Displays date (created) in the specified format, however, filtering does not work as expected. I think that the time value of the filtering is also considered by grid, so if two dates are one , But when there are different time values, they are not considered 'equal', how do I ignore grid configurable time values ​​and only compare dates, when filtration Note: I have posted similar questions in the Telerik MVC forums, but so far no reply You only have a date To clarify the property made to be made clearly Lambda expression Can be modified. Date Date Component of time o...

javascript - jQuery Appending unwanted data -

मेरे कोड में कुछ jQuery फ़ंक्शन स्ट्रिंग डालने है: jQuery15206649508478338135_1314906667378 उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा प्रदत्त अभिप्राय में यह कई रूपों से हो रहा है और यह डेटाबेस में संग्रहीत हो रहा है, जो वास्तव में हमारे उपयोगकर्ताओं को परेशान कर रहा है। ऐसे कोड का एक नमूना: $ ("sendFeedback")। लाइव ("क्लिक करें", फ़ंक्शन () {var feedbackText = $ ("। FeedbackText: visible")। Val () ; Var errorElement = $ ("। फीडबैक त्रुटि: पहले"); यदि (एईटीटीटीममिड (फीडबैक टेक्स्ट)) {त्रुटि (त्रुटि एलेमेंट, भाषा। पेज़ एन्टर फीडबैक टेक्स्ट); वापसी लौटा;} var sendFeedback = {email:, firstName: "", अंतिम नाम: प्राथमिक नाम: "", विवरण: "& lt; br / & gt; फ़ीडबैक पाठ: & lt; पूर्व & gt;" + feedbackText + "& lt; / pre & gt;", भेजना सूचना: झूठी है, पार्टनर: गलत, फ़ॉर्म टाइप: 3} ; कॉल सेवा ("भेजेंफिडबैक", भेजेंफ़ीडबैक); वर्तमान संदेश = भाषा। थानिफ़ॉर्मरफ़ीडबैक; लोडस्क्रीनबीश (...

What is the point of static {} inside a Groovy class? -

static {} what is the effect? One such example is to block the code. There is no point in being a blank starter, neither in Java nor in Groovy.

html - Image, Text and Link placement with YouTube iframe on same line -

I have got this page set up and I try to underline a YouTube video and some images with links and text I am setting up a jsfiddle on the same line so that you can see your code and whatnot: Here I want to see it basically: Let me green the" Subscribe "button in green color in space Go to Sing as well as it would like to link with the red color image red box spaces. On jsFiddle, youtube video is not a bit like this screenshot, but do not really worry about it unless it is necessary. -text "itemprop =" text "> Was it looking for you? Here's what I did: Image link and wrap the "Subscribe" link in a wrapper div ( video-info ) and Posted on that The margin containing the image link from that link was removed To show that additional content in Video-Information Added additional div can be added Wrap up the less text in a div ( video-desc ) and after that elements from that tech To set aside st clear: b...

java - Maven artifact jar different name than version -

I got a small question about Maven. I got a project I pom.xml There are basically these treasures: & lt; Repositories & gt; & Lt; Stores & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Alfresco Mirror & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Alfresco Public Mirror & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; URL & gt; Http: //< / URL & gt; & Lt; / Stores & gt; & Lt; Stores & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Alfresco-Snapshot & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Alfresco Public Snapshots & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; URL & gt; Http: //< / URL & gt; & Lt; Snapshot & gt; & Lt; UpdatePolicy & gt; Always & lt; / UpdatePolicy & gt; & Lt; / Snapshot & gt; & Lt; / Stores & gt; & Lt; Stores & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Alfresco & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Alfresco Pub...

objective c - Record audio on iPhone with smallest file size -

I want to record audio with the iPhone and want to upload it to the server I I audio recording again, but I'm concerned that I will use what format to record, so that the recorder file small file brought in shape. The results of encoding supported by the iPhone have I Audio File Size duration of 10 seconds. Kaudioformatmpg4AAC: 164 Kaudioformatapplelossles: 430 Kaudioformatappleim4: 475 Kaudioformtulav: 889, kAudioFormatALaw: 889, kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC is the smallest size. / div>

How to write asynchronous web service run in background php -

In order to write the background processing web service to the IP which requires running in the background, the user also closes the browser Has it been using PHP? More info Yes im working on symphony / php on big web projects (wage roll), it needs to be processed every month when payroll users now And click on the process button. Then payroll should be processed without the Apache server time. To do this I hope that the asynchronous web service should be run in the background. As the commentator said, you should be able to use these types of problems because it is best However, you need to launch your job on a user's click. Here's what I use: Create a line in a table, create a line in a table, or create a file with the necessary parameters to perform the task. Actually, he says to Cron, 'Hey, you need to launch work.' Set up a cron job to take care of that row / file every minute, and if the line / file is found, launch the task. Delete the file befo...

actionscript 3 - How do I access a movieClip on the stage using as3 class? -

पब्लिक क्लास मायक्लास मूवी क्लिप (सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन) MyClass () बढ़ाता है: शून्य {my_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, कार्रवाई ); } निजी फ़ंक्शन एक्शन (e: MouseEvent): शून्य {ट्रेस ("क्लिकेड"); }} टाइमलाइन कोड var myClass: MyClass = नया MyClass (); addChild (myClass); मैं my_mc (एफएलए में रखा गया) मूवीक्लिप तक पहुंचने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकता। मैं कैसे उपयोग करूं? इसे आज़माएं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyClass MovieClip {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन MyClass () का विस्तार करता है {if (stage) init (); और addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } // एंड फ़ंक्शन निजी फ़ंक्शन इनिट (ई: इवेंट = नल): शून्य {removeEventListener (इवेंट। ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); Var myMc: MovieClip = stage.getChildByName ("my_mc") मूवी क्लिप के रूप में; // var myMc: MovieClip = parent.getChildByName ("my_mc") मूवी क्लिप के रूप में; MyMc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onMyMcClick)} // अंत समारोह निजी समारोह पर MyMcClick (e: MouseEvent) {ट्रेस ("क्लिक किया")...

Web Hosting Service throttling/dropping traffic? -

I had a justHost account for a few years now, the service is lame but I can not really argue with the value I am not currently running any live site but I use it for development I have recently used it with Magneto Community Edition, and initially things were going well, but then I have problems Ran into me There were some issues with the previous version, so I upgraded to 1.6.0, after some problems, I found this work, but faced with throwing errors while attempting to connect to pages. After being disappointed and leaving it for a few hours, I came to know that before I could see some pages, before it was successful. I just did not know anything about the host bandwidth policy, I have not had any luck with them. Has anyone else experienced such problems with shared shared service? What type of CPU throttling and bandwidth policies is your hosting service used? Its nature has a shared meaning; That is suppressing the process resources of someone else. How throttle they are... - when and how to use QueryString["ReturnUrl"] -

जब बना देगा querystring ["returnUrl"] ? इसका उपयोग कैसे करें? मेरा मतलब है कि आप मुझे क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग ["रिटर्न Url"] ? ReturnUrl डिफ़ॉल्ट एएसपी.नेट द्वारा आस-पास किया जाता है। नेट प्रमाणन योजना के तहत यह इस पैरामीटर की जांच करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है और उपयोगकर्ता को अपने मूल गंतव्य पर वापस लेने के लिए स्वचालित रूप से प्रमाणीकरण के बाद रीडायरेक्ट किया गया है। आप आमतौर पर इसका उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, जब तक आप .NET में डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रमाणन तंत्र को ओवरराइड नहीं कर रहे हैं, या इसे अपने स्वयं के प्रयोजन के लिए उपयोग कर रहे हैं।

mysql - ruby excel reader, spreadsheet gem -

I am trying to read an excel file in Ruby and then take the data and put it in a MySQL database. I'm using Spreadsheets :: Excel and MySkele Gems for some reason I can not seem to be able to use the spreadsheet gem to open the file ... This is my code 'rubygems' is required 'spreadsheet' is required 'mysql' spreadsheet is required .client_encoding = 'UTF-8' book = spreadsheet. Open / / Home / Data / Ticket Xlsb 'b1 = book Worksheet ('Team 1') I get this strange error when I run the script / usr / local / lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 1.8 / gems / ruby-ole- / lib / ole / storage / base.rb: 376: in `Valid! ': OLE2 signature is invalid (wet :: archive :: format error) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-ole- RB: 368 : /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-ole- of `Initiate 'from` New' / Usr / local / Usr / local / lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 1.8 / gems / ...

joomla1.5 - Why do I get errors with the RSForm! Pro Joomla! User Registration Plugin? -

I am able to install the user registration plugin, but I am unable to use it or configure it. I am using 1.3.0 R36 with Joomla! 1.5.23 I keep the following errors: Configuration page: 1) Warning: array_unshift () [function.array-unshift]: The first argument /home/vertigom/public_html/home/plugins/system/rsfpregistration.php should be an array at line 583 2) Warning: Forms: Manage page forms: Invalid logic provided for foreach () on the /home/vertigom/public_html/home/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php in the "Table RSForm_Registry" table. File not found. "I also tried the plugin with 1.4.0 but did not make any use. Any solution? Some files were missing, I restored and it now works.

Selecting a dynamic checkbox in selenium using regex -

I am trying to select a checkbox whose ID is generated dynamically but can not solve it. P> Selenium.check ("id = regexp: ctl00_cphMain_cbx_ [a-zA-Z0-9 _,] *") selenium.check ("xpath = (// input [@ type = 'checkbox' ]] [Position () = 1] ") Also this check box contains only dynamic id, no name. Any ideas which I am doing wrong? You have tried selenium.check ('xpath = // input starts with [@ type = 'checkbox' and '(id,' ctl00_cphMain_cbx_ ')]) you

ruby on rails - Overriding as_json method with params -

First of all, I am using Rails 3.0.6 and Ruby 1.9.2 My There is a controller with two different actions, both of which should return a Jason object, but with different formats. So I'm overriding to write as_json method in my own format to write a JSON object. . The problem is that I do not know how to pass the parameters for the as_json method after it is being called automatically by the rail My code looks like this: Class MyController & LT; ApplicationController def action1 # My code response_to do | Format | Submission with #: json option automatically calls to_json and this call as_json format.js {rendere: json = & gt; @MyObjectEt} End and DEF Action 2 # Answer a different code- do. Format | # This action should return a JSON object but using a different format format.js {render: json = & gt; @maybajejct} and end and class MyModel & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base def as_json (options = {}) # I would like to add a conditional statement here # to write a diff...

How to move image up and down continuously using translate animation in android? -

I have successfully used a side animation using the translation animation which implies that the image above Goes down. Here's the code: Private Image View mScanner; Private Animation M Animation; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); MScanner = (ImageView) findViewById (; M animation = new translation animation (0, 0, 0, 500); MAnimation.setDuration (10000); MAnimation.setFillAfter (true); MAnimation.setRepeatCount (-1); MAnimation.setRepeatMode (Animation.REVERSE); MScanner.setAnimation (mAnimation); MScanner.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); } Now I want the image to reach the bottom of the screen, it should start returning to the top. How can I go about doing this? Note: completed the reverse mode. Please see the code. But now the problem is that when it goes upwards from the bottom, it leaves leaves, how to remove these lines like an attached image? Modify your c...

ipad - Swipe Method is getting called twice -

I have to use the swipe functionality in my visual controller, so whenever I swaping Iam, my swipe method says twice And NSLG, which I have written in (Swipe :) method, is displaying content twice. Here's the code that I have used. UIView * swipeview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (405, 420, 265, 35)]; SwipeView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; [Self.view addSubview: swipeview]; UISwipeGestureRecognizer * Hint; Hint = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self-action: @Selector (swipe :)); [Gesture set guidelines: (UISwipstaZensteinExchangeRightright)]; [SwipeView addGestureRecognizer: gesture]; [Gesture release]; [SwipeView release]; - (zero) Swipe: (UISwipeGestureRecognizer *) Identifier {NSLog (@ "Swipe received."); NSLog (@ "hij"); } Please tell me what I have to do to call this once. This is going to happen, you need to see the property where you have to UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan and UIGestureRecognize...

java - How to change default location of struts.xml in Struts 2? -

How do I want to learn to change the default location of struts.xml in Struts 2? Thanks for your help!

java - Denying direct access to jsp pages -

I am using Stresses 1.3 for my application and forwarded it through all the JSP page controller (Action Class) Go. But if I use the jsp page directly, I'm able to access it. How do I stop this? Put all your jsp -s inside the web-ins folder (for example Web-INF / JSSP Folders) and jsp-s's place to change their mapping.

javascript - javascript_include_tag not working -

I am using javascript_include_tag in one of my 'partial' rhtml files. However, when the page loads, I get an error in Firebug, which states that the class included in the javascript file was not defined. Actually, the Javascript file is not being added. I have a JS file in the public / javascript folder please help First, which rail are you running? I know with javascript_in clause_tag apps / assets / javascript directory / public / javascript folder with default in my version of Rail (3.1.1) Placing files in the Properties / Javascript folder should allow you to link them equally in a proper way. This will include all JS files in the property / javascript folder and already have your thoughts / layout / application.html.erb file. & lt;% = javascript_include_tag "application"%> Additionally, any subdirectory will be included by the above tag. Hope it helps.

sharepoint - How to display a notice if a column in a formula is blank in a calculated column -

मैंने तीन कॉलम, रखरखाव चक्र (विकल्प जैसे मासिक, त्रैमासिक आदि के साथ), अंतिम रखरखाव तिथि (अंतिम रखरखाव तिथि) के साथ एक सूची बनाई है तिथि रखरखाव) और अगला रखरखाव तिथि (गणना स्तंभ)। = IF ([रखरखाव चक्र] = "मासिक", [आखिरी रखरखाव तिथि] + 30, अगर ([रखरखाव चक्र] = " तिमाही ", [अंतिम रखरखाव तिथि] +90,)) इस सूची में मौजूद सभी संपत्तियों में" अंतिम रखरखाव "कॉलम नहीं होगा, इसलिए उन कॉलम के लिए 0 + चक्र के आधार पर 30 दिन या 90 होते हैं। "अगली रखरखाव तिथि" कॉलम में "3/30/1900" प्रदर्शित करने के बजाय, मैं इसे "अनुसूचित रखरखाव नहीं" कहने के लिए कह सकता हूं या जब भी "अंतिम रखरखाव तिथि" कॉलम में कुछ भी नहीं है, तो बस रिक्त होना चाहिए? धन्यवाद क्या आप अपने सूत्र में एक और परीक्षा नहीं जोड़ सकते? कृपया मुझे बताएं कि क्या मैं आपके प्रश्न को गलत समझा।

android - How to parse data under Textview -

Can someone help me? I am writing an application for Android which parses data from the internet and writes them in TextView. TextView [] dva = new textView [sitesList.getDva (). Shape ()]; // Set the result text in textview and add it for layout (int i = 0; i & lt; sitesList.getDva (). Size (); i ++) {dva [i]. New text view (this); Dva [i] .setText ("Kosola:" + Sites ListGetwa (). Get (i)); Layout.addView (dva [i]); I parse 5 objects under DAVI [i], which I would like them to display under a textview. TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById; TextView1.setText ("Kosola:" + Sites ListGetva (). Mill (i)); How can I do this? Thanks to everyone who is ready to help me. Instead of the set text you do not try to attach, replace it , textView1.setText ("Kosilo:" + sitesList.getDva (.) Get (i)); With , textView1.append ("Kosilo:" + sitesList.getDva (.) Get (i));

php - special char in JSON -

I should send hi " to a Yahoo server, so in PHP, to be " , but it will get a bad JSON argument. How do i do it $ message = "hi \" "; in the JSON code without any errors; $ Postdata = '{"Message": "'. $ Message. '"' '; Hand-crafting JSON instead of use: $ Postdata = json_encode (array ("message" => message $);); If you have to manually add your JSON, make sure to add a backslash before the quotation marks: $ message = "hi \\\" "; // Or, more clearly ... $ message = 'Hi \\' ';

casting - convert Java.Lang.Object to .net type -

I want to put a spinner. Since the selected item is a java. Lung Object, I have to know that I am a Java. Lung How can I put the object in a native net net? Thanks, Alex "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You're binding on the spinner, but I'm assuming that it's just a list of strings? If this is the case, then one possibility is that spinner.selected.Template.String () This will not be very useful if the underlying object is a Not a string, though. You have some other options available such as you can use the spinner. Select to get items from the source of the selector spinner adapter. I like something: var source = new list & lt; String & gt; {"One", "b", "c"}; Spinner Adapter = new Arrayheader & lt; String & gt; (This, resource. Layout, item,, source); Var selectedString = source [spinner.SelectedItemPosition]; You can also: var selectedString = spinner.GetItemAtPositi...

php - Mysql selection from more than one table -

का चयन करें * कुत्ते से कहाँ (चुनें कॉल करने वाला FROM jos_users WHERE `user_id` = '"। $ Cid। "' ) = सबोड $ cid jos_users में पहचानकर्ता है, जो हमें बताता है कि हम किस उपयोगकर्ता को डेटा ला रहे हैं मैं जो डेटा प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं वह "कुत्ते" के भीतर है, और कॉलुसर दोनों के बीच पहचानकर्ता है (जो हमें बताता है कि कौन कौन है कुत्ते हैं) मुझे केवल कुत्तों को कॉल करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए प्रश्न में उपयोगकर्ता के लिए प्रासंगिक, लेकिन यह भी एक क्वेरी में किया जाना चाहिए। क्या कोई मदद कर सकता है? बहुत सराहना की है। आपको जुड़ने का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। इस ट्यूटोरियल पढ़ें: आपकी क्वेरी कुछ इस तरह दिखनी चाहिए: $ cid = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ GET ['cid']); $ Query = "SELECT d। * कुत्ते डी इनर से Jos_users जू पर (d.user_id = जहां से = '$ cid'";

xml - Select value of higher level element in xslt template -

मेरे पास ऐसा एक्सएमएल फाइल है जैसे & lt; कार & gt; & Lt; निर्माता का नाम = "फोर्ड" & gt; & LT; SomeOtherBitOfInfo & gt; DenormaliseMe & lt; / SomeOtherBitOfInfo & gt; & LT; मॉडल & gt; ग्रेनेडा & lt; / मॉडल & gt; & LT; मॉडल & gt; Cortina & lt; / मॉडल & gt; & LT; मॉडल & gt; कापरी & lt; / मॉडल & gt; और मेरे पास एक ऐसा नमूना है जो मॉडल तत्वों से मेल खाता है और उनको कॉपी करता है, जैसे & lt; xsl: template match = "Model" & gt; & Lt; xsl: तत्व का नाम = "डेनॉर्मलाइज्डडेटा" & gt; & lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "../ कुछ अन्यबिटऑफ़इन्फो" / & gt; & lt; / xsl: तत्व & gt; & LT; XSL: प्रतिलिपि & gt; & lt; / XSL: प्रतिलिपि & gt; & Lt; / XSL: टेम्पलेट & gt; मुझे SomeOtherBitOfInfo के मान को प्राप्त करना है ताकि मुझे & lt; DenormalisedData & gt; DenormaliseMe & lt; / DenormalisedData & gt; & lt...

php - Get the Value of form element - without clicking on submit button -

I have a form, I have said that choosing Volva from the drop down box. So without so I'll go to the next field, click on the submit button, which & lt; Input & gt; value which should store PHP variables Volva & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "" & gt; & Lt; Select name = "car" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Volvo" & gt; Volvo & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "saab" & gt; Saab & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "fayat" & gt; Fiat & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Audi" & gt; Audi & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "ABC" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Keep event selection, onBlur = saveValue (); & lt; Select name = "car" ...

Modifying apache to prevent public accessibility of .git folder -

I've read that ".git folder is at the root level of the web site, and is probably accessible to the public. And to prevent unwanted clones of the repository, add your high-level .htaccess file to refuse web access: " # denies access to top-level GIT repositories : RewriteEngine On First of all, thanks Joe Moller! In my virtual host file, I have RewriteEngine On / Code> Command with the following specs: & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; Rewit sign on rewrite% {SERVER_PORT}! 443 Rewriting Rules (. *) Https:// [R] & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; Can I add the GIT rewrite rule to the SSL only after the rewrite rule: & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; Rewit sign on rewrite% {SERVER_PORT}! 443 Rev. Raul (. *) Https:// [R] rewritele \ .git - [F, L] & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; Thanks! It is easy to test to make sure this should work, though. Just try browsing on and s...

python - Django redirect to root from a view -

I am making a project in the project. However, I have come across a small hiccup. My looks like this url (r '^ login / (? P DIF login (request, NextLoc): if request.method == "POST ": Form = AuthenticationForm (request.POST) user = auth.authenticate (user name = request.POST ['username'], password = request.POST ['password']) If there is no user: if user.is_active: Auth.login (request, user) Redirect redirect (nextLoc) Other: Error = 'This Account Individual Please contact the administrator to enable that account disabled by the administrator 'else: error =' Username / password pair is wrong I check your credentials and try again. 'Other: If request.user.is_authenticated (): Return redirect ("/ profile /") form = authentication form () error = '' return render_to_response ('login.html', {'FORM': form, 'ERROR': error}, Context_instance = RequestContext (request) ) Def logout (reques...

java - Netbeans code-gen woes: How to edit auto generated code? -

OK, here's a Netbeans issue, thanks to the auto-generated code from the GUI designer. I designed a GUI using the Netbeans UI Designer and it was compiled for Java 1.6 After finishing my UI, I realized that I had to do Java 1.4 and 1.6 not to do this. In an attempt to downgrade from 1.6 to 1.4, I changed the form properties to use the Swing Extensions Library and I got rid of the enhanced forloop and generics in my code and I am going through this final error: The error method can not be applied to the getstring class org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap given to the given types; Required: java.lang.String, java.lang.Object [] found: java.lang.String Reason: Variation in the length of the actual and formal logic lists This code comes from the block This method was generated automatically by Netbeans, for calls: resourceMap.getString ("panel.tabTitle"); Obviously, this might be sorted by writing: resourceMap.getString ("panel.tabTitle", new obje...

c# - CodedUI Test - cannot re-use test across environments in sharepoint -

I am using CDEI testing for apps developed in SharePoint. The problem is that it will not work in different environments. Therefore, I have to record a test for each environment which is due to cumbersome and error. With a small investigation, it has been found that the client ID created for the server is different on each environment in a webpad (even if everything in the page is same - masterpage, page layout, webparets) . To solve this problem (approximate) I thought of editing SearchPropertyExpressions to use the last segment of client ID with the "id" operator. It works well if you are manually designers CS Manually edit the generated code in My question is, is there any easy and elegant way to automate it? So far: I have the Intexter Setter Communication Expression Clocking class with my function. I use this function to check the values ​​that are set with the "ctl" string and change it and replace it with the last segment of string (formerly ...

timeout - How to shorten TCP time out? -

I am facing a problem with the client-server TCP connection. I have a TCP connection to my server (MS Window System) client from the client Is there anyway that I can reduce the period of time in this situation? And if so, how would I go about doing this? I've heard that the default timeout 20seconds is a windows system, is there any way to reduce this timeout? One way is to use non-blocking sockets and set the timeout on the operation. In fact, how do you set a timeout, depending on the event loop you are using.

php - How do I access flashmessenger in my layout file, in zend framework? -

I want to display my flash messages in the layout file of my application - not sure how to use it . I set the value in my work. Try my visual assistant - if you have configured them So the translation also includes To display a message from the default namespace, simply type flashMessenger ()? & Gt; To set a namespace, provide it as the first argument By default, each message is presented in an unordered list, but you can change it by looking at it partially & lt; ? Php echo $ this- & gt; Flash Messenger (empty, 'Flash-message-partial.phtml')? & Gt;

java - Exception thrown while converting large sized jpg images -

After I'm trying to upload jpg upload ; Converting through servlet to the same new thumbnail After writing that file to disk, my requirment is to create a thumbnail for the same jpg file. And for this, I used the following code ... // Code to upload & amp; The disk goes here when you write the image file. BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage (100, 100, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); . Img.createGraphics () drawImage ( (new File (sourcefile)) getScaledInstance (100, 100, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0,0, null.); ImageIO.write (IMG, "jpg", new file (thumbfile)); The code above gets well for small files but when it comes to the file of 5MB It has copies, but it fails to convert it to thumbnails & amp; amp; Throws Thread Exceptions "" http-bio-8888 "-exec-63" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space java.awt.image.DataBufferByte. & Lt; Init & gt; In (Unknown Source) JavakawtkimagekComponentSampleModelkcreateDataBuf...

iphone - How to customise the Camera screen frame? -

I want to come into the camera with the desired frame so that I should be able to show the UIsearchbar Look at the same and I have to close the camera when touching UISearchBar , but the UIsearchbar should be visible. So I want to stop the camera to take the full iPhone screen as a frame. So I want to know how to customize the camera screen? You have basically two options, the easiest one is to use the camera overlayview feature of UIImagePickerController You have the ability to display a view at the top of the camera: If you need more detail then you can use the AVFoundation framework. In short, this will allow you to display the camera stream anywhere in a scene: Here is a simple tutorial on how to take a picture with AVFoundation:

Confused about Google App Engine and Google Docs options -

I want to use Google App Engine to store my data and then use Google Spreadsheets as a user I want to query / display / edit the interface, with many concurrent users with their own view of data. Now the problem I have is that if I place everyone's data on the same Google Spreadsheet that accesses everyone, we can not sort out / filter at the same time. Is there a way to do this, and is it a good idea to create a simple system? Can anyone tell me in the right direction or can I suggest other options? I will ask what is the benefit of doing something like this, host your app on Google App Engine To help and see Javascript Front End, sort / filter and see data. Anyway, to answer your questions, you can create Google Spreadsheets using your interface. This will allow you to do things like authenticate your users, queries, updates and performance data. If you only want to display data, then it has been found that Google Spreadsheets has done something like this. You sh...

c# - Interacting between two threads -

I am working on a Winform application, and my goal is to create a label on my form for the user, and three Seconds later make the label invisible. The point here is three seconds. I honestly did not know that this was the right solution to my problem, but I was sleeping for a three-second (system Threading Thread. Sleep (3000) by creating a new thread. . I can not use the system Threading Thread.Sleep (3000) because it freeze my GUI for 3 seconds! Private zero someVoid () {Lbl_authenticationProcess.Text = "credentials have been verified Authentic ... "; thread slaththreadstart = new thread (new threadstart (new thread program)); sleepThreadStart.Start (); // Once three seconds have passed / thread has expired: lbl_authenticationProcess.Visible = false;} Personal Zero new thread_program () {System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (3000);} Then, back to my original question. How can I decide when a new thread is completed ( From my main thread), which means three seconds have...

java - ArrayDeque class of chars -

I am trying to transfer a Carence Balancer written in C ++ in Java. I am trying to implement the stack with an ArrayDek class from the deck interface so that there is an ardade of characters like this: deck And the compiler sticks to the claim on this - Expected: Reference / Found: char What I'm remembering Am I You can not use primitive types as normal parameters, you need related object rappers: deck & lt; Character & gt; Legs = new ArrayDek & lt; Character & gt; (); Update our box class to use generic. We changed the code from public square box to public square box & lt; T & gt; by declaring a normal type of announcement; It presents a type of variable, which is named T , which can be used anywhere in the classroom. It can also be applied for the same technology interface. There is nothing particularly complex about this concept, in fact, it is generally similar to the variables you already know about. Just think of T as...

facebook - Create Child-Applications -

I have coded a small CMS to create FB_Pages. CMS works great, but I do not want the user to have their new Automatically publish generated pages I have created a main application (my page, etc ...) to get permission, I can create a new tab on the existing user page but I do not know that it generated new in Gaya How to publish the page. Is it possible to make "hair app" through the graph API ?. Unfortunately this is not currently possible. Users must create their own apps.

php - Storing large amounts of info within a cookie -

I'm working on a demo tool (PHP, jQuery, XHTML), so far so well I have a problem with that, I need to save some information temporarily and I am doing it through cookies, although the limit of cookies in Apache is 4Kb and I am not in the cookie space, so I am thinking How can I save inside the cookie without any problem if I still have any Mr. information do not send me or text files. I do not know that maybe using the path or other domain I might be able to work. / P> I really appreciate any help you can provide me :) Sessions are like cookies, but they just give the client a unique ID ("session id") And keep the rest of the data on the server. Of course, it gets stored inside a database or file, but it is completely transparent, you have read about SQL queries or files or there is something wrong about nothing. All you need is replace $ _ cookie with $ _ session and session_start (); Keep at the top of your code: A downside though: PHP does no...

How to iterate and count Revisions in a Word document using C#? -

I'm looking around for it, but no answer could be found anywhere, so hope is there to help someone Could. I am doing a WinForms application in C #, in which I compare two documents to use WordApplcation.CompareDocuments and as a result, the document gets the changes marked with modification. This amendment is hiding the contents in the text box well with additions and additions (I do not care so far) I really want what I want Then the next step is how many words have been modified - especially wdRevisionDelete and wdRevisonInnsert. The only problem is the last. Revival is sometimes empty or contains data in asurumas (500 words). I have read on the MSDN page for modification. Tell that document Reviews will not show anything amendments, but only on the main story and which should use the limit - but this did not help. Here's my current code: Interop.Word using Word = Microsoft.Office; {Foreach (s.Range.Revisions in Word.Revision) {counter + = R.Range.Words.Cou...

Android get Orientation of a camera Bitmap? And rotate back -90 degrees -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: // एक्टिवेटिव पर एक पिक्चर सार्वजनिक शून्य चयनित (int requestCode , इंट परिणामी कोड, आशय डेटा) {if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {यदि (requestcode == ImageHelper.SELECT_PICTURE) {स्ट्रिंग तस्वीर = ""; उरी चयनित आईजेयूआरआई = डेटा.getData (); // ओआई फाइल प्रबंधक स्ट्रिंग फाइलमैनेजर स्ट्रिंग = चुने गए IMageUri.getPath (); // मीडिया गैलरी स्ट्रिंग चयनित IMagePath = ImageHelper.getPath (mycontext, selectedImageUri); चित्र = (selectedImagePath = अशक्त!) selectedImagePath: filemanagerstring;? ... गैलरी से यह केवल एक चित्र चयनकर्ता है। यह अच्छा है, लेकिन जब मैं एक तस्वीर दृश्य पर इस चित्र को खोलता हूं, कैमरे के साथ "पोर्ट्रेट मोड" पर चित्र लेते समय छवियां अच्छी लगती हैं, लेकिन चित्रों में "एलएंडसीएपीई मोड" कैमरा लेता है, जिसमें -90 डिग्री खोलता है। मैं उन चित्रों को वापस कैसे घुमा सकते हैं? बिटमैप आउटपुट = बिटमैप.क्रेडिटबिटामॅप (न्यूविड्थ, न्यूहाइट, कॉन्फ़िगरेशन.एआरजीबी_8888); कैनवास कैनवास = नया कैनवास (आउटपुट); मैंने इसे करने ... - Accessing listview itemtemplate from codebehind -

I'm hoping to dynamically change the number of columns in my ItemView in my ListView: & lt; Asp: ListView runat = "server" id = "report listview" datasource id = "Reportist VJSDS" & gt; & Lt; LayoutTemplate & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Asp: placeholder runat = "server" id = "itemplay" /> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / LayoutTemplate & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt ;! - Select COMMAND, depending on the selection statement, the number of columns in the rear code needs to be dynamic - & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: ListView & gt; Then I got the code behind it: protected sub page_Load (ByVal as the object, byVal E. System.EventArgs ) Handles me On the basis of load 'sent request.Form variables, select the X number of columns':' SqlStatement = Select "For each Reques...

java - Where does this grid variable come from? -

I'm looking for dynamic typesports. I would like to use the classic code syntax used in the DSL example, which means that JasperReportBuilder report = (); Using and report.addColumn (...) and so on, but how can I understand this for the "columnGroup" part: report. Column Grid (Grid.Vertical ColumnsGrid list (Item column, Grid. horizontalColumnGridList (Quantity Column, UnitPix Column), Grid, Columns Listed (Ordered Columns, Grid Horizontal ColumnsGrid List (Order Date Fight, Order Yewer Column), Grid HorizontalColumnGridList (orderMonthColumn, order date column))); is a variable grid ... where is it even started? Actually I would like to report . How can I change this into classic syntax? The file contains a static import: Imported Static Net. *; As you can see, there is a fixed field in grid dynamic rocks .

c# - How to change the background color in .NET WPF MediaElement? -

How do I change the background color in a video played by .NET WPF MediaElement? Currently, it is showing gray color and I would like to turn it into white. You can use it to modify the style property and modify the background color. The style is inherited from the Framework Element Base Class, see how to use WPF style here:

javascript - How can I fix the jerky transitions in SlideItMoo? (uses Mootools' Fx.Transitions) -

I'm using tomatlooms in a Joomla site. I want to make a basic banner rotator. Found a slider that seems to work mostly but I think the transition is ultimately a bit jerky, especially in the end. At the end of a circus: out or sign out transition, the new image takes noticeable steps The problem is that the time is too much Is there no way to reduce the pieces of that time to make it perfectly greasy? Or is there another way to look smooth? I am using Muttal. Any solution should really focus on mootools; Please do not suggest that I switch to alternative framework I do not know that change is jerky for me Why appear. I did some analysis and deepened the transition curve, and nothing really showed up. I ended up building my own transition, which has a smooth visual effect with my eyes. There are requirements for an infection function: // - It should be continuous at interval [0,1] // - f (0) = 0, and f (1) = 1 zero and 1 / F / X can be out of that range. To ...

android - Using achartengine to draw a bar graph but my last bar is squeezed out? -

When drawing the bar chart, I end up with the last time being squeezed out of the frame, even if the position of X - Xis is vertical or horizontal I have disabled panning, maybe it has something to do with it, but by enabling it is not an option. It looks like: I have tried to change the width of the margin / bar and add a dummy blank value at the end of the dataset, but is there a setting to decide whether the problem persists? Edit - I found that I can actually add a dummy blank entry at the end of the series and it solves the problem (long story short i forgot that I was limiting the length of X-X), but this is an ugly solution, if someone knows better, please do not hesitate to inform us! Thanks in advance! Half of the bar is outside the viewable part of the chart, your series setXAxisMax for code> .getMaxX +1 or 0.5 or equivalent YAxis usually resolves such issues is. If you add a dummy value then you can find a small line under the graph.

ios - Can someone help me save simple strings in Xcode? -

I am trying to save the wire in an encoded e-mail and password such that I open them in separate views So far, we have failed in every effort of the last 2 weeks. Is there a way for someone to work, and if so, you can post the code. Thanks * Edit *** Almost there is an error here (member page) * initWithString: (NSString) s {self = [super init]; If (self) {// DO STUFF; UserNAME.text =Stext; } Healthy return; } The error is on the first line: The use of the undeclared identifier with initWithString should also be one; First: (member page) * initWithString: (NSString *) s {self = [ Super in this]; If (self) {// DO STUFF; User name = s; } Healthy return; } Forget '*'?

sqlite - jquerymobile selectmenu fails -

I am trying to create a list of categories with Jquerymobile-html5 and websql / sqlite. i hope to post my code here that someone sees me what I do. // Load cats to choose a cat function loadCatOptions () {var option_str = ''; Option_str + = '& lt; Option value = "0" data-placeholder = "true" & gt; Select category & lt; / Option & gt; '; // option_str + = '& lt; Option value = "0" & ​​gt; Top / Guardian & lt; / Option & gt; '; Db.transaction (function (tx) {tx.executeSql ('SELECT * FROM ranges', [], function (tx, result) {var len = results.rows.length, i; for (i = 0; i & lt ; Len; i ++) {var r = results.rows.item (i); var catted = rCategories_id;} var number = 0; while (calculation & lt; catID + 1) {count; tx.executeSql ('SELECT C. Parent_id, c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.categories_image ranges from categories, description_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = ...

Does Boo support DateTime literals? -

क्या बू का समर्थन दिनांकटाइम शाब्दिक है? इस तरह से कुछ: myDate = # 2011/1/1 # बओ विकी पर इसके बारे में कोई जिक्र नहीं है। धन्यवाद। प्रति दस्तावेज़ीकरण, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि यह नहीं है।

simple diff question -

file1.txt है 10 20 30 50 file2.txt 10 20 60 70 80 मुझे चाहिए आउटपुट। Txt इन दो फाइलों में संख्याओं का एक संयोजन हो, लेकिन कोई डुप्लिकेट नहीं। 40 50 10 30 30 Li> 60 70 80 अगर आपको अलग-अलग फाइलों में आदेश को संरक्षित करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है: cat file1.txt file2.txt | सॉर्ट | यूनीक & gt; Output.txt

iphone - How do I load different custom pins or identifiers based off of their property values? -

I have objects that are & lt; MKAnnotation & gt; . I load this array in my annotations using the annotation:. Method: - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView: (MKMapView *) mapView viewForAnnotation: (id & lt; MkAnnotation & gt;) Annotation I have loaded each PIN using a custom image: annotation view. Image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "purp_pin.png"]; However, I do not want all the pins to be loaded with this image. How do I do this If you have a few custom properties in your object which corresponds to MKAnnotation , in a way you can image To set it, access it in viewForNnotation : MyAnnotationClass * myAnnot = (MyNnotationClass *) annotation; If (myAnnot.someProperty == 42) Annotation View.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "purp_pin.png"]; Other annotations View.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "default.png"]; Make sure the annotation view is dequeued or created or not regardless of the image property is set.

polymorphism - Coerce to multiple-parameter type in Haskell -

I have a type class IntegerAsType one where the value :: a -> Integer data T5 example IntegerAsType T5 where value_ = 5 newtype (number one, integer type n) = & gt; PolyRing A = PolyRing [A] My main question is: How do I define a variable in a particular PolyRing should do? Something like this: x = [1, 2, 3] :: integer T5 (I think) The question is: right What is :: ? After syntax I am getting the error with the actual type the required type can not be matched with the 'PolyRing Integer T5' In the expression '[t0]': [1, 2, 3] :: PolyRing integer for T5 'x in an equation': x = [1, 2, 3] :: PolyRing integer T5 Besides, I'm looking for a better way to implement it. In particular, I really want to estimate a with the list elements, while should specify integerAsType n (this should not depend on the length of the list , Even if it is possible). I have tried so far: x = [1,2,3] :: polyring (integer, t5) x = [1,2,3 ] ...

regex - How do I match several strings in a text using Regular Expression? -

I need a regular expression to validate a text for many strings that should be present in the present. Say that I have texts Roses made the boys wild The wild boys of Mary are really very crazy Henry and I both have 'boys' and 'wild' (any order I want to match both sentences). The correct matches are 1 and 2 but not 3 and 4. Anyone?

php - iteration within a while loop -

Sorry for asking twice, but the second was closed because this important information was lost and I'm sorry Although my code is sought: if (isset ($ _GET ['id'])) // // connect to MySQL database "connect.php" is included; $ Id = preg_replace ('# [^ 0-9] #' ',' ', $ _GET [' id ']); // Check this var to see if this ID exists, if so, get the bioinformatics $ sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM bio \ n". "Add Left Bio_Media \ n". "ON BIO. Id = bio_media .bioid \ n "." Where BOAD = ". $ Id" \ n "." \ N "." LIMIT 0, 30 "); // Get all bio details ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ sql)) {$ name = $ row ["name"]; $ Age = $ row ["age"]; $ Partition = $ line ["partition"]; $ Pic = $ row ["pic"]; $ Story = $ line ["story"]; $ FB = $ line ["FB"]; $ Tw = $ line ["tw"]; $ Type = $ line ['type']; $ File = ...

erlang - Profiling http connections -

I try to find a way for a profile of the http / https connection made by my Erlang App I will need to know how much time it takes to make a connection to the web server, to send a request to the web server, to get information before the web server (aka a web server and take action on the time required by the request To prepare) and a whole web server Time to get level. What is the easiest way to do this? Perhaps you know a customer who can easily be modified to collect this information? Many HTTP analysis tools built-in.

java - Spring MVC: With SimpleMappingExceptionResolver, what parameters are passed to the view -

मैंने SimpleMappingExceptionResolver को कार्यान्वित किया है। मैं एक HTML टिप्पणी में अपवाद पाठ को एम्बेड करना चाहता हूं, कैसे क्या मैं व्यू से अपवाद का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> अपवाद ऑब्जेक्ट दृश्य में चर के रूप में पारित किया जाता है: अपवाद तार्किक!

android - TextView is cutting off a lot of information when I try to pull text from a website -

In my app, I need to draw text from this website. Note that this is a lot The big file is that when I try to draw the text, it does not find the first half of the text. Is there a limit to the number of characters in the textview? If so, how can I go around this problem? TextView = (TextView) SearchVBIID (R.T.Wevelop); Faq.setText ((Html.fromHTML (cleanhtml (getText ("; It clears comments that HTML.fromHtml does not filter public string cleanhat (string origin) {string final text = original.rele all ("& lt;! [^ & Gt; In this way I get the text from the website public string get text (string) Uri) {HttpClient client1 = New DefaultHttpClient (); HttpGet Request = New HTTPGet (Yuri); Response Handler & lt; string & gt; ReactionHandler = New BASICRATIONSHandler (); Try {String Response_Strict = Client 1. Excut (Request, Response Handler); Return Response_ST;} Grip (Exception E) {// TODO Auto-Ge...

wpf - Databinding to a string derived from the Count of a List -

I have TextBlock , I get it from the list & lt; T & gt; . like. I can find it this way: & lt; TextBlockName = "tbAlerts" Text = "{Binding Path = Alert. Calculation}" / & gt; Where the alert is a list & lt; String & gt; , and it shows the right thing but, when the count is zero then I want to display "no alert". I thought it would be a way to expose an additional string property to increase the list ???? Call it CountText â ???? Which exits the desired string, when it is zero, "no alert" can come out, and when "code> calculation == 1 is" a warning. "Will this work? If I do this, then how do I get a change in count as a result of PropertyTanged event for Code code, so that it can be updated in WPF UI? Is the preferred way of getting that effect? ​​ Ace One way to do this is to return a string which is zero and / or any other number that you want to add custom text to update th...

javascript - How would you check for undefined property in ejs for node.js? -

What is the best way to check an undefined property in the EJS template? (I ' Example: var tpl =' & lt;% if (foo) {%> defined Foo & lt ;%} Other {%> Foo undefined & lt;%}% & gt; '; Console.log (ejs.render (tpl, {local: {time: "falcon"}}))); I hope it has to render "foo undefined" instead it throws an foo undefined error. I know that this is not an issue because it is expected behavior. var tpl = '& lt; % (hypoproperty ("foo")) {%> defined foo & lt;%} other {%> Foo undefined & lt;%}% & gt; '; Console.log (ejs.render (tpl, {local: {time: "falcon"}}))); It does not make any errors. Is there a better way to keep the template clean? Or why this error is thrown? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Another way to test for an asset is indirectly referred to as local objects for example : var tpl = '& lt;% if ( {%...