How to move image up and down continuously using translate animation in android? -
I have successfully used a side animation using the Now I want the image to reach the bottom of the screen, it should start returning to the top. How can I go about doing this? Note: completed the reverse mode. Please see the code. But now the problem is that when it goes upwards from the bottom, it leaves leaves, how to remove these lines like an attached image? Modify your code according to: And instead of using XML instead of the image please see the code below and place it on your I hope this will help you. translation animation which implies that the image above Goes down. Here's the code:
Private Image View mScanner; Private Animation M Animation; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); MScanner = (ImageView) findViewById (; M animation = new translation animation (0, 0, 0, 500); MAnimation.setDuration (10000); MAnimation.setFillAfter (true); MAnimation.setRepeatCount (-1); MAnimation.setRepeatMode (Animation.REVERSE); MScanner.setAnimation (mAnimation); MScanner.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); }
mScanner.setVisibility (see Visual.); MAnimation = new translation permission (translation permission. Abolt, 0f, translation invocation. Abosolute, 0f, translation permission .RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0f, translation permission .RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 1.0f); MAnimation.setDuration (10000); MAnimation.setRepeatCount (-1); MAnimation.setRepeatMode (Animation.REVERSE); MAnimation.setInterpolator (New LinearInterpolator ()); MScanner.setAnimation (mAnimation);
ImageView src.
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Size xmlns: Android = "" Android: Size = "Row" & gt; & Lt; Solid Android: Color = "# 0000ff" / & gt; & Lt; Size Android: width = "480dp" Android: height = "10dp" /> & Lt; Corners Android: Radius = "1dp" /> & Lt; Stroke Android: width = "3dp" Android: color = "# 000000" /> & Lt; / Size & gt;
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