php - Storing large amounts of info within a cookie -
I'm working on a demo tool (PHP, jQuery, XHTML), so far so well I have a problem with that, I need to save some information temporarily and I am doing it through cookies, although the limit of cookies in Apache is 4Kb and I am not in the cookie space, so I am thinking How can I save inside the cookie without any problem if I still have any Mr. information do not send me or text files.
I do not know that maybe using the path or other domain I might be able to work. / P>
I really appreciate any help you can provide me :)
Sessions are like cookies, but they just give the client a unique ID ("session id") And keep the rest of the data on the server.
Of course, it gets stored inside a database or file, but it is completely transparent, you have read about SQL queries or files or there is something wrong about nothing.
All you need is replace A downside though: PHP does not expire all session cookies, which is usually the browser, as "Delete this cookie when the browser is off" He deals with it. See this question for action: $ _ cookie with
$ _ session and
session_start (); Keep at the top of your code:
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