
Showing posts from January, 2015

cmd - Commandline Arguments in C# -

नमस्ते फिर से स्टैकओवरफ्लू समुदाय, आज मैं सी # में कमांड लाइन पैरामीटर के साथ एक आवेदन को निष्पादित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, कि वास्तव में मुश्किल नहीं है जैसे मैंने कोशिश की प्रक्रिया। प्रारंभ (गुड़ियाघर + "कोकाकोला। एक्सई", "पेप्सी। Txt"); Cocacola.exe लिखता है और उसके वर्तमान फ़ोल्डर में लॉग इन करें मेरे आदेश पंक्ति में मैं इसे मैन्युअल रूप से लिखता हूं सी: \ myfolder> cocacola.exe pepsi.txt अद्भुत काम करता है लेकिन अगर मैं इसे सी # कुल असफल। मैंने पढ़ा है कि सी # को ".EXE" समाप्ति के बिना, सी: \ myfolder & gt; कोकाकोला पेपी। और मैंने इसे समाप्त किए बिना मैन्युअल रूप से परीक्षण किया है, और यह काम नहीं करता है। अब, मेरा सवाल है कि सी # को निष्पादित करने का सही तरीका है सी: \ myfolder & gt; cocacola.exe pepsi.txt ".EXE" उपयोग करें ProcessStartInfo उदाहरण : सिस्टम। डायग्नोस्टिक्स.प्रक्रिया proc = नया सिस्टम। डायग्नोस्टिक्स। प्रोसेस (); proc.WorkingDirectory = @ "c: \ किसी ऐसे स्थान पर"; proc...

Interface as a type in Java? -

From From: In Java, a class can inherit only one class but To apply more than one interface, therefore, objects can have several types : the type of their own class and the types of all the interfaces they execute mean that if any If the variable is declared as the type of interface, its value is referenced to any object Which can be instantly available from any class implementing the interface . Someone could provide me a basic pseudo type for this, I did not understand the bold lines. Let's declare two interfaces and one class that implements both: I1 {} interface I2 {} class C I1, I2 {} objects can have many types In the following code, it can be seen that with a C in the example C with I1 and I2 : cc = new C (); Boolean isC = (c example c); // true boolean isI1 = (Example of I1); // true boolean isI2 = (c example i2); // true We now declare a class B which also implements I1 : Implementation of Class B I1 {} If any difference...

ruby - How can I sort YAML files? -

I am trying to sort a i18n translation YAML file with Ruby so that I can translate the new translation into a better translated way Can manage , But I was thinking that there is something to reduce the work. I got a YAML file author, so I can write a hash in a file, but my problem is to sort the hash correctly if I got the hash h , h.sort gives an array and I still do not have an easy way to do this. I have YAML files like this: pt-br: global: misc: total: "total" all: "todo" close: "fechar" Cancel : "Cancel" crud: access: "Acessar" back: "Voter" Edit: Confirm "Editors": Send "Confirmor": "Envir" ... (files But I want to sort them out like this: pt: br: global: crud: access: "Acessar" back: " Voltar "Confirm: Edit" Confirm ":" Editar "send:" Enviar "All": Cancel "Todos": Close "Cancel": "Feature...

Flex and Parsley Logging -

I am looking for the possibility of logging into my Flex 4.5 project. It should include errors in remote classes, error handlers, or hand-written messages. After reading a lot of webpages, the solution to the parcel seems good. I want to switch to this profile anyway. The gain runtime is likely to configure logging behavior. But I did not understand the documentation. Perhaps because I am brandnew in parsley and Google has no proper results. Have you done this before and it is possible to give some code snippets to me Thank you very much Frank EDIT: J_A_X due to proper criticism , I add my code because I have partially succeeded. First let us configure a config file, because I want to configure logging behavior in runtime. This is a simple XML file in the project root. & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Objects xmlns = "" xmlns: log = "

java - Calling onCreateOptionsMenu() from multiple views -

This may be due to the lack of full understanding of how Java works. Still learning! Let's say we have an activity with the create code. Enhances game activity in the public category {@Override public void onCreate {bundled saved instance} {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (new gamemanview (this)); }} We have now found our view. My question is, the game activity class and GameMainView are sub-routes in the class which I want to call using reactions from the CreateOptems menu () . How do I get access to those two classes? I know that I can create an intangible category specifically for the Crack Options menu () and it requires game activity and game modes that they need to do. Is this the only option? OnCreateOptionsMenu () is called only once? And if so, where? If I override it everywhere, will they execute all? If you write your activity this: public class Enhances game activity {Private GameManewew GameManview; Override public null on @reate...

objective c - Parse serializeJSON file format in iphone -

मैं सीरियलइजजेसन प्रारूप में कोल्डफ्यूज़ेशन सर्वर से उत्पन्न जेएसओएन फाइल को पार्स करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। JSON फ़ाइल को पार्स करने के लिए कोई विशिष्ट तरीका है। यह सामान्य ट्विटर फ़ीड JSON फ़ाइल से भिन्न है। इस प्रारूप में JSON फ़ाइल को कैसे पार्स करना है? मैं इसे पार्स करने के लिए एसबीजेएसओएन फाइल का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। {"COLUMNS": ["आईडी", "TITLE", "CLASS_START", "CLASS_END",], "डेटा": [ 7f9f3601 "," टेस्ट "," अक्टूबर 25, 2011 00:00:00 "," अक्टूबर, 25 2011 00:00:00 ",], [" 5500 ए 26 बी "," एबीसी "," अक्टूबर 26, 2011 14:47 : 00 "," अक्टूबर, 27 2011 14:47:00 ",]] यह दिखता है कि आपका सर्वर JSON लौटने के बजाय एक एम्बेडेड स्ट्रिंग के साथ एक XML प्रतिक्रिया वापस कर रहा है संभवत: आपको XML प्राप्त करने और तत्व की सामग्री को निकालने की आवश्यकता है। उसके बाद आप उस तत्व की सामग्री ले सकते हैं और इसे पार्स करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं।

php - Having redirect issue -

मैं header ("location") के साथ निर्देशिका संरचना (उदाहरण के लिए succesfull पंजीकरण के बाद अन्य पृष्ठों से पुनः निर्देशित करने के लिए) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं : ../../../ index.php "); फ़ंक्शन यह स्थानीय सर्वर पर अच्छी तरह से काम करता है, लेकिन रिमोट में एक त्रुटि संदेश मिल रहा है अब, अगर मैं localhost / डालूंगा तो यह मेरे स्थानीय वेबसर्वर पर काम करेगा, लेकिन रिमोट में नहीं अगर मैं वेब पृष्ठ का सटीक पता लगाता हूँ तो यह मेरे स्थानीय सर्वर में काम नहीं करेगा मैं php के साथ वेबसाइट कैसे बना सकता हूं (मुख्य पृष्ठ) यूआरएल? क्या यह संभव है? कोई उपाय? Thx अग्रिम में इसका प्रयोग करें: header ('स्थान: Http: // '। $ _SERVER [' HTTP_HOST ']।' / '); यह आपको सर्वर के होमड्रीक्टरी पर ले जाएगा (ध्यान दें, यदि स्थानीय रूप से चल रहा है तो आपको अपने वर्चुअलहोस्ट को सही तरीके से कॉन्फ़िगर करने की ज़रूरत है, लेकिन कठोर नहीं है)। यदि आपको किसी विशिष्ट निर्देशिका या फ़ाइल को निर्देशित करना है, तो बस '/' के बाद जोड़ें।

mysql - Add all the columns of a consult in SQL -

मेरे पास कॉलम के साथ एक टेबल है [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 .... a] सभी मान संख्यात्मक होते हैं और मुझे एक सलाह चाहिए जो देता है: [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 .... a, s] कहां एस = a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + a एस गणना में स्तंभ नाम निर्दिष्ट किए बिना ऐसा करना संभव है? वैसे भी मैं सबसे अच्छा समाधान का उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूं? पहले से धन्यवाद SELECT a1, a2, a3, ..., a, (a1 + a2 + ... + ए) एस एस आपके कॉलम से

javascript - Basic regexp question -

I am using it as validation regexp for the areas of my name. How do I modify it to check at least 2 characters? '/ ^ [a-zA-Zà ¥ Ã + a ?? One ?? One ?? I use it like this: if (name_exp.test ($ ("$" + "+" Name_input) .val ())) {Everything is alright! } This should do the trick: {2,} 2 or more characters will be required / ^ [a-zA-jade ¥ Ã + a ?? One ?? One ?? S \ -] {2,} $ /

android - Scaling images in an image view with a fixed width -

I have many images Load the audio in I ListActivity Now this is the fact that the images have different aspect ratios. I would like to display all the images with the same width set in XML (to fit in my layout), whereas they should take as much space as they need. Is there any way to do this in XML? Thank you! I think you should have android: scaleType = "fitCenter" to SDK docs: Calculating a scale that will maintain the original source aspect ratio, but also ensure that the src is fully fit within DST. At least one axis (X or Y) will fit exactly, the result is concentrated inside DST. Therefore, I think that if you set a width on the image view, but set the height in the ramp-content, then what should you do with the scaletipe fitted center?

jQuery object unexpected behaviour -

मेरा कोड नीचे उपलब्ध है, और यहां: var input = []; input.push ($ ( 'इनपुट')); $ (इनपुट) .live ('keydown', फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {console.log ('आपने एक कुंजी दबाई है!');}); मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस कोड को कंसोल में कीप्रेसेज़ का जवाब देना होगा। किसी कारण के लिए, यह नहीं है। इस कोड के साथ समस्या क्या है? (नोट: मुझे पता है कि इसे कैसे तय किया जाए, मुझे नहीं पता कि इसके साथ क्या गलत है!) आपका कोड एक कोड के रूप में jQuery के वस्तुओं की एक सरणी लेने के लिए $ () फ़ंक्शन की अपेक्षा कर रहा है आपके पास यह अनिवार्यतः है: $ ([$ ('इनपुट')]) प्रति, मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह उस का समर्थन करता है। एक तत्व सरणी एक jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट एक तत्व एक तत्व कुछ HTML एक फ़ंक्शन नोट करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है कि यह jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट की एक सरणी नहीं ले जाएगा। एक तत्व सरणी, एक jQuery वस्तु सरणी के समान नहीं है, यद्यपि आप makeArray () पद्धति के साथ एक jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट से एक तत्व सरणी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं यदि आप वास्तव में चाहते थे। कई विकल्प हैं जो काम करेंगे: ...

objective c - performSelector in NSOperation subclass -

I could not find an answer anywhere on the net, so any help would be appreciated. I am trying to create a system from which I can get the results of an NSOperation task, which I think can not be done by solid sub-classes such as NSNWonction. I have an NSOperation subclass ( TheEngine ) that is abstract according to the conference and should be expanded to implement -man , to execute the code To include the code for TheEngine contains the following initial functions, whose work only is to note the the selector and theObject . It also registers a KV supervisor for the property isFinished : - (id) initWithCallbackSelector: (SEL) Thelector inObject: (id) theObject See my in ValatForKeyPath: ofObject: change: context: function I would like to call the callback function like this: NSLog (@ " To ensure some debug text, this function is being called ", zero); [Object executor: object with selector: after some data: 1]; The entire process happens in thi...

Is it possible to query for a specific object in an array with MongoDB? -

कहें तो आपके पास ऐसा ब्लॉग संग्रह है {"title": "पोस्ट शीर्षक "," "शरीर": "पोस्ट बॉडी", "टिप्पणियां": [{"उपयोगकर्ता": "उपयोगकर्ता 1", "टिप्पणी": "उपयोगकर्ता 1 से टिप्पणी"}, {"उपयोगकर्ता": "user2", "टिप्पणी": " User1 से टिप्पणी "}] {" शीर्षक ":" पोस्ट शीर्षक 2 "," शरीर ":" पोस्ट बॉडी 2 "," टिप्पणियां ": [{" उपयोगकर्ता ":" उपयोगकर्ता 1 "," टिप्पणी ":" user1 से टिप्पणी "}]} मैं किसी उपयोगकर्ता से टिप्पणियों के लिए कैसे पूछ सकता हूं? यह क्वेरी काम करती है लेकिन उपयोगकर्ता 2 और साथ ही साथ उपयोगकर्ता 1 पर टिप्पणी देता है। db.posts.find ({"comments.user": "user1"}) क्या प्रयोक्ता 1 से केवल टिप्पणियां प्राप्त करने का कोई तरीका है? मुझे नहीं लगता कि कोई रास्ता नहीं है क्योंकि मोंगो ने पूरे दस्तावेज़ को केवल एक मैच मिला है, जब आप मैच प...

debug a GSM Modem using AT command -

People I have two prototypes (called prototypes A and B). Both Prototype use GSM TelemetT Modem I am using common SIMs to work with them. Problem: If I use SIM with prototype A, AT + CGDCONT, AT # GPRS = 1 , then these commands work best. But use the same SIM with Prototype B AT + CGDCONT, AT # GPRS = 1 do not work AT + CGDCONT always echos "Operation not allowed " . So can I debug this issue? Thanks a Try the setting you want to ramp the error details : AT + CMEE = 1 With the standard AT command set, the most common GSM modem will then show the appropriate error code. I've found that such general messages are often replaced with more detailed error codes.

jquery help needed - creating automatic slideshow -

I have some code that generates pre / next buttons, and through a group of images using the next two functions Will be cycling photo and photo shoot I was wondering if someone could turn me this code into automatic slideshow? Here's my code: $ max = 8; $ Current = 1 function next photo () {if ($ current! = $ Maximum) {$ ('slider' + ($ current) + ''). Hide (); $ ('. Slider' + ($ Current +1) + '') Show ().; $ ('. Slider' + ($ current + 1 + ') +' '). CSS ('left', '20% '); $ ('. Slider' + ($ current + 1 + ') +' '). Animate ({left: '0%'}, {duration: 500, easy: "easeOutExpo", line: wrong}); ResizeImages (); $ Current ++; } If ($ current == 2) {$ ('# background. Left'). Animate ({left: '0px'}, {duration: 600, easing: "easeOutExpo", line: false}); } If ($ current == $ max) {$ ('# background .right'). Animate ({true: '- 85px'}, {duratio...

Read ASP.Net Cookie from Classic ASP -

I am having trouble reading cookies from the classic ASP file. I am using my code: First of all, there is ASP.NET site setup in IIS. I setup an application in ASP.NET site and direct it to another folder in the InSetub tab. I am This app is called '/ classicp' because all its classic asp is inside the application. In .aspx file, it is implementing this code: Response.Cookies ["Testcookie"]. Path = "/ classicasp"; Response. Cookies ["testcookie"]. Value = "test"; In the .asp file, it is executing this code: & lt;% for every cookie in the request. Cookie Response. Type (cookie and amp; "=" and request cookies and "Path:" and "& lt; br & gt;") next% & gt; But the .asp page is empty, since then no results are being shown on this page .. For the next statement .. why is this happening but any help? I think I follow the instructions and I am doing this how it should be, b...

android - Eclipse & Seqoyah - Tries to connect to gdbserver before application is launched on device -

I have set up to debug the original side of my application with my eclipse and eclipse & amp; Added seqoyah and proper c / c + + application debug configuration. The problem seems to be that the Eclipse application is trying to start a connection with the GDB server even before starting it. I'm sure how Elysees can change the order to work with debug configurations. Any help would be appreciated (as always). 31 / gdb-set confirmed 31% done (gdb) 32-gdb-set width 0 32 ^ (GDB) 33-GDB -Set height 33 ^ Full (GDB) 34-interpreter-F Console echo 34 ^ complete GDB 35-GDB-35 ^ performed, value = "(GDB)" (GDB) 36 -GDB-set auto-solbe-add on 36 ^ enhanced (GDB) 37-GDB-set stop-on-solib-events 0 37 ^ Work (GDB) 38-GDB-Set Stop-On-Solib-Events 1 38 ↑ (GDB) 39-Target-Select Remote Localhost: 5039 and "Remote Communications Error: Peer Reset Wara connection. \ N "39 ^ error, msg =" remote communication error: Connection reset by peer. " (GDB) 40-GDB-Exit 40 ...

configurationmanager - How to open a SectionGroup in an ASP.NET web application? -

I have a small ASP.NET web application that is hosted in an integration test (executed within NUnit). My product code can usually obtain configuration data from the web.config or app.config file, but for some reasons when I host on ASP.NET, I think that ArgumentException Executes before the command: var Configuration = Configuration Manager. OpenXE configuration (empty); Return configuration. GetSectionGroup (SectionGroupName); The exePath should be specified when the standalone alone is not running in the exe. I do not know what to put here is not a sensible exePath to pass my product as a parameter in this method anytime because it is usually a web server In addition to this, the General section (section group) can usually be opened using this type: Configuration Manager. Gatection (Sequence Name) The App.config file is magically read in any way code> system. Configuration. Configuration Configuration = Configuration Manager. OpenXE Configuration (Con...

wcf - Formatter exception deserializing Agatha request -

I am scratching my head for a few more days from this one and I hope to provide some insight First of all, the exception ... An exception was returned by an activity: while trying to deserialize the message, the formatter thrown an exception: when trying to deserialize the parameter Error was InnerException Message 'error 1 was in line 8 position. Element '' is a type of data that is a map for the name 'http: // schemas / 2004/07 / Mycompany.MayProod Services. Contacts: Customers: ReadAllCustomersRequest 'Deserializer has no knowledge of any kind that is a map for this name. Consider using DataContractResolver or add related type 'ReadAllCustomersRequest' in the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by passing the DataContractSerializer into the list of known types. Please see InnerException for more information. OK, that's f...

SharePoint Web Service, why there is no GetListItems() function? -

मैंने अपने सी # विंडोज प्रोजेक्ट के लिए एक SharePoint सेवा जोड़ दी है I मैं सर्वर से उपलब्ध सूची पुनर्प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हूं लेकिन जब मैं एक सूची से डेटा प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, तो मुझे विधि GetListItems () नहीं मिल रहा है। मैंने केवल GetListItemsRequest और GetListItemsRequestBody देखा है GetListItems () से संबंधित सभी Google परिणाम, लेकिन GetListItemsRequest () पर लगभग कोई भी नहीं। मुझे जो कुछ भी याद नहीं है? कोई भी इस पर मदद कर सकता है? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। क्षमा करें, मेरा बुरा मैंने फिर से सेवा जोड़ने की कोशिश की और मेरे समाधान में खोज करें, मुझे GetListItems () function ListSoapClient के अंतर्गत मिला। किसी तरह मैं पहले से जो मैंने किया था, उसे दोहराया जा सकता है कि यह ListSoapClient के अंतर्गत उपलब्ध नहीं है, इसलिए मैं यह पहचान सकता हूं कि मैंने क्या गलत किया। आपकी प्रतिक्रिया के लिए धन्यवाद। इसे सराहना। यह सूची सूची के अंतर्गत उपलब्ध है एचटीटीपी: //server/site/_vti_bin/lists.asmx?op=GetListItems

uiviewcontroller - Remove ViewController on ButtonClick event from superview -

I am trying to remove two view controllers with one method (which have been added above each other) I have made an idea in the interface maker I am in the scenario: I have a main menu in which the View 2 header file has been imported. In one method I add another view at the top of the supervision like view2ViewController * view2 = [[view2ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "view2ViewController" bundle: zero]; [Self.view addSubview: view2.view]; Then I have added the View3 header file in scene 2, so I can show View 3 as sub-view on View 2. I have another method that is connected to the interface builder in a UIButton, after pressing on the button, the method is called 2, which adds up to 3 views in the same way: view3ViewController * View 3 = [[View 3ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "View 3ViewController" bundle: Zero]; [Self.view addSubview: view3.view]; What is trying to solve the problem: I have a button in scene 3, which should re...

.net - Emphasize the SplitContainer -

Is there any way (without including new control in the project :) In order to customize the SplitContainer to show the user Is there a splitter container (I have a horizontal one), and not just some space between control? PS I would not like to modify the colors. Besides, I'm drab the 3D border ... maybe fill in the "picture" in the split delimiter space? Select SplitContainer and change BorderStyle to Fixed 3D to get this effect:

linux - Secure, Private, Local Gitorious -

I have to do a local installation that can not be reached outside of my local network, and as secure and private as possible is. I am not an expert with Linux, of course, I am not an expert with git / gitorious, so a suggestion to improve my installation below will be most useful! I have: Gitorious installed on a local machine that runs Ubuntu Server 11.04 64-bit with a local encrypted LVM. If someone is curious, then the guitar is used to install. Modify Gitorious to support local IPs as host names In the gitorious.yml: Host field is a local IP (e.g. public_mode: false only_site_admin_can_create_profile: True hide_http_clone_urls: true The git-daemon was installed but has now been deleted. No ports facing the Internet from router on the machine. Both git: // based and http: // based requests normally allow open cloning of repo. Removing guit-daemon and setting hide_http_clone_urls to the wrong seems to have disabled both of them. They...

iphone - Quick question about auto-generated code via core data -

I have two entities, there are many relationships between the company and employee company employees, almost exact question asked, but it My question does not answer: (Like that question, the company excomposed in. Nearly 4 produces almost the same methods. However, the prototype is not included in the company which helps me to believe it either. There is an error and the company The prototype is required for the zero functions described in A4. Justify and request those 4 methods only. If so, then how many employees are to be added to a company. Stand up for any explanation. Set the bus to the company. [newEmployee set value: value for company: @ "company"]; They will trigger the relationship in both ways and will add employees to the set of employees. Or ever since you sub-class it. = Company;

.net - How can I play video on my website -

I want to play video in my website, the video is located on the server I want to play video and I handle it dynamically I want to be able to set the video from the control panel which will be played. I tried to use youtubevideo control or video control or other but unable to achieve success please suggest me the player can run all types of formats and there is no tooltip on it & Lt; Object data = "images / Kiladhi_ flv_maxi.swf" type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" Width = "342" height = "234" hspace = "1" vspace = "0" align = "middle" id = "object 1 "& gt; & Lt; Param name = "movie" value = "images / player_flv_maxi.swf" /> & Lt; Param name = "wmode" value = "opaque" /> & Lt; Param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Param name = "allowScriptAccess" value = "wahid" />...

xaml - unable to select listbox item through data template in WPF -

I am unable to select the desired item from the list box (when I click on any item in that list box, More than one item is selected but not the one I clicked on). Also changing the background color of the selected items to the default (white) color. The Xaml code I use is as follows: & lt; ListBox x: Uid = "lst_value" name = "lstValues" background = "wheat" BorderBrush = "black" horizontal alignment = "left" vertical alignment = "top" borderticiness = "1" height = "100" width = "150" = "{Bound list list}" & gt; & Lt; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Vertical" Background = "Wheat" & gt; & Lt; TextBlock x: name = "txtblk" foreground = "black" fontisystem = "10" textilement = "left" fontweit = "black" text = "{binding}"...

What do MP4 metadata tags such as "gssd" or "gsst" mean? -

After I am removing metadata from mp4 files and have found some suggestions that I could not recognize:" gssd ", "GSST", "gstd" and "gspu" are some of them I know the keys defined for the iTunes (in the AtomicParsley's website), but those .mp4 files will not appear in I have analyzed with a hex editor. Instead, I think that this is not to say-me-some keys are not too respected to their values: their type is text and they like "0", "300,953" or "B4A7D6381HH" Also have been introduced with these tags before to see? What do they mean? After the and suggest that those meta tags are added by Google for tracking purposes. I did a little bit of testing myself, I took a video that I had uploaded to VEMEO and checked the metadata using MediaInfo. This tag did not include any of the GSST , gstd , gssd , gshh section in general section or any other In. Next I uploaded Vimeo videos downloaded on YouTub...

android - confusion to pass argument in asyncTask -

In my application, I get an image from the server and those image build animation. All these things have gone in the right way and I have made the method for this. This method is: package com. Animation; Import; Import; Import android App Import Bitmap; Import and; Import; Import; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.ImageView; Public class animation activity {button burrows; Animation drenable animation; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById (; Animation = new animation dracules (); Try {{int i = 0; i Now that my image is longer than loading the server, so I'm just planning to use asyncTas...

Load external font with javascript and jquery -

I have a & lt; P & gt; Element is dynamically created with jquery, and I want to make it style with a custom font on my hard drive. Can you follow a method to load that font and apply it to this element. Right now, the object looks something like this: $ ("& lt; p & gt;"). CSS ({fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: "13px", color: "# 000"}); This piece of code does all the work: $ ("head"). Prepaid ("& style; type = \" \ "post-text \" itemprop = "text" text / css \ "& gt; @ font-face {\ n" + "\ tfont-family: \" myFont \ "; \ N" + "\ tsrc: local ('a ?? º'), url ('myFont.otf') format ('opentepe'); \ n" + "} \ n" + "\ tp. MyClass {\ n "+" \ tfont-family: myFont! Important; \ n "+"} \ N "+" & lt; / style & gt; ");

java - getting javax.mail.MessagingException -

I am using the javax.mail .jar file to read the mail message. But when IM is running then I'm getting the following exception. I added mail.jar to classpath. Exception in the thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Javax / mail / messagingE due to outgoing: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.MessagingException at $ 1 .run (unknown source) at Privileged on (basic method). URLClassLoader.findClass (unknown source) on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (unknown source) at sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader.loadClass (unknown source) on Java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (unknown source) Post-text "itemprop =" text "> You are not getting any messaging exposure , VM is complaining that it find messaging one Suppressions can not (although this is probably searching because it wants to throw it, but these are the problems for later.) Check if your mail is actually Incl...

ios - calling command-line utility from app -

Is it possible to call command-line utility calls from running apps on iOS devices? The utility is a binary executable and should be included in the app package. Command line utilities already on iPhone (Think ISHH) What if you mean "what You can use built-in Unix system utilities "or" You can run bundled utility on an iPhone shell ", no, it is not possible. In addition, an open source utility will open interesting legal challenges with a closed source application, you will have to pay attention to the implications of the license.

PHP Form Error Validation -

I am working on a php form with some validation rules. If some fields are left empty for which form reports and error messages are required and ask the user to complete the field. The form currently holds the value of $ _POST data so that if the data field is in the field I am having a problem with two fields (drop down lists) Populated with data from a database if I complete these fields, but there is an error other than the value in the drop down list, but when I correct the errors and try to submit the form then Y Let me tell you that the drop down list field is empty. Here is the code for them Why any thoughts are happening? For starters, click the & lt; Option value = 0 selected = "selected" & gt; This means that option 0 will always be selected. You can do something like this, I'm sorry that this snippet has bugs, but you should give it a general idea of ​​what you want: & lt ;? Php $ myOptions = array ('0' = & gt;...

css - I used special character '#' '_' and '\' for IE browser compatibility. But now my style sheet is fail in W3c validation because of using IE hack -

I used special browsers '#' '_' and '\' IE for browser compatibility. But now due to the use of my style sheet IE hack, W3C has failed in legalization. Now I am not able to remove these IE hack because my HTML file is now in the development of Java program. Like my hack: / * for IE8 * / top: -15px; / * IE 7 * / # Top: -10px; IE6 * / _ for / * top: -1px; Yes, do not use invalid CSS hacks, they are super-delicate. For specific case of choosing IE, conditional comments are better. Most solutions put additional stylesheets in CC, but if you do not want to do this then you can do class switching with CC: & lt ;! - [If IE 6] & gt; & Lt; Body class = "ie6" & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 7] & gt; & Lt; Body class = "ie7" & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If GT 8 IE] gt; & Lt ;! - & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; -! & Lt; [Endif] - & ...

Determine list of source files (*.[ch]) for a complex build with scons -

Assume that you have a complex source tree for a C project, which has many files, (I386, SPARC, PowerPC) and many forms (debug, release). There is a scanstrict on the root (different sconscripts ) which works for all of these, when called with the argument that defines the target and the difference , E.g. scan target = i386 variant = release . Is this an easy way to determine which source files (* .c and * .h) will use each of these builds (are they all slightly different)? My theory is that Scones will have to decide to set up this file anyway, what files it will ask to compile and recompile, can this information be provided? What do I do not : Log a verbose build and post it to process (probably will not *. Ideally I want to target the scan See the appropriate list of = I386 variant = release printfileset and *. [CC] Files This list works as an input for further source files, such as Doxygen. There are some questions You need to scan SCons --dry-run ...

iphone - How to get frame size after autoresize is done -

I wonder how, when and when (viewDidload, View ViewApier, NewsDaddy) I can get a UIViews frame size Was autorside partial footage to fit it? This is not clear from your question why you want it but I think it is your sub Ideas have to be layouted. Fortunately the Apple knew that you want to do this and have implemented it - (zero) LayoutsBewis see this:

Android App to Another Platforms -

I wrote about 11,000 lines of code on an Android app, and I got the app along with Windows, Mac OS and other platforms. The harbor is needed, but I have no time and knowledge to do this. The Android app is a way to secret a normal Java app that will run under Windows and Mac OS X without starting lot slow Android emulator? I do not think there is another solution, I'm pretty sure that the whole code written for Android There is no solution now. If you knew this from the beginning, then maybe you will develop your application using such a tool as if you allow cross-platform native applications. But it's a syntax, and is now converting your code from Java into Objective-C or C #. Android is not just a few Java libraries, it is an operating system, so you can not only port your "library" and run them on MacOS or Windows.

plugins - Extjs 4 Row-editting canceledit event not fired -

I'm using Extjs 4 with Designer 1.2.0. I am using the line editing plugin inside the grid panel. I have noticed that the Cancellation event of the line editor has not been removed, what could be the best possible solution for this? Any suggestions ?? Extjs is not an event to be canceled in 4 line editing plugin. Akstj are closely related to Grid 4 stores, so if you cancel editing the record because the caller does not change in the reject () and store ...

jquery fade in effect for background image -

मेरे पास पृष्ठभूमि छवि के लिए यह मार्कअप है: & lt; img src = "bg .jpg "id =" bg "alt =" "& gt; और यह सीएसएस: # बीजी {स्थिति: तय; शीर्ष: 0; बाएं: 0; } # बीजी {डिस्प्ले: कोई नहीं;} और यह jquery: $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('# bg ') .लोड (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। FadeIn (' slow ');});}); असल में यह काम करता है, लेकिन अजीब स्थिति यह है कि कभी-कभी छवि भार, कभी-कभी नहीं, कभी-कभी मुझे पेज को कई बार ताज़ा करना पड़ता है देखें कि मैं किस बारे में बात कर रहा हूं। यह बात यह है कि छवि इससे पहले लोड हो जाती है स्क्रिप्ट। इसलिए, जब तक आप इमेज लोड इवेंट के लिए इवेंटहोल्डलर बाध्य कर रहे हैं, तो इमेज पहले ही भरी हुई है और इवेंट ट्रिगर नहीं हुई है। जब विंडो लोड होता है, तो जब आपका दस्तावेज़ तैयार नहीं होता है तो आपको अपना फ़ंक्शन निष्पादित करना चाहिए: $ (window) .load (function () {$ ('# bg')। लोड (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। FadeIn ('slow');})}} ;

facebook - page not showing for developing an app -

I'm the administrator of 4 pages, when I'm going to develop an app, should it only have 2 pages Will show in the form? I do not show what I need. They are all the same type of pages How do I get the required page to show? Pages should not appear on the developer menu, so I'm thinking that these 2 pages did not show up at all. has gone? Do you mean that when you want to add an app as a tab, are not they? Please expand your question You can not see your stats on your Insights menu?

c# - Access Stream Buffer HttpWebRequest -

I am trying to stream the radio in a Windows Phone 7 app, and for this I use ManagedMediaHelpers . To get continued stream work, HttpWebRequest but does not call callback urls due to the continuous stream. How do I use the stream without the help of callback url? On some other posts some said that o need to use reflection but does anyone know the hot for implementing it? Here is my code: req = (HTTP webbrum) WebRequest.Create (""); // If this is incorrect, then it will set fire to callback url //, but the mediastream SSRO will put an exception / that it needs to be corrected again. AllowReadStreamBuffering = true; IAsyncResult Results = req.BeginGetResponse (RequestComplete, blank); HTT Web Response as Private Zero RequestComplete (IAsyncResult R) {HttpWebResponse resp = req.EndGetResponse (R); Stream str = resp.GetResponseStream (); Mss = new MP3 media stream source (str, resp.ContentLength); Deployment Present. D...

windows - Detecting to which process a MessageBox belongs -

Is it possible to find out which message is a messagebank? If yes, then how? You want to use GetWindowThreadProcessId . Here is an example. #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; Static Const TCHAR g_cszClass = TEXT ("# 32770"); / / Dialog box class / loud handle should be closed with CloseHandle () now when the handle gatemessage box processing (___In_LPCTRT LPCtital, __inDidWorks dwAccess) {HWWDWWD; DWORD dwProcessId = 0; Handle HRT; HWWD = SearchWindows (GCSSS, LPCET); If (hWnd! = NULL) {GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, and deep process id); If (dwProcessId! = 0) hRET = Open Process (dwAccess, FALSE, dwProcessId); } Return hRET; } Not sure why you want this process however Locate a fixed message box in which All are excellent & amp; More favorable option solutions

ruby on rails 3 - Testing after_create hooks with rspec -

I have a code in my model (ROR 3.0.x) which is less or less like this: after_create message of class: if preserved protected def notice? Notifier Message_frame_policies (user, self). Deliver other notifier inventive_message_frame_policies (user, self). Deliver End And End And And I'm using the latest RSPC gem. The problem is that I am not able to check the method: If I check it directly then I can not do it because it is protected, if I create a message and set expectations, because it does not work because apparently RSPEP I am not able to catch calls on time. I have my imagination: Description: What should the notification be sent to the entire message by email "U = Factory.Scent (user :: account_type = & gt; ; 1) Message = (: body = & gt; "whatever" ,: author = & gt; "none" ,: email = & gt; "test @") Notifier.should_receive (Message_from_portfolio) end and never receive...

css - Why do CSS3 animations behave strangely when used in conjunction with CSS3 transitions? -

मेरा क्या मतलब है या इस कोड को देखने का एक उदाहरण देखें & lt; a href = "/" & gt; परीक्षण & lt; / a & gt; एक {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: # सीसीसी; संक्रमण: सभी 1s आसानी; -मोझ-संक्रमण: सभी 1s आसानी; -ओ-संक्रमण: सभी 1s आसानी; -वेबकिट-संक्रमण: सभी 1s आसानी; } A: हॉवर {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: # 888; } एक {-मोझ-एनिमेशन-अवधि: 3 एस; -मोझ-एनिमेशन-नाम: चाल; -मोज़-एनीमेशन-पुनरावृत्ति-गणना: अनंत; -मोज़-एनिमेशन-दिशा: वैकल्पिक; } @ -moz-keyframes {{मार्जिन-बाएं से: 0px; } से {मार्जिन-बाएं: 50px; }} एनीमेशन कभी-कभी कूदता है या गति को बदलती है, खासकर जब आप इसे पर हॉवर करते हैं ... मैंने एनीमेशन को अपने दम पर चलने की कोशिश की है (संक्रमण परिभाषित किए बिना) और यह आसानी से चलता है और उम्मीद के अनुसार मैंने अपने दम पर संक्रमण चलाया है और उम्मीद के मुताबिक यह काम करता है। संयोजन इस समस्या का कारण बनता है। क्या फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स कार्यान्वयन बग हो सकता है? मैं फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स 6.0.1, उबंटू 11.04 चला रहा हूं। आपको 'सभी' को ' पृष्ठभूमि'। तो यह ठीक काम करता है मुझे लगता है कि जब आप मं...

c# - Safety of passing HBITMAP handle from unmanaged to managed code for created a System.Drawing.Bitmap -

I'm very new to managed / unmanaged interop, so I'm looking to get some feedback about the following opinion To get a bitmap from unmanaged C ++ to manage, the # is the basic idea: C # call an interop function, FetchImage , which is unmanaged C In ++, it passes an out int param fetchImage is related to long * param. In C ++, FetchImage creates a CBitmap somewhere safe, that is not local, does some draws on it, bitmap's HBITMAP uses HandleToLong () to convert long to handle , stores it the ultimate for C #, and returns. Back in C #, the outside int param is converted to IntPtr and uses the system to copy the data Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap to create and System.Drawing.Bitmap objects. C # then calls another interop function, ReleaseImage . The resources associated with the C ++, release image in the CBITMAP have already been created. This is the abstract for impatient more specific code examples given below. C + interface defini...

php - symfony 1.4 passing variables between templates and actions -

Symphony 1.4 variables going through templates and functions I have an index page in which a call Includes a series of partial series through a switch statement; And it works now I need to restrict access to partial dependent on user type; Besides, I believe my switch statement should be in the verb class according to MVC, but I can not even get it to work, for example it can be better explained: Here is my file structure for the dashboard module: .. Dashboard .. responses .. Configure .. templates _admins.php _employers.php _employees.php _guest.php indexSuccess.php Here's my current index success temp (Which currently works ... but if the type of user does not match the page type without entering the entry): $ type = sfContext :: getInstance () - & Gt; GetUser () - & gt; GetGuardUser () - & gt; GetProfile () - & gt; GetType () - & gt; GetName (); Switch ($ type) {case ('employer'): included_partial ('dashboard / employer'); $ P...

javascript - div transforming from wrong origin point; ignoring transform-origin -

I'm trying to make this bike (div with pictures) the wheelery (css3 animation) onclick (javascript), the whole thing But despite the great work that changes the bike to the bikes caught-the root (this 0% 0% is moving too much, which is worse than that) (I removed all javascript and other css and deleted it Tested the way I thought it still rotates 0% 0%). I feel very confused because I did this before the division but maybe I am ignoring something only if you are thinking that everything is to be deployed, but before that the cause of this problem has never happened. In addition, if you have any comments about my code, how can I clear it or if I am writing about a round then please tell me, I always make better I am trying to Thank you. Contextual CSS: #wheel {status: Completed; Top: 293px; Left: 37px; Webkit-Animation: Tire 4S; Webkit - animation-repetition-count: infinite; Webkit-Animation-Timing-Function: Linear;} # Wheel2 {Position: Absolute; Top: 293px; Left: 315px;...

objective c - UIWebView Crashing App -

This is my code that all crashes my app together Specify its value to the webview Doing bit: It works fine till the last line when it's SIGBARTS [cell setlabel text: [cellulit objectAutandex:]]; [Cell Imsettler: [Image ObjectiveWindex:]]; [Cell disseet: [desTitle object atxx:]]; [Cell Transformation Productive Web: [WebTitleObjectAindex:]]; array webTitle = [[NSARLAOC] initWithObjects: @ "", @ "http: // ", @" ", @" ", zero]; action - (IBAction) changeProductWeb: (NSString *) str {NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: str]; NSMutableURLRequest * requestObj = [NSMutableURL request request withURL: url]; [WebView loadRequest: requestObj]; } This crashes a single bit program. When you remove it, then this accident is used. You'll get a SIGABR at some point as [webView retain] as if yo...

windows 7 mobile css media query -

How can I target Windows Phone 7 with CSS media queries? Right now, I'm trying this with no luck. @ Media only screens and (max-width: 480px) and (minimum-width: 5px) {// css here} Thanks in advance see - "Unable to determine the provider name" error with mvc-mini-profiler 1.9 -

I am using an entity framework with mvc-mini-profiler. After upgrading Mvc-mini-profiler from 1.7 to version 1.9, and I managed to compile my project. Now I get the following Runtime exception: Unable to determine the provider name for the connection of type 'MvcMiniProfiler.Data.EFProfiledDbConnection' I suppose The problem is that the configured DB provider may be related to factories because I had the same problem with version 1.7 and resolved it by adding the following to my .config file: & Lt; Add name = "MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbProvider" invariant = "MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbProvider" Description = "MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbProvider" type = "MvcMiniProfiler.Data.ProfiledDbProviderFactory, MvcMiniProfiler, version =, culture = neutral, public key Token = B44F9351044011A3 "/> & Lt; / DbProviderFactories & gt; Now I tried to change the above location with the following, but I s...

Rails mailer + sendmail from a models -

I have a model that has some attached files in the show action, I have a link to open a dialog that is That shows the form. This form is meant to send emails with files related to parent models, as well as some information about the model. I have created a generator: Rail G Mailer Notification Rail G Resource Email System For now, I have a show Has a div in & lt; Div id = "dialog" style = "display: none" & gt; & Lt;% = form_for ??? Do F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.text_field: fromemail% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; But I do not know how to attach this model to me, because the form does not need DB. I have created a new resource, but when I use it, I get an error because the resource table is not present. How can I do this? I think I have to attach a dialogue form with the current model. Edit ------------ Now I have created my form and controller and mailer + model Mailer + Model Mail Deaf plan...

ios - Memory Leak in this short method -

What is the reason this tool is reporting all the leaks of this VC? I think this is the allocation, but I do not know why it is leaking. - (zero) loadviewcentant {switch (self contentview) {case 0: self.title = @ "title1"; [Self. Nanjing Atom BackbuttonTam release]; // Parameter Emmetor Memory Leak Self Navigation item. BackbuttonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Blood" Style: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain Target: Zero Action: Zero] AutoOriz]; [Table AddObject: @ "0"]; [Table content add object: @ "1 - 49"]; [Tablet addObject: @ "50 - 75"]; [Table content adobe: @ "76 - 89"]; [Tableboard addObject: @ "More than 89"]; break; Case 1: self.title = @ "Title 2"; [Self. Nanjing Atom BackbuttonTam release]; Self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Resp. Rate" style: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain Goal: zero Action: Zero] AutoCare]; [Table AddObjec...

Pass login name as a variable in a SQL Server script -

I have the following script that I want to produce people to use sqlcmd. I want to pass the name of the APP_POOL_USER as a variable for the script, because they want it like this, do not ask me why I get the following error when I code message 15007, level 16, state1, line There is no valid login on '$ (APP_POOL_USER)' or you do not have permission. How can this be done? Edit: This is a batch file currently executing I @ECHO OFF SET DB_SERVER_NAME = ". \ SQLEXPRESS" SEP APP_POOL_ACCOUNT = "ExUserAccout" sqlcmd.exe -E-S "% DB_SERVER_NAME%" -i "SQL_DB.sql" -o SQL_DB.log -v APP_POOL_USER = "% APP_POOL_ACCOUNT%" The solution was in the batch file. @ECHO OFF SET DB_SERVER_NAME =. \ SQLEXPRESS SET APP_POOL_ACCOUNT = ExUserAccout Do not leave spaces between the equal sign and the variable name and value.

Django form upload request.files empty -

I have posted a question here before, mostly read. I'm learning that Django and file upload has worked before but now I have broken it in some way request.FILES is empty when IM is uploading but I I can see the file name in request.raw_post_data. Here is the html code & lt; Form enctype = "multipart / form-data" method = "post" action = "" & gt; {% Csrf_token%} {{form.as_p}} & lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "photo upload" / & gt; (Max_length = 50) Description = forms.CharField (required = False, max_length = "254") photo = forms.ImageField () ** kwargs): reference = super (PhotoUploadView, itself) .get_context_data (** kwargs) reference ['user_info'] = self.request.user if 'upload_form' in kwargs: reference ['upload_form'] = kwargs ['upload_form '] And: reference [' upload_form '] = PhotoUploadForm () Album Referenc...

facebook - Post to user's wall as if it is them posting -

An app to me and when I allow it I can post on the user's wall. However, when the app is a wall post, it shows that it was the actual user user posting on the wall (Admin App) I I see you want to post on your wall ... (VS 2008, using Net 3.5) This is my code ... As the slow OFB Facebook. Fosbu Client dim as the sAppId = "My App ID" dim sAppSecret string = "This is a secret" System Web WebClient.DownloadString ( "" & amp; sAppId and & amp ;; & amp; client_secret = "& amp; Aepasariket & amp; & amp; Anudan_prkar = client_credentials & quot;) '- Access tokens Hourly changes OFB = new Facebook. Facebook client (Sapiaidiaidi, Sapisiakret) OFB. Settokn = Result. Sbstring (Result. Indeksof ( "=") + 1) Daym Opost collection. generics. Direction (String, object) Opost = New collection. Opport.ede ("Message", "Look at this new product!...