android - Eclipse & Seqoyah - Tries to connect to gdbserver before application is launched on device -
I have set up to debug the original side of my application with my eclipse and eclipse & amp; Added seqoyah and proper c / c + + application debug configuration.
The problem seems to be that the Eclipse application is trying to start a connection with the GDB server even before starting it. I'm sure how Elysees can change the order to work with debug configurations. Any help would be appreciated (as always). 31 / gdb-set confirmed 31% done (gdb) 32-gdb-set width 0 32 ^ (GDB) 33-GDB -Set height 33 ^ Full (GDB) 34-interpreter-F Console echo 34 ^ complete GDB 35-GDB-35 ^ performed, value = "(GDB)" (GDB) 36 -GDB-set auto-solbe-add on 36 ^ enhanced (GDB) 37-GDB-set stop-on-solib-events 0 37 ^ Work (GDB) 38-GDB-Set Stop-On-Solib-Events 1 38 ↑ (GDB) 39-Target-Select Remote Localhost: 5039 and "Remote Communications Error: Peer Reset Wara connection. \ N "39 ^ error, msg =" remote communication error: Connection reset by peer. " (GDB) 40-GDB-Exit 40 ^ Exhaust Remote Communications Error: Connection reset by peer.
I have been able to solve it.
The two debug configurations available for its Java / C + + original project are for the first Java side and the second thing is for the C + + side.
Ensure that you have set your environment as follows:
After adding the JNI Shared Library or Setting Breakpoint Create your creations in Create
Debug using your debug debug configuration.
Navigate your project directory into a shell and issue $ NDK / ndk-gdb (where $ NDK is the location of your Android native development kit).
Debug the Sequoia Guide using your native debugger.
If everything goes well then you should take action in the JNI code and when your app crashes, see where your source has crashed.
I have not yet found any way to set up through the actual source, if anyone posts here.
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