.net - How can I play video on my website -
I want to play video in my website, the video is located on the server I want to play video and I handle it dynamically I want to be able to set the video from the control panel which will be played. I tried to use youtubevideo control or video control or other but unable to achieve success please suggest me the player can run all types of formats and there is no tooltip on it
& Lt; Object data = "images / Kiladhi_ flv_maxi.swf" type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" Width = "342" height = "234" hspace = "1" vspace = "0" align = "middle" id = "object 1 "& gt; & Lt; Param name = "movie" value = "images / player_flv_maxi.swf" /> & Lt; Param name = "wmode" value = "opaque" /> & Lt; Param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Param name = "allowScriptAccess" value = "wahid" /> & Lt; Param name = "quality" value = "high" /> & Lt; Param name = "menu" value = "true" /> & Lt; Param name = "autoplay" value = "true" /> & Lt; Param name = "autoload" value = "true" /> & Lt; Param name = "flashvars" value = "flv = 20051210-w50s_56K.flv & amp; amp; width = 345 & amp; amp; height = 234 & amp; amp; autoplay = 1 & amp; amp; autoload = 1 & amp ; amp; buffer = 5 & amp; amp; buffermessage = & amp; amp; playercolor = 464,646 & amp; amp; loadingcolor = 999,898 & amp; amp; buttoncolor = FFFFFF & amp; amp; buttonovercolor = dddcdc & amp; amp; slidercolor = FFFFFF & amp; amp; sliderovercolor = dddcdc & amp; amp; showvolume = 1 & amp; amp; showfullscreen = 1 & amp; amp; amp; playeralpha = 100 & amp; amp; title = 59067126 & amp; margin = 0 & amp; amp; amp; and amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & LT; embed src = "images / player_flv_maxi.swf" width = "342" height = "234" hspace = "1" vspace = "0" align = "middle" wmode = "opaque "Allow fullscreen = "false" allowscriptaccess = "same Diman" quality = "high" menu = "true" autoplay = "true" autoload = "true" flashvars = "flv = 20051210-w50s_56K.flv width = 345 & amp; Height = 234 & amp; Autoplay = 1 & amp; Amp; ; Amp; Autoload = 1 & amp; Amp; Buffer = 5 & amp; Amp; Buffermessage = & amp; Amp; Playercolor = 464646 & amp; Amp; Loadingcolor = 999,898 & amp; Amp; Buttoncolor = FFFFFF & amp; Amp; Buttonovercolor = dddcdc & amp; Amp; Slidercolor = FFFFFF & amp; Amp; Sliderovercolor = dddcdc & amp; Amp; Showvolume = 1 & amp; Amp; Showfullscreen = 1 & amp; Amp; Playeralpha = 100 & amp; Amp; Title = 59,067,126 & amp; Amp; Margin = 0 & amp; Amp; Buffershowbg = 0 "film =" images / player_flv_maxi.swf "> gt; & lt; / embed & gt; friends using this code But I'm not working on everything, someone can tell me what's the problem
1 Solution: Use the HTML5 & lt; video & gt; tag you can control it with Javascript. The downside is that this solution is widely available Not supported. < / P> 2 solutions: Use YouTube and their APIs It is hard to do the job, but once you do this, it works well, it is hosted elsewhere And do not use your server bandwidth. 3 Solution: Use JWplayer to get it Google. It also provides JavaScript API, but you can access YouTube on your own server. Contest (Unlike YouTube) the video will be hosted , Before using them to convert to FLV. If I were you, then i go with the solution 3. but it's up to you.
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