
Showing posts from February, 2013

Is there a different runtime configuration file for Vim than gVim? -

I have my own. One in the directory Vimrc file in which I have put some vim commands but those commands work only in GVIM and there is no problem in VIM? What is another configuration file for VIM? By the way, this is my .vimrc file: 1 color to save desert 2 ", ctrl-s3 nmap : w & Lt; CR & gt; 4 MAPAP & lt; cs & gt; & lt; Esc & gt;: w & lt; CR & gt; Set up a 5 "Boolean number option to the right 6 set number 7 LineNr term = bold Cterm = NONE ctermfg = DarkGrey ctermbg = NONE gui = "set the width of the change" for Python programmings 9 sets sw = 4 10 "convert all tabs to equivalent spaces" 11 set set tab 12 set softtabstop = 4 13 retab Cursor position in 14 " Do not show status bar "15 set ruler PS I can not run the Ctrl-s command in vm only and I am capable of running other commands as GIIM. Ctrl-S in the terminal XOFF , so the terminal can interpret it and it is not passing on the vim. Alte...

How to use PHP readdir to read files in directories outside of the root level and link? -

I have a php (side navigation menu- where php script) that stays at the root level of my webserver. I want to use a php readdir or scandir for a list of contents of a separate folder (/ report_1) on a server with links to those files except HTML, HTM and XSLT extensions. Or just to include the php extension) Currently I am using a reader which reads the content of the current directory that resides in it and returns the link except for some file types Land. (See code below) I would like to include the "php" file at the end, which contains the lists and links to files outside the "included" root level. Any help would be greatly appreciated. & lt ?? Php // These files will be ignored $ Excluded Files = Array ('excludeMe.file', 'excludeMeAs.well'); // These file extensions will be ignored for $ Excluded Extents = Array ('html', 'htm', 'php'); // Make sure we ignore and .. $ Excluded Files = array_merge ($ Exclude...

mysql - How should I manage a PHP database-driven website with lots of pages/content? -

It should be known that I have the experience of creating websites with only 5 or 6 pages, like a PHP gaming journalism site The first problem I would like to make is to manually create a page for each game article; That road was not working clearly so I decided to store all the articles in a database. There was a problem storing content in a database how to get them back. I have attached a GET variable to the URL, so I can recover any article from the index.php file; However, I could not hide the GET variable from the URL, so I betrayed that method. I do not have any free cash to buy CMS and I have tried very free people like Drupal like very frustrating. Do I have to generate a separate php file for each article? What will happen to a professional / giant in my situation? First, I would like to state that if you have trouble installing Drupal Wordpress or similar free CMS For, you are discovering patience from hard scratch to be one to be able to find patience. After...

mysql - making a trigger -

Here's a code and I'm getting the following error # 1064 - You have An error in your SQL syntax; To create a trigger, update on the login for each line Before updtrigger if new. First & gt; 100 then set password = formatting; end if; END Fortune is a string, and it should be in quote

c# - MSDTC: Communication with the underlying transaction manager has failed -

I have a WinForms / WCF / SQLServer app where I'm trying to use the MSDTC transaction: using the system. Behavior; // ... var Transaction = New Transaction Option {Isolation Level = Isolation (Var scope = new transaction scope (transaction Sescopopeshn. Required, Tronsopsn)) {// ... if (everything_is_ok) scope.Complete (); } Box on my Dev, where there are server and client processes on the same machine, it works fine. But when I was hanging to the scope.Complete is called (), the client timeout period (2 minutes) And then I find: Flushed transactions can not be unmarshaled. The following exception occurred: Communication with the built-in transaction manager failed. What could be the reason for this? I have spent a few hours trying to solve this problem under Windows 7. In the end it worked, how I did it: Enable MSDTC and inbound / outbound Allow transactions (through the Control Panel) - just follow the guide allow ports defined for opening your firewa...

MySQL group 2 different requests from one table? -

I have a table where I have position 1 and status 2 fields I select from a different location and position On 1 basis, in the second option, I select from the other tables based on the position 2, how can I group it into a request? Get the first position 1 and get all the additional details 2 status and all the additional details In this way? Select from myTableInner on MyOtherTableX (myTable.Position1 = MyOtherTableX.Position1) Select Union * FROM Join MyTable INNER MyOtherTableY ON (myTable.Position2 = MyOtherTableY.Position2)

python - Dictionary and array as class vs. instance variables -

This is an easy way to earn some points, please explain the following: Class C: a = {} b = 0 c = [] def __init __ (self): self.x = {} def D (self, k, v): self X [K] = V itself A [K] = V; Self.b = v self.c.append (v) def out (self, k): print (self. X [k], self a [k], self b, self. C [0]) c = C () D = C () CD (1, 10) DD (1, 20) c. Out (1) d. Out (1) will produce the following: Why a dictionary, a list and 'plain' variable behave differently is? Edit: I was thinking that the question is clear but I have to write it in more detail: I have a class with three characteristics, A, B and C. I make two class examples. I again call a method which modifies these attributes for each example. When I observe the properties, I feel that if any specialty is a dictionary, it is shared in all instances, whereas it is a 'plain' variable, it behaves as if for each candidate Will be different. First of all, [] is not an array, it is a list The point here is how the r... - Shifting Byte Array -

If the view is an array of bytes in the origin: dim data () byte In form = {0, 128, 0, 4, 9, 9, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} What is a quick and easy The way to put two data values ​​in front of this array, and close the previous two values? dim data () byte = {128, 128, 0, 128, 0, 4, 9, 9, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,} Yes. First of all, you need to move all of your existing values ​​into 2 places in your array. By doing this, the last 2 values ​​will be overwritten. Then you want to set the first two values ​​of your array. Take the data to two places, it should be done in the reverse order so that we can not lose any data. For integer = data LayLength - 1 to 2 step -1 data (i) = data (i-2) and 'assign new value data 0) = 128 data (1) = 128

iphone - Draw CGImage in UITableView -

So, I have a custom cell and I want to draw all images in the tableview as CGI image, but I Can not get the work done. I have created a test project and tested the code with simple scenes. Everything was perfect, and when I copied the same code in my custom cell, it stopped working here: - (zero) direct: (CGRact) rect { CGRect contentRect = self.contentView.bounds; CGflat bound x = contentRect.origin.x; UIImage * Action image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "karma.png"]; [Self illustration: Image with karma: Seagractemac (boundsx + 255, 16, 14, 14)]; } - (Zero) Draw Image: (UIImage *) Image with Image: (CGRact) Rect {CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageRetain (image.CGImage); CGContextRef Reference = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextTranslateCTM (references, 0, rect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM (Reference, 1.0, -1.0); CGContextDrawImage (reference, rect, imageRef); } Any solutions? Apple recommends adding your custom instead of viewing UITableViewCell's conten...

In JQuery, how do I add an onload or init even to an object? -

I have to hide a selection box control display / sections in the form First of all, A .change event added, and it works if I actually changes the item $ ('# myselect'). Change (function () {updateSections ($ (this));}); Then I wanted everyone to be called .change at least once, when the page is full the same The way I could think was that $ (document) .ready looks like a different place $ (document) .ready (function () {updateSections ( $ ('#mySelect'))}}}} The main issue is that I do not have the id of the item from which I type the function (generated code) That's why I want to do something like this, and it does not know that there is something to do Africa is $ ( '# myselect').) {UpdateSections ($ (this))}}. Init (function (updateSections ($ (this))}}; .load () only a / Img tag Apart from the perspective of a design, the on-draw of an item is a standard phenomenon in any UI framework, and is an event directly on th...

python - Libraries act differently depending on if they are installed or not -

I have a Python Library which I have written which is working on me I have a set of variables Changes the way It is all right to test, but when I use the python install variable does not affect the library. I probably broke it down for the easiest example: Library: ## config = "original" def run (): print config script: import lib libconfig = "new" () print lib.config if Place the library in the same directory as a script and output it to: New new But if you install the library and try again Use of Library from Display Package The script output is: original new Can someone tell what is happening? I am a little confused and I am very interested in events and reasons. Is the programmatic configuration completely wrong? Edit It shows that the problem is the init .py file. It's basically like importing a library which only imports another library when you import an installed module, then the folder lib ...

structuremap - "Applying Setter Injection to an Existing Object " Can I do this? -

दो मौजूदा ऑब्जेक्ट SetAllProperties () क्या मुझे इसका उपयोग करना चाहिए? var theGateway1 = new DefaultGateway (); Var कुछ = नया कुछ (); ObjectFactory.Initialize (x = & gt; {x.ForRequestedType & lt; IGateway & gt; ()। TheDefault.IsThis (द गेटवे); x.ForRequestedType & lt; ISomething & gt; () .Default.IsThis (कुछ); // पहले हम एक नया सेटर इंजेक्शन बनाते हैं नीति है कि / / बलों StructureMap सभी सार्वजनिक गुणों को इंजेक्ट करने के लिए / जहां संपत्ति प्रकार IGateway x.SetAllProperties (y = & gt; {y.OfType & lt; IGateway & gt; (); y.OfType & lt; ISomthing & gt; ();})}}) ; यदि आप वास्तव में इन दो उदाहरणों के साथ सभी सेटर्स को इंजेक्ट करना चाहते हैं, तो यह ठीक है। बस नया सिंटैक्स का प्रयोग करें: ObjectFactory.Initialize (x = & gt; {x.for & lt; आईगेटवे & gt; ()। उपयोग (द गेटवे); एक्स। & Lt; आईएसमाइटी & gt; ()। कुछ); x.SetAllProperties (y = & gt; {y.OfType & lt; IGateway & gt; (); y.OfType & lt; ISomething & gt...

c# - Create new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable type using IDictionary -

Hello I have a list of users, each user belongs to an area. What I want to do with this list, make a dictionary from them, where the name of the field is the key and the value for the key is in the list users in the user's text value and the value set on the user id Field with I have been able to get it using the following code: var StaffByArea = new dictionary & lt; String, IEnumerable & lt; SelectListItem & gt; & Gt; (); Forrest (diverse area in the area)) {var personList = new list & lt; SelectListItem & gt; (); Forward (Employee in Work Viewer (where C = & gt; C. AreaID == {person list. Add (new selectionTitim {value = person.airid.ToString (), text = person.username}); } StaffByArea.Add (area name, person list); } So for every possible area, I am searching for staff and adding them to a selection list. Once all the people have been added to this area, then I add that selection list to the dictionary as the key in the name of...

php - Requiring file on destruct -

मेरे पास वर्ग है और ऐसा करें: फ़ंक्शन __destruct () {$ this- & gt; load_file ( 'epicEndingfile.php'); } और मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है: चेतावनी: आवश्यकता (...) [function.require]: स्ट्रीम को खोलने में विफल: ऐसी कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका नहीं और जब मैं __ कंस्ट्रक्शन के साथ ऐसा करता हूँ तो यह काम करता है ऐसा क्यों है? संपादित करें: मुझे वास्तव में फ़ाइल की आवश्यकता नहीं है, लेकिन मैं ऐसा करने के लिए विधि का उपयोग करता हूं। आपकी सीडी (वर्तमान डायरेक्टरी) का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है, न कि निर्देशिका जहां आपके पास फाइल है। यह आपके एप्लीकेशन संदर्भ में बदल सकता है ( निर्माण और विनाश के बीच), यदि आप अपनी वर्तमान फ़ाइल के आधार पर सापेक्ष फ़ाइल पथ प्रदान करना चाहते हैं, तो इसका प्रयोग करें: आवश्यक dirname (__ फ़ाइल __)। "/ EpicEndingfile.php"; PHP 5.2 और नीचे और की आवश्यकता है __DIR __। "/ EpicEndingfile.php"; PHP 5.3 + पर

database replication - How to code PHP MySQL class for master and slave setup? -

I have never used a master / slave setup for my / mysql database, please forgive me if There is no point here. I'm curious, suppose I want to be with a Master DB and 3 Das DB. Do I need to add entries in Master DB and add / update / delete entries or is it automated in any way? In addition to my SELECT query, I will need the code to randomly select random DB server What you want to use (and research) is that it is completely controlled independently from your code. You work with databases such as 1 or 100 servers.

c# - How to remove xml namespace when return type is generic type in wcf restful service -

निम्नलिखित इंटरफ़ेस परिभाषा है। [ऑपरेशन कंट्रैक्ट] [WebGet (UriTemplate = "FacebookData / ? Accesstooken = {accessToken} ")] ऑपरेशनरसल्ट & lt; FacebookData & gt; GetFacebookData (स्ट्रिंग एक्सेसटोकन); वापसी का प्रकार ऑपरेशनरसल्ट & lt; FacebookData & gt; है, यह एक सामान्य प्रकार है तब मैं निम्नलिखित की तरह XML मिल जाएगा ... ऑपरेशनरेशुटऑफफ़ेसबुकडेटाकैटीआईआईएक्स xmlns: i = "" मैं नेमस्पेस कैसे निकाल सकता हूँ और एक्सएमएल एलिमेंट को "ऑपरेशनरसल्ट" के रूप में नामित कर सकता हूँ वैसे, मैं पहले से ही नेमस्पेस सेट कर रहा हूं [डेटाकॉन्ट्रक्ट (नेमस्पेस = "")] सार्वजनिक वर्ग ऑपरेशन रिजल्ट & lt; T & gt; लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि सामान्य प्रकार हर टी द्वारा वर्ग उत्पन्न करेगा आप कर सकते हैं [DataContract (name = "OperationResult")] लेकिन वास्तव में जेनेरिक प्रैक्टिकल सेवाओं के विचार के साथ अवधारणा नहीं मिलते। मैं एक नया वर्ग बनाने का सुझाव देता हूं जैसे वर्...

How Do I Serve Files Direct From the FileSystem Using ASP.NET MVC 1.0? -

मेरे पास एक MVC 1.0 अनुप्रयोग है जो Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0 पर चल रहा है। मैंने सिर्फ एक नई सुविधा को जोड़ा है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को सर्वर पर फाइल अपलोड करने देता है। मैंने एक पृष्ठ भी जोड़ा है जो उस उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा अपलोड की गई फ़ाइलों की एक सूची प्रदर्शित करता है समस्या तब होती है जब कोई व्यक्ति फ़ाइल को देखने के लिए क्लिक करता है, मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: सिस्टम निर्दिष्ट फ़ाइल नहीं ढूँढ सकता मैंने सत्यापित किया है कि सब कुछ ठीक है और मैं इसे मेरे जीवन के लिए नहीं समझ सकता मैंने इस कोड को रूटिंग अनुभाग में जोड़ा है जो उसमें कुछ करने के लिए हो सकता है परन्तु इसमें मदद नहीं मिली है। मार्ग। मार्गएक्सिंगफ़ाइलें = गलत; routes.IgnoreRoute ( "App_Data / अपलोड / {* pathInfo}"); किसी भी मदद की बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। फ़ाइलें में संग्रहीत App_Data फ़ोल्डर ग्राहकों द्वारा सीधे पहुँचा नहीं जा सकता। एएसपी.नेट ब्लॉक इसे करने के लिए मिला इसलिए इस विशेष फ़ोल्डर के लिए किसी भी अनदेखी मार्गों को जोड़ने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, आप इस /App_Data/Uploads/foo.txt...

PHP XML: How To Get The NodeValue by Its Siblings? -

एक्सएमएल का उदाहरण: & lt; books & gt; & LT; पुस्तक & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; हिप हॉप हिप्पो & lt; / title & gt; & LT; जारी किया & gt; 31-12-9999 & lt; / जारी किया & gt; & Lt; / पुस्तक & gt; & LT; पुस्तक & gt; & Lt; title & gt; बी में एक जार & lt; / title & gt; & LT; जारी किया & gt; 01-01-0001 & lt; / जारी किया & gt; & Lt; / पुस्तक & gt; & Lt; / किताबें & gt; मैं एक ऐसा फ़ंक्शन बनाना चाहता हूं जो कि एक किताब के शीर्षक की रिलीज़ की तारीख को वापस करता है। पूर्व: मैं 'हिप हॉप हिप्पो' की किताब की रिलीज़ तिथि प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। मुझे पता है कि मैं simplexml का उपयोग कर सकता हूं और -> book [0] लिखूंगा - & gt; जारी किया गया । लेकिन यह केवल तब काम करता है जब मेरे पास एक स्थिर XML हो और मुझे पता है कि - & gt; किताब [$ i] - & gt; शीर्षक जो 'हिप हॉप हिप्पो' से मेल खाता है। लेकिन गतिशील मामले में नहीं। मैं हर परिवर्तन की भविष्यवाणी नहीं क...

html - Background color for nested divs -

Is it possible that a child div does not inherit the background color of the parent div and instead the body tag's background? Example: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "main" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sub" & gt; Some content & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Body {background-image: url ("blah"); } # Men {background color: white; } Div all will always inherit the background color as white. But there is a way in CSS (around work) to specify that the sub should not be the heir of white ?? I have read that CSS does not allow this but is there any work for this? What are you asking is that there is a background image on the body, there is a div in the body in which The color of a white background is And then you want a div inside the div that looks through the background image? it's not possible. There is a way to get what you want, theoretically you can give 'the ...

qt - How to scroll QPlainTextEdit to top? -

After inserting in some text, I would like to automatically scroll to the top of the QPlainTextEdit widget How do I know this? inherited from QTextEdit as QAbstractScrollArea , you can move its scrollbar: QScrollBar * vScrollBar = yourTextEdit-> Vertical ScrollBar (); VScrollBar-> TriggerAction (QScrollBar :: SliderToMinimum);

javascript - Chrome/Webkit inline-block refresh problem -

The problem I got is the following: status : I have composite Div is a inline-block display. Inside there are two elements that have a inline block also displayed. Then I (thanks for javascript) a & lt; Br / & gt; goes between the two elements on the next line, which is normal behavior. Part of the buggy : & lt; Br / & gt; is then deleted (javascript again) and ... the display does not change. It appears that the composite box is not recalculated. In the end, I have two identical markups which are not seen in the same way (which is a bit problematic, not right). This works fine on Firefox (it is based in WebKit as the Android browser behaves in the same way). So my question is, is there any such remedy which does not use methods that change the DOM? Edit: As suggested by Duri, I have filled a bug report in WebKit Bugzilla, it is. But I'm still looking for an alternate solution ;) Found my way: Remove all the children from the composit...

css - Wrong font size when using jqGrid inside jQueryUI tab -

I have a jqGrid that works properly when a page is displayed on itself. If I try to display the same grid within the jQueryUI tab, it still works fine ???? What's wrong with this font size? What is happening: When everything is working on a standalone page, the font size has been raised as follows: Div # gbox_datatable.ui-jqgrid deprived .ui-widget.ui-widget-content.ui-corner-all, file ui.jqgrid.css in line 2.ui-jqgrid {font-size: 11px; } When a grid is placed inside a jQueryUI tab, then it is overridden by a high priority CSS command: div # gbox_datatable .ui-jqgrid.ui-widget.ui-widget-content.ui-corner-all, file jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css line 60.ui-widgets.ui-widget {font size: 1 em ; } In other words, the fact is that I have a UI widget inside another UI widget overriding the desired font specifier. How can I avoid this override I got the same question without giving any answers. Any help would be appreciated ... ui .jqgrid.css has the following de...

javascript - find the textfield which has got maximum value-jquery -

मेरे 5 इनपुट टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड 5 पंक्तियों पर हैं I जहां सभी 5 टेक्स्टफ़ेल्ड वैकल्पिक हैं I को पाठ फ़ील्ड का आईडी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, जिसकी अधिकतम मूल्य हो & lt; div class = "dt_distance_slab" & gt; & Lt; g: textField क्लास = "संख्या दूरी एसएलएबी 1" नाम = "दूरीस्लाबकास्ट 1" आईडी = "दूरीस्लाबकास्ट 1" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "dt_distance_slab" & gt; & Lt; g: textField क्लास = "संख्या दूरी एसएलएबी 2" नाम = "दूरीस्लाबकास्ट 2" आईडी = "दूरीस्लाब कॉस्ट 2" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "dt_distance_slab" & gt; & Lt; g: textField क्लास = "संख्या दूरी एसएलएबी 3" नाम = "दूरीस्लाबकास्ट 3" आईडी = "दूरीस्लाबकास्ट 3" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "dt_distance_slab" & gt; & Lt; g: te...

ruby - Rails 3 - overwriting routes -

I'm currently having some problems setting up the right path for my application. URLs like: Explanation: Show original page for selected polling abstract : Local Host: 3000 / poll /: category_slug /: poll_id Example: Localhost: 3000 / election / Technology / 1337 route. RB 'election' /: category_slug /: poll_id '= & gt; 'Election #Show' ,: Like: & gt; : Election In addition, the user should be able to filter the elections against certain criteria such as show top-poll, new-pole And so ... ... Explanation: Show a list of elections that match the selected criteria Abstract: Host: 3000 / election /: category_slge /: filter_mode example: Localhost: 3000 / pole / technology / top routes.rb found 'Polls /: category_slug /: filter_mode' = & gt; 'Filter # by_mode',: like = & gt; : Poll_filter And here is the problem ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound: the election with ID = t...

javascript - function equalHeight , set a minimum Height to apply? -

I have tried to do everything, but without javascript I do not get poor layout can !! As you can see, I have been designated # backgr-box , which is #contenuto ( Which holds the contents of the page!) Now to resolve the extensibilty troubles of # backgr-box I have the code below which works if #contenuto's content sidebar # barra- Laterale , but in the opposite case, look at the page: How can I tell JavaScript to implement that calculation? # barra-laterale Only a minimum height of it up sidebar ?? Need help .. please! function equalHeight (group) {highest height = 0; Height () - 380;}}}; Height () () () () (height = $ ("#contenuto"). Group.height (highest);} $ (document) .ready (function () {equalHeight ($ (". Column")) }}; The problem is likely to be with this line: height = this heel = $ ("#contentuto") height () - 380; Currently both variables highest and Setting the height of content area to thisHeight he...

audio - Java WebStart : Why does the application volume not adjust to the system volume -

I have a Java Webstart application with an audio player that plays music while testing the application (webstart is not turned on ) Volume can be adjusted by adjusting the system volume. However, when running an application through Java Webstart, in any way the application volume completely ignores the system volume Do anyone know about this I do not think how can I troubleshoot this problem? Is it any kind of related webstart? Update: This is an Ubuntu or Linux specific problem. This application respects the system volume on Windows and Mac OS, but Linux But not at It seems that this problem, in some way, I am using a docking station and Ubuntu I was not able to understand why this happened, but I can not be disturbed till the problem occurs.

iphone - How to get the mins and secs in UIPickerView as in figure? -

मिनट और सेकण्ड के साथ इस तरह के चयनित मानों को कैसे बदला जा सकता है? सबसे पहले, आप pickerView: viewForRow: inComponent: reusingView: का उपयोग करने के लिए डेटा स्रोत विधि का उपयोग करें "00" लेबल यह वास्तव में थोड़ा मुश्किल है, चूंकि पिकरिव्यू पंक्ति को भरने के लिए इस दृश्य के फ्रेम को बदल देगा। इसका मतलब है कि आपको एक दूसरे दृश्य के अंदर ठीक से व्यवस्थित दृश्य एम्बेड करना होगा, और उसके बाद उस कंटेनर दृश्य को वापस करना होगा। लेबल के लिए, वे बस UILabel ऑब्जेक्ट्स हैं जो सही तरीके से स्थित हैं और खुद को पिकरिव्यू के सबव्यूज़ के रूप में जोड़े गए हैं और उन्हें सही ढंग से अपडेट करने के लिए, बस अपने कोड को पिकरव्यू में बदलें: किया गया चुनें राइट: इनकंपोनेंट: विधि यह वही है जो यूआईडीएट पिक्चर कर रहा है

algorithm - How many different possible ways can persons be seated in a round table? -

I am developing an algorithm and seeing the possibility of maximum iterations before reaching a conclusion. In the real world, it is similar to the problem of classical round table sitting. Can you please tell me that without any repetition, can a person be seated on a round table? Thanks Find out through the solution of this problem. First of all, let's see how many ways we can arrange N people in a row. There are different people that we can put in front of the line. Any N-1 can be placed in the second place of N-1 living. Any N-2 of N-2 living N-2 can be placed at the third position. More generally we get the formula Arrange of numbers = NX (N-1) X (n - 2) x ... x 1 = n! So there are n! Different ways to allow people in a row more commonly, there are n! N Different ways to rearrange unique elements. Now, what happens when we organize people in the ring? For each linear permutation, we can convert that system into two rings together to a ring arrangement. F...

Newbie question: how to express relationships with rdf? -

I know that it seems very novel, but go through some tutorials of W3 schools on RDF and Even after reading the primer, I can not understand how a simple object-object RDF connection in the XML has been expressed. Say I have such a concept: I have a car with a GPS receiver in my car. The current GPS coordinate of the car is X latitude, longitude x. Do I do this & lt; RDF & gt; & Lt; Owner name = "m" & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; Car & lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; Cars & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; Gpsreceiver & lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; Is & gt; & Lt; Cordinates x = "somevalue", y = "somevalue" & gt; & Lt; / Is & gt; & Lt; / Car & gt; & Lt; / Owner & gt; & Lt; / RDF & gt; Is it written? I have trouble understanding how to predict the maps in topics, objects and elements and attributes. Once I have sorted this, after all I want to consider "car" as my schema,...

android - how can i get a reference to the top level view to set an onTouch event? -

Can you please help me or give me an example of this code, Need to set touch listener when activity gets touched then a new activity will start? Just do not know how to do this and want to see the code so that I can do my work Thank you very much ViewGroup element in the "text"> your layout.xml 'RootView'. Then your onCreate () You can get this view by calling activity in the method: See root = seeById ( .RootView); And then you can set your OnTouchListener These are: root.setOnTouchListener (New On-TouchListener) {@Override public boolean onTouch (see V, Motion Event Event) {startActivity (New Intent (Current Activity., MyNewActivity.class ); // True, the use of the event was malfunctioning;}});

extjs - Ajax json data not being loaded into datastore -

My datastore works when I have a configuration member of 'Data: ... Raw Jason', but When I try to load it through AJAX it does not work. New ({Model: "SearchResult", Proxy: {type: "Ajax", Url: "test.php", Additional Params: 'test', reader: {type: "json",}},}); Note: test.php is called according to Chrome and Ashho: {Stock: 'Tommy', Storephone: '353535', Year: '1984', Make: 'Ferrari', Trim: 'Trim', Mile: '12345', Store Name: 'Branch Names'}, {Stock:' Tommy ', Storephone:' 353535 ', Year:' 1984, make: 'Ferrari', trim: 'trim', mi: '12345', store name: 'branch name'}, {stock: 'tommy', store phone: '353535', year: '1984' 'Ferrari' Any ideas what I am doing is wrong? Do you encode your data in php as json? Such as echo json_encode ($ data); It is either different ...

ios - Hash Key Encryption for an Iphone App -

I'm writing an iPhone app that needs to be transmitted to a server and its data. The hash key on the iPhone app What is the best way to implement encryption? Thank you! I posted this question a few months ago - Hope this Helps :)

javascript - Detecting a click on the Registration Plugin -

Is there a way to click the submit button of the registration plugin? I know that some (such as buttons) trigger the event that can be subscribed. I am using the XFBML plugin. Edit : I need to reply to a URL outside of the load balancer, while the user gets the same page, but inside the load balancer, when they submit . The registration plugin only allows me a redirect-uriy. It seems that you are trying to capture the registered user. There is no call back for it as it happens for the button when you like it. Even if you have it in any way with the iframe manipulation enabled it means that you will be blocked. However, you have easily canceled the URL from the client side, you can consider in favor of logging on to the server: you are redirected to the registration and do not come back.

android web service client KSOAP vs WSDL2Java -

I have used wsdl2java before generating stubs, is there any reason I want to use wsdl2java to make my slate An Android app should not be used to generate? I will ask because I see many discussions about ADOAD development about SSOAP, although it does not look as good as making wraps through wsdl2java. So should I use wsdl2java for GS Stubs for my Android app? produces wsdl2java code which depends on JAX-WS, including the implementation of JAX-WS in Android Not so, the code you created will not work.

php - CakePHP SwiftMailer SMTP TLS OpenSSL Error SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number -

I'm trying to send an email using the cake php swift mailer component that I found here: The server I am using SMTP with TLS on port 25. I am sending an error when I try to send mail: Notice (8): Trying to get non-object assets [APP / views / helpers / HDL_session.fp, Line 14] Warning (2): stream_socket_client () []: Failed with SSL operation code 1. OpenSSL error message: Error: 1408F10b: SSL routine: SSL3_GET_RECORD: Wrong version number [Core / Vendor / class / swift / transport / streambuffer.fp, line 271] Error: (2): Stream_socket_client () []: Failed to enable crypto [core / vendors / class / swift / transport / streambuffer.fp, line 271] Warning (2): stream_socket_client () []: unable to connect to tls: // 25 (unknown error) [core / vendors / class / swift / transport / streambuffer.fp, line 271] warning ( 2): Isset or invalid offset type in empty [core / cake / l...

java - Can I launch an activity from boot-up and have it go into the background without the user seeing it, android -

I currently have a code that starts an application with boot-up but opens it in the foreground Public vacuum on receiver (reference reference, intended intent) {if ("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" .equals (intent.getAction ()) was done by {intent start = new intent (Context, upollomobile activity category); start.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity (start); Then to send it back in the background on a I created the Java file called StartAtBootService, so I changed the receiver class to: if (Intent.getAction (.) Equal (Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED)) {intent I = new Intent (); i.setAction ("com.example.ssab.StartAtBootService"); context.startService (i);} and service class Public Class StartAtBootService Service Enhances {Public IBinder onBind (intent to intent) {Return Null;} @ Override Public Wide On Create () {Log. V ("StartServiceAtboot", "StartAtBootService created"); } @ Override Public Sta...

soap - classic asp site randomly hangs IIS6 -

We have a classic ASP site that connects to the SOAP server, we are not able to know why the website hangs Given that when we see that the website is hanging, we only restart the soap server and the website works fine (next time to be hanged). I want to mention that when the website is hanged I can go to any page on that server. Html or .html extension, but any page in .asp extension will only watch. Select the display monitor to fire, select active server page category, and view counters implementing requests. You will see over time it grows, you have threads waiting for incomplete calls to the SOAP server, eventually running ASP threads (usually up to 25 threads per CPU), the subsequent ASP requests Has to wait for a thread to come for free, which never does that.

Oracle PL/SQL string compare issue -

1). Hello, I have the following Oracle PL / SQL code that you can get confused with people's perspective: DECLARE str1 varchar2 (4000); Str2 varchar2 (4000); BEGIN str1: = ''; Str2: = 'SDD'; IF (str1 & lt; & gt; str2) THEN dbms_output.put_line ('two strings are not the same'); end if; End; / It is very clear that two strings str1 and str2 are not the same, but why 'two strings are not identical' were not printed? Is Oracle one more common way to compare two strings? As Phil has written, a null is considered as an empty string, Is not even equal or uneven. If you are expecting an empty string or tap, then you have to handle those people with NVL () : DECLARE str1 varchar2 (4000); Str2 varchar2 (4000); BEGIN str1: = ''; Str2: = 'SDD'; - Provide an optional tap value that is not present in your data: If (NVL (Straw, 'X')! = NVL (Straw2, 'Y')) then DBMS_output.pat_line ('two strings are not e... - Correct way to create a List(of Bytes) within a Class Structure -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग के भीतर निम्नलिखित संरचना है: सार्वजनिक संरचना डेटास्ट्रैक्ट सार्वजनिक डाटा पैकेट की सूची के रूप में (बाइट की) मैं इस सूची का कुशल उपयोग कैसे करूं? मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूं जैसे: यदि rxDataStruct डेटा पैकेट IsNot कुछ भी नहीं तो rxDataStruct.dataPacket.Clear () अन्य rxDataStruct.dataPacket = नई सूची (बाइट की) समाप्ति यदि या rxDataStruct.dataPacket = नई सूची (बाइट की) से {0} लेकिन इनमें से प्रत्येक भी मुझे एक ऑब्जेक्ट संदर्भ देता है जो ऑब्जेक्ट के उदाहरण के लिए सेट नहीं है। त्रुटि जब मैं कॉल करने की कोशिश करता हूं: rxDataStruct.dataPacket.Add (बाइटपेकेट) आपको एक datastruct उदाहरण बनाते समय डेटा पैकेट सदस्य को इनिशियलाइज़ करना होगा। नई मान के रूप में मंद मान () Value.dataPacket = नई सूची (बाइट की) () ध्यान दें यह बेहतर होगा यदि आपने वर्ग के बजाय संरचना यहां कक्षा के साथ आप किसी भी क्षेत्र प्रारंभकर्ता का उपयोग करके सभी उदाहरणों के लिए डेटा पैकेट सदस्य को आरंभीकृत कर सकते हैं। पब्लिक क्लास डेटास्ट्रैक्ट सार्वजनिक डाटा पैकेट...

perl - Newbie Moose, MooseX::Storage, and MooseX::Log4Perl problem: Can't store object -

I am writing my first base base program. At the end of the program, I want to save the "State" object in a file, the program creates a "state" object that is composed of several other object objects. I am trying to use MooseX :: Storage to do this. I am getting an error (below) which means that he is trying to sort the MooseX :: Log :: Log4perl object. Object (Log :: log4perl :: Logger = HASH (0x2211c800)) & amp; Pack method is not, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ MooseX / Storage / Line 205 MooseX :: Storage :: Engine :: __ ANON__ ('Log :: Log4perl: : Logger = HASH (0x2211c800) ',' HASH (0x20c54890) ') which is called / usr / lib / perl5 /site_perl/5.8.8/MooseX/Storage/ line 88 MooseX :: Storage :: Engine: 'Collapse_attribute_value' ('MooseX :: archive :: engine = HASH (0x2211cac0)', 'Moose :: Meta :: attribute = HASH (0x20419510)', 'HSH (0x20c54890)' which is / usr / lib / perl5 / site_p...

diff - Mercurial: Command for status similar to qdiff? -

You can use qdiff to see the difference between repositories and changes made in your patch queue so far (Even with Qrefreshed changes) is the same command for the position, so that you can see all the modified files, even once you mislead the changes in those files? This will show you changes in the currently applied patches: $ Hg position - change And this will also include changes in your working directory: $ hg status --rev. ^

java - Spring and JMS Integration Configuration file error -

I keep this error when I try to integrate Spring Jms in my existing project. It's driving me over the wall and I'm not completely sure how to fix it because I'm new to Spring. The prefix "jms" is not screwed for the "jms: listener-container" element. The code in question is, & lt; Jms: listener-container Container-type = "default" connection-factory = "connectionFactory" = "auto" & gt; & Lt; JMS: listeners destination = "testquui" riff = "simple message listener" method = "on message" /> & Lt; / Jms: listener-container & gt; I am pretty sure what he has to do with jms: name space but I do not know how to fix it as my program was complaining about P: Nameshot So make me change it to property name = "some value" context = "some reference" make sure that You have jms in your reference file name: See for details.

Why python makes the difference between expressions and statements? -

What are the reasons for putting limits between manifestations and statements in Python? Are there any limitations that are needed? What is the benefit for Python programmers? One advantage is that the Python programmer does not need to retain code such as: while ((x = foo ()) = value)

r - Put the Y axis on the left of a heatmap? -

How do I do a heatmap with the Y axis label on the left? Does it seem to be the default to correct me axis () ? need to create a custom axis. The heatmap function is hard-coded, but to be located on the other side it will be very easy to change only one number. Type "heatmap" on your console and change the first argument from 4 to 2 in the second axis () call. Whatever I had changed: axis (2, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, # 2 4 cex.axis = used to be cexRow) The margin still needs to be changed to accommodate the switch. By changing the present value of 0 to 5, I was making enough space for example from the help page: ... par (mar = c (margins [1L], 5, 0, Margin [2L])) This was a test case: x - Can the results of my search be links to pages? -

I have a search engine on an 4.0 VB site in which I have to link search results with my personal results Pages are required. I understand that this search can be done with a submit button after the text box but a submit button will not fit next to the search bar on my page, and it will not appear right. The old way, the result is stored In the hidden lamps where they became the links of their pages. I was hoping that I can get the old search code included in the new search, but I do not know where it will be. The only way I can think of doing this is to give codes for some time in the webservice or for the loop. I can be away from the base here, but that's why I am asking what would be the best way to do this? & lt; WebMethod () & gt; _ Public Function GetCompletionList (ByVal prefixText As String, ByVal count integer as) As String () Select product = "product as dim ProductSql string where ProductName like '" & amp; Prefix text & amp...

php - Have to require the same file twice, how to get around this? -

I need a class file twice, is there any way to get around it? I have a class named Book, a main page that needs a class book because it creates an object of the book's object. There is a javascript file that uses AJAX to load a script which saves the edited book object. Here is the flow of events for which I need a class file twice: There is a main page for which the book class is required because this book will create an object and information about that book Will display This page has a savings button. A javascript file that uses AJX to load the APX script which protects the edited book object. Save Script requires a book because it needs to load the same object (actually a PHP object can not pass through AJAX) First of all, this does not work when I need a book class in the savings script, it fails. First of all, there is a better way of doing this because I need a book class twice. You should give what you need. After saying this (after reading your questio...

Is there a way to add a flex skin programmatically in ActionScript? -

I have various components that are skinned through programmatic skin. The skin class references a singleton class which is used in various colors Is applied to different components. The default color in the singleton class is set on the variations of black / gray etc. I am loading in custom colors from an XML file which then loads into a singleton. I am implementing custom skin through CSS stylesheet which is included in main application MXML. The problem is that when the SWF loads initially, the components drawn on the screen are black and do not reflect the change in the color loaded from the XML file. I have some dropdown windows The buttons that display on the click and the right colors are displayed from the XML file from those dropdowns. Therefore, the system is working correctly, but the initial diagram of the component is definitely done before the XML loading and applies to singleton. My question is, is there a way to program an element on the skin by calling Construct...

javascript - How do I use jquery to set the values and text of a dropdown box from variables? -

कहें कि मुझे ये चर हैं: var value1 = ''; Var textvalue1 = ''; ... इन चर से एक ड्रॉपडाउन बॉक्स के मूल्यों और पाठ को सेट करने के लिए मैं कैसे jquery का उपयोग करूँ? & Lt; div id "lang" & gt; & Lt; form name = "languages" id = "langSelector" & gt; & Lt; चयन करें नाम = "फ़ाइल" आकार = "1" लक्ष्य = "_ रिक्त" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "VALUE" & gt; TEXT & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & lt; / div & gt; $ ('# lang')। 'विकल्प' ('' मूल्य '', 0) $ ('# लंग')। ('विक... mvc 3 - How to update a model field without calling the field explicitly in Javascript -

In my MVC3 application, I have a visual model, which I encode Jason, so I manipulate it in Javascript Can i So suppose I have the following code: var model =@HTML.Raw (Jason.excode (model)); Currently, the name of is "name". What I want to do now is another javascript object "obj" which is "value". When you change obj.Value, this model varies. Name. So I want something: preform var obj = new object (); obj.Value = model.Name; So now, if I obj.Value I change the value of this model, it does not even change the name. I should do this and I am not sure how I can do it in javascript. How do I apply it? Do not enter names in just a hidden input field. Change the value with whatever JavaScript you choose, in general, when the form is posted back, then you can tie the value of the name in the administrator's action. And the model name server-side can be set. The effort you are making is unnecessarily complex. If you r...

javascript - Dynamic content and loading of JQuery scripts several times -

I have a page that loads content dynamically based on the menu item that the user clicks, different The tables are loaded dynamically and presented using jquery. A column in each table is an updated link that is used to update the content that represents a specific line. When clicking on that link a JQuery UI model dialog is presented with a server-loaded form, in which the user must update the content and post back. How do I understand that, please correct me if I am wrong I need to load jquery scripts at the same time because I want to bind events between javascript functions and loading elements Loading dynamic content for Believing my assumption that I select the content and the same JQuery UI dialog script when the user selects a different table. I load the content and jquery files loaded with the main index file from various javascript functions. The result can be estimated using unexpected behavior (possibly using the same case of use). Modal dialog is presented whil...

Using batch script to import a registry tree (winXP) -

मैंने डिस्क सफाई पैरामीटर ( [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ वर्तमान विर्सन \ एक्सप्लोरर \ वॉल्यूम कैश] ), और मैं उस बैच स्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से उस रजिस्ट्री ट्री को पुनर्स्थापित करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ। क्या इस तरह से किया जा सकता है? reg आयात

sql server - How could I "auto-rotate" appended records in SQL (1 goes to 2, 2 goes 3, 3 goes to 4, 4 goes back to 1)? -

I'm working on system (ASP.NET / MSSQL/C#) to schedule restaurant staff. The problem I need to "auto-rotate" in "Intimes" every week. The user should be able to copy the schedule for one day in the next week, while all the employees rotated one place at the time of shift. For example, in the table below, Monica will have 10: Monday changes at 30, then next week at 11:00, and Adam will arrive from 12:00 to 10:30 in the morning. The time between Pali is not constant, nor is the number of employees in every change. Any thoughts on how to do it (with the ideal SQL statement) would be highly appreciated. Please keep in mind that I am a relative newbie. RecordID EmpType Date Day Mile ShiftOrder Intime EmployeeID 1 Server 29-Aug-11 Monday afternoon 1 10:30. : 00 AM Monica 2 server 29-Aug-11 Monday afternoon 2:00 am 11:00:00 am Sofia 3 server 29-Aug-11 Monday afternoon 3 11:30:00 AM Janie 4 server 29-Aug-11 Monday afternoon 4 o'clock 12:00:00 pm Adam 5...

In Silverlight how do you set the HeaderStyle of a dynamic DataGridColumn -

I have a data grid and I'm dynamically adding this grid to my ViewModel column. The user has a setting dialog, where they can show which columns in this data grid. The problem I am running is that I do not know how to set the header style on one of these datagrid columns created in my ViewModel. The most basic version of this will be to add tooltips to these dynamic columns on the DataGridColumnHeader. Note that these columns are not defined in XAML due to their dynamic nature, most columns are data-driven and thus are not known at the time of compilation. Bonus points How to add a button to this style and how to set it up or command property, so that I can remove the column from the grid (x image on one button in the column header) Imagine, when I click it, I want to remove the column.) You Specify the header style in the code like this: - style header style = new style (TypeGridColumnHeader); HeaderStyle.Setters.Add (New Setter (ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, ... - Why are my site's images not recognized by Facebook? -

Here is an object debugger for one of the pages: Note that the image box is empty, But when I click on it, the image opens in every browser that I could test. The image is served by .px handler by ASP.NET with a content type of "APP / JPEG". Any idea why Facebook does not provide any image by my application? This is the reason to display without all the Facebook post image, which we want to avoid for beauty reasons. Thanks for any help! Look at the HTTP header for the image and you will see that you '404 HTTP status with image again Sending back Telnet 80 GET /e-net/Image.ashx?w=298&trrop=true&id=28213 http/1.1 HOST: . HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found Cash-Control: Public, Maximum-Age = 31536000 Content-Length: 14248 Content-Type: Image / JPEG by X-Power: ASP.NET X- Aspen-version: 2.0.50727 Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 19:55:22 GMT Edit I do not know That's causing a 404 error, but that's where I'll start. EDIT2 ...

Product of a left outer join in linq not keeping the right side -

I am trying to connect a left external using linq. I swear that this was done a few weeks ago when I wrote and tested it, but now it is not really involved in both sides. var history from j = deviceTable where d.DeviceType == 5 select D) H. Serialanmar equals d. DH in serial number DH In the default iFacti (subDH) sub-HD select; This should work as a left external joiner, is not it? I'm missing something important, because all this has to be done in serial numbers on every table, I've made a SQL version, and it works just fine. SELECT * FROM [deviceTable] AS [t0] Connect to the left over (SELECT * FROM [historyTable]) AS [t1] ON [T]. [Serial number] = [t1]. [Serialnumber] where [t 0]. [Device type] = 5 geo What am I doing wrong? It looks like your SQL has a round on the left and right side. Try it out: var combined = D to the device in dable where d.DeviceType == 5 is included in history. Select dh.DefaultIfEmpty () from the subdh in the table.h.SerialN...

drawstring - XNA SpriteFont with multiple colors? -

Is there a way to create a text with multiple horizontal areas? As an example, I want to draw the text "Hello" with the lower half of the red and the green upper part. The text should be dynamic to use. With normal texture, I will only use the Draw method and will pass a textangan to attract some parts of texture in different colors? The best way would probably be to include custom shaders Set up to allow only drawing on it (green) It should also be able to do this with rectangles of scissors. Lower half of the text Normally draw the text using your blank color (red). The top half should be cut so that the green text should be there. To clarify, your text should be drawn both times in one place.

mysql - BLOB/TEXT column 'value' used in key specification without a key length -

I have developed an extension which works up to 1.6 on Magren (I'm trying Enterprise Edition, And I think the community is the same problem, because it is the same code). In my install script, I see the $ installer-> gt; CreateEntityTables ($ this- & gt; getTable ('alphanum / info')); The installation is done until it is not in the _text unit table. It crashed there! It turns out that when I log in to SQL and run it via PHPmyadmin, then this error is: Blob / Text column 'value' is used without the key 'key' . I saw the code there, and this is what is trying to create an index on the value column: -> addIndex ($ this- & gt; getIdxName ($ eavTableName, array ( 'attribute_id array (' attribute_id ',' value ')) - & gt; addIndex ($ this- & gt; getIdxName ($ eavTableName, array (' entity_type_id ' , 'Value')), array ('entity_type_id', 'value')) If there is no if statement is n...